
1. 重力原理 the Theory of Gravity

2. 有共同之处 have anything in common

3. 从事仙炎星发射载人飞船

work on sending a manned spaceship

4. 必将发生 have in store for

5. 很可能 it is likely that

6. 作为经济特区被建设

set up as a special economic zone

7. 中国科学技术的中心the new center for Chinese science and technology


home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences


the leader of China’s hi-tech industry

10.开办一所么人研究及发展机构open a private research and development institute

11.具有创新精神和科学技能share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill


make Zhongguancun a success

13.抓住机会到国内来实现他们的理想grasp the opportunity to develop their ideas at home

14.实现梦想 follow one’s dream


work with some of the top scientists in my field


I knew it was perfect for me

17.帮助安排回国事宜help arrange for his return

18.踏进 set foot in / on

19.对…有积极的影响 have a positive effect on


rely on science technology and knowledge

21.发展经济实力 increase economic power

22.弄清楚 make it clear


encourage pioneering work and accept failure


deal with and learn from failure

25.对……感到兴奋 be excited about

26.活跃起来 come to life


contribute to his country at the same time

28.硕士学位 a master’s degree

29.美国的硅谷 Silicon Valley in the US

30.达到……目标 achieve / reach its goal

1. 重力原理 the Theory of Gravity

2. 有共同之处 have anything in common

3. 从事仙炎星发射载人飞船

work on sending a manned spaceship

4. 必将发生 have in store for

5. 很可能 it is likely that

6. 作为经济特区被建设

set up as a special economic zone

7. 中国科学技术的中心the new center for Chinese science and technology


home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences


the leader of China’s hi-tech industry

10.开办一所么人研究及发展机构open a private research and development institute

11.具有创新精神和科学技能share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill


make Zhongguancun a success

13.抓住机会到国内来实现他们的理想grasp the opportunity to develop their ideas at home

14.实现梦想 follow one’s dream


work with some of the top scientists in my field


I knew it was perfect for me

17.帮助安排回国事宜help arrange for his return

18.踏进 set foot in / on

19.对…有积极的影响 have a positive effect on


rely on science technology and knowledge

21.发展经济实力 increase economic power

22.弄清楚 make it clear


encourage pioneering work and accept failure


deal with and learn from failure

25.对……感到兴奋 be excited about

26.活跃起来 come to life


contribute to his country at the same time

28.硕士学位 a master’s degree

29.美国的硅谷 Silicon Valley in the US

30.达到……目标 achieve / reach its goal


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