
Unit 1 15行:The biggest difference isn’t really that the musician produces air movements while the translator produces yet more words; it is that a musical composition is intended to be translated into body and throat movements, while a work of literature is not intended to be translatedinto another language.

他们之间最大的区别倒不是音乐家制造的是旋律, 译者制造的是文字, 而是音乐作品的创作就是为了转换成肢体语言和美妙的旋律, 而一部文学作品并不是为了翻译成另一种文字而创作的。

24行:And while the translator is shouldering this responsibility and forcing literary works into forms that they have never intended to take, no one see his difficult performance except where he slips up.


40行:The foreign writer ’s work looks like gibberish, or would if we ever saw it. Just like a musical score to someone who can’t read music.


45行:He is expected to submit to his authors and always be faithful to them, never make mistakes, work on a piecemeal basis, and accept bottom billing at best.


61行:“the true reason why we have so few versions which are tolerate (is that) there are so few who have all the talents which are requisite for translation, and there is so little praise and so small encouragement for so considerable a part of learning.


Unit 2 10行:For nearly six weeks, she had sat as a defendant in a lawsuit over the April 16,1996,broadcast of “The Oprah Winfrey Show”,which had featured a segment on mad cow disease.

1996年4月16日播出了一期‚欧普拉〃温弗里脱口秀‛, 节目涉及到了疯牛病的话题, 因为此事, 她成了被告, 案子历时将近6个星期。

21行:But when a new variant form of a related disease showed up among 10 people in United Kingdom, the British government will noticed World Health Organization, which quickly called together an international panel of experts to study the situation and make further recommendations.

但是, 在英国, 当有一种同类疾病的变体在10个人身上开始发作时, 英国政府便将这一现象通报给了世界卫生组织, 而该组织迅速召集了一个国际专家小组, 研究形势, 制定下一步的对策。

52行:Book publisher coveted the “Oprah effect”—the best seller status conferred on any book chosen for her club.

那些图书出版商十分看好这种‚欧普拉效应‛。原来, 凡是被她的读书俱乐部节目选中的图书, 都会获得畅销书的名分。

72行:While proponents of such law say they are necessary to protect livelihood, opponents say they stifle free speech by intimidation, squelching debates and impeding investigations that help ensure food safety, Winfrey ’s attorney said that whereas he once considered veggie libel laws silly, he now considers them scary.

那些赞同就此事立法的人认为, 为了保护生计, 这样的法律十分必要, 而反对的人则认为, 这样的法律只会扼杀言论自由, 因为它们让人感到恐怖, 有些为确保食品安全而进行的调查也会受到压制而无法实现。温弗里的律师说, 以前只是觉得‚果蔬毁誉法‛荒唐, 现如今觉得它们已变得非常可怕了。

Unit 4 33行:Buffeted about like so many molecules in my tepid kitchen, they feel that they have lost their sense of direction, that they are wasting youth and opportunity at every turn.


39行:Crystals and snowflakes and galaxies are islands of incredibly ordered beauty in the midst of random events. 晶体、雪花和星系是在杂乱无序的海洋中令人难以置信的美丽的而且井然有序的孤岛。

70行:The obstacles and accidents in our lives almost guarantee that constant collision will bounce us on to random paths, get us off the track. Disorder is the path of least resistance, the easy but not the inevitable road. 我们生活中的障碍和意外事故几乎总使我们不断碰撞,偏离既定的路线,使我们步入歧途。通往无序之路是阻力最小的路,是一条轻松但并非必然的路。

Unit 6 4行:Undergraduates are searching for identity and meaning and, like the rest of us, they are torn by idealism of service on the one hand, and on the other , the temptation to retreat into a world that never rises above self-interests.


13行:Is it appropriate to hope that the lessons learned in a liberal education will reveal themselves in the humaneness of the graduate’s relationship with others?


34行:In a world where human survival is at stake, ignorance is not an acceptable alternative. The full control of policy by specialists with limited perspective is not tolerable.


47行:But we are convinced that one undergraduate college, perhaps more than any other institution, is obliged to provide the enlightened leadership our nation urgently requires if government by the people is to endure.


89行:What a tragedy it would be if the most deeply felt issues, the most haunting questions, the most creative moments were pushed to the fringes of our institutional life. What a monumental mistake it would be if students, during the undergraduate years, remained trapped within the organizational grooves and narrow routines to which the academic world sometimes seems excessively devoted.


114行:The goal is not to indoctrinate students, but to set them free in the world of ideas and provide a climate in which ethical and more choices can be thoughtfully examined, and conyictions formed.


Unit 8 2行:But much of the knowledge we think we have of different nationalities exists as stereotypes —conventional and oversimplified pictures without nuances or individuality.


12行:The quarterly dividend is their cardinal goal, and quick fixes are the means to accomplish it. They organize their companies in many-layered hierarchies or order givers and order takers. Employees do not question instructions (at least openly) . They lose their jobs if they do.


Unit 1 15行:The biggest difference isn’t really that the musician produces air movements while the translator produces yet more words; it is that a musical composition is intended to be translated into body and throat movements, while a work of literature is not intended to be translatedinto another language.

他们之间最大的区别倒不是音乐家制造的是旋律, 译者制造的是文字, 而是音乐作品的创作就是为了转换成肢体语言和美妙的旋律, 而一部文学作品并不是为了翻译成另一种文字而创作的。

24行:And while the translator is shouldering this responsibility and forcing literary works into forms that they have never intended to take, no one see his difficult performance except where he slips up.


40行:The foreign writer ’s work looks like gibberish, or would if we ever saw it. Just like a musical score to someone who can’t read music.


45行:He is expected to submit to his authors and always be faithful to them, never make mistakes, work on a piecemeal basis, and accept bottom billing at best.


61行:“the true reason why we have so few versions which are tolerate (is that) there are so few who have all the talents which are requisite for translation, and there is so little praise and so small encouragement for so considerable a part of learning.


Unit 2 10行:For nearly six weeks, she had sat as a defendant in a lawsuit over the April 16,1996,broadcast of “The Oprah Winfrey Show”,which had featured a segment on mad cow disease.

1996年4月16日播出了一期‚欧普拉〃温弗里脱口秀‛, 节目涉及到了疯牛病的话题, 因为此事, 她成了被告, 案子历时将近6个星期。

21行:But when a new variant form of a related disease showed up among 10 people in United Kingdom, the British government will noticed World Health Organization, which quickly called together an international panel of experts to study the situation and make further recommendations.

但是, 在英国, 当有一种同类疾病的变体在10个人身上开始发作时, 英国政府便将这一现象通报给了世界卫生组织, 而该组织迅速召集了一个国际专家小组, 研究形势, 制定下一步的对策。

52行:Book publisher coveted the “Oprah effect”—the best seller status conferred on any book chosen for her club.

那些图书出版商十分看好这种‚欧普拉效应‛。原来, 凡是被她的读书俱乐部节目选中的图书, 都会获得畅销书的名分。

72行:While proponents of such law say they are necessary to protect livelihood, opponents say they stifle free speech by intimidation, squelching debates and impeding investigations that help ensure food safety, Winfrey ’s attorney said that whereas he once considered veggie libel laws silly, he now considers them scary.

那些赞同就此事立法的人认为, 为了保护生计, 这样的法律十分必要, 而反对的人则认为, 这样的法律只会扼杀言论自由, 因为它们让人感到恐怖, 有些为确保食品安全而进行的调查也会受到压制而无法实现。温弗里的律师说, 以前只是觉得‚果蔬毁誉法‛荒唐, 现如今觉得它们已变得非常可怕了。

Unit 4 33行:Buffeted about like so many molecules in my tepid kitchen, they feel that they have lost their sense of direction, that they are wasting youth and opportunity at every turn.


39行:Crystals and snowflakes and galaxies are islands of incredibly ordered beauty in the midst of random events. 晶体、雪花和星系是在杂乱无序的海洋中令人难以置信的美丽的而且井然有序的孤岛。

70行:The obstacles and accidents in our lives almost guarantee that constant collision will bounce us on to random paths, get us off the track. Disorder is the path of least resistance, the easy but not the inevitable road. 我们生活中的障碍和意外事故几乎总使我们不断碰撞,偏离既定的路线,使我们步入歧途。通往无序之路是阻力最小的路,是一条轻松但并非必然的路。

Unit 6 4行:Undergraduates are searching for identity and meaning and, like the rest of us, they are torn by idealism of service on the one hand, and on the other , the temptation to retreat into a world that never rises above self-interests.


13行:Is it appropriate to hope that the lessons learned in a liberal education will reveal themselves in the humaneness of the graduate’s relationship with others?


34行:In a world where human survival is at stake, ignorance is not an acceptable alternative. The full control of policy by specialists with limited perspective is not tolerable.


47行:But we are convinced that one undergraduate college, perhaps more than any other institution, is obliged to provide the enlightened leadership our nation urgently requires if government by the people is to endure.


89行:What a tragedy it would be if the most deeply felt issues, the most haunting questions, the most creative moments were pushed to the fringes of our institutional life. What a monumental mistake it would be if students, during the undergraduate years, remained trapped within the organizational grooves and narrow routines to which the academic world sometimes seems excessively devoted.


114行:The goal is not to indoctrinate students, but to set them free in the world of ideas and provide a climate in which ethical and more choices can be thoughtfully examined, and conyictions formed.


Unit 8 2行:But much of the knowledge we think we have of different nationalities exists as stereotypes —conventional and oversimplified pictures without nuances or individuality.


12行:The quarterly dividend is their cardinal goal, and quick fixes are the means to accomplish it. They organize their companies in many-layered hierarchies or order givers and order takers. Employees do not question instructions (at least openly) . They lose their jobs if they do.



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