

1 标题的写法

2 标点的使用:常用句号,意思表达完整就用句号。

3 大小写: 句首,专有名词(人名,地名,星期,月份等等)


4 审题清楚,时态保持一致,句型结构不能随中文意思创编,尽量用拼写有把握的单词。

5 字数要求50—80字,语言力求准确,无语法错误。


作文篇目一 My Friend

样式一: 样式二: I have a good friend. She is She has She is she? Yes! She is

可选的句子: His / Her favourite color/animal/class/… is __________.

His / Her birthday is _________. His / Her hobby is ________.

He /She usually goes to school by _______.

He /She is 2 cm shorter than me, but stronger.


时态:一般现在时 (单三形式)

作文篇目二 My Teacher

样式一: 样式二: 可选的句子: Her class is very funny/ interesting. Her class is so much fun.

Her favourite ____ is _____. Her hobby is _______.


时态:一般现在时 (单三形式)

样式一: I’m a student. I’m very active. weekend. I love my family!

样式二: There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. My likes I’m a student. I’m very 可选的句子:I love my parents and they love me too!

I have a happy and warm family!

I love my family!

My mother is 2 years younger than my father.

Her hobby is playing the piano.


时态: 一般现在时 (单三形式和第一人称并用)

作文篇目四 My Room

样式一: My room is small, but it’s very nice. There is like my room very much.

样式二: I have my own room. It’s 可选的句子: There is a bed and an end table.

There are two end tables and a desk.

There is a picture on the wall.

There are some clothes in the closet.

The computer is on the desk.

The books are in the shelf.

Near the bed, I can see a pretty lamp.

I can listen to music and play the piano in my room.

My room is quiet. I can read books in my room.


样式一: My school is small, but it’s very beautiful. There are many classrooms in the school. ththvery much!

样式二: My school is nice and clean. There are many classrooms in the school. In our It’s on the thIt’sth floor. We often play in the garden and do sports on the playground. I like my school sooooo much!

可选的句子:There is a beautiful garden in my school. We can play games there.

I can see many desks and chairs.

We learn Chinese, math, English and science in our classroom.

There are many blue desks, a computer and a nice shelf in our classroom.

There are many good teachers in our school. They are strict but very kind.


作文篇目六 My Favourite Season


样式二: Summer is good, but it’s too hot. Winter is beautiful, but it’s too cold. My favourite season is spring. Spring is colourful. It is always warm and sunny in spring. I can see green grass and many beautiful flowers. The fish are dancing in the river. The birds are singing in the sky. In spring, I can wear my shirt and jeans. I can fly kites and go hiking with my friends. My birthday is in spring, too. I love spring!

可选的句子:Spring is colorful.

Fall is golden and the farmers are busy.

Spring is green with flowers and songs.

The fish are dancing in the river. The birds are singing in the sky.

My birthday is in spring.


样式: After school, I school day!

可选的句子:In the library, I can read books. It is quiet there.

In the beautiful garden, I can watch the flowers.

What a happy school day!


作文篇目八 My Weekend

样式一:(一般现在时) My Weekend

I like my weekend. On the weekend, I’m always very happy. On Saturday, I’m busy on the weekend, but I’m happy.

样式二:(一般将来时) My Weekend Plan

I’m going to have a happy weekend. On Saturday, will be a busy weekend. And a happy weekend, too.

样式三:(一般过去时) My Last Weekend 可选的句子:I often go to the library. I’m going to the library. I went to the library. I can ride a bike in the park. I’m going to ride a bike in the park. I rode a bike in the park. I always play football with dad. I’m going to play football with dad. I played football with dad. I’m happy. I will be happy. I was happy. 可以描写的方面:星期、时间、周末活动、活动场所、活动的伙伴、心情等等


1 标题的写法

2 标点的使用:常用句号,意思表达完整就用句号。

3 大小写: 句首,专有名词(人名,地名,星期,月份等等)


4 审题清楚,时态保持一致,句型结构不能随中文意思创编,尽量用拼写有把握的单词。

5 字数要求50—80字,语言力求准确,无语法错误。


作文篇目一 My Friend

样式一: 样式二: I have a good friend. She is She has She is she? Yes! She is

可选的句子: His / Her favourite color/animal/class/… is __________.

His / Her birthday is _________. His / Her hobby is ________.

He /She usually goes to school by _______.

He /She is 2 cm shorter than me, but stronger.


时态:一般现在时 (单三形式)

作文篇目二 My Teacher

样式一: 样式二: 可选的句子: Her class is very funny/ interesting. Her class is so much fun.

Her favourite ____ is _____. Her hobby is _______.


时态:一般现在时 (单三形式)

样式一: I’m a student. I’m very active. weekend. I love my family!

样式二: There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. My likes I’m a student. I’m very 可选的句子:I love my parents and they love me too!

I have a happy and warm family!

I love my family!

My mother is 2 years younger than my father.

Her hobby is playing the piano.


时态: 一般现在时 (单三形式和第一人称并用)

作文篇目四 My Room

样式一: My room is small, but it’s very nice. There is like my room very much.

样式二: I have my own room. It’s 可选的句子: There is a bed and an end table.

There are two end tables and a desk.

There is a picture on the wall.

There are some clothes in the closet.

The computer is on the desk.

The books are in the shelf.

Near the bed, I can see a pretty lamp.

I can listen to music and play the piano in my room.

My room is quiet. I can read books in my room.


样式一: My school is small, but it’s very beautiful. There are many classrooms in the school. ththvery much!

样式二: My school is nice and clean. There are many classrooms in the school. In our It’s on the thIt’sth floor. We often play in the garden and do sports on the playground. I like my school sooooo much!

可选的句子:There is a beautiful garden in my school. We can play games there.

I can see many desks and chairs.

We learn Chinese, math, English and science in our classroom.

There are many blue desks, a computer and a nice shelf in our classroom.

There are many good teachers in our school. They are strict but very kind.


作文篇目六 My Favourite Season


样式二: Summer is good, but it’s too hot. Winter is beautiful, but it’s too cold. My favourite season is spring. Spring is colourful. It is always warm and sunny in spring. I can see green grass and many beautiful flowers. The fish are dancing in the river. The birds are singing in the sky. In spring, I can wear my shirt and jeans. I can fly kites and go hiking with my friends. My birthday is in spring, too. I love spring!

可选的句子:Spring is colorful.

Fall is golden and the farmers are busy.

Spring is green with flowers and songs.

The fish are dancing in the river. The birds are singing in the sky.

My birthday is in spring.


样式: After school, I school day!

可选的句子:In the library, I can read books. It is quiet there.

In the beautiful garden, I can watch the flowers.

What a happy school day!


作文篇目八 My Weekend

样式一:(一般现在时) My Weekend

I like my weekend. On the weekend, I’m always very happy. On Saturday, I’m busy on the weekend, but I’m happy.

样式二:(一般将来时) My Weekend Plan

I’m going to have a happy weekend. On Saturday, will be a busy weekend. And a happy weekend, too.

样式三:(一般过去时) My Last Weekend 可选的句子:I often go to the library. I’m going to the library. I went to the library. I can ride a bike in the park. I’m going to ride a bike in the park. I rode a bike in the park. I always play football with dad. I’m going to play football with dad. I played football with dad. I’m happy. I will be happy. I was happy. 可以描写的方面:星期、时间、周末活动、活动场所、活动的伙伴、心情等等


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