【英文摘要】 According to application prospect of
bituminous concrete in hydro-project and wide application of positive emulsified asphalt in highway engineering, studies that emulsified asphalt is used as fundamental material of water proof material for hydrostructure are brought up in this article, because it is important sense of using emulsified
asphalt construction. First, practise sources of energy: using emulsified asphalt construction saves plenty of sources of energy by comparison of using hot bituminous concrete construction. Secondly, practise resources: positive
emulsified asphalt has good effect of adherence with acidic aggregate and basic aggregate, and to expand resources of aggregate, use indigenous raw materials, cut down expense of material.Thirdly, delaying construction season: in rainy and lower temperature season, using emulsified asphalt can construct too, and prolong construction time, and shorten construction period. At last, improve construction condition and lessen environmental pollution.Water proof materials of emulsified asphalt point to the material that using emulsified asphalt mixed with aggregate. When mineral emulsifier is adulterated into emulsified asphalt, materials that emulsion mixes with filler are called as water proof paint of emulsified asphalt, while , materials that emulsion mixes with aggregate and filler are called as mixture of emulsified asphalt. Proportion of water proof material of emulsified asphalt, mixing processing, and characteristics are carrying on studying, and the details are as follows:(1)Bituminous emulsificationQuality of emulsified asphalt affects very
largely characteristics of water proof material of emulsified asphalt. Accordingly, in the article, the method of bituminous emulsification in the laboratory is elected, and we elect multiple emulsifier and groped emulsified conditions. In these emulsified conditions, we emulsify emulsified asphalt of different concentration, and verify their characteristics to ensure qualification of bituminous emulsion
characteristics.(2)Water proof paint of emulsified
asphaltEmulsified asphalt, bin milk and cement are elected as raw material of water proof paint of emulsified asphalt. water proof paint are mixed by way adding material as follow: at first, adulterate emulsified asphalt, secondly, adulterate bin milk, at last, adulterate cement. Water proof paints of emulsified asphalt of different proportion are carried on experimenting of various term of characteristics to test the result of emulsion, especially testing shear strength, strength of adherence and coefficient of permeability.(3)Mixtures of emulsified asphaltAt first, grade and proportion of mineral aggregate, dosage of emulsion and water dosage of mixing are elected by experimental method of mixtures of emulsified asphalt for highway engineering, secondly, to mix them into mixtures in order and mould samples, finally, samples are
maintenance in curing condition and void fraction are tested. Result of testing isn’t accord with technological need of hydraulic structural water proof, accordingly, grade and proportion of mineral aggregate using for highway engineering can’t use in hydro-project. In the article, grade of mineral aggregate, bituminous dosage and dosage of cement (according to needing) are elected by method of comparison with hot bituminous concrete, and we mix mineral aggregate, emulsion and cement into mixtures of emulsified asphalt, and mould samples of Marshell and rectangular volume, in addition,
characteristics of deformation and permeability are be tested.From studies of this article, drawing a conclusion: water proof paint of emulsified asphalt can be water proof materials of hydraulic structure, ordinary concrete of
emulsified asphalt can’t be materials of waterproof layer, cement concrete of emulsified asphalt need being further studies to ensure that it can or can’t be materials of waterproof layer of hydraulic structure .
如果你已经着手开始准备论文写作,在没有一个专业指导老师的帮助下独立完成一篇优质的论文是极其痛苦的。论文的写作包含诸多方面的能力,特别是查阅参考文献、文章的写作、论文格式的编辑、专业用词用语等等方面都是大部分同学感到苦恼的。在此,伯乐论文针对大家写作论文的难题,特别开设了写作辅导专版。专注于本科毕业论文、 硕士毕业论文写作辅导。
★首先,在论文的写作当中,大部分论文所包含的附件,程序编制如C++、VB、JAVA等,软件仿真如adams、CAM等,专业的分析软件等这些附件,很多朋友为了程序发愁,为了数据发愁,不知道如何获取研究所用的素材。不用担心,我们会给你完整的附件文档 。
★最后,对于很多论文独立完成的同学来说,一篇完美的论文需要多次修改,自己看自己的文章肯定有忽视掉的地方,伯乐论文的专业老师会帮你仔细审核文章并提出相应的修改意见,这在论文写作过程中是非常有帮助的,而且有利于同学们能力的培养。通过修改 --审核--查阅资料--再修改的过程,可以充分了解自己的专业知识,提高写作能力。
【英文摘要】 According to application prospect of
bituminous concrete in hydro-project and wide application of positive emulsified asphalt in highway engineering, studies that emulsified asphalt is used as fundamental material of water proof material for hydrostructure are brought up in this article, because it is important sense of using emulsified
asphalt construction. First, practise sources of energy: using emulsified asphalt construction saves plenty of sources of energy by comparison of using hot bituminous concrete construction. Secondly, practise resources: positive
emulsified asphalt has good effect of adherence with acidic aggregate and basic aggregate, and to expand resources of aggregate, use indigenous raw materials, cut down expense of material.Thirdly, delaying construction season: in rainy and lower temperature season, using emulsified asphalt can construct too, and prolong construction time, and shorten construction period. At last, improve construction condition and lessen environmental pollution.Water proof materials of emulsified asphalt point to the material that using emulsified asphalt mixed with aggregate. When mineral emulsifier is adulterated into emulsified asphalt, materials that emulsion mixes with filler are called as water proof paint of emulsified asphalt, while , materials that emulsion mixes with aggregate and filler are called as mixture of emulsified asphalt. Proportion of water proof material of emulsified asphalt, mixing processing, and characteristics are carrying on studying, and the details are as follows:(1)Bituminous emulsificationQuality of emulsified asphalt affects very
largely characteristics of water proof material of emulsified asphalt. Accordingly, in the article, the method of bituminous emulsification in the laboratory is elected, and we elect multiple emulsifier and groped emulsified conditions. In these emulsified conditions, we emulsify emulsified asphalt of different concentration, and verify their characteristics to ensure qualification of bituminous emulsion
characteristics.(2)Water proof paint of emulsified
asphaltEmulsified asphalt, bin milk and cement are elected as raw material of water proof paint of emulsified asphalt. water proof paint are mixed by way adding material as follow: at first, adulterate emulsified asphalt, secondly, adulterate bin milk, at last, adulterate cement. Water proof paints of emulsified asphalt of different proportion are carried on experimenting of various term of characteristics to test the result of emulsion, especially testing shear strength, strength of adherence and coefficient of permeability.(3)Mixtures of emulsified asphaltAt first, grade and proportion of mineral aggregate, dosage of emulsion and water dosage of mixing are elected by experimental method of mixtures of emulsified asphalt for highway engineering, secondly, to mix them into mixtures in order and mould samples, finally, samples are
maintenance in curing condition and void fraction are tested. Result of testing isn’t accord with technological need of hydraulic structural water proof, accordingly, grade and proportion of mineral aggregate using for highway engineering can’t use in hydro-project. In the article, grade of mineral aggregate, bituminous dosage and dosage of cement (according to needing) are elected by method of comparison with hot bituminous concrete, and we mix mineral aggregate, emulsion and cement into mixtures of emulsified asphalt, and mould samples of Marshell and rectangular volume, in addition,
characteristics of deformation and permeability are be tested.From studies of this article, drawing a conclusion: water proof paint of emulsified asphalt can be water proof materials of hydraulic structure, ordinary concrete of
emulsified asphalt can’t be materials of waterproof layer, cement concrete of emulsified asphalt need being further studies to ensure that it can or can’t be materials of waterproof layer of hydraulic structure .
如果你已经着手开始准备论文写作,在没有一个专业指导老师的帮助下独立完成一篇优质的论文是极其痛苦的。论文的写作包含诸多方面的能力,特别是查阅参考文献、文章的写作、论文格式的编辑、专业用词用语等等方面都是大部分同学感到苦恼的。在此,伯乐论文针对大家写作论文的难题,特别开设了写作辅导专版。专注于本科毕业论文、 硕士毕业论文写作辅导。
★首先,在论文的写作当中,大部分论文所包含的附件,程序编制如C++、VB、JAVA等,软件仿真如adams、CAM等,专业的分析软件等这些附件,很多朋友为了程序发愁,为了数据发愁,不知道如何获取研究所用的素材。不用担心,我们会给你完整的附件文档 。
★最后,对于很多论文独立完成的同学来说,一篇完美的论文需要多次修改,自己看自己的文章肯定有忽视掉的地方,伯乐论文的专业老师会帮你仔细审核文章并提出相应的修改意见,这在论文写作过程中是非常有帮助的,而且有利于同学们能力的培养。通过修改 --审核--查阅资料--再修改的过程,可以充分了解自己的专业知识,提高写作能力。