people- 会让你在IELTS写作与口语考试中更像一个Native Speaker的纯正英式短语


Native Speakers在讨论人物话题时会频繁使用的短语&句型


1、be self-reliant [W][S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:live on one's own

=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for that


【实战例句】He's determined and self-reliant.


2、be self-sufficient[W]

=be able to provide everything that you need by yourself


【实战例句】The increased productivity from farmland made some countries self-sufficient in grain.

农业用地生产率的上升让一些国家在谷物方面可以自给自足了。(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

3、be a self-made man / woman [S]

=be a person who has become successful without help from other people


【实战例句】The young entrepreneur is a self-made man.


4、show initiative [S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:show the ability to do sth. on one's own

=show the ability to use one's own judgment to do things


【实战例句】When Joseph began the job, he showed initiative.


5、do sth. of one's own accord [S][W]

=do sth. without being asked or forced to do it


【实战例句】James apologised of his own accord.


6、be tenacious[S]

=be very determined and not willing to stop when he / she is trying to achieve something


【实战例句】Niamh is a tenacious athlete.


7、perseverance [S][W]

=a determined attitude

【中文含义】n. 坚定的意志

【实战例句】Maria's excellent marks are a result of her perseverance. 玛利亚所取得的优秀分数是对她所付出的艰辛努力的最大回报。

8、willpower [S][W]

=the ability to control someone's own thought and behaviour in order to achieve something

【中文含义】n. 意志力

【实战例句】It takes strong willpower to overcome the temptation.


9、keep one's word [S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:does what he / she promised to do =keep one's promise


【实战例句】Anita is an honourable person who always keeps her word. 阿妮塔是一个言出必行、值得尊重的人。

10、an upright citizen[W][S]

=an honest and responsible person


【实战例句】Lewis behaved as any upright citizen would have under those circumstances.


11、preserve sb.'s integrity [W][S]

=keep the quality of always behaving according to the moral principles that sb. believes in


【实战例句】Often they had to display great courage to preserve their integrity or to make their way to the top.

他们往往需要展现出极大地勇气来坚守自己的原则或登上所属领域的顶峰。(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)


Native Speakers在讨论人物话题时会频繁使用的短语&句型


1、be down-to-earth[S]

=be very practical


【实战例句】I appreciate Anna's down-to-earth approach to problem-solving and decision-making.


2、be very arty [S]

=wishing to seem interested in everything connected with art


【实战例句】Max is very arty and a bit of a dreamer.


3、set the benchmark for sth. [S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:be the best in this field

=set the standard that other people can use for judging how good or bad


【实战例句】The Last Dinner by Leonardo da Vinci set the benchmark for religious painting.


4、worship sb. [S]

=love and admire sb. very much


【实战例句】As a child, Layla worshipped her older sister.


5、meet sb. in person [S]

=meet sb. face to face; meet in each other's presence


【实战例句】Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in person

你认为自己是否可能与从未见过面的人成为朋友呢?(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

6、a Renaissance man / woman [S]

=someone who knows a lot about many different subjects and has many practical skills


【实战例句】Christopher is a writer, composer and actor -- a real Renaissance man.


7、be versatile [S]

=be capable of doing many different things well


【实战例句】Georgia is a very versatile young artist.


8、be artistic [S][W]

=sensitive to art and able to enjoy it


【实战例句】Early results show that creative and artistic people do much better than average.



Native Speakers在讨论人物话题时会频繁使用的短语&句型


英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:famous in the world

=very famous for a special skill or achievement


【实战例句】He's a world-renowned artist.


2、an overnight success[S]

=an instant success


【实战例句】①Most overnight successes actually take years.


②Pilkingston's first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success.

匹克星顿的第一个规模完整的厂房立刻获得了巨大的商业成功。(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

3、sb.'s legacy lives on[S]

=sb.'s influence continues


【实战例句】The war hero's legacy lives on.


4、sb. has a large following[S]

=has many admirers


【实战例句】The actor has a large following on Twitter.


5、a go-getter [S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:a person who will succeed

=someone who is likely to be successful because he / she is very determined and has a lot of energy


【实战例句】Joshua is a real go-getter.


6、a consummate actor / actress / athlete [W][S]

=a very skilful actor / actress / athlete


【实战例句】Joseph is a consummate leader.


7、a prodigy[S]

=a young person who has a natural ability to do sth. extremely well


【实战例句】There has always been an interest in geniuses and prodigies. 天才与神童总是会引起人们的兴趣。(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

8、people from all walks of life [W][S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:people of different backgrounds


【实战例句】People from all walks of life voted for him but he still lost the election. 各行各业的人们都给他投票,然而他依然输掉了选举。

9、people who live next door to you[S]

=people who live in the building, room or position next to you


【实战例句】How well do you know the people who live next door to you? 你对隔壁邻居了解有多少?(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

10、go from rags to riches[S]

=start your life very poor and then later in life become very rich


【实战例句】Rags-to-riches stories tend to be very inspirational.



Native Speakers在讨论人物话题时会频繁使用的短语&句型


1、is a subject very close to one's heart [S][W]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:is a subject that someone is worried about

=is a subject that someone has strong feelings about


【实战例句】Poverty is a subject very close to Olivia's heart.


2、be concerned about sth.[W][S]

=is worried about sth.


【实战例句】Eileen has been concerned about what others think of her. 艾琳十分在乎别人对她的看法。

3、is a luxury [W][S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:sth. only few people can enjoy

=be something that someone enjoys very much because he/she does not get it very often


【实战例句】Have an extra bathroom is at first a luxury for the couple, but after she does not get it very often.


4、is an absolute necessity [S]


【实战例句】In my work, a laptop is an absolute necessity.


5、is part and parcel of being famous [S]


【实战例句】Being recognised in the street is part and parcel of being famous. 在街上总被认出是成名所带来的无可回避的问题之一。

6、celebrity [W][S]

=a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport

【中文含义】n. 名人

【实战例句】A lot of celebrities were at the film premiere(首映式).



=photographers that follow famous people in order to take pictures of them that

newspapers and magazines will buy

【中文含义】 狗仔队

【实战例句】Paparazzi follow celebrities everywhere they go in order to take photographs of them for newspapers and magazine.


8、extravagant lifestyles [W]

=lifestyles of spending a lot of money, especially more than is reasonable


【实战例句】They live extravagant lifestyles with huge mansions and luxury cars. 他们生活在充满香车豪宅的奢靡生活中。


Native Speakers在讨论人物话题时会频繁使用的短语&句型


1、be self-reliant [W][S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:live on one's own

=feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for that


【实战例句】He's determined and self-reliant.


2、be self-sufficient[W]

=be able to provide everything that you need by yourself


【实战例句】The increased productivity from farmland made some countries self-sufficient in grain.

农业用地生产率的上升让一些国家在谷物方面可以自给自足了。(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

3、be a self-made man / woman [S]

=be a person who has become successful without help from other people


【实战例句】The young entrepreneur is a self-made man.


4、show initiative [S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:show the ability to do sth. on one's own

=show the ability to use one's own judgment to do things


【实战例句】When Joseph began the job, he showed initiative.


5、do sth. of one's own accord [S][W]

=do sth. without being asked or forced to do it


【实战例句】James apologised of his own accord.


6、be tenacious[S]

=be very determined and not willing to stop when he / she is trying to achieve something


【实战例句】Niamh is a tenacious athlete.


7、perseverance [S][W]

=a determined attitude

【中文含义】n. 坚定的意志

【实战例句】Maria's excellent marks are a result of her perseverance. 玛利亚所取得的优秀分数是对她所付出的艰辛努力的最大回报。

8、willpower [S][W]

=the ability to control someone's own thought and behaviour in order to achieve something

【中文含义】n. 意志力

【实战例句】It takes strong willpower to overcome the temptation.


9、keep one's word [S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:does what he / she promised to do =keep one's promise


【实战例句】Anita is an honourable person who always keeps her word. 阿妮塔是一个言出必行、值得尊重的人。

10、an upright citizen[W][S]

=an honest and responsible person


【实战例句】Lewis behaved as any upright citizen would have under those circumstances.


11、preserve sb.'s integrity [W][S]

=keep the quality of always behaving according to the moral principles that sb. believes in


【实战例句】Often they had to display great courage to preserve their integrity or to make their way to the top.

他们往往需要展现出极大地勇气来坚守自己的原则或登上所属领域的顶峰。(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)


Native Speakers在讨论人物话题时会频繁使用的短语&句型


1、be down-to-earth[S]

=be very practical


【实战例句】I appreciate Anna's down-to-earth approach to problem-solving and decision-making.


2、be very arty [S]

=wishing to seem interested in everything connected with art


【实战例句】Max is very arty and a bit of a dreamer.


3、set the benchmark for sth. [S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:be the best in this field

=set the standard that other people can use for judging how good or bad


【实战例句】The Last Dinner by Leonardo da Vinci set the benchmark for religious painting.


4、worship sb. [S]

=love and admire sb. very much


【实战例句】As a child, Layla worshipped her older sister.


5、meet sb. in person [S]

=meet sb. face to face; meet in each other's presence


【实战例句】Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in person

你认为自己是否可能与从未见过面的人成为朋友呢?(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

6、a Renaissance man / woman [S]

=someone who knows a lot about many different subjects and has many practical skills


【实战例句】Christopher is a writer, composer and actor -- a real Renaissance man.


7、be versatile [S]

=be capable of doing many different things well


【实战例句】Georgia is a very versatile young artist.


8、be artistic [S][W]

=sensitive to art and able to enjoy it


【实战例句】Early results show that creative and artistic people do much better than average.



Native Speakers在讨论人物话题时会频繁使用的短语&句型


英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:famous in the world

=very famous for a special skill or achievement


【实战例句】He's a world-renowned artist.


2、an overnight success[S]

=an instant success


【实战例句】①Most overnight successes actually take years.


②Pilkingston's first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success.

匹克星顿的第一个规模完整的厂房立刻获得了巨大的商业成功。(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

3、sb.'s legacy lives on[S]

=sb.'s influence continues


【实战例句】The war hero's legacy lives on.


4、sb. has a large following[S]

=has many admirers


【实战例句】The actor has a large following on Twitter.


5、a go-getter [S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:a person who will succeed

=someone who is likely to be successful because he / she is very determined and has a lot of energy


【实战例句】Joshua is a real go-getter.


6、a consummate actor / actress / athlete [W][S]

=a very skilful actor / actress / athlete


【实战例句】Joseph is a consummate leader.


7、a prodigy[S]

=a young person who has a natural ability to do sth. extremely well


【实战例句】There has always been an interest in geniuses and prodigies. 天才与神童总是会引起人们的兴趣。(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

8、people from all walks of life [W][S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:people of different backgrounds


【实战例句】People from all walks of life voted for him but he still lost the election. 各行各业的人们都给他投票,然而他依然输掉了选举。

9、people who live next door to you[S]

=people who live in the building, room or position next to you


【实战例句】How well do you know the people who live next door to you? 你对隔壁邻居了解有多少?(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句)

10、go from rags to riches[S]

=start your life very poor and then later in life become very rich


【实战例句】Rags-to-riches stories tend to be very inspirational.



Native Speakers在讨论人物话题时会频繁使用的短语&句型


1、is a subject very close to one's heart [S][W]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:is a subject that someone is worried about

=is a subject that someone has strong feelings about


【实战例句】Poverty is a subject very close to Olivia's heart.


2、be concerned about sth.[W][S]

=is worried about sth.


【实战例句】Eileen has been concerned about what others think of her. 艾琳十分在乎别人对她的看法。

3、is a luxury [W][S]

英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:sth. only few people can enjoy

=be something that someone enjoys very much because he/she does not get it very often


【实战例句】Have an extra bathroom is at first a luxury for the couple, but after she does not get it very often.


4、is an absolute necessity [S]


【实战例句】In my work, a laptop is an absolute necessity.


5、is part and parcel of being famous [S]


【实战例句】Being recognised in the street is part and parcel of being famous. 在街上总被认出是成名所带来的无可回避的问题之一。

6、celebrity [W][S]

=a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport

【中文含义】n. 名人

【实战例句】A lot of celebrities were at the film premiere(首映式).



=photographers that follow famous people in order to take pictures of them that

newspapers and magazines will buy

【中文含义】 狗仔队

【实战例句】Paparazzi follow celebrities everywhere they go in order to take photographs of them for newspapers and magazine.


8、extravagant lifestyles [W]

=lifestyles of spending a lot of money, especially more than is reasonable


【实战例句】They live extravagant lifestyles with huge mansions and luxury cars. 他们生活在充满香车豪宅的奢靡生活中。


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