








  Mudu, a Town of Ancient Gardens

  By Ye Yanli

  Located on the Taihu Lake and west of Suzhou City, Mudu Town has been distinguished as Number One Town in southern Jiangsu Province for a long time. During the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, more than thirty private gardens in the town were built, modified, and owned by scholars, retired government officials, business tycoons and others. Showing different personalities, these gardens, however, have something in common: exquisite workmanship, elegance and subtlety.

  Yan's Garden showcases the finest workmanship of all. During its history of several hundreds of years, the ownership changed hands several times. Two poets owned the garden respectively in the Qing Dynasty. Then Yan Guoxin, the richest local tycoon of his days, bought it in the remaining years of the Qing Dynasty. He engaged a brilliant architect and builder and his assistants to modify the garden. They worked to create what the garden looks like today. The living quarters sit in the center of the garden, with four mini gardens like satellites around it. The miniature gardens are named after four seasons respectively. The Spring Garden has a single towering magnolia tree to highlight the theme; the Summer Garden is blessed with a large lotus pond; the Autumn Garden features sweet-scented osmanthus trees; the Winter Garden is dotted with plum-blossom trees. The four gardens are connected by a long corridor, intermingled with pavilions and rockeries. Each step amazingly reveals a new scene, faithfully reflecting an architectural philosophy practiced by garden builders in this part of China.

  If Yan's garden is most poetic and elegant, then Hongyin Villa is the most spectacular garden in town. Because the owner had a penchant for wine, Liu Yong, a prominent minister of the Qing Dynasty, jokingly referred to the way he boozed as rink like a rainbow The owner fancied the casual remark so much that he later adopted it as the name for his private garden. The garden is known for its magnificent openness. Buildings are spaced widely with sceneries as natural and gorgeous as Xanadu. It is said that the private garden offered so many beautiful things within its miniature landscape that it became a must for Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty whenever he toured the south of his large empire. The Son of Heaven brought some royal touches to the villa. In the garden stands a two-storied theater stage, with upturned eaves. In front of the stage is a broad yard flanked by a corridor on each side. Of all the gardens in Mudu, only Hongyin Villa boasts such a stage. It testifies to the imperial splendor in a private garden.

  The Ancient Pine Garden was once owned by Cai Shaoyu, one of the four major tycoons in town in the last years of the Qing Dynasty. The garden was named after a 10-meter-tall pine towering behind the house. The pine can be traced back to more than 500 years ago in the Ming Dynasty. The garden, though tiny in size, displays a magnificent style through ingenious architectural design. A unique double-layer carved corridor connects pavilions and other buildings. Ambling slowly through the garden offers a unique view of trees nearby and hills in the distance.

  The Bangyan House highlights another style. Bangyan was a proper Chinese noun for the runner-up in a palace examination. Feng Guifen, the owner, was a prominent statesman of the later period of the Qing Dynasty. His lifelong philosophy was to apply knowledge to practice. The house reflected his style. The front and central halls, study, and living quarters were all built along a central axis. The scholar's house is characterized by fine sculptures on bricks, wood, and stone. The most famous sculpture was a copy of a painting about Suzhou during the years of the Qing Dynasty. Artists sculpted the painting onto eight pieces of stone. The sculpture, renamed as Prosperous Suzhou, was regarded as the symbol and treasure of the house.

  All the gardens in town were designed in a style that pursued elegance. The walls are white and tiles on the roofs are black in a fine contrast. Time has deprived the pavilions and halls of their flamboyant colors. With their original dazzling reduced to a kind of darkish brown, however, the trees and flowers around them are set off in a better contrast. It can be said that time has purified these gardens. Visitors today may be more easily attracted to wonderful details in the gardens: carved poems and paintings can be seen almost everywhere, corridors zigzag over undulating slopes, grounds are paved with pebbles showing flower patterns and human figures, windows capture landscape and fragment it into mesmerizing pictures, and rocks extend to small streams, or form into caves, or stand as a solitary hill, or pile one upon another like a screen.

  These ancient gardens showcase the 2,500-year history of Mudu, and relate what the ancients believed about art, life, home, man and nature.

   (Translated by David)









  Mudu, a Town of Ancient Gardens

  By Ye Yanli

  Located on the Taihu Lake and west of Suzhou City, Mudu Town has been distinguished as Number One Town in southern Jiangsu Province for a long time. During the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, more than thirty private gardens in the town were built, modified, and owned by scholars, retired government officials, business tycoons and others. Showing different personalities, these gardens, however, have something in common: exquisite workmanship, elegance and subtlety.

  Yan's Garden showcases the finest workmanship of all. During its history of several hundreds of years, the ownership changed hands several times. Two poets owned the garden respectively in the Qing Dynasty. Then Yan Guoxin, the richest local tycoon of his days, bought it in the remaining years of the Qing Dynasty. He engaged a brilliant architect and builder and his assistants to modify the garden. They worked to create what the garden looks like today. The living quarters sit in the center of the garden, with four mini gardens like satellites around it. The miniature gardens are named after four seasons respectively. The Spring Garden has a single towering magnolia tree to highlight the theme; the Summer Garden is blessed with a large lotus pond; the Autumn Garden features sweet-scented osmanthus trees; the Winter Garden is dotted with plum-blossom trees. The four gardens are connected by a long corridor, intermingled with pavilions and rockeries. Each step amazingly reveals a new scene, faithfully reflecting an architectural philosophy practiced by garden builders in this part of China.

  If Yan's garden is most poetic and elegant, then Hongyin Villa is the most spectacular garden in town. Because the owner had a penchant for wine, Liu Yong, a prominent minister of the Qing Dynasty, jokingly referred to the way he boozed as rink like a rainbow The owner fancied the casual remark so much that he later adopted it as the name for his private garden. The garden is known for its magnificent openness. Buildings are spaced widely with sceneries as natural and gorgeous as Xanadu. It is said that the private garden offered so many beautiful things within its miniature landscape that it became a must for Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty whenever he toured the south of his large empire. The Son of Heaven brought some royal touches to the villa. In the garden stands a two-storied theater stage, with upturned eaves. In front of the stage is a broad yard flanked by a corridor on each side. Of all the gardens in Mudu, only Hongyin Villa boasts such a stage. It testifies to the imperial splendor in a private garden.

  The Ancient Pine Garden was once owned by Cai Shaoyu, one of the four major tycoons in town in the last years of the Qing Dynasty. The garden was named after a 10-meter-tall pine towering behind the house. The pine can be traced back to more than 500 years ago in the Ming Dynasty. The garden, though tiny in size, displays a magnificent style through ingenious architectural design. A unique double-layer carved corridor connects pavilions and other buildings. Ambling slowly through the garden offers a unique view of trees nearby and hills in the distance.

  The Bangyan House highlights another style. Bangyan was a proper Chinese noun for the runner-up in a palace examination. Feng Guifen, the owner, was a prominent statesman of the later period of the Qing Dynasty. His lifelong philosophy was to apply knowledge to practice. The house reflected his style. The front and central halls, study, and living quarters were all built along a central axis. The scholar's house is characterized by fine sculptures on bricks, wood, and stone. The most famous sculpture was a copy of a painting about Suzhou during the years of the Qing Dynasty. Artists sculpted the painting onto eight pieces of stone. The sculpture, renamed as Prosperous Suzhou, was regarded as the symbol and treasure of the house.

  All the gardens in town were designed in a style that pursued elegance. The walls are white and tiles on the roofs are black in a fine contrast. Time has deprived the pavilions and halls of their flamboyant colors. With their original dazzling reduced to a kind of darkish brown, however, the trees and flowers around them are set off in a better contrast. It can be said that time has purified these gardens. Visitors today may be more easily attracted to wonderful details in the gardens: carved poems and paintings can be seen almost everywhere, corridors zigzag over undulating slopes, grounds are paved with pebbles showing flower patterns and human figures, windows capture landscape and fragment it into mesmerizing pictures, and rocks extend to small streams, or form into caves, or stand as a solitary hill, or pile one upon another like a screen.

  These ancient gardens showcase the 2,500-year history of Mudu, and relate what the ancients believed about art, life, home, man and nature.

   (Translated by David)


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