

Divide and conquer. A big task can look too big to tackle at times, as it is so intimidating and overwhelming. This is why you have to break the task into smaller, more manageable ones, and go through them one by one, as if each one was an important task on its own. 分解消灭。一个大任务有时看起来大的无从下手,因为它看起来是如此巨大。这就是为什么你要把大任务分解成更细小和可控制的任务的原因。把大任务分解之后再逐个逐个解决它们,就好像每一个小任务本身就是一个完整的重要任务。

Use the reward system. To give you an incentive, or a boost in motivation to do a certain task, give yourself a small reward if you accomplish it on time. Whether it's a certain food you treat yourself to, or a gift you buy yourself, it doesn't matter, as long as it inspires you enough to get the job done.建立奖励机制。给自己一个做事的动机或激励,如果自己准时完成,那就给自己一个小小的奖励。不管是请自己大吃一顿还是给自己买一份礼物,这都无所谓,只要它能激励你去完成任务就好。

Don't waste any time. Sometimes, you may not do something because you feel like you don't have the time to finish it. Try looking at such a situation from another perspective. Tell yourself, 'how much can I get done, in the time I have left?' Do as much as you can in the time you have, and soon, you will notice that you're not lagging behind that much anymore.不要浪费时间。有时,你做不成是因为你感觉你没有时间去完成。试着从另一个角度来看待这种情况。告诉自己,在我掌控的时间里,我要花多少时间去完成?在你已有的充裕时间里,请尽可能完成更多的事情,很快,你就会发现你不再拖拉出那么多事情了。

Have a "to do" list. It's always better to write things down then to have it just sitting there in our mind, where it can get lost with all our other thoughts. Therefore, write down all the things that you are putting off, and keep this list in clear sight, so that you are reminded of it. Then, as you do each task, cross them off, and go down the list. You will not believe the wonderful feeling of accomplishment as you cross all the items on your list!制定计划表。比起仅仅是在脑子里想想,把它写下来总是更好一点。因为在脑子里想想,这件事情就很有可能淹没在脑子里随时出现的其它想法里。因此,把你要拖延的事情全部写下来,把它放在一个视野范围内的地方,这样你就可以随时得到提醒。每当你完成一个任务,就在清单上划掉一个,然后顺着清单做下一个。当你划掉清单上全部的任务时,你简直无法想象那种成就感是多么的美好!

Clean environment = clearer mind. Try putting things in your office or home in order, and keep it tidy and clean. Being in order helps to cure procrastination, as you feel less overwhelmed by all the papers and such lying around your space, and cleaning creates a discipline that can help you when it's time to do a certain task.整洁环境=更清醒的头脑。试着把办公室里或家里的事物编排有序并保持整洁干净。井然有序可以帮助治疗拖拉的恶习,而且你也不必因周围乱糟糟的环境感到烦躁不安。此外,做到保持干净还培养一种自律意识,这种自律意识也将帮你更好地去做事。

End of day preparations. At the end of each day, go over all that you have to do the next day, creating a schedule, and thus making you aware of what's to come tomorrow. This will mentally prepare you for what's ahead instead of being surprised and feeling in over your head.提前一天准备。在每天结束的时候,重温第二天要做的所有事,制定一个计划表,确保自己知道第二天要做什么。这就让你在思想上为将来的事提前做好了准备,而不会因突如其来的事情感到手足无措。


Divide and conquer. A big task can look too big to tackle at times, as it is so intimidating and overwhelming. This is why you have to break the task into smaller, more manageable ones, and go through them one by one, as if each one was an important task on its own. 分解消灭。一个大任务有时看起来大的无从下手,因为它看起来是如此巨大。这就是为什么你要把大任务分解成更细小和可控制的任务的原因。把大任务分解之后再逐个逐个解决它们,就好像每一个小任务本身就是一个完整的重要任务。

Use the reward system. To give you an incentive, or a boost in motivation to do a certain task, give yourself a small reward if you accomplish it on time. Whether it's a certain food you treat yourself to, or a gift you buy yourself, it doesn't matter, as long as it inspires you enough to get the job done.建立奖励机制。给自己一个做事的动机或激励,如果自己准时完成,那就给自己一个小小的奖励。不管是请自己大吃一顿还是给自己买一份礼物,这都无所谓,只要它能激励你去完成任务就好。

Don't waste any time. Sometimes, you may not do something because you feel like you don't have the time to finish it. Try looking at such a situation from another perspective. Tell yourself, 'how much can I get done, in the time I have left?' Do as much as you can in the time you have, and soon, you will notice that you're not lagging behind that much anymore.不要浪费时间。有时,你做不成是因为你感觉你没有时间去完成。试着从另一个角度来看待这种情况。告诉自己,在我掌控的时间里,我要花多少时间去完成?在你已有的充裕时间里,请尽可能完成更多的事情,很快,你就会发现你不再拖拉出那么多事情了。

Have a "to do" list. It's always better to write things down then to have it just sitting there in our mind, where it can get lost with all our other thoughts. Therefore, write down all the things that you are putting off, and keep this list in clear sight, so that you are reminded of it. Then, as you do each task, cross them off, and go down the list. You will not believe the wonderful feeling of accomplishment as you cross all the items on your list!制定计划表。比起仅仅是在脑子里想想,把它写下来总是更好一点。因为在脑子里想想,这件事情就很有可能淹没在脑子里随时出现的其它想法里。因此,把你要拖延的事情全部写下来,把它放在一个视野范围内的地方,这样你就可以随时得到提醒。每当你完成一个任务,就在清单上划掉一个,然后顺着清单做下一个。当你划掉清单上全部的任务时,你简直无法想象那种成就感是多么的美好!

Clean environment = clearer mind. Try putting things in your office or home in order, and keep it tidy and clean. Being in order helps to cure procrastination, as you feel less overwhelmed by all the papers and such lying around your space, and cleaning creates a discipline that can help you when it's time to do a certain task.整洁环境=更清醒的头脑。试着把办公室里或家里的事物编排有序并保持整洁干净。井然有序可以帮助治疗拖拉的恶习,而且你也不必因周围乱糟糟的环境感到烦躁不安。此外,做到保持干净还培养一种自律意识,这种自律意识也将帮你更好地去做事。

End of day preparations. At the end of each day, go over all that you have to do the next day, creating a schedule, and thus making you aware of what's to come tomorrow. This will mentally prepare you for what's ahead instead of being surprised and feeling in over your head.提前一天准备。在每天结束的时候,重温第二天要做的所有事,制定一个计划表,确保自己知道第二天要做什么。这就让你在思想上为将来的事提前做好了准备,而不会因突如其来的事情感到手足无措。


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