



  last saturday--april 28th, my classmates and i went to the park near my school. can you guess what we did there?not for amusement but to take part in a volunteer labour.

  we reached the park at nine o'clock. the whole class was divided into three groups. i was in group three.

  each group had different tasks. group one planted trees and watered flowers. group two was told to pick up litter left by the tourists and cleaned all the benches. the group that i was in wiped all the equipment in the children's playground. all of us worked hard.

  before noon we finished working. each of us felt a little bit tired, but we were happy because we had done a good deed.




  last saturday--april 28th, my classmates and i went to the park near my school. can you guess what we did there?not for amusement but to take part in a volunteer labour.

  we reached the park at nine o'clock. the whole class was divided into three groups. i was in group three.

  each group had different tasks. group one planted trees and watered flowers. group two was told to pick up litter left by the tourists and cleaned all the benches. the group that i was in wiped all the equipment in the children's playground. all of us worked hard.

  before noon we finished working. each of us felt a little bit tired, but we were happy because we had done a good deed.


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