
1、—This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

—Yes, I know him very well.He ______ in African with wild animals for eight years.

A .has worked B .had worked C .worked D .has been working 答案:C 解析:本句的意思是“这位归国的中国学者已经成为这个领域的顶级专家”,说


2、When we lived in the countryside, we would ______ their house and have a talk with them.

A .drop in at B .call on C .drop in on D .drop in

答案:A 解析:本题考查固定词组的用法。call on somebody表示“拜访某人”; call at a place

表示“到某处拜访”; drop in on somebody 表示“随便拜访某人”;drop in at a place表示“随便去某处”。本题的空后为地点,所以用A 。注意drop in中的in 为副词。

3、—I didn't go to see the doctor yesterday.

—But you________.

A .ought B .ought to have C .oughted to D .ought to

答案:B 。 解析:本题的关键是对时间的理解、把握。从句中可以看出来双方谈论的话题是过去的事, 故应用“ought to have +过去分词”结构, 在省略结构中, 须留下have 。错选D 者主要是没注意到句中的状语yesterday 。

4、—Do you feel like ________ there or shall we take a bus?

—I’d like to walk.But since there isn't much time left, I'd rather we________ a taxi.

A .walking; hire B .to walk; hire C .to walk; hired D .walking; hired

答案:D 。 解析:“would rather + 动词原形”是一个固定结构,但此句的后面不是不定

式,而是个从句。此题的考查点是would rather接从句, 从句中应用虚拟语气。

5、His failure in the exam suggested that he __________ the teacher’s instructions.

A .can’t have followed B .needn’t have followed

C .mustn’t have followed D .shouldn’t have followed

答案:A 。can 用于否定句和疑问句;肯定句中用may 。Mustn’t 表示禁止,can ’t 和couldn ’t 表示否定推测,不可能的意思。

6、The rain is plentiful in the southwest of the country, ________ yearly.

A .as much as seventy inches B .as seventy inches much as

C .seventy inches as much as D .as much seventy inches as

案:A 解析:此题中的as much as 表示程度,意思是“(雨量)多达 …”,后面接表示数


7、After _________ seemed half an hour the door opened and in came the man.

A .what B .that C .which D .it

答案:A 解析:此题考查what 引导一个名词性从句作介词after 的宾语,what 本身在从句中作主语,意思相当于a period of time which…。

8、The young man is such a person who __________ and never speaks to the people around him


A .holds up his head high

C .keeps his head B .holds back his own D .keeps his head above ground

答案:A 解析:hold up one’s head high表示“趾高气扬;傲慢”;hold back one’s own表示“守住阵地,没有失败”;keep one’s head表示“镇定,不慌不忙”;keep one’s head above ground意思是“活着”。

9、—Lucy doesn’t seem to be what she was.

—No. so much in the war has made her more thoughtful.

A .Seen B.Her seeing C .Having seen D .To have seen

答案:B 解析:本题易误选C 。her seeing在句子中作主语,her 为seeing 的逻辑主语。 Having seen so much in the war, she is more thoughtful now. 如此,She 就成为句子的主语。

10twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver

must obey in this city.

A .Examining B .Examined C .Being examined D .Having been examined

案:C 解析:本题考查动词-ing 形式的用法。句中whether it is a car…是一个让步状

语从句,is 为系词,故全句缺少主语。A 、B 、C 、D 中只有C 可作主语表被动。注意B 项不能作主语。

11、— My sons are not a little restless.

— Oh? Boys _______ be boys.

A .should B .can C .may D .will

答案:D 解析:此句中的will 表示“惯于,总是会,总归是”之意。

1、—This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

—Yes, I know him very well.He ______ in African with wild animals for eight years.

A .has worked B .had worked C .worked D .has been working 答案:C 解析:本句的意思是“这位归国的中国学者已经成为这个领域的顶级专家”,说


2、When we lived in the countryside, we would ______ their house and have a talk with them.

A .drop in at B .call on C .drop in on D .drop in

答案:A 解析:本题考查固定词组的用法。call on somebody表示“拜访某人”; call at a place

表示“到某处拜访”; drop in on somebody 表示“随便拜访某人”;drop in at a place表示“随便去某处”。本题的空后为地点,所以用A 。注意drop in中的in 为副词。

3、—I didn't go to see the doctor yesterday.

—But you________.

A .ought B .ought to have C .oughted to D .ought to

答案:B 。 解析:本题的关键是对时间的理解、把握。从句中可以看出来双方谈论的话题是过去的事, 故应用“ought to have +过去分词”结构, 在省略结构中, 须留下have 。错选D 者主要是没注意到句中的状语yesterday 。

4、—Do you feel like ________ there or shall we take a bus?

—I’d like to walk.But since there isn't much time left, I'd rather we________ a taxi.

A .walking; hire B .to walk; hire C .to walk; hired D .walking; hired

答案:D 。 解析:“would rather + 动词原形”是一个固定结构,但此句的后面不是不定

式,而是个从句。此题的考查点是would rather接从句, 从句中应用虚拟语气。

5、His failure in the exam suggested that he __________ the teacher’s instructions.

A .can’t have followed B .needn’t have followed

C .mustn’t have followed D .shouldn’t have followed

答案:A 。can 用于否定句和疑问句;肯定句中用may 。Mustn’t 表示禁止,can ’t 和couldn ’t 表示否定推测,不可能的意思。

6、The rain is plentiful in the southwest of the country, ________ yearly.

A .as much as seventy inches B .as seventy inches much as

C .seventy inches as much as D .as much seventy inches as

案:A 解析:此题中的as much as 表示程度,意思是“(雨量)多达 …”,后面接表示数


7、After _________ seemed half an hour the door opened and in came the man.

A .what B .that C .which D .it

答案:A 解析:此题考查what 引导一个名词性从句作介词after 的宾语,what 本身在从句中作主语,意思相当于a period of time which…。

8、The young man is such a person who __________ and never speaks to the people around him


A .holds up his head high

C .keeps his head B .holds back his own D .keeps his head above ground

答案:A 解析:hold up one’s head high表示“趾高气扬;傲慢”;hold back one’s own表示“守住阵地,没有失败”;keep one’s head表示“镇定,不慌不忙”;keep one’s head above ground意思是“活着”。

9、—Lucy doesn’t seem to be what she was.

—No. so much in the war has made her more thoughtful.

A .Seen B.Her seeing C .Having seen D .To have seen

答案:B 解析:本题易误选C 。her seeing在句子中作主语,her 为seeing 的逻辑主语。 Having seen so much in the war, she is more thoughtful now. 如此,She 就成为句子的主语。

10twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver

must obey in this city.

A .Examining B .Examined C .Being examined D .Having been examined

案:C 解析:本题考查动词-ing 形式的用法。句中whether it is a car…是一个让步状

语从句,is 为系词,故全句缺少主语。A 、B 、C 、D 中只有C 可作主语表被动。注意B 项不能作主语。

11、— My sons are not a little restless.

— Oh? Boys _______ be boys.

A .should B .can C .may D .will

答案:D 解析:此句中的will 表示“惯于,总是会,总归是”之意。


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