PLoS Pathogens:MAVS在RLRs抗病毒天然免疫中的负调控作用

天然免疫系统是机体抵抗病原微生物入侵的第一道防线,它首先通过模式识别受体(PRRs)与病原体相关分子模式(PAMPs)相互识别,进一步激活一系列的免疫反应。同时,宿主细胞通过多种方式负调节天然免疫反应的信号通路,以保证信号传导的平衡,进而防止过度免疫反应对宿主细胞造成损伤。在抗RNA病毒天然免疫中,主要有两类PRRs: TLRs和RLRs。MAVS作为RLRs介导的抗病毒免疫信号通路中的重要接头蛋白,通过C端的TM结构域定位于线粒体外膜,它的线粒体定位对于其功能的发挥至关重要。尽管以往对于MAVS的分子调控机制进行了较多的研究,但是人们对MAVS定位于线粒体外膜的功能还很不清楚。



该成果于12月21日在线发表于PLoS Pathogens上。(生物谷




COX5B Regulates MAVS-mediated Antiviral Signaling through Interaction with ATG5 and Repressing ROS Production

Yuanyuan Zhao equal contributor, Xiaofeng Sun equal contributor, Xuanli Nie, Liwei Sun, Tie-shan Tang, Dahua Chen, Qinmiao Sun

Innate antiviral immunity is the first line of the host defense system that rapidly detects invading viruses. Mitochondria function as platforms for innate antiviral signal transduction in mammals through the adaptor protein, MAVS. Excessive activation of MAVS-mediated antiviral signaling leads to dysfunction of mitochondria and cell apoptosis that likely causes the pathogenesis of autoimmunity. However, the mechanism of how MAVS is regulated at mitochondria remains unknown. Here we show that the Cytochrome c Oxidase (CcO) complex subunit COX5B physically interacts with MAVS and negatively regulates the MAVS-mediated antiviral pathway. Mechanistically, we find that while activation of MAVS leads to increased ROS production and COX5B expression, COX5B down-regulated MAVS signaling by repressing ROS production. Importantly, our study reveals that COX5B coordinates with the autophagy pathway to control MAVS aggregation, thereby balancing the antiviral signaling activity. Thus, our study provides novel insights into the link between mitochondrial electron transport system and the autophagy pathway in regulating innate antiviral immunity.


天然免疫系统是机体抵抗病原微生物入侵的第一道防线,它首先通过模式识别受体(PRRs)与病原体相关分子模式(PAMPs)相互识别,进一步激活一系列的免疫反应。同时,宿主细胞通过多种方式负调节天然免疫反应的信号通路,以保证信号传导的平衡,进而防止过度免疫反应对宿主细胞造成损伤。在抗RNA病毒天然免疫中,主要有两类PRRs: TLRs和RLRs。MAVS作为RLRs介导的抗病毒免疫信号通路中的重要接头蛋白,通过C端的TM结构域定位于线粒体外膜,它的线粒体定位对于其功能的发挥至关重要。尽管以往对于MAVS的分子调控机制进行了较多的研究,但是人们对MAVS定位于线粒体外膜的功能还很不清楚。



该成果于12月21日在线发表于PLoS Pathogens上。(生物谷




COX5B Regulates MAVS-mediated Antiviral Signaling through Interaction with ATG5 and Repressing ROS Production

Yuanyuan Zhao equal contributor, Xiaofeng Sun equal contributor, Xuanli Nie, Liwei Sun, Tie-shan Tang, Dahua Chen, Qinmiao Sun

Innate antiviral immunity is the first line of the host defense system that rapidly detects invading viruses. Mitochondria function as platforms for innate antiviral signal transduction in mammals through the adaptor protein, MAVS. Excessive activation of MAVS-mediated antiviral signaling leads to dysfunction of mitochondria and cell apoptosis that likely causes the pathogenesis of autoimmunity. However, the mechanism of how MAVS is regulated at mitochondria remains unknown. Here we show that the Cytochrome c Oxidase (CcO) complex subunit COX5B physically interacts with MAVS and negatively regulates the MAVS-mediated antiviral pathway. Mechanistically, we find that while activation of MAVS leads to increased ROS production and COX5B expression, COX5B down-regulated MAVS signaling by repressing ROS production. Importantly, our study reveals that COX5B coordinates with the autophagy pathway to control MAVS aggregation, thereby balancing the antiviral signaling activity. Thus, our study provides novel insights into the link between mitochondrial electron transport system and the autophagy pathway in regulating innate antiviral immunity.


