
以下作文全来自句酷网,是之前每礼拜作业,英专的,每篇自己复制粘贴过来的。网上一样的不可能有,因为老师之前说那个上面会有重复率,所以也就都是自己写的,这些作文大概每篇得分比较平均,都是81.82.83要么就是75+,不是特别好,嘻嘻,水平有限啦 Internet

The first interaction for unknown problems or subjects is searching the Internet.

Turning to the Internet is a hot controversy in modern society.

Students relying on the Internet will get ticks on their exercise books and which is also bad to examinations for they can not with the help of Internet. The versions of the answers that match to your questions are multiplex in which even contained sophisticating information could not always represent the authority on which is easily possible to lead the students to wrong branches.

Indubitably, I reckon Internet indeed is an assistant to learning and

working, which would widen our horizon that also resists the thoughts from our brains which destruct our mind. Internet is like a sword, in spite of being

addicted to games as well as fictions without connotation. Sitting down quietly when we meet the problems think for a while properly and comprehending all aspects and then give a conclusion to Internet, turning it or not.

Technology and life. As vividly shown in the picture,a boy who is waving one of his hands and dragging a case in the right side of Wuhan-Shenzhen railway line with delight.There is a sentence, which content was that anyplace isn't far from our home.

We get benefit from the development of technology on corresponding aspects in life.The strong technology facilitates railway net,which also completes the public transportation system.Technology as a tool was designed by human,and it provides a platform for people to achieve their dreams in process,which also offers convenient service for human in return. The Wuhan-Shenzhen railway line has just taken on the brilliant aspect of the technology.There still a lot advantages of it. The connection of technology and human's life cannot be divided by anything. Technology indeed did much contribution to the society.We should develop it within the foundation.

Don't rely too much on computer.

The invention of computer changed people's daily life.People are available to working and entertaining on computer without leaving home since computer was born up and down.People are addicted to the computer.

No matter what you are doing on computer,like typing words for

files,playing games and appreciating films.The radiation from the screen would speed up the aging of skin.Sitting in front of the computer for too much time is likely to be shortsighted.Also typing too many words on computer which would accuse us to forgets how to write the correct spelling.

As my view,computer indeed is a good assistant in our life whose function helps us to deal with a large amount of problem occurred by our side.But also we can't ignore the disadvantage of it.Please try as much as we can and don't rely too much on computers.

Early Bird Catches the Worm

There is a saying called the early bird catches the worm in China.It means that despite the clumsy brain or low IQ, as long as they are willing to pay much effort for their future and be able to endure the pain of those on the road can be successful people.It can also be referred clumsy bird needs to fly earlier than others.

A person can not be prefect living in the world.There is always existing a certain disadvantage which is often to be a block, after stepping across it they are allowed to overcome their own to achieve their dream.Behind every

successful person can not be easy and bump on the road is the capital after becoming one of the success.The late bird is difficult to find worms.The

celebrities on the earth are always a few, and most of us are usual people.A name or a tittle can be forgotten easily by human beings, or maybe it has been repeated already.But when the names of those celebrities are mentioned, an individual or a picture about that man will appear in people's mind.

If we want to be successful and get the respect of the world, we should get away of the laziness and not be a mediocrity on the basis of intelligence.We would enjoy the progress on the road and become the early bird.

My view on helping others in need phenomena

Amid society's material development, such kindness and tolerance,

selflessness all above them are our shortage radically. When someone is in trouble, we won't do them a favour or pretend to ignore them in the most of the times.

Thousands of media and Internet exposed a good passer-by helped

someone who hit by trucks or motorcycles up, and must pay for medical fees oppositely at last, it frequently happened nowadays which strengthen the guard to strangers. Compared with the bad result, indifferent attitude may a better choice for them.

It may be true that the phenomena is for self protection, but it doesn't mean that we can abuse the ruthlessness to everyone. Oue society includes bad people and good people without boundary clearly. The transform can be accumulated gradually to a qualitative change in the whole society. And everyone would turn back to the glorious character of ourselves.

Should food be banned on the subway?

Recently the society setting up a tide of discussing the phenomena whether passenger is allowed eating on the public transport for the irresistible smell and remaining garbage of food which implement is dangerous in crowd.

But not everyone could accept the suggestion indifferently. It's known to all that food could generate a lot of materials which are needed on depletion

physically, people starting a day's working or after school with the limited time, which is the best period for supplementary.

All in all, both of these two groups are reasonable on some aspects, but what if the transportation corporation or the government modifying these infrastructures and dividing an area on them for eating which is like smoking area.More trash bins and penalties could also be taken into the consideration for the social rules. If we got these measures, I'm sure that our whole society will be more harmonious than ever before.

what qualities an employer should look for in job applicant?

From the picture, we can see that a applicant be refused by the boss

because his degree is lower than other seekers. Although his resume looks good. what qualities an employer should look for in job applicant. Some pay their

attention to ability and they think ability is everything. But others think that diploma is more important.

In my opinion, diploma may be more significant in ancient China. Since there were few university students, while it is not the same case today.

The importance of ability and diploma both depends on how it recognized by the company.

A person who holds a diploma is considered to be higher educated and thus relatively has higher opportunity to enter the door of a company. However ,it becomes worthless if the person is lack of practical ability. As there are too many graduates ,most of companies prefer give offering training afterwards. It happens because employers think a high certification student may not be good at using their knowledge in the workplace. Therefore, ability becomes more and more important nowadays.

Learn to be Grateful

We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving

Day.However, we should feel gratitude every day.

God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.Be grateful to others is a way to show your love.In our daily life, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers.Perhaps it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus.We should be thankful to them for whatever they have done.The more love you give, the more love you receive.

A sense of gratitude can acknowledging our interdependent existence.You will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart.Therefore, a thankful heart is like a magnet.Not only will we attract more things to be grateful for, but also we will attract gratitude from others."give thanks a little and you will find a lot. "

Gratitude is heaven itself.A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life.We now fall into a busy life, neglecting to be grateful for details, the beauty of nature, the comforts of modern living , the love of parents and so on.People can notice these details and realize the friendship, love and happiness in our life with a grateful heart.

My view on examination.

It's the common phenomenon that a large number of persons are likely to consider the score as individual.ability,which is occured frequently in the

universities and colleges.They believed that the mark of student could

representative all the aspects ,which including if they had studied hard at the stage of learning,and take the mistakes on their study.

But the examination is not omnipotent to test anything in our life,which could bring us a lot of bad influence for our life.Treating was born with the examination for someone wants to get high marks on it.Examination is like invisual stress which persecutes our nervous system and weakens our health.

As far as I am considered, examination is indeed a good method to test one's ability in some extendeny.But no one can deny that, frequently

examination annoy people.Examining should be limited regularly which would occur the maximum function of it.

Learn to Give up Wisely

People always think that people give up is not firm determination should not be able to adhere to his own goal in the end loser.But why not give up a kind of wisdom.People live in this life, you want the most for a lot of things, the desire is endless, people always feel satisfied.Now we are in a youth Love, will be of the opposite sex more or less have some feelings of love, some people will brave chase, some people choose to crush.Can chase to get their favorite people insist you can not rely on, learn sane people who they will never give up the chase to catch up, do not feel that their youth because there is no man but unfortunately, everyone's youth is unique.We'll give up some time to tell us because you want to do is choose the wrong.Persistence is good, but blind to put a never turned his own people as the stars, looking every day.Blind pursuit is a waste of our own youth.

Talent search Show on Campus

Nowadays a number of universities conducting a lot of Talent search show. So sensational, so popular, was the phenomenon that, years after the hot flush, many college students are still enthusiasm about Talent-search

show.Someone assumes the type of activity providing a wonderful stage which helps us increase experience and dig out the great potential on ourselves.There are too many numerous players wants to win their fame overnight in the

method, they takes part in the competition without consideration that including abudance of study or criticism from outside.

Also the influence of these competitions is dialectical.Talent search show will intensify people's desire for success and lose the patient gradually, which will also destroy our values.

As for me, I quiet agree the attendants' action.They have their great courge with several or a unique talent.Confidence is their wealth, while I lack of

it.Maybe talent search show is a shortcut to success.There is a saying in China

that be in your post, take your responsibility.But we are still students now, knowledge is what we should purse.

脸谱Facial makeup

Facial makeup is pointed to the facial make up for the actors whose jobs are singing Peking opera ,which is traditional opera in China. It owes certain standards of color, type and format. Different characters were featured by various colors, such as red, yellow, white, black, purple ,green and silver in Facial makeup. Each role's facial makeup is made of paint ,powder and oil painting which basic format includes the whole face, San Kuai Wa Lian and broken face. These facial makeup is wisely represented for Generals, officials, heroes and monsters.

People can figure out the Chou actors though various white blanks around actor's eyes and nose. Sometimes these blanks are painted with black line which is commonly named little flowery face.

汉字Chinese characters

Chinese characters are one of the most ancient words in the world, whose users exceed that on other words.

There are more than 60000 Chinese characters; however, the basic ones occupied 6000.

Chinese characters have more than 5000 years' history according to the result of authorities' evaluation.

The original ones are the picture documented what had happened that time. From Jiaguwen to Kaiti, the format and structure of our Chinese characters have changed a lot since ancient time.

Chinese characters are learnt by Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc on history which also promoted the international communication

Chinese people use different kinds of methods input Chinese characters to computer and process information in modern times.

It proved that Chinese characters are full of energy and creativity.


Inviting celebrities to universities for a course becoming a fashion recently.

The bias of celebrities is endless which including the clauses of their success, for example, good-looking and their scheming method without substantial fortune that contained abundant social experiences, values and profound

thoughts. Nevertheless, some fans think highly of this measure which taken by universities.

As my view, celebrities are also ordinary persons, choosing to be a celebrity is their legitimate method to making life. Most of people have suffered a period of tough time before becoming gorgeous which isn't known.We should take the proper attitude neither look upon down celebrities nor that they are just sharing personal experience at the different stages of their life. Please don't pay too much attention on these celebrities.

cell phone

A lot of parents reckon giving their children a cell phone is requisite, which are for their children's security. Also it's convenient for children to look through e-dictionary or other e-books.

Nonetheless, every coin has two sides. Cell phone which as a gorgeous symbol of modern science technology that is easily addicted to games and

applications on it, which is to distract children' s mind of learning curriculum and abandon the vital liability for a student randomly.

As my view, when children go away for further education or pursue other aims, cell phone indeed as a tool that indubitably shortens the long distance for their communication. Children should refrain from playing cell phone all the time. Parents could buy non-intelligent cell phones for children that

distinguished with smart phones, which helps children without temptation.

Job for Graduates

It's a common phenomenon that graduates are in trouble for job hunting which contains a lot of reasons.

Firstly, plenty of graduates don't owe values of life. They look down upon the jobs, such as cleaner and peasant. Secondly, there are millions of graduates leave school indeed, high requirements on some occupations may result in much intangible pressure to the graduate, which is the origin of NEET who are not willing to work or pursue further study but stay at home and rely on parents. Finally, they pay too much attention on the level of salary, applicant tend to focus on the high ones intensely.

Solutions are listed as follows:

We are supposed to reckon that each job is equally. As youth, equipping ourselves with confidence and braveness to defend our unknown future which demands of us to set up a right-minded, believing money isn't everything, on

the contrary the potential and prospect of the corporation which are deserved to observe and think deeply.

Take all above the measures, get a job won't be difficult any more.

Frustration Education should be Strengthened among College Students

Frustrating education is extremely effective training both on academic and spiritual will, which happens frequently in our daily life.The usual educational was given for acquiring knowledge, rather than frustration education is used for enhance the deficiency

about which owed.

As far as I am concerned, most education system and even public schools have leave out the frustrating education who is staring at the usual education tightly. Although it would mark out the loophole and deepen our memory on the mistake we have made, which could also be the reason for us to distinguish the good students and the bad students partly. Frustration education could have started with the various activities like competition on knowledge all other extracurricular work, not like examination on paper, which entertaining the children and frustrating the students at the same time.

Education department of the government could appeal the education

system to setting an index for achieving frustration education in practice, And school could combine the frustration education with knowledge education.

Reading and traveling

A book is the essence of previous knowledge. We are standing on the shoulders of philosophy to know what happened in the era that allowing us sprouting out of the infinite in the limited life. There's a Chinese saying 'read a lot makes the trip further. 'Just as we all know that most of one's life experience and insights from each stage in daily activities, but a few of them from book knowledge.

I prefer traveling to reading.Go out for a walk is a trip, but a kind of method to gain humanities information and understanding more about the world.

I love to listen to those who have a lot of experience, seeing the world from their perspective and feeling it's beauty and cruelty.

Perhaps living is destined to experience something.No matter what works or whether it's reading or traveling is existing to enrich ordinary life, they helping us a lot.

Is Military Training Necessary?

Military training always started during the learning semester or at the beginning of the new term. Is the military training necessary?

Some persons think military training is just like a kind of Chinese traditional culture. It's meaningful for us when we step into the society.It's a valuable method to experience solider s ' life and understand their feeling for that kind of life. Also we would learn some precious spirts on them, and so as to apply it in our daily life.

But someone disagreed with it. They thought military training is significant for college students. Most of them have no chance to become a real soldier under the normal circumstance. And it's obvious that every job contains it's own hardships, and they need not to waste time to feeling the real life in the army for the world is peaceful totally now.

As for me, I prefer to maintain the legacy. I have experienced for the military training for several times ago. I learned a lot from the activity. It includes team's sprit, patient and so many other feelings. Hard training could build up our determination and strengthen our confidence. I wouldn't regret joining the trainings.It allows me to see a conceivable person. So the Military training should exist all the times.

Practice Makes Perfect

In the real world, we don't have try something or we won't have

opportunities to experience those.As a college student, we spend the money given by parents with leisure.But each of us is becoming an undergraduate in two or three years.Most of us would be pointed out that lack of work experience when we go to an interview.Or the boss won't hire you because of it, but that's nothing.

People need a job in any case.No one is born with the ability to make the things prefect.There's a Chinese saying that practice makes perfect.It's the best measure to apply any requirements from the corporation.We are still young now, and time is our fortune.There is still plenty to learn.We are Business Eniglish major. We recite the same English words everyday which help us review the knowledge that included in the word content and use neatly in a deep level.

Practice is the base of good results. The sentence can be our motto forever.

air pollution

The quality of air pollution has fallen down during recently years.A mother who used to be a reporter at CCTV shot a documentary which is called Under The Dome at her own expense.It tells the worries about the bad polluted air for her baby as a mother.The air is flowing irregularly which also means that polluted air will spread to other regions of the world.The air is a mixture of

harmful tiny substance produced when the oil and natural gas is burning mostly.Respiratory diseases and even lung cancer has become a common

phenomenon in the society for a bad cycle that persons want to get profit from the nature and destroy the forest,river and above the nature,influenced weather and environment of the world ,which which also lead to the nature disasters.The aim of this documentary is appeal to the people try to reduce the disserve as much as they can.

The solution of this kind of circumstance that people should try to save the source above the world and not pay much attention to the prophet and

interest.Please don't forget that the world is our home.We should use natural resources in moderation, and they can be used by the circulation, so that we can benefit our later generations.Protect the air and protect our life.

以下作文全来自句酷网,是之前每礼拜作业,英专的,每篇自己复制粘贴过来的。网上一样的不可能有,因为老师之前说那个上面会有重复率,所以也就都是自己写的,这些作文大概每篇得分比较平均,都是81.82.83要么就是75+,不是特别好,嘻嘻,水平有限啦 Internet

The first interaction for unknown problems or subjects is searching the Internet.

Turning to the Internet is a hot controversy in modern society.

Students relying on the Internet will get ticks on their exercise books and which is also bad to examinations for they can not with the help of Internet. The versions of the answers that match to your questions are multiplex in which even contained sophisticating information could not always represent the authority on which is easily possible to lead the students to wrong branches.

Indubitably, I reckon Internet indeed is an assistant to learning and

working, which would widen our horizon that also resists the thoughts from our brains which destruct our mind. Internet is like a sword, in spite of being

addicted to games as well as fictions without connotation. Sitting down quietly when we meet the problems think for a while properly and comprehending all aspects and then give a conclusion to Internet, turning it or not.

Technology and life. As vividly shown in the picture,a boy who is waving one of his hands and dragging a case in the right side of Wuhan-Shenzhen railway line with delight.There is a sentence, which content was that anyplace isn't far from our home.

We get benefit from the development of technology on corresponding aspects in life.The strong technology facilitates railway net,which also completes the public transportation system.Technology as a tool was designed by human,and it provides a platform for people to achieve their dreams in process,which also offers convenient service for human in return. The Wuhan-Shenzhen railway line has just taken on the brilliant aspect of the technology.There still a lot advantages of it. The connection of technology and human's life cannot be divided by anything. Technology indeed did much contribution to the society.We should develop it within the foundation.

Don't rely too much on computer.

The invention of computer changed people's daily life.People are available to working and entertaining on computer without leaving home since computer was born up and down.People are addicted to the computer.

No matter what you are doing on computer,like typing words for

files,playing games and appreciating films.The radiation from the screen would speed up the aging of skin.Sitting in front of the computer for too much time is likely to be shortsighted.Also typing too many words on computer which would accuse us to forgets how to write the correct spelling.

As my view,computer indeed is a good assistant in our life whose function helps us to deal with a large amount of problem occurred by our side.But also we can't ignore the disadvantage of it.Please try as much as we can and don't rely too much on computers.

Early Bird Catches the Worm

There is a saying called the early bird catches the worm in China.It means that despite the clumsy brain or low IQ, as long as they are willing to pay much effort for their future and be able to endure the pain of those on the road can be successful people.It can also be referred clumsy bird needs to fly earlier than others.

A person can not be prefect living in the world.There is always existing a certain disadvantage which is often to be a block, after stepping across it they are allowed to overcome their own to achieve their dream.Behind every

successful person can not be easy and bump on the road is the capital after becoming one of the success.The late bird is difficult to find worms.The

celebrities on the earth are always a few, and most of us are usual people.A name or a tittle can be forgotten easily by human beings, or maybe it has been repeated already.But when the names of those celebrities are mentioned, an individual or a picture about that man will appear in people's mind.

If we want to be successful and get the respect of the world, we should get away of the laziness and not be a mediocrity on the basis of intelligence.We would enjoy the progress on the road and become the early bird.

My view on helping others in need phenomena

Amid society's material development, such kindness and tolerance,

selflessness all above them are our shortage radically. When someone is in trouble, we won't do them a favour or pretend to ignore them in the most of the times.

Thousands of media and Internet exposed a good passer-by helped

someone who hit by trucks or motorcycles up, and must pay for medical fees oppositely at last, it frequently happened nowadays which strengthen the guard to strangers. Compared with the bad result, indifferent attitude may a better choice for them.

It may be true that the phenomena is for self protection, but it doesn't mean that we can abuse the ruthlessness to everyone. Oue society includes bad people and good people without boundary clearly. The transform can be accumulated gradually to a qualitative change in the whole society. And everyone would turn back to the glorious character of ourselves.

Should food be banned on the subway?

Recently the society setting up a tide of discussing the phenomena whether passenger is allowed eating on the public transport for the irresistible smell and remaining garbage of food which implement is dangerous in crowd.

But not everyone could accept the suggestion indifferently. It's known to all that food could generate a lot of materials which are needed on depletion

physically, people starting a day's working or after school with the limited time, which is the best period for supplementary.

All in all, both of these two groups are reasonable on some aspects, but what if the transportation corporation or the government modifying these infrastructures and dividing an area on them for eating which is like smoking area.More trash bins and penalties could also be taken into the consideration for the social rules. If we got these measures, I'm sure that our whole society will be more harmonious than ever before.

what qualities an employer should look for in job applicant?

From the picture, we can see that a applicant be refused by the boss

because his degree is lower than other seekers. Although his resume looks good. what qualities an employer should look for in job applicant. Some pay their

attention to ability and they think ability is everything. But others think that diploma is more important.

In my opinion, diploma may be more significant in ancient China. Since there were few university students, while it is not the same case today.

The importance of ability and diploma both depends on how it recognized by the company.

A person who holds a diploma is considered to be higher educated and thus relatively has higher opportunity to enter the door of a company. However ,it becomes worthless if the person is lack of practical ability. As there are too many graduates ,most of companies prefer give offering training afterwards. It happens because employers think a high certification student may not be good at using their knowledge in the workplace. Therefore, ability becomes more and more important nowadays.

Learn to be Grateful

We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving

Day.However, we should feel gratitude every day.

God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.Be grateful to others is a way to show your love.In our daily life, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers.Perhaps it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus.We should be thankful to them for whatever they have done.The more love you give, the more love you receive.

A sense of gratitude can acknowledging our interdependent existence.You will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart.Therefore, a thankful heart is like a magnet.Not only will we attract more things to be grateful for, but also we will attract gratitude from others."give thanks a little and you will find a lot. "

Gratitude is heaven itself.A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life.We now fall into a busy life, neglecting to be grateful for details, the beauty of nature, the comforts of modern living , the love of parents and so on.People can notice these details and realize the friendship, love and happiness in our life with a grateful heart.

My view on examination.

It's the common phenomenon that a large number of persons are likely to consider the score as individual.ability,which is occured frequently in the

universities and colleges.They believed that the mark of student could

representative all the aspects ,which including if they had studied hard at the stage of learning,and take the mistakes on their study.

But the examination is not omnipotent to test anything in our life,which could bring us a lot of bad influence for our life.Treating was born with the examination for someone wants to get high marks on it.Examination is like invisual stress which persecutes our nervous system and weakens our health.

As far as I am considered, examination is indeed a good method to test one's ability in some extendeny.But no one can deny that, frequently

examination annoy people.Examining should be limited regularly which would occur the maximum function of it.

Learn to Give up Wisely

People always think that people give up is not firm determination should not be able to adhere to his own goal in the end loser.But why not give up a kind of wisdom.People live in this life, you want the most for a lot of things, the desire is endless, people always feel satisfied.Now we are in a youth Love, will be of the opposite sex more or less have some feelings of love, some people will brave chase, some people choose to crush.Can chase to get their favorite people insist you can not rely on, learn sane people who they will never give up the chase to catch up, do not feel that their youth because there is no man but unfortunately, everyone's youth is unique.We'll give up some time to tell us because you want to do is choose the wrong.Persistence is good, but blind to put a never turned his own people as the stars, looking every day.Blind pursuit is a waste of our own youth.

Talent search Show on Campus

Nowadays a number of universities conducting a lot of Talent search show. So sensational, so popular, was the phenomenon that, years after the hot flush, many college students are still enthusiasm about Talent-search

show.Someone assumes the type of activity providing a wonderful stage which helps us increase experience and dig out the great potential on ourselves.There are too many numerous players wants to win their fame overnight in the

method, they takes part in the competition without consideration that including abudance of study or criticism from outside.

Also the influence of these competitions is dialectical.Talent search show will intensify people's desire for success and lose the patient gradually, which will also destroy our values.

As for me, I quiet agree the attendants' action.They have their great courge with several or a unique talent.Confidence is their wealth, while I lack of

it.Maybe talent search show is a shortcut to success.There is a saying in China

that be in your post, take your responsibility.But we are still students now, knowledge is what we should purse.

脸谱Facial makeup

Facial makeup is pointed to the facial make up for the actors whose jobs are singing Peking opera ,which is traditional opera in China. It owes certain standards of color, type and format. Different characters were featured by various colors, such as red, yellow, white, black, purple ,green and silver in Facial makeup. Each role's facial makeup is made of paint ,powder and oil painting which basic format includes the whole face, San Kuai Wa Lian and broken face. These facial makeup is wisely represented for Generals, officials, heroes and monsters.

People can figure out the Chou actors though various white blanks around actor's eyes and nose. Sometimes these blanks are painted with black line which is commonly named little flowery face.

汉字Chinese characters

Chinese characters are one of the most ancient words in the world, whose users exceed that on other words.

There are more than 60000 Chinese characters; however, the basic ones occupied 6000.

Chinese characters have more than 5000 years' history according to the result of authorities' evaluation.

The original ones are the picture documented what had happened that time. From Jiaguwen to Kaiti, the format and structure of our Chinese characters have changed a lot since ancient time.

Chinese characters are learnt by Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc on history which also promoted the international communication

Chinese people use different kinds of methods input Chinese characters to computer and process information in modern times.

It proved that Chinese characters are full of energy and creativity.


Inviting celebrities to universities for a course becoming a fashion recently.

The bias of celebrities is endless which including the clauses of their success, for example, good-looking and their scheming method without substantial fortune that contained abundant social experiences, values and profound

thoughts. Nevertheless, some fans think highly of this measure which taken by universities.

As my view, celebrities are also ordinary persons, choosing to be a celebrity is their legitimate method to making life. Most of people have suffered a period of tough time before becoming gorgeous which isn't known.We should take the proper attitude neither look upon down celebrities nor that they are just sharing personal experience at the different stages of their life. Please don't pay too much attention on these celebrities.

cell phone

A lot of parents reckon giving their children a cell phone is requisite, which are for their children's security. Also it's convenient for children to look through e-dictionary or other e-books.

Nonetheless, every coin has two sides. Cell phone which as a gorgeous symbol of modern science technology that is easily addicted to games and

applications on it, which is to distract children' s mind of learning curriculum and abandon the vital liability for a student randomly.

As my view, when children go away for further education or pursue other aims, cell phone indeed as a tool that indubitably shortens the long distance for their communication. Children should refrain from playing cell phone all the time. Parents could buy non-intelligent cell phones for children that

distinguished with smart phones, which helps children without temptation.

Job for Graduates

It's a common phenomenon that graduates are in trouble for job hunting which contains a lot of reasons.

Firstly, plenty of graduates don't owe values of life. They look down upon the jobs, such as cleaner and peasant. Secondly, there are millions of graduates leave school indeed, high requirements on some occupations may result in much intangible pressure to the graduate, which is the origin of NEET who are not willing to work or pursue further study but stay at home and rely on parents. Finally, they pay too much attention on the level of salary, applicant tend to focus on the high ones intensely.

Solutions are listed as follows:

We are supposed to reckon that each job is equally. As youth, equipping ourselves with confidence and braveness to defend our unknown future which demands of us to set up a right-minded, believing money isn't everything, on

the contrary the potential and prospect of the corporation which are deserved to observe and think deeply.

Take all above the measures, get a job won't be difficult any more.

Frustration Education should be Strengthened among College Students

Frustrating education is extremely effective training both on academic and spiritual will, which happens frequently in our daily life.The usual educational was given for acquiring knowledge, rather than frustration education is used for enhance the deficiency

about which owed.

As far as I am concerned, most education system and even public schools have leave out the frustrating education who is staring at the usual education tightly. Although it would mark out the loophole and deepen our memory on the mistake we have made, which could also be the reason for us to distinguish the good students and the bad students partly. Frustration education could have started with the various activities like competition on knowledge all other extracurricular work, not like examination on paper, which entertaining the children and frustrating the students at the same time.

Education department of the government could appeal the education

system to setting an index for achieving frustration education in practice, And school could combine the frustration education with knowledge education.

Reading and traveling

A book is the essence of previous knowledge. We are standing on the shoulders of philosophy to know what happened in the era that allowing us sprouting out of the infinite in the limited life. There's a Chinese saying 'read a lot makes the trip further. 'Just as we all know that most of one's life experience and insights from each stage in daily activities, but a few of them from book knowledge.

I prefer traveling to reading.Go out for a walk is a trip, but a kind of method to gain humanities information and understanding more about the world.

I love to listen to those who have a lot of experience, seeing the world from their perspective and feeling it's beauty and cruelty.

Perhaps living is destined to experience something.No matter what works or whether it's reading or traveling is existing to enrich ordinary life, they helping us a lot.

Is Military Training Necessary?

Military training always started during the learning semester or at the beginning of the new term. Is the military training necessary?

Some persons think military training is just like a kind of Chinese traditional culture. It's meaningful for us when we step into the society.It's a valuable method to experience solider s ' life and understand their feeling for that kind of life. Also we would learn some precious spirts on them, and so as to apply it in our daily life.

But someone disagreed with it. They thought military training is significant for college students. Most of them have no chance to become a real soldier under the normal circumstance. And it's obvious that every job contains it's own hardships, and they need not to waste time to feeling the real life in the army for the world is peaceful totally now.

As for me, I prefer to maintain the legacy. I have experienced for the military training for several times ago. I learned a lot from the activity. It includes team's sprit, patient and so many other feelings. Hard training could build up our determination and strengthen our confidence. I wouldn't regret joining the trainings.It allows me to see a conceivable person. So the Military training should exist all the times.

Practice Makes Perfect

In the real world, we don't have try something or we won't have

opportunities to experience those.As a college student, we spend the money given by parents with leisure.But each of us is becoming an undergraduate in two or three years.Most of us would be pointed out that lack of work experience when we go to an interview.Or the boss won't hire you because of it, but that's nothing.

People need a job in any case.No one is born with the ability to make the things prefect.There's a Chinese saying that practice makes perfect.It's the best measure to apply any requirements from the corporation.We are still young now, and time is our fortune.There is still plenty to learn.We are Business Eniglish major. We recite the same English words everyday which help us review the knowledge that included in the word content and use neatly in a deep level.

Practice is the base of good results. The sentence can be our motto forever.

air pollution

The quality of air pollution has fallen down during recently years.A mother who used to be a reporter at CCTV shot a documentary which is called Under The Dome at her own expense.It tells the worries about the bad polluted air for her baby as a mother.The air is flowing irregularly which also means that polluted air will spread to other regions of the world.The air is a mixture of

harmful tiny substance produced when the oil and natural gas is burning mostly.Respiratory diseases and even lung cancer has become a common

phenomenon in the society for a bad cycle that persons want to get profit from the nature and destroy the forest,river and above the nature,influenced weather and environment of the world ,which which also lead to the nature disasters.The aim of this documentary is appeal to the people try to reduce the disserve as much as they can.

The solution of this kind of circumstance that people should try to save the source above the world and not pay much attention to the prophet and

interest.Please don't forget that the world is our home.We should use natural resources in moderation, and they can be used by the circulation, so that we can benefit our later generations.Protect the air and protect our life.


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