
Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?


1.A g _______ has a very long neck(脖子). It’s a beautiful animal.

2.A dolphin is very i________ because it can act (表演)as people do.

3.She likes ________(play) with her friends.

4.There are lots of ______(koala) in Australia.

5.What other ________(动物) do you like ?

6.Do you like animals ? No , I don’t like _________(它们).

7.Are they _________(到达) in Sydney next month ?


1.want, koalas, to, the, do, you, see


2.do, want, why, they, pandas, see, those, to


3.see, first, dolphins, the, let’s


4. are, where, koalas, from


1. There is ______ elephant in the zoo. ______ elephant is from Africa.

A. a, The B. an, The C. /, An D. a, An

2. --- Why do you like penguins ? --- Because they are very ________.

A. cute B.dirty C. lazy D. tall

3. --- Do you like _______? --- Yes , they’re very smart.

A. elephant B.tigers C. panada D. animal

4. --- ________ do you like dogs ? ---- Because they’re very friendly.

A. What B. How C. Why D. Where

5.. Where _______ lions ______ ?

A. does, from B. do, come from C. is, from D. are, come from

6.Lions are from ___.

A. Australia B. North Pole C. America D. Africa

7._____ pandas from China?

A. Are B. Is C. Do D.Does

8.Do you ever play _____ pandas?

A. with B. to C. and D.on

9.Why ____he _____koalas ?

A.does,like B.does,likes C.do .like D.do like

10.The monkeys _______interesting .

A.kind of B.kinds of C.are kind of D.are kinds of


1. They are shy and quiet. (改否定句)

2. He likes koalas very much. (改一般疑问句)

3. 划线提问)

4. 划线提问)


一. 词组翻译.

1.邮局__________ 2.在…前面__________ 3.沿着…笔直往前走__________

4.在中心街上__________ 5.花园区__________ 6.在…旁边__________

7.在…和…之间__________8.在…对面_________ 9.这儿附近__________

10.在附近__________ 11.一家大超市__________ 12.在新公园__________

13.一直往前走_________ 14.向左或向右拐__________15.乘出租车__________

16.玩得愉快__________ 17.…的开始__________ 18.散步__________

19.去…的路____________ 20.旅途愉快__________ 21.通过穿过__________


1.Bob ______(enjoy) the music very much.

2._______ there (be) a restaurant near here?

3.I know you are ________ (arrive) next Monday.

4.The post office is on the ________ (five) Avenue.

5.He likes _______ (watch) TV.

6.My parents ______(have) a good time.


1. 沿着这条街往前走,然后向右拐。

Go ____ this street, then ____ _____.

2. 这儿附近有图书馆吗?

_____ there a ____ ____ here?


Let me ____ you how to ____ ____ the airport.

4. 看这张照片,站在我右边的是我父亲。

5. 我喜欢坐在公园的长凳上看书。

I enjoy ___ ____ a bench ____ the park.

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?


1.A g _______ has a very long neck(脖子). It’s a beautiful animal.

2.A dolphin is very i________ because it can act (表演)as people do.

3.She likes ________(play) with her friends.

4.There are lots of ______(koala) in Australia.

5.What other ________(动物) do you like ?

6.Do you like animals ? No , I don’t like _________(它们).

7.Are they _________(到达) in Sydney next month ?


1.want, koalas, to, the, do, you, see


2.do, want, why, they, pandas, see, those, to


3.see, first, dolphins, the, let’s


4. are, where, koalas, from


1. There is ______ elephant in the zoo. ______ elephant is from Africa.

A. a, The B. an, The C. /, An D. a, An

2. --- Why do you like penguins ? --- Because they are very ________.

A. cute B.dirty C. lazy D. tall

3. --- Do you like _______? --- Yes , they’re very smart.

A. elephant B.tigers C. panada D. animal

4. --- ________ do you like dogs ? ---- Because they’re very friendly.

A. What B. How C. Why D. Where

5.. Where _______ lions ______ ?

A. does, from B. do, come from C. is, from D. are, come from

6.Lions are from ___.

A. Australia B. North Pole C. America D. Africa

7._____ pandas from China?

A. Are B. Is C. Do D.Does

8.Do you ever play _____ pandas?

A. with B. to C. and D.on

9.Why ____he _____koalas ?

A.does,like B.does,likes C.do .like D.do like

10.The monkeys _______interesting .

A.kind of B.kinds of C.are kind of D.are kinds of


1. They are shy and quiet. (改否定句)

2. He likes koalas very much. (改一般疑问句)

3. 划线提问)

4. 划线提问)


一. 词组翻译.

1.邮局__________ 2.在…前面__________ 3.沿着…笔直往前走__________

4.在中心街上__________ 5.花园区__________ 6.在…旁边__________

7.在…和…之间__________8.在…对面_________ 9.这儿附近__________

10.在附近__________ 11.一家大超市__________ 12.在新公园__________

13.一直往前走_________ 14.向左或向右拐__________15.乘出租车__________

16.玩得愉快__________ 17.…的开始__________ 18.散步__________

19.去…的路____________ 20.旅途愉快__________ 21.通过穿过__________


1.Bob ______(enjoy) the music very much.

2._______ there (be) a restaurant near here?

3.I know you are ________ (arrive) next Monday.

4.The post office is on the ________ (five) Avenue.

5.He likes _______ (watch) TV.

6.My parents ______(have) a good time.


1. 沿着这条街往前走,然后向右拐。

Go ____ this street, then ____ _____.

2. 这儿附近有图书馆吗?

_____ there a ____ ____ here?


Let me ____ you how to ____ ____ the airport.

4. 看这张照片,站在我右边的是我父亲。

5. 我喜欢坐在公园的长凳上看书。

I enjoy ___ ____ a bench ____ the park.


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