
习语:above board

Exp. Board是木板的意思,above board是个固定搭配,常用来指“在桌面上”或“正大光明”,与under the table相对。

Eg. The deal was completely above board.


Eg. If all your dealings have been above board, you need have no fear of their being investigated.

如果你的买卖都光明正大,就不必害怕调查。 Eg. There' s nothing secret about what we' re doing, it' s all perfectly above board.



A :Whatever we do , we should do itabove board. 不管我们做什么,我们都应该正大光明。 B :You are right. We shouldn't do anythingunder the table.

你说得对,我们不应该偷偷摸摸地做事。 A :Well, since youagree withme, we shouldput the issue above boardinstead oftalking aboutthrough other channels.

那好,既然你同意我的说法,我们就把事情摆在桌面上来,而不是通过其他什么方式对此进行讨论。 词海拾贝:

under the table 秘密交易的 (暗中进行的, 不法的) Eg. The busines smen offered me &500 under the table if I would vote against the government's plans.

如果我对政府的计划投反对票,商人们会贿赂我500英镑。 Eg. Jesse gave money under the table to get the apartment.

杰西悄悄花钱弄到一套房间。 agree with sb 同意某人的观点、想法

Eg. I entirely agree with you.


He tends to get angry when people do not agree with him.

他听到不同意见时, 总是不高兴.

Eg. I agree with you, but with some reservations.


put the issue above board 把事情放在桌面上来谈; 公开地谈这个问题 instead of 而不是; 代替 Eg. The economy is shrinking instead of growing.

经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。 Eg. The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos.

店主给我们的分量不足: 应该10公斤我们只得到7.5公斤。

Eg. There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.


through other channels 通过其他渠道

习语:above board

Exp. Board是木板的意思,above board是个固定搭配,常用来指“在桌面上”或“正大光明”,与under the table相对。

Eg. The deal was completely above board.


Eg. If all your dealings have been above board, you need have no fear of their being investigated.

如果你的买卖都光明正大,就不必害怕调查。 Eg. There' s nothing secret about what we' re doing, it' s all perfectly above board.



A :Whatever we do , we should do itabove board. 不管我们做什么,我们都应该正大光明。 B :You are right. We shouldn't do anythingunder the table.

你说得对,我们不应该偷偷摸摸地做事。 A :Well, since youagree withme, we shouldput the issue above boardinstead oftalking aboutthrough other channels.

那好,既然你同意我的说法,我们就把事情摆在桌面上来,而不是通过其他什么方式对此进行讨论。 词海拾贝:

under the table 秘密交易的 (暗中进行的, 不法的) Eg. The busines smen offered me &500 under the table if I would vote against the government's plans.

如果我对政府的计划投反对票,商人们会贿赂我500英镑。 Eg. Jesse gave money under the table to get the apartment.

杰西悄悄花钱弄到一套房间。 agree with sb 同意某人的观点、想法

Eg. I entirely agree with you.


He tends to get angry when people do not agree with him.

他听到不同意见时, 总是不高兴.

Eg. I agree with you, but with some reservations.


put the issue above board 把事情放在桌面上来谈; 公开地谈这个问题 instead of 而不是; 代替 Eg. The economy is shrinking instead of growing.

经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。 Eg. The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos.

店主给我们的分量不足: 应该10公斤我们只得到7.5公斤。

Eg. There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.


through other channels 通过其他渠道


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