2014演讲稿--- 梦想


1. 我不知道你有什么样的梦想 I don't know what dream is that you have

2. 我不在乎你朝着梦想前进时曾遇到什么样的困难 I don't care what kind of disappointment you may come across at your wor king towards the dream

3. 那个你放在心上想了又想的梦想 That dream you hold in your mind

4. 它是有可能达成的 That is possible

5. 虽然你可能觉得 That somebody of you may already know

6. 它太困难了 That is hard 7. 它并不简单 It ‘s not easy

8. 要改变你的生命很难 It ’s hard to change your life

9. 为梦想打拼的过程中 In the process of working on your dreams

10. 你会遇上无数的打击 You are going to encounter, encounter a lot of disappointment

11. 无数的失败 A lot of failure

12. 无数的痛楚 A lot of pain

13. 你会有质疑自己的时候 Your moment may be like that when you doubt yourself

14. 会问上苍为何这就是我的命运 Ask god ,why this destiny happen to me

15. 我不过是想照顾我的小孩父母,又不是去偷去抢 I just want to take care of my children, my mother, and not try to steal or rob anybody

16. 为何这样的事会发生在我身上 Why such a thing could happen to me

17. 曾经遇到过难处的人 Those of you who have experienced much hardship

18. 不要放弃你的梦想 Don't give up your dream

19. 艰难的日子会到来,但它们终将成为过往Difficult days would come, but they will eventually become a thing of the past

20. 伟大的成就并非虚幻不切实际 Great achievement is not illusory or impractical

21. 并非像神一样只有卓越不凡的人才当得了 And it is not only be get by god who got remarkable talent

22. 它是真实的存在于我们每个人心中 It is real exists in the heart of every one of us

23. 重要的是你必须相信,你做得到 It is important for you to believe that you are the one, and you can do it

24. 大部分的人成家立业,日复一日然后老死 Most people married, day after day and then die of old age

25. 他们停止成长,停止锻炼自己,停止试图超越自己 They stop growing, stop exercising, stop trying to pushing themselves

26. 然后还有人很爱抱怨却不敢尝试改变现况 Then there are those who love complaining but don't try to change and th ey do nothing about the situation

27. 多数人都不想为自己的梦想努力,为什

么? Most people don't want to strive for your dreams, why?

28. 原因之一就是害怕失败,“万一事情不如预期怎么办”? One reason is the fear of failure, "What if things are worse than expe cted to do"?

29. 再来就是害怕成功,“万一成功后我没能力掌控怎么办”? Then is the fear of success, "After the success, what if I don't have t he ability to control how to do"?

30. 他们完全不想承担风险 They completely don't want to take risks

31. 你花了大量的时间与他人交际,想让别人喜欢你 You spend a lot of time to communicate with them, and want others to li ke you

32. 你忍让他人比忍让自我更多 You are tolerant to others more than yourself

33. 你观察他们,知道他们一切事情,想跟他们混在一起,变得跟他们一样 You observe them, you know about them, you want to mix together with th em, you want to be like them

34. 然而你知道吗? But do you know?

35. 花了那么多时间在他们身上,最终却失去自我 Spent so much time on them, but eventually lost yourself

36. 我要你学会与自己坦诚相处 I want you to learn to get along with honest by yourself

37. 如果你想达成梦想,就必需将你内心的莽蛇去除 It is necessary to get the snake out of your life, if you want to reach your dream

38. 朝自己梦想前进的人,生命会有截然不同的特殊意义 People who running toward the men of his own dreams can have special m eaning

39. 当你找到了自我,慢慢的你会与他人有所不同 When you find yourself, you will slowly be different from others

40. 开始拥有自己的特点 Began to have your own characteristics

41. 但若你只懂跟他人脚步以及模仿他人 But if you only know follow with others steps and imitate others

42. 你永远无法变成最强的模仿者 You can never become the best imitators

43. 但你可以成为最优秀的自己 But you will be the best you could be

44. 我要你找到自己的价值 I want you to find your own value

45. 其他人看不见,无法参与,也不会为你拓展视野 Others can't see, can't participate in, nor expand horizons for you

46. 这是你要了解的 This is necessary for you to know

47. 你是独一无二的 You are unique

48. 我要你结交志同道合的人 I want you to contact with people who have a common goal with you

49. 渴望成功的人 A person who has desire for success

50. 努力不懈的人 A person who work hard

51. 那些想要重新打造生命的人 Those people who want to create a new life

52. 与达成梦想的人相处 Get along with people who have dream

53. 达成梦想的人知道 People achieving their dreams know

54. 成功与否都在自己 Your own success is only up to you

55. 如果你想要更有成就 If you want to be more success

56. 如果你想要做些从未做过的事 If you want to do something that you had never done before

57. 那你就必须投资自己 That you must invest yourself

58. 一定要投资自己 That you must invest yourself

59. 不要让他人的成见称为自己现实的一部分 Don't let other's stereotypes be a part of your life and reality

60. 不要抱着受难者的心态度过一生 Don't hold a victims mentality in your life

61. 就算你遇上了气馁的事,也要知道 Even if you had discouraged, also you should know that

62. 你做得到,就算别人不相信,你也要有自信 You can do it, even if other people don't believe, you also should have con fidence

63. 这是我所相信的,至死不渝 This is what I believe, to die

64. 不论情况多糟,未来有多险恶 No matter how bad it is, how dangerous in the future

65. 我都办得到 I am going to make it

66. 我想要代表一个信念,代表一个可能性 I want to represent a belief, I want to represent a possibility

67. 你们有些人可能在想要更上一层 Some of you may want to get the next level

68. 想要有自己的协会,想当工程师或医师 Want to have my own association, or be engineers or doctors

69. 相信我你到不了的 Trust me that you can't get

70. 你到不了你想到的层次,除非你开始培育自己的心力 You can't get your level, unless you start to cultivate your own heart

71. 你根本连读书的习惯都没有 You don't even have the habit of reading 72. 我要你去听听演说 I want you to listen to the speech

73. 懂得花时间 I want you to know how to spend the time

74. 与自己相处 I want you to know how to get along with

75. 花个一小时试图了解自己 Spend an hour trying to understand yourself

76. 直到你找到了自我 Until you find yourself

77. 当你活出了自我,活出了属于自己该有的命运 When you live in your own way, then you have live in your own destiny

78. 当你是一个独特的个体 When you are a unique individual

79. 你就会与周遭的人有所不同 You will vary with the surrounding

80. 我要你做别人不要你做的事 I want you to do what others don't want to do

81. 达到别人不想理会你的领域 The domain which others don't want to talk with you

82. 因为这样你就不会整天想着该如何取悦他们 Because in this way then you won't think about how to please them all day

83. 因为你想要与众不同,你想要更上一层 Because you want to be different, you want to get the next level

84. 我要你培育你自己的心力 I want you to cultivate your own heart

85. 如果你还在谈说你的梦想 If you also said in a talk about your dream

86. 还在谈说你的目标 Also said in a talk about your goals

87. 但却什么都没做 But do nothing about it

88. 那就先踏出第一步 Then you have to make the first move first

89. 你可以让你的父母骄傲 You can be the proud of your parents

90. 让你的学校骄傲 You can be the proud of your school

91. 你可以感动千百万人的生命,世界会因为有你而不同 You can touched the lives of millions of people, the world will be different because of you

92. 因为你选择这条路 Because you choose this path

93. 别让其他人毁了你的梦想 Don't let other people ruin your dream

94. 在别人拒绝了或说不时,或在某个会面你被放鸽子 When others refuse you or don ’t keep his promise to you in a meeting

95. 又或者有人取得了你的信任却无法兑现承诺 Or someone won trust you but failed to fulfill to his promise

96. 即使自己的心态使你停下脚步,一次又一次的迷失没了动力 Even though your attitude makes you stop and again and again lost your p ower

97. 还是要每天反复的想着自己的梦想 Or repeated every day thinking about your dream

98. 然后对着自己说游戏还没结束,直到我胜利 Then said to yourself, the game is not over ,until I won

99. 你可以实现你的梦想! You can realize your dream!!!!!


1. 我不知道你有什么样的梦想 I don't know what dream is that you have

2. 我不在乎你朝着梦想前进时曾遇到什么样的困难 I don't care what kind of disappointment you may come across at your wor king towards the dream

3. 那个你放在心上想了又想的梦想 That dream you hold in your mind

4. 它是有可能达成的 That is possible

5. 虽然你可能觉得 That somebody of you may already know

6. 它太困难了 That is hard 7. 它并不简单 It ‘s not easy

8. 要改变你的生命很难 It ’s hard to change your life

9. 为梦想打拼的过程中 In the process of working on your dreams

10. 你会遇上无数的打击 You are going to encounter, encounter a lot of disappointment

11. 无数的失败 A lot of failure

12. 无数的痛楚 A lot of pain

13. 你会有质疑自己的时候 Your moment may be like that when you doubt yourself

14. 会问上苍为何这就是我的命运 Ask god ,why this destiny happen to me

15. 我不过是想照顾我的小孩父母,又不是去偷去抢 I just want to take care of my children, my mother, and not try to steal or rob anybody

16. 为何这样的事会发生在我身上 Why such a thing could happen to me

17. 曾经遇到过难处的人 Those of you who have experienced much hardship

18. 不要放弃你的梦想 Don't give up your dream

19. 艰难的日子会到来,但它们终将成为过往Difficult days would come, but they will eventually become a thing of the past

20. 伟大的成就并非虚幻不切实际 Great achievement is not illusory or impractical

21. 并非像神一样只有卓越不凡的人才当得了 And it is not only be get by god who got remarkable talent

22. 它是真实的存在于我们每个人心中 It is real exists in the heart of every one of us

23. 重要的是你必须相信,你做得到 It is important for you to believe that you are the one, and you can do it

24. 大部分的人成家立业,日复一日然后老死 Most people married, day after day and then die of old age

25. 他们停止成长,停止锻炼自己,停止试图超越自己 They stop growing, stop exercising, stop trying to pushing themselves

26. 然后还有人很爱抱怨却不敢尝试改变现况 Then there are those who love complaining but don't try to change and th ey do nothing about the situation

27. 多数人都不想为自己的梦想努力,为什

么? Most people don't want to strive for your dreams, why?

28. 原因之一就是害怕失败,“万一事情不如预期怎么办”? One reason is the fear of failure, "What if things are worse than expe cted to do"?

29. 再来就是害怕成功,“万一成功后我没能力掌控怎么办”? Then is the fear of success, "After the success, what if I don't have t he ability to control how to do"?

30. 他们完全不想承担风险 They completely don't want to take risks

31. 你花了大量的时间与他人交际,想让别人喜欢你 You spend a lot of time to communicate with them, and want others to li ke you

32. 你忍让他人比忍让自我更多 You are tolerant to others more than yourself

33. 你观察他们,知道他们一切事情,想跟他们混在一起,变得跟他们一样 You observe them, you know about them, you want to mix together with th em, you want to be like them

34. 然而你知道吗? But do you know?

35. 花了那么多时间在他们身上,最终却失去自我 Spent so much time on them, but eventually lost yourself

36. 我要你学会与自己坦诚相处 I want you to learn to get along with honest by yourself

37. 如果你想达成梦想,就必需将你内心的莽蛇去除 It is necessary to get the snake out of your life, if you want to reach your dream

38. 朝自己梦想前进的人,生命会有截然不同的特殊意义 People who running toward the men of his own dreams can have special m eaning

39. 当你找到了自我,慢慢的你会与他人有所不同 When you find yourself, you will slowly be different from others

40. 开始拥有自己的特点 Began to have your own characteristics

41. 但若你只懂跟他人脚步以及模仿他人 But if you only know follow with others steps and imitate others

42. 你永远无法变成最强的模仿者 You can never become the best imitators

43. 但你可以成为最优秀的自己 But you will be the best you could be

44. 我要你找到自己的价值 I want you to find your own value

45. 其他人看不见,无法参与,也不会为你拓展视野 Others can't see, can't participate in, nor expand horizons for you

46. 这是你要了解的 This is necessary for you to know

47. 你是独一无二的 You are unique

48. 我要你结交志同道合的人 I want you to contact with people who have a common goal with you

49. 渴望成功的人 A person who has desire for success

50. 努力不懈的人 A person who work hard

51. 那些想要重新打造生命的人 Those people who want to create a new life

52. 与达成梦想的人相处 Get along with people who have dream

53. 达成梦想的人知道 People achieving their dreams know

54. 成功与否都在自己 Your own success is only up to you

55. 如果你想要更有成就 If you want to be more success

56. 如果你想要做些从未做过的事 If you want to do something that you had never done before

57. 那你就必须投资自己 That you must invest yourself

58. 一定要投资自己 That you must invest yourself

59. 不要让他人的成见称为自己现实的一部分 Don't let other's stereotypes be a part of your life and reality

60. 不要抱着受难者的心态度过一生 Don't hold a victims mentality in your life

61. 就算你遇上了气馁的事,也要知道 Even if you had discouraged, also you should know that

62. 你做得到,就算别人不相信,你也要有自信 You can do it, even if other people don't believe, you also should have con fidence

63. 这是我所相信的,至死不渝 This is what I believe, to die

64. 不论情况多糟,未来有多险恶 No matter how bad it is, how dangerous in the future

65. 我都办得到 I am going to make it

66. 我想要代表一个信念,代表一个可能性 I want to represent a belief, I want to represent a possibility

67. 你们有些人可能在想要更上一层 Some of you may want to get the next level

68. 想要有自己的协会,想当工程师或医师 Want to have my own association, or be engineers or doctors

69. 相信我你到不了的 Trust me that you can't get

70. 你到不了你想到的层次,除非你开始培育自己的心力 You can't get your level, unless you start to cultivate your own heart

71. 你根本连读书的习惯都没有 You don't even have the habit of reading 72. 我要你去听听演说 I want you to listen to the speech

73. 懂得花时间 I want you to know how to spend the time

74. 与自己相处 I want you to know how to get along with

75. 花个一小时试图了解自己 Spend an hour trying to understand yourself

76. 直到你找到了自我 Until you find yourself

77. 当你活出了自我,活出了属于自己该有的命运 When you live in your own way, then you have live in your own destiny

78. 当你是一个独特的个体 When you are a unique individual

79. 你就会与周遭的人有所不同 You will vary with the surrounding

80. 我要你做别人不要你做的事 I want you to do what others don't want to do

81. 达到别人不想理会你的领域 The domain which others don't want to talk with you

82. 因为这样你就不会整天想着该如何取悦他们 Because in this way then you won't think about how to please them all day

83. 因为你想要与众不同,你想要更上一层 Because you want to be different, you want to get the next level

84. 我要你培育你自己的心力 I want you to cultivate your own heart

85. 如果你还在谈说你的梦想 If you also said in a talk about your dream

86. 还在谈说你的目标 Also said in a talk about your goals

87. 但却什么都没做 But do nothing about it

88. 那就先踏出第一步 Then you have to make the first move first

89. 你可以让你的父母骄傲 You can be the proud of your parents

90. 让你的学校骄傲 You can be the proud of your school

91. 你可以感动千百万人的生命,世界会因为有你而不同 You can touched the lives of millions of people, the world will be different because of you

92. 因为你选择这条路 Because you choose this path

93. 别让其他人毁了你的梦想 Don't let other people ruin your dream

94. 在别人拒绝了或说不时,或在某个会面你被放鸽子 When others refuse you or don ’t keep his promise to you in a meeting

95. 又或者有人取得了你的信任却无法兑现承诺 Or someone won trust you but failed to fulfill to his promise

96. 即使自己的心态使你停下脚步,一次又一次的迷失没了动力 Even though your attitude makes you stop and again and again lost your p ower

97. 还是要每天反复的想着自己的梦想 Or repeated every day thinking about your dream

98. 然后对着自己说游戏还没结束,直到我胜利 Then said to yourself, the game is not over ,until I won

99. 你可以实现你的梦想! You can realize your dream!!!!!


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