The Last Leaf 最后一片常春藤叶

The Last Leaf 最后一片常春藤叶


"The last ivy leaves" I: is live hope? Faith is.


"The last ivy leaves the story is very touching story. Two young painter's, called johnsy, caught pneumonia completely lost live of hope, the doctor she extremely negative treatment. Johnsy did not hear the dissuasion, life on passing the fallen leaves and numbered, waiting for the last leaf falling, and also to leave the world. Downstairs kind of unknown old painter, and know, decided to help johnsy life of hope, attend to have pneumonia. Last night, a mixture of snow is falling ivy leaves of lifting heavy body, painted dream

masterpiece - finally, ivy leaves help johnsy was something to live hope, make johnsy was out of danger, and old painter finally cannot bear the onset of stroke, sacrificed.


Old painter on wall below the word the ivy leaves and save a young artist's life, it is, but I hear that the power of faith: yes, the power of faith.


Young artist johnsy finally ivy leaves fall amid passed away, she after completely lost the live belief, this big mistake, but the kind old painter behrman caught point, use energy, drew an expectation masterpiece,

reoccupy life aroused johnsy live faith to make johnsy strong to live. With love aroused faith, with faith save lives. The power of love and the power of faith

addition, Will is boundless, and beliefs survive, hope this "the last ivy leaves" let what I understand.


The beauty of life, as well as beauty, many jingmei, beauty, beauty, affection to beauty


2012-11-11 21:[1**********]| 二级


This article wrote three improbable poor writer mutual story. I " this article, feel that Mr Behrman is a bit of hate, also like to boast, because I saw in the book he always said to create a masterpiece, but didn't see him move. More look, more feel him into another image. Yes, I watched this article is his

understanding is wrong, he was not bragging, he finally finished his

masterpiece, is to use his life to complete!

How stubborn " leaves "! For the sake of him, making Jonson rekindled the hope of life. I started to know where, only thought of the miracle of nature, did not expect it was with paint. It is because of the medical treatment is not developed, pneumonia is enough for a person to death, Mr. Behrman is

absolutely know, why he risked his life to save a and he has nothing to do with the people?

The final outcome is sad, Qiongshan although there is the hope of life, gradually recovered, but Mr. Behrman for expose to wind and rain, died.

So some people would be so treatment, I sigh with emotion. We just thought, why my first impression is that of Mr. Behrman? I'm afraid for friends so people now have scanty.








2010-12-12 11:01绿树阴阴| 三级

"The last ivy leaves" I: is live hope? Faith is.


"The last ivy leaves the story is very touching story. Two young painter's, called johnsy, caught pneumonia completely lost live of hope, the doctor she extremely negative treatment. Johnsy did not hear the dissuasion, life on passing the fallen leaves and numbered, waiting for the last leaf falling, and also to leave the world. Downstairs kind of unknown old painter, and know, decided to help johnsy life of hope, attend to have pneumonia. Last night, a mixture of snow is falling ivy leaves of lifting heavy body, painted dream

masterpiece - finally, ivy leaves help johnsy was something to live hope, make johnsy was out of danger, and old painter finally cannot bear the onset of stroke, sacrificed.


Old painter on wall below the word the ivy leaves and save a young artist's life, it is, but I hear that the power of faith: yes, the power of faith.



Young artist johnsy finally ivy leaves fall amid passed away, she after completely lost the live belief, this big mistake, but the kind old painter behrman caught point, use energy, drew an expectation masterpiece,

reoccupy life aroused johnsy live faith to make johnsy strong to live. With love aroused faith, with faith save lives. The power of love and the power of faith addition, Will is boundless, and beliefs survive, hope this "the last ivy leaves" let what I understand.


The beauty of life, as well as beauty, many jingmei, beauty, beauty, affection to beauty


The Last Leaf 最后一片常春藤叶


"The last ivy leaves" I: is live hope? Faith is.


"The last ivy leaves the story is very touching story. Two young painter's, called johnsy, caught pneumonia completely lost live of hope, the doctor she extremely negative treatment. Johnsy did not hear the dissuasion, life on passing the fallen leaves and numbered, waiting for the last leaf falling, and also to leave the world. Downstairs kind of unknown old painter, and know, decided to help johnsy life of hope, attend to have pneumonia. Last night, a mixture of snow is falling ivy leaves of lifting heavy body, painted dream

masterpiece - finally, ivy leaves help johnsy was something to live hope, make johnsy was out of danger, and old painter finally cannot bear the onset of stroke, sacrificed.


Old painter on wall below the word the ivy leaves and save a young artist's life, it is, but I hear that the power of faith: yes, the power of faith.


Young artist johnsy finally ivy leaves fall amid passed away, she after completely lost the live belief, this big mistake, but the kind old painter behrman caught point, use energy, drew an expectation masterpiece,

reoccupy life aroused johnsy live faith to make johnsy strong to live. With love aroused faith, with faith save lives. The power of love and the power of faith

addition, Will is boundless, and beliefs survive, hope this "the last ivy leaves" let what I understand.


The beauty of life, as well as beauty, many jingmei, beauty, beauty, affection to beauty


2012-11-11 21:[1**********]| 二级


This article wrote three improbable poor writer mutual story. I " this article, feel that Mr Behrman is a bit of hate, also like to boast, because I saw in the book he always said to create a masterpiece, but didn't see him move. More look, more feel him into another image. Yes, I watched this article is his

understanding is wrong, he was not bragging, he finally finished his

masterpiece, is to use his life to complete!

How stubborn " leaves "! For the sake of him, making Jonson rekindled the hope of life. I started to know where, only thought of the miracle of nature, did not expect it was with paint. It is because of the medical treatment is not developed, pneumonia is enough for a person to death, Mr. Behrman is

absolutely know, why he risked his life to save a and he has nothing to do with the people?

The final outcome is sad, Qiongshan although there is the hope of life, gradually recovered, but Mr. Behrman for expose to wind and rain, died.

So some people would be so treatment, I sigh with emotion. We just thought, why my first impression is that of Mr. Behrman? I'm afraid for friends so people now have scanty.








2010-12-12 11:01绿树阴阴| 三级

"The last ivy leaves" I: is live hope? Faith is.


"The last ivy leaves the story is very touching story. Two young painter's, called johnsy, caught pneumonia completely lost live of hope, the doctor she extremely negative treatment. Johnsy did not hear the dissuasion, life on passing the fallen leaves and numbered, waiting for the last leaf falling, and also to leave the world. Downstairs kind of unknown old painter, and know, decided to help johnsy life of hope, attend to have pneumonia. Last night, a mixture of snow is falling ivy leaves of lifting heavy body, painted dream

masterpiece - finally, ivy leaves help johnsy was something to live hope, make johnsy was out of danger, and old painter finally cannot bear the onset of stroke, sacrificed.


Old painter on wall below the word the ivy leaves and save a young artist's life, it is, but I hear that the power of faith: yes, the power of faith.



Young artist johnsy finally ivy leaves fall amid passed away, she after completely lost the live belief, this big mistake, but the kind old painter behrman caught point, use energy, drew an expectation masterpiece,

reoccupy life aroused johnsy live faith to make johnsy strong to live. With love aroused faith, with faith save lives. The power of love and the power of faith addition, Will is boundless, and beliefs survive, hope this "the last ivy leaves" let what I understand.


The beauty of life, as well as beauty, many jingmei, beauty, beauty, affection to beauty



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