
Looking up to the starry sky

单位:鲁溪中心完小 姓名:舒爽 电话:[1**********]

I look up to the starry sky,

Finding it so boundless and profound.

Its infinite truth makes me try,

Try to seek it and follow by.

I look up to the starry sky,

Finding it so solemn and purified.

Its holy righteousness inspires

Inspires me with reverence and passion high.

I look up to the starry sky,

Finding it so free and fairly quiet.

Its broad mind makes my fly,

On it I perch and snuggle by.

I look up to the starry sky,

Finding it so magnificent and brilliant.

Its eternal flames ignite

Ignite hopes and spring thunder follows by.

Wen Jiabao

Even though our kind prime minister Wen are occupied with a myriad of state affairs, he still keep his soul profound and quiet, which makes me admire and respect him deeply.

Now look at ourselves, we just look down and keep walking on the way , but never look up to the boundless sky to keep our heart quietly and tidy our muddy soul. We get entangled in the endless fighting and grow up the dreggy lust just for concentrating on the immediate interests. We forget the task on our shoulder. Our soul needs to be tranquility in immense sky. And we will never ever lose the passion to our real dream.

Prime Minister Wen said: A country wouldn’t have the future if its people only care about the things under the foot. A country needs someone who cares about the sky would have hopes.

The ancients look up to the sky and star in order to observe the celestial phenomena. The sky and the weather would decide their journey for tomorrow. Now for us, Looking up to the sky is to observe and find out our soul. Our dream would become more definite and positive after we have reflected upon ourselves and sorted out our emotion.

Prime Minister Wen has had the gift of horizon and enterprising. Commons are always in his mind. Country and the people are always in his heart. What he concentrates on is always the development and the stability of the country. He always has the righteous blood and loyal heart to his country and people. He observes, thinks about and designs very problem in thinking by the way of occupying a commanding position and overlooking


Of course, the one only has the gift of horizon and enterprising is not enough. He needs the quality for working hard. “One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth, if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss.” The greatest ideas and plans and the best wishes wouldn ’t become true without hard-working. He, Prime Minster Wen just explains the meaning by his earthy action. As Chinese Prime Minister, the basic necessity of life of the 1.3 trillion people is always on his mind. He never forgets the revival and the prosperity of our country. He is a man with his feet on the ground that makes the great idea and lofty aspirations coming true. He further understands and observes the situation, poll and morale of people by the way of penetrating into the establishment unit, going into the factory, coming to the construction site and arrived the field. He tries very means to understand people through the media and other channel.

Nowadays, we need to look up the starry sky with Prime Minister Wen, thinking over ourselves’ tasks and thinking about how we can do our job well. Looking up to the starry sky will lead our life to sovereign power.






















我们需要在浩瀚的星空中宁静我们的心灵,追逐我们最真诚的梦想。 正如我们温总理所说的:“一个民族如果只是关心脚下的事情,那是没有未来的,一个民族要有一些关注天空的人,他们才有希望. ”







Looking up to the starry sky

单位:鲁溪中心完小 姓名:舒爽 电话:[1**********]

I look up to the starry sky,

Finding it so boundless and profound.

Its infinite truth makes me try,

Try to seek it and follow by.

I look up to the starry sky,

Finding it so solemn and purified.

Its holy righteousness inspires

Inspires me with reverence and passion high.

I look up to the starry sky,

Finding it so free and fairly quiet.

Its broad mind makes my fly,

On it I perch and snuggle by.

I look up to the starry sky,

Finding it so magnificent and brilliant.

Its eternal flames ignite

Ignite hopes and spring thunder follows by.

Wen Jiabao

Even though our kind prime minister Wen are occupied with a myriad of state affairs, he still keep his soul profound and quiet, which makes me admire and respect him deeply.

Now look at ourselves, we just look down and keep walking on the way , but never look up to the boundless sky to keep our heart quietly and tidy our muddy soul. We get entangled in the endless fighting and grow up the dreggy lust just for concentrating on the immediate interests. We forget the task on our shoulder. Our soul needs to be tranquility in immense sky. And we will never ever lose the passion to our real dream.

Prime Minister Wen said: A country wouldn’t have the future if its people only care about the things under the foot. A country needs someone who cares about the sky would have hopes.

The ancients look up to the sky and star in order to observe the celestial phenomena. The sky and the weather would decide their journey for tomorrow. Now for us, Looking up to the sky is to observe and find out our soul. Our dream would become more definite and positive after we have reflected upon ourselves and sorted out our emotion.

Prime Minister Wen has had the gift of horizon and enterprising. Commons are always in his mind. Country and the people are always in his heart. What he concentrates on is always the development and the stability of the country. He always has the righteous blood and loyal heart to his country and people. He observes, thinks about and designs very problem in thinking by the way of occupying a commanding position and overlooking


Of course, the one only has the gift of horizon and enterprising is not enough. He needs the quality for working hard. “One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth, if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss.” The greatest ideas and plans and the best wishes wouldn ’t become true without hard-working. He, Prime Minster Wen just explains the meaning by his earthy action. As Chinese Prime Minister, the basic necessity of life of the 1.3 trillion people is always on his mind. He never forgets the revival and the prosperity of our country. He is a man with his feet on the ground that makes the great idea and lofty aspirations coming true. He further understands and observes the situation, poll and morale of people by the way of penetrating into the establishment unit, going into the factory, coming to the construction site and arrived the field. He tries very means to understand people through the media and other channel.

Nowadays, we need to look up the starry sky with Prime Minister Wen, thinking over ourselves’ tasks and thinking about how we can do our job well. Looking up to the starry sky will lead our life to sovereign power.






















我们需要在浩瀚的星空中宁静我们的心灵,追逐我们最真诚的梦想。 正如我们温总理所说的:“一个民族如果只是关心脚下的事情,那是没有未来的,一个民族要有一些关注天空的人,他们才有希望. ”








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