

满分托福作文范文大放送 下面的这篇托福作文的范文是一位考生的满分作文的写作回顾,现在奉献给大家,看看有什么优点可以让大家借鉴。作文的题目是should people sometimes do things that are not enjoyable?

Should people sometimes do something that they are not enjoying? Or should they never take part in such activities? As far as I am concerned, I think the first opinion is of more value for things that we do not enjoy are always necessities of our lives.

First of all, it goes beyond doubt that doing something that is not enjoyable may be a way to earn ones living. As is known to all, not all people are satisfied with their present career, in other words, they are not so in favour of the work they are doing. According to statistics of a widespread survey over my country, people in notable number, even has the tendency of increasing express that they do it for the simple reason that they have to. They feel obliged to choose that work to make money. For example, the work for a typist is no more than typing before computers, which is of course boring and repeating. Thus, it is a necessity in people’s lives.

Another compelling reason why I advocate that people should do something they do not

enjoy lies in the fact that they can get better trained in unfavorable activities. Participating in such activities gives us a chance to challenge our courage, our patience and our perseverance, which are all crucial qualities we can benefit from a lot later in our life. One need look no further than extreme sports players as examples. Compared to the professionals, they do it to challenge themselves. It is undeniable that these man with extraordinary courage have pushed the human limits to a new level which we can hardly imagine without them. So challenging and dangerous is this kind of sports that anyone who takes part in is a hero, from whatever perspective. It is these experience that make the players outstanding leaders who can undergo adversities in life more bravely instead of retreating shamefully.

However, a coin has two sides. Beneficial andnecessary as the unenjoyable things may be, its significance should not be exaggerated for it is not without its problems. One of the drawbacks concerns how much of such unenjoyable thing one could stand. As it varies from person to person, there will never be a standard for this. We should carefully control it not to let it disturb our daily life too much to destroy our hope and happiness. In such occasions, unfavorable activities may even be counterproductive.

I sum, according to the forgoing discussion, it is safe to draw a conclusion that taking part in activities we do not enjoy is a necessity in our lives. However, considerable though the

disadvantages that these unenjoyable things may brings about, they cannot compete with the


benefits. Only with such things can we be better prepared for future and really enjoys the fruits of it.





满分托福作文范文大放送 下面的这篇托福作文的范文是一位考生的满分作文的写作回顾,现在奉献给大家,看看有什么优点可以让大家借鉴。作文的题目是should people sometimes do things that are not enjoyable?

Should people sometimes do something that they are not enjoying? Or should they never take part in such activities? As far as I am concerned, I think the first opinion is of more value for things that we do not enjoy are always necessities of our lives.

First of all, it goes beyond doubt that doing something that is not enjoyable may be a way to earn ones living. As is known to all, not all people are satisfied with their present career, in other words, they are not so in favour of the work they are doing. According to statistics of a widespread survey over my country, people in notable number, even has the tendency of increasing express that they do it for the simple reason that they have to. They feel obliged to choose that work to make money. For example, the work for a typist is no more than typing before computers, which is of course boring and repeating. Thus, it is a necessity in people’s lives.

Another compelling reason why I advocate that people should do something they do not

enjoy lies in the fact that they can get better trained in unfavorable activities. Participating in such activities gives us a chance to challenge our courage, our patience and our perseverance, which are all crucial qualities we can benefit from a lot later in our life. One need look no further than extreme sports players as examples. Compared to the professionals, they do it to challenge themselves. It is undeniable that these man with extraordinary courage have pushed the human limits to a new level which we can hardly imagine without them. So challenging and dangerous is this kind of sports that anyone who takes part in is a hero, from whatever perspective. It is these experience that make the players outstanding leaders who can undergo adversities in life more bravely instead of retreating shamefully.

However, a coin has two sides. Beneficial andnecessary as the unenjoyable things may be, its significance should not be exaggerated for it is not without its problems. One of the drawbacks concerns how much of such unenjoyable thing one could stand. As it varies from person to person, there will never be a standard for this. We should carefully control it not to let it disturb our daily life too much to destroy our hope and happiness. In such occasions, unfavorable activities may even be counterproductive.

I sum, according to the forgoing discussion, it is safe to draw a conclusion that taking part in activities we do not enjoy is a necessity in our lives. However, considerable though the

disadvantages that these unenjoyable things may brings about, they cannot compete with the


benefits. Only with such things can we be better prepared for future and really enjoys the fruits of it.





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