complacency n. 满足;自满;自鸣得意
unleashed a torrent of online criticism
official bowing in apology
placate vt. 抚慰;怀柔;使和解placate critics
a high-speed rail fanatic
amplifier n. 放大器,扩大器;扩音器 a powerful amplifier of public skepticism
political shockwaves of this incident
reverberate vt. 使回响;使反射;使弹回
silence the debate
more widely applauded更加广受称赞
women in the executive suite 女性在经理层
stipulate vi. 规定;保证 legislation stipulating立法规定
美国证监会the Securities and Exchange Commission
entrench vt. 用壕沟围住;挖掘;确立,牢固overcome entrenched discrimination
an underfished pool of talent 潜力巨大的人才库
fatter operating profits更高的
prove what was causing what证明孰因孰果
reached that target by window-dressing弄虚作假达成目标
fiendish adj. 恶魔似的,残忍的;极坏的the question is fiendishly complex
blue-chip companies 一流公司
pay rise 提薪
the higher you gaze up the corporate ladder
eclipse vt. 形成蚀;使黯然失色firms eclipsed by those that…
relationship capital关系资本
shoulder most of the burden
chores n. 杂务;零工;困难的工作domestic chores家务
juggle vi.玩杂耍;欺骗;歪曲 juggle kids and a career 在孩子和事业之中找到平衡 gravitate vi.受引力作用;被吸引gravitate towards
take a career break
crèche n. (法)育婴所;托儿所 小孩子:the little monsters
stark adj. 完全的;荒凉的;刻板的;光秃秃的;朴实的contrasts starkly with
boot vt. 使穿靴;引导;踢;解雇boot them out把孩子赶了出去
coercion n. 强迫;强制;高压政治;威压
prognosis n. 预后;预知
debt-ridden economy 债台高筑
dysfunctional adj.不正常的,不良的,不和睦的
a mixed blessing好坏参半
creditworthiness n. 好信誉;有资格接受信用贷款
watered down at the last minute 在最后关头被弱化
phase-out n. 逐步淘汰;分阶段撤销
slid into deficit不知不觉陷入
projected economic growth 预期的经济增长
repatriate v. 遣返 n. 被遣返回国者
a whopping 10.5% of GDP高达GDP 的10.5%
JGB 日本国债(Japan Government Bonds)
dual-class share structures双重股权结构
non-voting shares 无投票权股票
shield from 防止
covering the years from 1994 to 2002 从1994年到2002年
IPOs 首次募股initial public offerings
brimming with 充满
the dotcom bubble burst互联网泡沫破灭
feeling second-class 觉得低人一等
jetting off on holiday 乘机度假
anthropocene 人类纪
earthly powers俗世之力
sheer adj. 绝对的;透明的;峻峭的sheer numbers数量众多
outstrip vt. 超过;胜过;比…跑得快
standpoint n. 立场;观点
the book is an absorbing read 引人入胜
ally n. 同盟国;同盟者;助手;伙伴an ally scarcely to be questioned
greens n.环保人士
a wholesale recasting of society and the economy对整个社会和经济进行重塑
breach vt. 违反,破坏;打破
an unheard-of view这一观点并不新鲜
not yet common currency 没到被大众所接受的地步
bring sth to the table 摆到了台面上来
overstate 言过其实underplay 轻描淡写
boils down to 归根结底
mortals n.凡人influencers n.有影响力的人群
shepherd n.羊倌 herdsman n.牛馆iReporters
spoonfeed vt. 填鸭式灌输
be spoon-fed the leftovers of Western culture享用西方文化的残羹冷炙
residence licences or hukouben 居住证和户口本
pick up a brush 动一笔一毫
His message quickly rippled across Twitter. 一石激起千层浪
anchor n. 锚;靠山;新闻节目主播;抛锚停泊the show’s anchor 节目的领军人物 dismissive adj. 表示轻视的;解雇的
social media have changed their tune
confiscate vt. 没收;充公;查抄
airing of these videos 播出这些视频
video footage 视频片段slideshow 幻灯片
gauge n. 计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格vt. 估计;测量;给…定规格gauge the public mood curation n.维护 curate vt.维护,评议
proxy n. 代理人;代用品;委托书Friends are a good proxy for one’s tastes.
watercooler n.饮水机
fragmented media landscape 分散的媒体平台
algorithms n.算法
a hybrid approach混合方法
It’s eating their lunch. 这是在分一杯羹
mutualisation n. 相互化
crowdsourcing n. 众包
unscathed adj.未受伤的came through the crisis largely unscathed
totter vi. 蹒跚;踉跄snap up tottering rivals抢购风雨飘摇中的对手
emblematic adj. 象征的;可当标志的
the envy of all 为众人艳羡
well-oiled PR machine 动力十足的公关机器
some big crisis-era headaches 危机时期的几个大难题
in run-off 正在流失
mortgage write-offs 抵押贷款坏账冲销
legal costs 法务成本
formidable adj. 可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的;强大的
yawning gaps 巨大的鸿沟、差距
boost its presence in emerging markets扩大新兴国家市场份额
hefty costs and sagging markets 高昂的成本和市场的疲软萧条
hefty adj. 肌肉发达的;重的;异常大的
home-grown a.本土的
hidebound a. adj. 死板的;保守的;顽固的;墨守成规的
discrepancy n. 不符;相差;矛盾
the Middle Kingdom 中国
defeatist talk of this kind 失败主义的言论
of a piece 同一种模式
endemic adj.(疾病、情况)地方性的;(在某地或某些人中)特有的、流行的 creaking and overwhelmed judicial system 软弱不堪且疲于应付的司法系统
caste system 种姓等级制度
India remains streets ahead of China in… 在…领域要远远超过中国
control-freakery 极端控制
resilient adj. 有弹性的, 能复原的,有复原力的,适应性强的,包容的
dismantle vt. 拆除;解散;取消;除掉…的覆盖物
behemoth n.庞然大物
dismantling this bureaucratic behemoth 废除官僚主义这个巨大障碍
people who are hardly in their first flush of enthusiastic youth 几乎都不再血气方刚 state of near-war 备战状态
make a genuine effort to 做出真诚的努力
people flocked to 涌向
defame v. 诽谤;中伤 n. defamation
warmonger n. 好战者;战争贩子;主战论者
parodic performance 插科打诨
eavesdropping vi. 偷听,窃听
big audiences 座无虚席
machinegun massacre 枪击屠杀
provision n.
accomplice n. 同谋者,共犯 with accomplices 有同谋
fuelled Mr Breivik’s mass slaughter 刺激布列维克发动大屠杀
hue n. 色彩;色度
politicians of every hue每个党派的政治家们
vigilance n. 警戒,警觉;警醒症
stepped-up their vigilance at the borders边境警卫力量
spree n. 无节制的狂热行为;狂欢;欢闹 killing spree 大开杀戒
beef vt. 养;加强
beefed-up burgernomics调整后的汉堡经济学
Some find burgernomics hard to swallow 很难让人信服
Balassa-Samuelson effect巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应
boxing cleverer更聪明的出击
cannabis n. 印度大麻
hemp n. 大麻;麻类植物;大麻烟卷
ecstasy n. 摇头丸
crystal meth n.冰毒
staging a comeback 卷土重来
incarceration n.监禁,禁闭
sift through 筛选;过滤;详查
debunk vt. 揭穿;拆穿…的假面具;暴露 debunk myths
nuance n. 细微差别 his views are nuanced 有些细微的变化
trouble-free decision 无后顾之忧
Troika 三人小组,三头政治,三驾马车
has added to BP’s woes 让BP 的处境雪上加霜
a corporate divorce 企业分立
conglomerate discounts企业折让
face-recognition technology 面部识别技术
ill met by moonlight月光下,遇到了错的人
domesticity n. 居家生活
the couple parted 这对夫妇劳燕分飞
in the doldrums 停滞,无进展 economic doldrums经济停滞
first- and upper-second-class degrees 优等生以及中上等生
tough schools 充满问题学生的学校
cohort n. 有共同特点(通常指年龄)的一群人
the pool of potential teachers
entrant n. 进入者;新会员;参加竞赛者;新工作者
walk away from the whiteboard (教师)离职
a media baron 媒体大亨
lose money like a man with a vacuum cleaner in his wallet 钱立即减少殆尽
humbled Britain’s print unions 打击英国出版业工会的嚣张气焰
stakes (n. 利益;赌注;风险) are high风险很大
drastic adj. 激烈的;猛烈的
part-funded several influential French news websites
the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) 美国经济分析局
rose by an annualised 1.3%年度增长率为1.3%
dangers still lurk under the surface危机四伏
halo n. 光环;荣光 halo of success 胜利光环
publicly accountable 对公众负责
making a stab at 尝试
overhaul vt. 分解检查,大修 n. 彻底检修,详细检查
with sharper teeth 更加利口巧辞的
running to stand still停滞不前
populist n. 平民主义者;平民论者;民粹派;民粹主义者
back vt. 支持;后退;下赌注;背书
work doubly hard to 加倍努力
connubial bliss夫妻美满生活;幸福婚姻
ail vt. 使苦恼,使烦恼 vi. 生病
ailment n. 小病;不安
has scored a decisive victory 取得决定性胜利
await a more sympathetic Congress 等着“通情达理”的国会予以通过
still “evolving” 还未一锤子钉死
spousal rights 结婚的权利
crusaders against gay marriage抵制同性婚姻的斗士
caused both indignation and merriment 既愤慨又欢迎
bigot n. 偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者
chameleon n. 变色龙;善变的人
hard-headed but not hard-hearted 冷静但不冷酷
painted a vision of 把…远景描绘成
“aid skeptics” back home国内“外援怀疑论者”
astray adj. 离开正道的;不对头的;迷路的 money going astray款项花得不明不白 “NOBODY can be messing with our embassy.”
overarching a.首要的,支配一切的,关乎大局的
adjacent adj. 邻近的,毗连的
bigwigs n.政要
malicious adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;蓄意的;怀恨的
有不良意图的观光客malicious sightseers
terrorist scares 恐怖威胁
revere vt. 尊敬;崇敬;敬畏
the policy has shrunk the number of births 该政策使得少生人口
This language is vintage Merkel. 这种语言是典型的默克尔风格
unbridled a.不受控制的,放任的,无限的
Eurosceptic 欧元怀疑
anti-Indian suspicion 反印度怀疑
falter v. vi. 蹒跚地走;支吾 vt. 支吾地说;结巴地讲出
still languishing behind 仍然远远落后于
shun vt. 避开,避免;回避
European holidaymakers shunned unsettled north African countries.
insulate vt. 隔离,使孤立;[物]使绝缘,使隔热
gobble vi. 贪食;咯咯叫
安装需要存取预付费的电表installing money-gobbling pre-paid meters
dub vt.配音;授予称号;轻点;打击
The two camps were dubbed the Malthusians and the Cornucopians.
copper, chromium, nickel, tin and tungsten
go “double or quits” 赢双倍还是输精光
restive adj. 倔强的;难驾御的;不安宁的
bumped up their wages 提高了员工工资
highly image-conscious customers 客户们对形象保持着良好的认知
might spell an end to the cheap “China price” 会为便宜的“中国价格”画上句号
nudge vt. 用肘轻推;推进;向…不停地唠叨
nudge their staff to keep fit 敦促员工保持健康
not merely chubby but clinically obese 不再是简单的肥胖,达到疾病性肥胖
pushy adj. 有进取心的;爱出风头的;有冲劲的;固执己见的
big brother telling people what to do独裁者对你指手画脚
jumping on the wellness bandwagon 加入到员工健康的大军中来
use sticks as well as carrots 恩威并施
There is cash in Chinese comic-book conventions中国的漫画书展有利可图
sexist adj/n. 性别主义者(的) ;性别歧视者(的)
shoddy adj. 劣质的;假冒的;卑劣的 n. 赝品;冒牌货;假装粗俗
shoddy building 豆腐渣工程
create an Indian security corridor 创造一个印度安全走廊
Seven Sisters:七姊妹,指七大石油公司巨头
shielded by 受到保护
curb vt/n. 勒住;控制 curbs on imports限制進口
lousy adj. 多虱的;污秽的;讨厌的;极坏的a lousy debt deal债务协议一塌糊涂 low adj. 低的,浅的;粗俗的;卑贱的;消沉的
fiscal brinkmanship 财政边缘政策
raise the federal debt ceiling 提高联邦债务上限
tumble vi. 倒塌;滚动;摔倒;打滚;仓惶地行动
Stockmarkets have tumbled. 股市纷纷下挫
a weaker-than-assumed recovery
ground to a halt 停滞不前
stall vt. 使停转;使陷于泥中;拖延 n. 货摊;畜栏;托辞
so starkly polarised and so willing to gamble with the economy
fin n. 鳍;鱼翅;鳍状物
The fin rising to the surface. 恶兆浮出水面
annualised growth 年增长
disconcert vt. 使仓皇失措;使困惑;破坏
disconcerting 令人不安
wreak vt.造成、引起(灾祸)wreak havoc造成巨大破坏;wreaking damage elsewhere 在盲人的国度,独眼的美联储就是国王
In the land of the blind the one-eyed Fed is king.
be censored, silenced or deprived of the vote
叫卖同样的空话 selling the same horses again
“格杀勿论”的政策 shoot-to-kill policy
underscore vt. 强调;划线于…下
“smile diplomacy” “微笑外交”
uneasy companions方枘圆凿 格格不入
The well of mistrust on both sides runs deep.
won hands down 轻而易举获胜
the extreme wing of political Islam 极端派别
the Islamists cover a wide spectrum 伊斯兰主义者涉及广泛
the Horn of Africa非洲之角
sanguine adj. 乐观的;满怀希望的
heyday n. 全盛期
“son preference” “重男轻女”的传统
Cat got your tongue? 你哑了吗?
fetus ['fi:təs] n. 胎儿,胎
ran one headline上了报纸的头条
Apple and Samsung's symbiotic relationship
Global business sentiment has turned bearish.
outnumber vt. 数目超过;比…多
“THE East is Red”, went the old Maoist anthem.
watch us, and watch out看我们的,你们要注意了
seasonal dark streaks on Martian 季節性暗色條紋
trickles on Mars火星上的涓涓细流
publicity stunt 做秀
lousy 极坏的
wizardry 〈褒〉杰出才能
Ramadan n. 斋月(伊斯兰教历的九月)
channel-flipping 换频道
70-odd xxx 70多个xxx
taking a back seat to 居于…之后,退居二线
lopsided adj. 不平衡的,倾向一方的,片面的
manoeuvre vt. 耍花招;诱使;操纵 n. 策略(等于maneuvre )
a “triple-A country” 3A 国家
thugs n. 暴徒
promised a robust response承诺强硬回应
single death toll 单次死亡人数
the government-in-exile of Tibet “西藏流亡政府”
Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石
unseemly adj. 不适宜的;不得体的
blocking genuinely malicious sites 阻止那些真正的不良网站
grouch vi. 发牢骚;闹脾气;抱怨 grouch about 颇有微词
the years of plenty 迅猛增长的年月
the leap from Indian champion to global blue-chip 从印度实业巨头向世界级大公司的转型 lionize vt.使成名,称雄 while lionised at home在国内称雄
mediocre adj. 平凡的;中等的;普通的
收益不是平平就是惨淡returns ranging from mediocre to dismal
rummaging through the toolkit (工具包,工具箱) 病急乱投医
quantitative unease量化并不宽松
China's north-eastern “rustbelt” 中国东北“生锈”地带
the private sector, China's growth engine 中国的增长引擎-私营企业
breakneck (高速而危险的) expansion 疯狂扩张 cut-throat competition 竞争激烈的 a world away from the chaos of nearby Shenzhen city远离深圳的喧嚣
the theft of intellectual property 侵犯知识产权
fallout n.不良影响 family fallout 家庭风波
hooks the reader with 抓住读者的心
words unsaid; stolen glances; simmering anger 未言的话语、偷偷的一瞥、压抑的怒火 taps into the universal theme 探索
rocky family relationships, navigating the waves of joy and despair
merry-go-round n.旋转木马;一连串活动、事件
the managerial merry-go-round铁打的营盘流水的兵
“capitalist roaders” “走资派”
structured-mortgage time-bombs 堪称定时炸弹的结构化按揭产品
peripheral adj. 外围的;次要的
policing the mobs平息暴乱
armoured police 开着装甲车的警察
water cannon 高压水枪
live ammunition 荷枪实弹
to “buy distance” or hold ground 让暴动者稍微退后或者让警方守住阵地
dodge vi. vt. 躲避,避开n. 躲闪;托词
football hooliganism 足球流氓行为
“flash mobs” 快闪”暴众
channel them away将其疏散
groupthink n. 集体盲目看法
be stamped out 平息、消灭、摧毁
a two-horse race两个人的战争
the gut-wrenching 5.5% fall in the Dow
a 34.1% dive in 1987 1987年剧降34.1%
accord and dissent和谐与异见
to be besieged by suitors
besiege vt. 包围;围困;烦扰
tying the knot 结婚
Gallup poll盖洛普调查
women are on “marriage strike”
outside wedlock 婚姻之外
cohorts of 大军 a cohort of
cohort n. 一群;支持者;同生群
marrying up高攀上嫁
city folk 市民
fretful adj. 烦燥焦躁的;满腹怨言、满腹牢骚的
the hukou household-registration system 户口制度
contraception n.避孕
conception n.怀孕
剩女 left-over women 光棍bare branches
to cause unheard-of strains 前所未有的紧张局面
triumphalism 幸灾乐祸
cut “entitlements” 削减各类福利津贴
disarray n. 无秩序;杂乱
has been eclipsed by Asian producers
persistent vegetative state永久性植物人状态
白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulb
发光二极管 light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
light socket 灯座
old fixtures 老旧设施
Built to Last基业长青 Good to Great从优秀到卓越
become the Harry Potters of management literature
excels at 善于
once-in-a-lifetime opportunities 千载难逢的机会
shake-up 内部改革,重新洗牌
his “towering achievement”
grasping hands and bleeding hearts 攫取的双手,过软的心肠
in her prime全盛期
hawks and doves 主战派和主和派
“Stay hungry. Stay foolish” “求知若饥,虚心若愚”
money-making machine ticking over smoothly
Its secret sauce lies in 秘诀在于
interim adj. 临时的,暂时的;中间的;间歇的
The daughter also rises巾帼不让须眉
Business schools are feminising fast. 商学院也将出现阴盛阳衰的局面
deals are sealed with booze and male bonding
tiger businesswomen 精干的女强人
steeped in vt. 浸;泡;使…充满grew up steeped in capitalism
seasoned adj. 经验丰富的;老练的;调过味的
assertive adj. 肯定的;独断的;坚定而自信的
namby-pamby adj.矫情的
villa envy别墅嫉妒症
underground moneylenders 放高利贷者
be smuggled abroad 偷渡到国外
demanding creditors 不断逼债的债主
exodus n. 《出埃及记》;大批人的退出、离开
piloting schemes 试行政策
“buffer theory” 缓冲理论
thwart vt. 横过;反对;阻碍;挫败 thwart terrorist attacks阻止恐怖袭击 chest pains不得不治的小病
obsolete adj. 老式的;废弃的avoid becoming obsolete 不被淘汰 escape from frying pans into fires
=escape from tigers only to be eaten by crocodiles
lament vt. 哀悼;痛惜n. 挽歌;恸哭;悲痛之情
wreck vt. 破坏;使失事;拆毁wreck lives 摧毁生命
gilts as a safe haven for investors 金边债券,投资者的安全港
the first port of call首选安全港
chancellor of the exchequer 财政大臣
shrink the deficit towards the rich-world norm削减赤字以达到富国标准
neonatal deaths新生儿死亡
neonatal mortality rates新生儿死亡率
refuses to kowtow to the original author拒绝向原作者卑躬屈膝
peppered with 布满了、充满了
days when warfare, chivalry and honour were prized above all else
countercyclical policy 反周期政策
the federal funds rate target 联邦基金率指标
at record lows 历史新低
leaving …in its wake 留下…
the New York Times' in-house statistician 纽约时报内部统计员
bourgeois and proud布尔乔亚和荣耀
disillusioned electorate 失望的选民
comparing his bulging looks to those of the bottom-dwelling loach
swamp n. 沼泽;湿地
mire n. 泥潭;泥沼vt. 使陷于泥坑;使陷入困境
the swamp in which Japan is mired
threw Japan’s energy policy into disarray 使得日本能源政策陷入混乱局面
edifice n. 大厦;大建筑物
smother the countryside in concrete 乡村城镇化
impediment n. 妨碍;阻止;口吃
grope vi. 摸索;探索
peaceable adj.平静的;温顺的
Jackson Hole 央行年会
incremental adj. 增加的,增值的
cushion vt.缓和…的冲击
leaving room to cushion the economy为经济软着陆提供缓冲空间
the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) 欧洲金融稳定基金
revamp vt. 修补;修改;翻新revamped rescue fund 翻新的营救基金
buoyant adj. 有浮力的;轻快的;上涨的
malaise n. 不舒服;心神不安,诟病
micro-blogging services such as Sina Weibo
state auditors 国家审计人员
embezzle vt. 盗用;挪用;贪污
in full swing 活跃;正在全力进行中
misconduct n. 不端行为;处理不当
bourgeois boom 中产阶级急速增长
ConocoPhillips 康菲公司(石油泄漏的那家)
outsmart their Chinese counterparts in under-the-table deals
Yet gaizhi is not simply a euphemism for “privatisation”; it has also created a variety of public-private hybrids.
bamboo capitalism中国式资本主义
growing at a dizzying pace继续增长
capitalism confined圈养的资本主义
beware the middle-income trap小心中等收入陷阱
on a purchasing-power-parity basis按购买力平价换算
white-elephant projects华而不实的工程
bingeing on investment投资大肆挥霍
a choice of medicines对症下药
complacency n. 满足;自满;自鸣得意
unleashed a torrent of online criticism
official bowing in apology
placate vt. 抚慰;怀柔;使和解placate critics
a high-speed rail fanatic
amplifier n. 放大器,扩大器;扩音器 a powerful amplifier of public skepticism
political shockwaves of this incident
reverberate vt. 使回响;使反射;使弹回
silence the debate
more widely applauded更加广受称赞
women in the executive suite 女性在经理层
stipulate vi. 规定;保证 legislation stipulating立法规定
美国证监会the Securities and Exchange Commission
entrench vt. 用壕沟围住;挖掘;确立,牢固overcome entrenched discrimination
an underfished pool of talent 潜力巨大的人才库
fatter operating profits更高的
prove what was causing what证明孰因孰果
reached that target by window-dressing弄虚作假达成目标
fiendish adj. 恶魔似的,残忍的;极坏的the question is fiendishly complex
blue-chip companies 一流公司
pay rise 提薪
the higher you gaze up the corporate ladder
eclipse vt. 形成蚀;使黯然失色firms eclipsed by those that…
relationship capital关系资本
shoulder most of the burden
chores n. 杂务;零工;困难的工作domestic chores家务
juggle vi.玩杂耍;欺骗;歪曲 juggle kids and a career 在孩子和事业之中找到平衡 gravitate vi.受引力作用;被吸引gravitate towards
take a career break
crèche n. (法)育婴所;托儿所 小孩子:the little monsters
stark adj. 完全的;荒凉的;刻板的;光秃秃的;朴实的contrasts starkly with
boot vt. 使穿靴;引导;踢;解雇boot them out把孩子赶了出去
coercion n. 强迫;强制;高压政治;威压
prognosis n. 预后;预知
debt-ridden economy 债台高筑
dysfunctional adj.不正常的,不良的,不和睦的
a mixed blessing好坏参半
creditworthiness n. 好信誉;有资格接受信用贷款
watered down at the last minute 在最后关头被弱化
phase-out n. 逐步淘汰;分阶段撤销
slid into deficit不知不觉陷入
projected economic growth 预期的经济增长
repatriate v. 遣返 n. 被遣返回国者
a whopping 10.5% of GDP高达GDP 的10.5%
JGB 日本国债(Japan Government Bonds)
dual-class share structures双重股权结构
non-voting shares 无投票权股票
shield from 防止
covering the years from 1994 to 2002 从1994年到2002年
IPOs 首次募股initial public offerings
brimming with 充满
the dotcom bubble burst互联网泡沫破灭
feeling second-class 觉得低人一等
jetting off on holiday 乘机度假
anthropocene 人类纪
earthly powers俗世之力
sheer adj. 绝对的;透明的;峻峭的sheer numbers数量众多
outstrip vt. 超过;胜过;比…跑得快
standpoint n. 立场;观点
the book is an absorbing read 引人入胜
ally n. 同盟国;同盟者;助手;伙伴an ally scarcely to be questioned
greens n.环保人士
a wholesale recasting of society and the economy对整个社会和经济进行重塑
breach vt. 违反,破坏;打破
an unheard-of view这一观点并不新鲜
not yet common currency 没到被大众所接受的地步
bring sth to the table 摆到了台面上来
overstate 言过其实underplay 轻描淡写
boils down to 归根结底
mortals n.凡人influencers n.有影响力的人群
shepherd n.羊倌 herdsman n.牛馆iReporters
spoonfeed vt. 填鸭式灌输
be spoon-fed the leftovers of Western culture享用西方文化的残羹冷炙
residence licences or hukouben 居住证和户口本
pick up a brush 动一笔一毫
His message quickly rippled across Twitter. 一石激起千层浪
anchor n. 锚;靠山;新闻节目主播;抛锚停泊the show’s anchor 节目的领军人物 dismissive adj. 表示轻视的;解雇的
social media have changed their tune
confiscate vt. 没收;充公;查抄
airing of these videos 播出这些视频
video footage 视频片段slideshow 幻灯片
gauge n. 计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格vt. 估计;测量;给…定规格gauge the public mood curation n.维护 curate vt.维护,评议
proxy n. 代理人;代用品;委托书Friends are a good proxy for one’s tastes.
watercooler n.饮水机
fragmented media landscape 分散的媒体平台
algorithms n.算法
a hybrid approach混合方法
It’s eating their lunch. 这是在分一杯羹
mutualisation n. 相互化
crowdsourcing n. 众包
unscathed adj.未受伤的came through the crisis largely unscathed
totter vi. 蹒跚;踉跄snap up tottering rivals抢购风雨飘摇中的对手
emblematic adj. 象征的;可当标志的
the envy of all 为众人艳羡
well-oiled PR machine 动力十足的公关机器
some big crisis-era headaches 危机时期的几个大难题
in run-off 正在流失
mortgage write-offs 抵押贷款坏账冲销
legal costs 法务成本
formidable adj. 可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的;强大的
yawning gaps 巨大的鸿沟、差距
boost its presence in emerging markets扩大新兴国家市场份额
hefty costs and sagging markets 高昂的成本和市场的疲软萧条
hefty adj. 肌肉发达的;重的;异常大的
home-grown a.本土的
hidebound a. adj. 死板的;保守的;顽固的;墨守成规的
discrepancy n. 不符;相差;矛盾
the Middle Kingdom 中国
defeatist talk of this kind 失败主义的言论
of a piece 同一种模式
endemic adj.(疾病、情况)地方性的;(在某地或某些人中)特有的、流行的 creaking and overwhelmed judicial system 软弱不堪且疲于应付的司法系统
caste system 种姓等级制度
India remains streets ahead of China in… 在…领域要远远超过中国
control-freakery 极端控制
resilient adj. 有弹性的, 能复原的,有复原力的,适应性强的,包容的
dismantle vt. 拆除;解散;取消;除掉…的覆盖物
behemoth n.庞然大物
dismantling this bureaucratic behemoth 废除官僚主义这个巨大障碍
people who are hardly in their first flush of enthusiastic youth 几乎都不再血气方刚 state of near-war 备战状态
make a genuine effort to 做出真诚的努力
people flocked to 涌向
defame v. 诽谤;中伤 n. defamation
warmonger n. 好战者;战争贩子;主战论者
parodic performance 插科打诨
eavesdropping vi. 偷听,窃听
big audiences 座无虚席
machinegun massacre 枪击屠杀
provision n.
accomplice n. 同谋者,共犯 with accomplices 有同谋
fuelled Mr Breivik’s mass slaughter 刺激布列维克发动大屠杀
hue n. 色彩;色度
politicians of every hue每个党派的政治家们
vigilance n. 警戒,警觉;警醒症
stepped-up their vigilance at the borders边境警卫力量
spree n. 无节制的狂热行为;狂欢;欢闹 killing spree 大开杀戒
beef vt. 养;加强
beefed-up burgernomics调整后的汉堡经济学
Some find burgernomics hard to swallow 很难让人信服
Balassa-Samuelson effect巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应
boxing cleverer更聪明的出击
cannabis n. 印度大麻
hemp n. 大麻;麻类植物;大麻烟卷
ecstasy n. 摇头丸
crystal meth n.冰毒
staging a comeback 卷土重来
incarceration n.监禁,禁闭
sift through 筛选;过滤;详查
debunk vt. 揭穿;拆穿…的假面具;暴露 debunk myths
nuance n. 细微差别 his views are nuanced 有些细微的变化
trouble-free decision 无后顾之忧
Troika 三人小组,三头政治,三驾马车
has added to BP’s woes 让BP 的处境雪上加霜
a corporate divorce 企业分立
conglomerate discounts企业折让
face-recognition technology 面部识别技术
ill met by moonlight月光下,遇到了错的人
domesticity n. 居家生活
the couple parted 这对夫妇劳燕分飞
in the doldrums 停滞,无进展 economic doldrums经济停滞
first- and upper-second-class degrees 优等生以及中上等生
tough schools 充满问题学生的学校
cohort n. 有共同特点(通常指年龄)的一群人
the pool of potential teachers
entrant n. 进入者;新会员;参加竞赛者;新工作者
walk away from the whiteboard (教师)离职
a media baron 媒体大亨
lose money like a man with a vacuum cleaner in his wallet 钱立即减少殆尽
humbled Britain’s print unions 打击英国出版业工会的嚣张气焰
stakes (n. 利益;赌注;风险) are high风险很大
drastic adj. 激烈的;猛烈的
part-funded several influential French news websites
the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) 美国经济分析局
rose by an annualised 1.3%年度增长率为1.3%
dangers still lurk under the surface危机四伏
halo n. 光环;荣光 halo of success 胜利光环
publicly accountable 对公众负责
making a stab at 尝试
overhaul vt. 分解检查,大修 n. 彻底检修,详细检查
with sharper teeth 更加利口巧辞的
running to stand still停滞不前
populist n. 平民主义者;平民论者;民粹派;民粹主义者
back vt. 支持;后退;下赌注;背书
work doubly hard to 加倍努力
connubial bliss夫妻美满生活;幸福婚姻
ail vt. 使苦恼,使烦恼 vi. 生病
ailment n. 小病;不安
has scored a decisive victory 取得决定性胜利
await a more sympathetic Congress 等着“通情达理”的国会予以通过
still “evolving” 还未一锤子钉死
spousal rights 结婚的权利
crusaders against gay marriage抵制同性婚姻的斗士
caused both indignation and merriment 既愤慨又欢迎
bigot n. 偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者
chameleon n. 变色龙;善变的人
hard-headed but not hard-hearted 冷静但不冷酷
painted a vision of 把…远景描绘成
“aid skeptics” back home国内“外援怀疑论者”
astray adj. 离开正道的;不对头的;迷路的 money going astray款项花得不明不白 “NOBODY can be messing with our embassy.”
overarching a.首要的,支配一切的,关乎大局的
adjacent adj. 邻近的,毗连的
bigwigs n.政要
malicious adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;蓄意的;怀恨的
有不良意图的观光客malicious sightseers
terrorist scares 恐怖威胁
revere vt. 尊敬;崇敬;敬畏
the policy has shrunk the number of births 该政策使得少生人口
This language is vintage Merkel. 这种语言是典型的默克尔风格
unbridled a.不受控制的,放任的,无限的
Eurosceptic 欧元怀疑
anti-Indian suspicion 反印度怀疑
falter v. vi. 蹒跚地走;支吾 vt. 支吾地说;结巴地讲出
still languishing behind 仍然远远落后于
shun vt. 避开,避免;回避
European holidaymakers shunned unsettled north African countries.
insulate vt. 隔离,使孤立;[物]使绝缘,使隔热
gobble vi. 贪食;咯咯叫
安装需要存取预付费的电表installing money-gobbling pre-paid meters
dub vt.配音;授予称号;轻点;打击
The two camps were dubbed the Malthusians and the Cornucopians.
copper, chromium, nickel, tin and tungsten
go “double or quits” 赢双倍还是输精光
restive adj. 倔强的;难驾御的;不安宁的
bumped up their wages 提高了员工工资
highly image-conscious customers 客户们对形象保持着良好的认知
might spell an end to the cheap “China price” 会为便宜的“中国价格”画上句号
nudge vt. 用肘轻推;推进;向…不停地唠叨
nudge their staff to keep fit 敦促员工保持健康
not merely chubby but clinically obese 不再是简单的肥胖,达到疾病性肥胖
pushy adj. 有进取心的;爱出风头的;有冲劲的;固执己见的
big brother telling people what to do独裁者对你指手画脚
jumping on the wellness bandwagon 加入到员工健康的大军中来
use sticks as well as carrots 恩威并施
There is cash in Chinese comic-book conventions中国的漫画书展有利可图
sexist adj/n. 性别主义者(的) ;性别歧视者(的)
shoddy adj. 劣质的;假冒的;卑劣的 n. 赝品;冒牌货;假装粗俗
shoddy building 豆腐渣工程
create an Indian security corridor 创造一个印度安全走廊
Seven Sisters:七姊妹,指七大石油公司巨头
shielded by 受到保护
curb vt/n. 勒住;控制 curbs on imports限制進口
lousy adj. 多虱的;污秽的;讨厌的;极坏的a lousy debt deal债务协议一塌糊涂 low adj. 低的,浅的;粗俗的;卑贱的;消沉的
fiscal brinkmanship 财政边缘政策
raise the federal debt ceiling 提高联邦债务上限
tumble vi. 倒塌;滚动;摔倒;打滚;仓惶地行动
Stockmarkets have tumbled. 股市纷纷下挫
a weaker-than-assumed recovery
ground to a halt 停滞不前
stall vt. 使停转;使陷于泥中;拖延 n. 货摊;畜栏;托辞
so starkly polarised and so willing to gamble with the economy
fin n. 鳍;鱼翅;鳍状物
The fin rising to the surface. 恶兆浮出水面
annualised growth 年增长
disconcert vt. 使仓皇失措;使困惑;破坏
disconcerting 令人不安
wreak vt.造成、引起(灾祸)wreak havoc造成巨大破坏;wreaking damage elsewhere 在盲人的国度,独眼的美联储就是国王
In the land of the blind the one-eyed Fed is king.
be censored, silenced or deprived of the vote
叫卖同样的空话 selling the same horses again
“格杀勿论”的政策 shoot-to-kill policy
underscore vt. 强调;划线于…下
“smile diplomacy” “微笑外交”
uneasy companions方枘圆凿 格格不入
The well of mistrust on both sides runs deep.
won hands down 轻而易举获胜
the extreme wing of political Islam 极端派别
the Islamists cover a wide spectrum 伊斯兰主义者涉及广泛
the Horn of Africa非洲之角
sanguine adj. 乐观的;满怀希望的
heyday n. 全盛期
“son preference” “重男轻女”的传统
Cat got your tongue? 你哑了吗?
fetus ['fi:təs] n. 胎儿,胎
ran one headline上了报纸的头条
Apple and Samsung's symbiotic relationship
Global business sentiment has turned bearish.
outnumber vt. 数目超过;比…多
“THE East is Red”, went the old Maoist anthem.
watch us, and watch out看我们的,你们要注意了
seasonal dark streaks on Martian 季節性暗色條紋
trickles on Mars火星上的涓涓细流
publicity stunt 做秀
lousy 极坏的
wizardry 〈褒〉杰出才能
Ramadan n. 斋月(伊斯兰教历的九月)
channel-flipping 换频道
70-odd xxx 70多个xxx
taking a back seat to 居于…之后,退居二线
lopsided adj. 不平衡的,倾向一方的,片面的
manoeuvre vt. 耍花招;诱使;操纵 n. 策略(等于maneuvre )
a “triple-A country” 3A 国家
thugs n. 暴徒
promised a robust response承诺强硬回应
single death toll 单次死亡人数
the government-in-exile of Tibet “西藏流亡政府”
Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石
unseemly adj. 不适宜的;不得体的
blocking genuinely malicious sites 阻止那些真正的不良网站
grouch vi. 发牢骚;闹脾气;抱怨 grouch about 颇有微词
the years of plenty 迅猛增长的年月
the leap from Indian champion to global blue-chip 从印度实业巨头向世界级大公司的转型 lionize vt.使成名,称雄 while lionised at home在国内称雄
mediocre adj. 平凡的;中等的;普通的
收益不是平平就是惨淡returns ranging from mediocre to dismal
rummaging through the toolkit (工具包,工具箱) 病急乱投医
quantitative unease量化并不宽松
China's north-eastern “rustbelt” 中国东北“生锈”地带
the private sector, China's growth engine 中国的增长引擎-私营企业
breakneck (高速而危险的) expansion 疯狂扩张 cut-throat competition 竞争激烈的 a world away from the chaos of nearby Shenzhen city远离深圳的喧嚣
the theft of intellectual property 侵犯知识产权
fallout n.不良影响 family fallout 家庭风波
hooks the reader with 抓住读者的心
words unsaid; stolen glances; simmering anger 未言的话语、偷偷的一瞥、压抑的怒火 taps into the universal theme 探索
rocky family relationships, navigating the waves of joy and despair
merry-go-round n.旋转木马;一连串活动、事件
the managerial merry-go-round铁打的营盘流水的兵
“capitalist roaders” “走资派”
structured-mortgage time-bombs 堪称定时炸弹的结构化按揭产品
peripheral adj. 外围的;次要的
policing the mobs平息暴乱
armoured police 开着装甲车的警察
water cannon 高压水枪
live ammunition 荷枪实弹
to “buy distance” or hold ground 让暴动者稍微退后或者让警方守住阵地
dodge vi. vt. 躲避,避开n. 躲闪;托词
football hooliganism 足球流氓行为
“flash mobs” 快闪”暴众
channel them away将其疏散
groupthink n. 集体盲目看法
be stamped out 平息、消灭、摧毁
a two-horse race两个人的战争
the gut-wrenching 5.5% fall in the Dow
a 34.1% dive in 1987 1987年剧降34.1%
accord and dissent和谐与异见
to be besieged by suitors
besiege vt. 包围;围困;烦扰
tying the knot 结婚
Gallup poll盖洛普调查
women are on “marriage strike”
outside wedlock 婚姻之外
cohorts of 大军 a cohort of
cohort n. 一群;支持者;同生群
marrying up高攀上嫁
city folk 市民
fretful adj. 烦燥焦躁的;满腹怨言、满腹牢骚的
the hukou household-registration system 户口制度
contraception n.避孕
conception n.怀孕
剩女 left-over women 光棍bare branches
to cause unheard-of strains 前所未有的紧张局面
triumphalism 幸灾乐祸
cut “entitlements” 削减各类福利津贴
disarray n. 无秩序;杂乱
has been eclipsed by Asian producers
persistent vegetative state永久性植物人状态
白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulb
发光二极管 light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
light socket 灯座
old fixtures 老旧设施
Built to Last基业长青 Good to Great从优秀到卓越
become the Harry Potters of management literature
excels at 善于
once-in-a-lifetime opportunities 千载难逢的机会
shake-up 内部改革,重新洗牌
his “towering achievement”
grasping hands and bleeding hearts 攫取的双手,过软的心肠
in her prime全盛期
hawks and doves 主战派和主和派
“Stay hungry. Stay foolish” “求知若饥,虚心若愚”
money-making machine ticking over smoothly
Its secret sauce lies in 秘诀在于
interim adj. 临时的,暂时的;中间的;间歇的
The daughter also rises巾帼不让须眉
Business schools are feminising fast. 商学院也将出现阴盛阳衰的局面
deals are sealed with booze and male bonding
tiger businesswomen 精干的女强人
steeped in vt. 浸;泡;使…充满grew up steeped in capitalism
seasoned adj. 经验丰富的;老练的;调过味的
assertive adj. 肯定的;独断的;坚定而自信的
namby-pamby adj.矫情的
villa envy别墅嫉妒症
underground moneylenders 放高利贷者
be smuggled abroad 偷渡到国外
demanding creditors 不断逼债的债主
exodus n. 《出埃及记》;大批人的退出、离开
piloting schemes 试行政策
“buffer theory” 缓冲理论
thwart vt. 横过;反对;阻碍;挫败 thwart terrorist attacks阻止恐怖袭击 chest pains不得不治的小病
obsolete adj. 老式的;废弃的avoid becoming obsolete 不被淘汰 escape from frying pans into fires
=escape from tigers only to be eaten by crocodiles
lament vt. 哀悼;痛惜n. 挽歌;恸哭;悲痛之情
wreck vt. 破坏;使失事;拆毁wreck lives 摧毁生命
gilts as a safe haven for investors 金边债券,投资者的安全港
the first port of call首选安全港
chancellor of the exchequer 财政大臣
shrink the deficit towards the rich-world norm削减赤字以达到富国标准
neonatal deaths新生儿死亡
neonatal mortality rates新生儿死亡率
refuses to kowtow to the original author拒绝向原作者卑躬屈膝
peppered with 布满了、充满了
days when warfare, chivalry and honour were prized above all else
countercyclical policy 反周期政策
the federal funds rate target 联邦基金率指标
at record lows 历史新低
leaving …in its wake 留下…
the New York Times' in-house statistician 纽约时报内部统计员
bourgeois and proud布尔乔亚和荣耀
disillusioned electorate 失望的选民
comparing his bulging looks to those of the bottom-dwelling loach
swamp n. 沼泽;湿地
mire n. 泥潭;泥沼vt. 使陷于泥坑;使陷入困境
the swamp in which Japan is mired
threw Japan’s energy policy into disarray 使得日本能源政策陷入混乱局面
edifice n. 大厦;大建筑物
smother the countryside in concrete 乡村城镇化
impediment n. 妨碍;阻止;口吃
grope vi. 摸索;探索
peaceable adj.平静的;温顺的
Jackson Hole 央行年会
incremental adj. 增加的,增值的
cushion vt.缓和…的冲击
leaving room to cushion the economy为经济软着陆提供缓冲空间
the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) 欧洲金融稳定基金
revamp vt. 修补;修改;翻新revamped rescue fund 翻新的营救基金
buoyant adj. 有浮力的;轻快的;上涨的
malaise n. 不舒服;心神不安,诟病
micro-blogging services such as Sina Weibo
state auditors 国家审计人员
embezzle vt. 盗用;挪用;贪污
in full swing 活跃;正在全力进行中
misconduct n. 不端行为;处理不当
bourgeois boom 中产阶级急速增长
ConocoPhillips 康菲公司(石油泄漏的那家)
outsmart their Chinese counterparts in under-the-table deals
Yet gaizhi is not simply a euphemism for “privatisation”; it has also created a variety of public-private hybrids.
bamboo capitalism中国式资本主义
growing at a dizzying pace继续增长
capitalism confined圈养的资本主义
beware the middle-income trap小心中等收入陷阱
on a purchasing-power-parity basis按购买力平价换算
white-elephant projects华而不实的工程
bingeing on investment投资大肆挥霍
a choice of medicines对症下药