

第三部分 早操

1. T: Everybody /children, outside please. Go to the toilet, and then drink some water.

2. T: Time for morning exercise. It’s time to do morning exercises. Come out to stand in line.

3. Line up quickly. No pushing! No noise!

4. Hurry/Hurry up! Stand in a straight line.

Stand in line! Straight line!

5. T: attention!

C: One, two

T: Ready/Are you ready?

C: Yes. One two three four go—left, right, left.

T: Rest.

T: Hands up!

T: Hands…?

C: Down!

T: No noise.

6. T: Follow me. Let’s go downstairs quietly!

7. T: Be carefully. Take care. Mind your step

8. T: Come on, kids.

9. T: This way, please.

10. T: Follow me, please.

No pushing. No running! Downstairs one by one.

Come with me, please.

11. T: Stand straight! Get in a straight line.

12. T: Hand in hand.

13. T: Don’t look back. Don’t look around. Don’t run away.

Look at me/look forward. Face me. Turn back. Don’t move. Stay where you are. Let’s do morning exercises to the music.

T: Children, be in high spirits while doing exercises .let’s see who is

the best one.

14. T: Are you ready?

C: yes

T: Well done.

15. T: Don’t move.

16. T: Let’s see who the best one is.

17. T: all of you made good progress today.

18. T: Lily , you are well done. Reward you with a red flower./

Today, Lily did well .Marry did a good job. I’ll reward her with a

red flower.


第三部分 早操

1. T: Everybody /children, outside please. Go to the toilet, and then drink some water.

2. T: Time for morning exercise. It’s time to do morning exercises. Come out to stand in line.

3. Line up quickly. No pushing! No noise!

4. Hurry/Hurry up! Stand in a straight line.

Stand in line! Straight line!

5. T: attention!

C: One, two

T: Ready/Are you ready?

C: Yes. One two three four go—left, right, left.

T: Rest.

T: Hands up!

T: Hands…?

C: Down!

T: No noise.

6. T: Follow me. Let’s go downstairs quietly!

7. T: Be carefully. Take care. Mind your step

8. T: Come on, kids.

9. T: This way, please.

10. T: Follow me, please.

No pushing. No running! Downstairs one by one.

Come with me, please.

11. T: Stand straight! Get in a straight line.

12. T: Hand in hand.

13. T: Don’t look back. Don’t look around. Don’t run away.

Look at me/look forward. Face me. Turn back. Don’t move. Stay where you are. Let’s do morning exercises to the music.

T: Children, be in high spirits while doing exercises .let’s see who is

the best one.

14. T: Are you ready?

C: yes

T: Well done.

15. T: Don’t move.

16. T: Let’s see who the best one is.

17. T: all of you made good progress today.

18. T: Lily , you are well done. Reward you with a red flower./

Today, Lily did well .Marry did a good job. I’ll reward her with a

red flower.


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