旧石器时代 the Paleolithic Age
新石器时代 the Neolithic Age; New Stone Age
母系氏族社会 matriarchal clan society
奴隶社会-slave society
封建社会-feudal society
半封建半殖民社会- Semi-feudal half colonial society
资本主义社会--capitalist society
初期社会主义社会-- initial socialist society
共产主义社会--communist society
五代时代 period of the Five Legendary Rulers
夏朝 Xa Dynasty
三国 Three Kingdoms
南北朝 Northern and Southern Dynasties
五代 Five Dynasties
中华民国 Republic of China
中华人民共和国 the people’s Republic of China
封建王朝:feudal dynasty
太后:empress dowager; dowager
慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Ci Xi
末代皇帝:Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty
皇妃:imperial concubine
士大夫 scholar-officials
太监 court eunuch
皇妃 imperial concubine
丞相,宰相 prime minister
少数民族 ethnic minority
祭祀 offer sacrifices
西域 the Western Regions
战国 the Warring States
皇帝 Yellow emperor(4000 B.C)
大禹 Yu the Great
孔子 Confucius
老子 Lao Zi
封闭和民族主义兴起的时代 a time of exclusivity and deep nationalism 贡品 a tributary treasure
京剧 Beijing Opera
红茶 black tea
五禽戏 five-animal exercises
义和团 Boxer rebellion
书法 calligraphy
中央集权 centralized control
陶瓷 ceramics
文官 civil official
孔子的经书 confusion canon
毛泽东 Mao Tse-tong
孙中山 Sun Yat-sen
蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek
国民党 Kuomingtang 慈禧太后 Empress Dowager
四人帮 “Gang of Four”
杜甫草堂 Du Fu Cottage
都江堰水利工程 Dujiangyan Irrigation System
派系斗争 factionalism
天人合一 “harmony between man and nature”
鼎盛时期 heyday
在远古时代 in the shadows of unrecorded time
鸦片战争:The Opium War
太平天国:the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
英法联军:the Anglo-French Allied Forces
八国联军:the Allied Forces of the Eight Powers
垂帘听政:to hold court in place of the young emperor from behind a screen 辛亥革命:the 1911 Revolution
西安事变:the 1936 Xi'an Incident
中华文明 Chinese civilization
文明的摇篮 cradle of civilization
Period before the Opium War of 1840
The Dawn of Chinese History—The Pre-Qin Period
概述 Introduction
开天辟地的创世神话 The Great Myth of the Creation of Man in Ancient China 华夏之祖 Ancestors of the Chinese Nation
大禹治水 Yu the Great Harnesses the Flood
武王伐纣 King Wu Attacks King Zhou
周公东征 Duke Zhous Conquest of the East
春秋五霸 The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period
战国七雄 The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period
大教育家孔子 Confucius,the Great Educator
诸子百家 The "Hundred Schools of Thought" and Their Exponents
法》 The Art of War—The World First Treatise on Military Science
The Period of Great Feudal Unity—The Qin and Han Dynasties
中国的第一位皇帝——秦始皇 Qinshihuang,the First Emperor in Chinese History 万里长城 The Great Wall
大泽乡起义 The Dazexiang Uprising
刘邦与项羽 Liu Bang and Xiang Yu
汉武大帝 Emperor Wudi the Great of the Han Dynasty
张骞出使西域 Zhang Qians Mission to the Western Regions
昭君出塞 Zhaojun Goes Beyond the Great Wall as a Bride
司马迁与《史记》 Sima Qian and His Records of the historian
科学家张衡 Zhang Heng,a Pioneering Scientist
佗 Zhang Zhongjing,the Saint of Medicine and Hua Tuo,the Founder of Surgery 封建国家的分裂和民族大融合时期——三国、两晋、南北朝
The Division of China Once More and the Intermingling of Ethnic Groups—The Three Kingdoms,the Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties 曹橾 Cao Cao
诸葛亮 Zhuge Liang
赤壁之战 The Battle of the Red Cliff
西晋八王之乱 Eight Kings Insurrection in the Western Jin Dynasty
淝水之战 The Battle of Feishui
孝文帝改革 The Reforms of Emperor Xiaowen
花木兰代父从军 Hua Mulan Joined the Army in Place of Her Father
之 Wang Xizhi,the Saint of Calligraphy,and Gu Kaizhi,the Matchless Painter 数学家祖冲之 Zu Chongzhi,the Remarkable Mathematician
The Heyday of Feudal Society—The Sui and Tang Dynasties
隋朝大运河 The Grand Canal of the Sui Dynasty
贞观之治 The Benign Administration of the Zhenguan Reign Period
女皇帝武则天 Wu Zetian,Chinas First Female Monarch
开元盛世 The Flourishing Kaiyuan Reign Period
繁盛的长安城 The Heyday of Changan
松赞干布与文成公主 Songtsen Gampo and Princess Wencheng
玄奘西游 Xuanzangs Journey to the West
鉴真东渡 Jianzhen Crosses the Ocean toJapan
三大石窟 The Three Famous Grottoes
科举制 The Imperial Civil Examination System
The Continued Development of Feudal Society and the Coexistence of Ethnic Regimes —The Five Dynasties,and the Liao,Song,Xia,Jin and Yuan Dynasties
杯酒释兵权 Relieving the Generals of Their Commands at a Feast
赤胆忠心的杨家将 The Loyal Generals of the Yang Family
秉公执法的“包青天” Bao the Upright Judge
忠心报国的岳飞 General Yue Fei,a Paragon of Loyalty
历史名臣文天祥 Wen Tianxiang,a Renowned Minister
成吉思汗与忽必烈 Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan
马可·波罗来华 Marco Poles Travels in China
四大发明 The Four Great Inventions
《清明上河图》 Riverside scene on the Pure Brightness Festival
鉴》 Sima Guang and the Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government
The Period of Further Development of the Unitary Multi-ethnic Country and the Decline of Feudal Society—The Ming and Qing Dynasties (Before the Opium War of 1840) 明朝开国皇帝朱元璋 Zhu Yuanzhang,the First Emperor of the Ming Dynasty 郑和下西洋 Zheng Hes Voyages to the Western Seas
戚继光抗倭 Qi Jiguang Repels Japanese Pirates
清官海瑞 Hai Rui,an Upright and Incorruptible Official
闯王李自成 Daring King Li Zicheng
郑成功收复台湾 Zheng Chenggong Recovers Taiwan
康乾盛世 The Golden Age of Three Emperors
科学巨匠与巨著 Great Scientists and Their Contributions
中国近代史 Modern Period
林则徐与虎门销烟 Lin Zexu and the Destruction of Opium at Humen
第一次鸦片战争 The First Opium War
太平天国农民运动 The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement
第二次鸦片战争 The Second Opium War
洋务运动 The Westernization Movement
约》 Sino-Japanese War of 1894 and the Treaty of Shimonoseki
戊戌变法 The Reform Movement of 1898
义和团运动 The Yihetuan Movement
孙中山与辛亥革命 Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the Revolution of 1911
“五四”运动 The May 4th Movement
中国共产党的成立 The Founding of the Communist Party of China
第一次国共合作 The First Round of KMT-CPC Cooperation
北伐战争 The Northern Expedition
南昌起义 The Nanchang Uprising
二万五千里长征 The Long March of 25 000 li
“九一八”事变 The September 18th Incident
华北事变与“一·二·九”运动 The Huabei Incident and the December 9th Movement 西安事变 The Xian Incident
“七七”事变 The July 7th Incident
平型关大捷 The Victory at Pingxing Pass
南京大屠杀 The Nanking Massacre
抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japan
台儿庄战役 The Taierzhuang Campaign
华侨与抗日战争 Overseas Chinese and the Anti-Japanese War
重庆谈判 The Chongqing Negotiations
解放战争 The War of Liberation
Contemporary Period
毛泽东与新中国的建立 Mao Zedong and the Founding of New China
抗美援朝保家卫国 The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
周恩来与新中国外交 Zhou Enlai and New Chinas Diplomacy
邓小平与改革开放 Deng Xiaoping and the Reform and Opening-up Policies 香港回归 Hong Kongs Return to China
澳门回归 Macaos Return to China
载人航天飞行的巨大成就 Great Achievement in Manned Spaceflight
中国体育走向世界 China as a World Power in Sports
中国历史年代简表 A Brief Chronology of Chinese History
Exclusion policy 闭关政策
Excise tax 特许权税
Excess of import/export 出(入) 超
Excess of capital 过剩资本
1: 昨天的中国,是一个古老并且床创造了灿烂文明的大国。中华民族的传统文化博大精深、源远流长。早在2000多年前,就产生了以孔孟为代表的儒家学说和以老庄为代表的道家学说,以及其他许多也在中国思想史上有地位的学说流派,这就是有名的“诸子百家”。从孔子到孙中山,中华民族传统文化有它的许多珍贵品,许多人民性和民主性的好东西。
China yesterday was a big ancient country that created a splendid civilization.
Traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long , long course. More than 2,000years ago, there emerged in china Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and meny other theories without uniformity and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese culture thought, all being covered by the famous term “ the masters ’ hundred schools ”. From Confucius to Dr. Dun Yatsen, traditional Chinese culture presents many precious ideas and qualities, which are essentially populist and democratic.
2:从1978年开始改革开放,我们终于找到了一条发展自己的正确道路。 这就是:中国人民独立自主地建设有中国特色的社会主义。30年间中国创造的巨大的财富,不仅使13亿人基本解决了温饱,基本实现了小康,而且为世界发展做出贡献。当然中国仍然是一个发展中国家。农村和城市、东部和西部存在着明发展差距。中国要达到发达国家水平还需要几代人、十几代人、甚至几十代人的长期艰苦奋斗。
By 1978, with the adoption of the reform and opening-up policies, we had ultimately found the right path of development —the Chinese people ’s path of independently building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The tremendous wealth created by china in the last years had not only enabled our 1.3billion countrymen to meet their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter, and basically realize a well-off standard of living, but also contributed to the world development. Of course, china is still a developing country. There is an obvious gap between its urban and rural areas and between its eastern and western regions. For china to reach the level of the developed countries, it will still take the sustained hard work of several generations. A dozen generations or even dozens of generations.
3: 中国是一个古老而文明的国家,有悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,壮丽的山河。 早在一百多万年至四五十万年以前,中国大陆就有了古人类的足迹;“元谋人”、“蓝田人”、 “北京人”,就生活带这块土地上。约公元前21世纪,中国第一个朝代—夏出现了。自此,中国有了文字记载的历史。 公元前221年秦始皇结束了战国诸侯割据,建立了中国历史上第一个中央集权的统一的国家—秦。此后至20世纪初的两千多年间, 中国又经历了汉、魏、晋、南北朝、隋、唐、五代宋明元清等封建王朝。
China is a country with ago-old history, a brilliant civilization, and magnificent landscapes. As early as some 400,000 or 500,000 to over 1,000,000 years ago,
primitive humans, including Yuanmou Man, Lantian Man, and Peiking Man, lived in what is now Chinese mainland. China’s recorded history began in the 21st century B.C, with the establishment of the first Chinese dynasty, the Xia Dynasty. In 221 B.C, Shi Huang Dim the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, put an end to the division of the country by the nobles in the Warring States Periods and found Qin Dynasty, the first centralized, autocratic empire of different ethnic groups in Chinese history. During the 2, 000-odd years from the Qin Dynasty to the beginning of the 20th century, China saw the feudal dynasties of the Han, the Jin, the Ming, the Northern Southern Dynasties, the Sui, the Tang, the Five Dynasties, the Song, the Yuan, the Ming, and the Qing.
4; 中国的医药学早世界上独树一帜。中国的丝织、制瓷、冶金、造船技术很早就达到了世界的先进水平。特别是中国的造纸、火药、印刷术、指南针四大发明,曾经改变了世界的面貌。直到15世纪以前, 中国的科学技术在世界上保持了千年的领先地位。中国人的这些发明创造体现了人与自然协调发展。科学精神与道德理想相结合的理性光辉。
The Chinese medicine is a unique school of its own.
China ’s silk waving, porcelain making, metallurgy and shipbuilding reached the world ’s advanced level in ancient times. particularly, China’s four great inventions of papermaking, gunpowder, printing and compass has once changed the face of the world. China had been a world leader in science and technology for one hundred years until the 15th century. Theses intentions and creations of china have brought forward the rationalistic brilliance of coordination between humanity and the nature and the integration of scientific spirit with moral ideals.
5: 汉、唐时期,既是经济繁荣的盛世,也是中外交流的盛世。张謇出使西域,开拓了举世闻名的“丝绸之路”。明代郑和“七下西洋”, 把中华文化传向远方的国度。但是后来特别是晚晴,封建统治者实施闭关锁国政策,阻碍了中国的进步 外交交流。鸦片战争以来,一代又一代的先进中国人,为了振兴中华,努力像西方国家学习先进科学思想和文明成果,并同中国的实际情况相结合,推动了中国社会的变革和发展。
The Han and Tang dynasties were both an ago of economic prosperity and also one of flourishing international exchanges. Imperial monk Zhang Qian’s trip to the “Western Regions ” in the Han dynasty opened up the world famous silk road. Eminent Monk Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty broght back ancient culture after braving long journey to South Asian countries. In the Ming Dynasty, Chinese navigator Cheng Ho led a fleet to what people called the “West Sea” seven times, spreading the Chinese culture to distant land. Only later on, especially, in late Qing Dynasty, the feudal rulers adopted a policy of seclusion, which hampered china ’s progress and its exchanges with the outside world. After the Opium War, generation after generation of enlightened Chinese have, for national rejuvenation, spared no efforts in learning from Western countries advanced science and cultural achievement in combination
with china’s realities and pushing for china’s social reforms and development.
旧石器时代 the Paleolithic Age
新石器时代 the Neolithic Age; New Stone Age
母系氏族社会 matriarchal clan society
奴隶社会-slave society
封建社会-feudal society
半封建半殖民社会- Semi-feudal half colonial society
资本主义社会--capitalist society
初期社会主义社会-- initial socialist society
共产主义社会--communist society
五代时代 period of the Five Legendary Rulers
夏朝 Xa Dynasty
三国 Three Kingdoms
南北朝 Northern and Southern Dynasties
五代 Five Dynasties
中华民国 Republic of China
中华人民共和国 the people’s Republic of China
封建王朝:feudal dynasty
太后:empress dowager; dowager
慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Ci Xi
末代皇帝:Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty
皇妃:imperial concubine
士大夫 scholar-officials
太监 court eunuch
皇妃 imperial concubine
丞相,宰相 prime minister
少数民族 ethnic minority
祭祀 offer sacrifices
西域 the Western Regions
战国 the Warring States
皇帝 Yellow emperor(4000 B.C)
大禹 Yu the Great
孔子 Confucius
老子 Lao Zi
封闭和民族主义兴起的时代 a time of exclusivity and deep nationalism 贡品 a tributary treasure
京剧 Beijing Opera
红茶 black tea
五禽戏 five-animal exercises
义和团 Boxer rebellion
书法 calligraphy
中央集权 centralized control
陶瓷 ceramics
文官 civil official
孔子的经书 confusion canon
毛泽东 Mao Tse-tong
孙中山 Sun Yat-sen
蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek
国民党 Kuomingtang 慈禧太后 Empress Dowager
四人帮 “Gang of Four”
杜甫草堂 Du Fu Cottage
都江堰水利工程 Dujiangyan Irrigation System
派系斗争 factionalism
天人合一 “harmony between man and nature”
鼎盛时期 heyday
在远古时代 in the shadows of unrecorded time
鸦片战争:The Opium War
太平天国:the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
英法联军:the Anglo-French Allied Forces
八国联军:the Allied Forces of the Eight Powers
垂帘听政:to hold court in place of the young emperor from behind a screen 辛亥革命:the 1911 Revolution
西安事变:the 1936 Xi'an Incident
中华文明 Chinese civilization
文明的摇篮 cradle of civilization
Period before the Opium War of 1840
The Dawn of Chinese History—The Pre-Qin Period
概述 Introduction
开天辟地的创世神话 The Great Myth of the Creation of Man in Ancient China 华夏之祖 Ancestors of the Chinese Nation
大禹治水 Yu the Great Harnesses the Flood
武王伐纣 King Wu Attacks King Zhou
周公东征 Duke Zhous Conquest of the East
春秋五霸 The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period
战国七雄 The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period
大教育家孔子 Confucius,the Great Educator
诸子百家 The "Hundred Schools of Thought" and Their Exponents
法》 The Art of War—The World First Treatise on Military Science
The Period of Great Feudal Unity—The Qin and Han Dynasties
中国的第一位皇帝——秦始皇 Qinshihuang,the First Emperor in Chinese History 万里长城 The Great Wall
大泽乡起义 The Dazexiang Uprising
刘邦与项羽 Liu Bang and Xiang Yu
汉武大帝 Emperor Wudi the Great of the Han Dynasty
张骞出使西域 Zhang Qians Mission to the Western Regions
昭君出塞 Zhaojun Goes Beyond the Great Wall as a Bride
司马迁与《史记》 Sima Qian and His Records of the historian
科学家张衡 Zhang Heng,a Pioneering Scientist
佗 Zhang Zhongjing,the Saint of Medicine and Hua Tuo,the Founder of Surgery 封建国家的分裂和民族大融合时期——三国、两晋、南北朝
The Division of China Once More and the Intermingling of Ethnic Groups—The Three Kingdoms,the Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties 曹橾 Cao Cao
诸葛亮 Zhuge Liang
赤壁之战 The Battle of the Red Cliff
西晋八王之乱 Eight Kings Insurrection in the Western Jin Dynasty
淝水之战 The Battle of Feishui
孝文帝改革 The Reforms of Emperor Xiaowen
花木兰代父从军 Hua Mulan Joined the Army in Place of Her Father
之 Wang Xizhi,the Saint of Calligraphy,and Gu Kaizhi,the Matchless Painter 数学家祖冲之 Zu Chongzhi,the Remarkable Mathematician
The Heyday of Feudal Society—The Sui and Tang Dynasties
隋朝大运河 The Grand Canal of the Sui Dynasty
贞观之治 The Benign Administration of the Zhenguan Reign Period
女皇帝武则天 Wu Zetian,Chinas First Female Monarch
开元盛世 The Flourishing Kaiyuan Reign Period
繁盛的长安城 The Heyday of Changan
松赞干布与文成公主 Songtsen Gampo and Princess Wencheng
玄奘西游 Xuanzangs Journey to the West
鉴真东渡 Jianzhen Crosses the Ocean toJapan
三大石窟 The Three Famous Grottoes
科举制 The Imperial Civil Examination System
The Continued Development of Feudal Society and the Coexistence of Ethnic Regimes —The Five Dynasties,and the Liao,Song,Xia,Jin and Yuan Dynasties
杯酒释兵权 Relieving the Generals of Their Commands at a Feast
赤胆忠心的杨家将 The Loyal Generals of the Yang Family
秉公执法的“包青天” Bao the Upright Judge
忠心报国的岳飞 General Yue Fei,a Paragon of Loyalty
历史名臣文天祥 Wen Tianxiang,a Renowned Minister
成吉思汗与忽必烈 Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan
马可·波罗来华 Marco Poles Travels in China
四大发明 The Four Great Inventions
《清明上河图》 Riverside scene on the Pure Brightness Festival
鉴》 Sima Guang and the Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government
The Period of Further Development of the Unitary Multi-ethnic Country and the Decline of Feudal Society—The Ming and Qing Dynasties (Before the Opium War of 1840) 明朝开国皇帝朱元璋 Zhu Yuanzhang,the First Emperor of the Ming Dynasty 郑和下西洋 Zheng Hes Voyages to the Western Seas
戚继光抗倭 Qi Jiguang Repels Japanese Pirates
清官海瑞 Hai Rui,an Upright and Incorruptible Official
闯王李自成 Daring King Li Zicheng
郑成功收复台湾 Zheng Chenggong Recovers Taiwan
康乾盛世 The Golden Age of Three Emperors
科学巨匠与巨著 Great Scientists and Their Contributions
中国近代史 Modern Period
林则徐与虎门销烟 Lin Zexu and the Destruction of Opium at Humen
第一次鸦片战争 The First Opium War
太平天国农民运动 The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement
第二次鸦片战争 The Second Opium War
洋务运动 The Westernization Movement
约》 Sino-Japanese War of 1894 and the Treaty of Shimonoseki
戊戌变法 The Reform Movement of 1898
义和团运动 The Yihetuan Movement
孙中山与辛亥革命 Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the Revolution of 1911
“五四”运动 The May 4th Movement
中国共产党的成立 The Founding of the Communist Party of China
第一次国共合作 The First Round of KMT-CPC Cooperation
北伐战争 The Northern Expedition
南昌起义 The Nanchang Uprising
二万五千里长征 The Long March of 25 000 li
“九一八”事变 The September 18th Incident
华北事变与“一·二·九”运动 The Huabei Incident and the December 9th Movement 西安事变 The Xian Incident
“七七”事变 The July 7th Incident
平型关大捷 The Victory at Pingxing Pass
南京大屠杀 The Nanking Massacre
抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japan
台儿庄战役 The Taierzhuang Campaign
华侨与抗日战争 Overseas Chinese and the Anti-Japanese War
重庆谈判 The Chongqing Negotiations
解放战争 The War of Liberation
Contemporary Period
毛泽东与新中国的建立 Mao Zedong and the Founding of New China
抗美援朝保家卫国 The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
周恩来与新中国外交 Zhou Enlai and New Chinas Diplomacy
邓小平与改革开放 Deng Xiaoping and the Reform and Opening-up Policies 香港回归 Hong Kongs Return to China
澳门回归 Macaos Return to China
载人航天飞行的巨大成就 Great Achievement in Manned Spaceflight
中国体育走向世界 China as a World Power in Sports
中国历史年代简表 A Brief Chronology of Chinese History
Exclusion policy 闭关政策
Excise tax 特许权税
Excess of import/export 出(入) 超
Excess of capital 过剩资本
1: 昨天的中国,是一个古老并且床创造了灿烂文明的大国。中华民族的传统文化博大精深、源远流长。早在2000多年前,就产生了以孔孟为代表的儒家学说和以老庄为代表的道家学说,以及其他许多也在中国思想史上有地位的学说流派,这就是有名的“诸子百家”。从孔子到孙中山,中华民族传统文化有它的许多珍贵品,许多人民性和民主性的好东西。
China yesterday was a big ancient country that created a splendid civilization.
Traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long , long course. More than 2,000years ago, there emerged in china Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and meny other theories without uniformity and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese culture thought, all being covered by the famous term “ the masters ’ hundred schools ”. From Confucius to Dr. Dun Yatsen, traditional Chinese culture presents many precious ideas and qualities, which are essentially populist and democratic.
2:从1978年开始改革开放,我们终于找到了一条发展自己的正确道路。 这就是:中国人民独立自主地建设有中国特色的社会主义。30年间中国创造的巨大的财富,不仅使13亿人基本解决了温饱,基本实现了小康,而且为世界发展做出贡献。当然中国仍然是一个发展中国家。农村和城市、东部和西部存在着明发展差距。中国要达到发达国家水平还需要几代人、十几代人、甚至几十代人的长期艰苦奋斗。
By 1978, with the adoption of the reform and opening-up policies, we had ultimately found the right path of development —the Chinese people ’s path of independently building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The tremendous wealth created by china in the last years had not only enabled our 1.3billion countrymen to meet their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter, and basically realize a well-off standard of living, but also contributed to the world development. Of course, china is still a developing country. There is an obvious gap between its urban and rural areas and between its eastern and western regions. For china to reach the level of the developed countries, it will still take the sustained hard work of several generations. A dozen generations or even dozens of generations.
3: 中国是一个古老而文明的国家,有悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,壮丽的山河。 早在一百多万年至四五十万年以前,中国大陆就有了古人类的足迹;“元谋人”、“蓝田人”、 “北京人”,就生活带这块土地上。约公元前21世纪,中国第一个朝代—夏出现了。自此,中国有了文字记载的历史。 公元前221年秦始皇结束了战国诸侯割据,建立了中国历史上第一个中央集权的统一的国家—秦。此后至20世纪初的两千多年间, 中国又经历了汉、魏、晋、南北朝、隋、唐、五代宋明元清等封建王朝。
China is a country with ago-old history, a brilliant civilization, and magnificent landscapes. As early as some 400,000 or 500,000 to over 1,000,000 years ago,
primitive humans, including Yuanmou Man, Lantian Man, and Peiking Man, lived in what is now Chinese mainland. China’s recorded history began in the 21st century B.C, with the establishment of the first Chinese dynasty, the Xia Dynasty. In 221 B.C, Shi Huang Dim the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, put an end to the division of the country by the nobles in the Warring States Periods and found Qin Dynasty, the first centralized, autocratic empire of different ethnic groups in Chinese history. During the 2, 000-odd years from the Qin Dynasty to the beginning of the 20th century, China saw the feudal dynasties of the Han, the Jin, the Ming, the Northern Southern Dynasties, the Sui, the Tang, the Five Dynasties, the Song, the Yuan, the Ming, and the Qing.
4; 中国的医药学早世界上独树一帜。中国的丝织、制瓷、冶金、造船技术很早就达到了世界的先进水平。特别是中国的造纸、火药、印刷术、指南针四大发明,曾经改变了世界的面貌。直到15世纪以前, 中国的科学技术在世界上保持了千年的领先地位。中国人的这些发明创造体现了人与自然协调发展。科学精神与道德理想相结合的理性光辉。
The Chinese medicine is a unique school of its own.
China ’s silk waving, porcelain making, metallurgy and shipbuilding reached the world ’s advanced level in ancient times. particularly, China’s four great inventions of papermaking, gunpowder, printing and compass has once changed the face of the world. China had been a world leader in science and technology for one hundred years until the 15th century. Theses intentions and creations of china have brought forward the rationalistic brilliance of coordination between humanity and the nature and the integration of scientific spirit with moral ideals.
5: 汉、唐时期,既是经济繁荣的盛世,也是中外交流的盛世。张謇出使西域,开拓了举世闻名的“丝绸之路”。明代郑和“七下西洋”, 把中华文化传向远方的国度。但是后来特别是晚晴,封建统治者实施闭关锁国政策,阻碍了中国的进步 外交交流。鸦片战争以来,一代又一代的先进中国人,为了振兴中华,努力像西方国家学习先进科学思想和文明成果,并同中国的实际情况相结合,推动了中国社会的变革和发展。
The Han and Tang dynasties were both an ago of economic prosperity and also one of flourishing international exchanges. Imperial monk Zhang Qian’s trip to the “Western Regions ” in the Han dynasty opened up the world famous silk road. Eminent Monk Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty broght back ancient culture after braving long journey to South Asian countries. In the Ming Dynasty, Chinese navigator Cheng Ho led a fleet to what people called the “West Sea” seven times, spreading the Chinese culture to distant land. Only later on, especially, in late Qing Dynasty, the feudal rulers adopted a policy of seclusion, which hampered china ’s progress and its exchanges with the outside world. After the Opium War, generation after generation of enlightened Chinese have, for national rejuvenation, spared no efforts in learning from Western countries advanced science and cultural achievement in combination
with china’s realities and pushing for china’s social reforms and development.