

一直地一直地往前走 疯狂的世界

迎着痛把眼中所有梦 都交给时间

想飞就用心地去飞 谁不经历狼狈

我想我会忽略失望的灰 拥抱遗憾的美

我的梦说别停留等待 就让光芒折射泪湿的瞳孔 映出心中最想拥有的彩虹 带我奔向那片有你的天空 因为你是我的梦 我的梦

执着地勇敢地不回头 穿过了黑夜踏过了边界 路过雨路过风往前冲 总会有一天站在你身边 泪就让它往下坠 溅起伤口的美

哦别以为失去的最宝贵 才让今天浪费

我的梦说别停留等待 就让光芒折射泪湿的瞳孔 映出心中最想拥有的彩虹 带我奔向那片有你的天空 因为你是我的梦 我的梦 我的梦 我的梦

世界会怎么变化 都不是意外 记得用心去回答 命运的精彩 世界会怎么变化 都离不开爱 记得成长的对话 勇敢地说我不再等待 就让光芒折射泪湿的瞳孔 映出心中最想拥有的彩虹 带我奔向那片有你的天空 因为你是我的梦 我的梦 我的梦


Dream it possible

I will run I will climb I will soar I'm undefeated

Jumping out of my skin pull the chord Yeah I believe it

The past is everything we were don't make us who we are

So I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars It's not until you fall that you fly

When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold And we'll dream it possible Possible

I will chase I will reach I will fly

Until I'm breaking until I'm breaking Out of my cage like a bird in the night I know I'm changing I know I'm changing In into something big better than before And if it takes takes a thousand lives Then it's worth fighting for

It's not until you fall that you fly

When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold

And we'll dream it possible possiblepossiblepossible From the bottom to the top We're sparking wild fire's Never quit and never stop The rest of our lives

From the bottom to the top We're sparking wild fire's Never quit and never stop

It's not until you fall that you fly

When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold And we'll dream it possible Possible possiblepossible We'll dream it possible


一直地一直地往前走 疯狂的世界

迎着痛把眼中所有梦 都交给时间

想飞就用心地去飞 谁不经历狼狈

我想我会忽略失望的灰 拥抱遗憾的美

我的梦说别停留等待 就让光芒折射泪湿的瞳孔 映出心中最想拥有的彩虹 带我奔向那片有你的天空 因为你是我的梦 我的梦

执着地勇敢地不回头 穿过了黑夜踏过了边界 路过雨路过风往前冲 总会有一天站在你身边 泪就让它往下坠 溅起伤口的美

哦别以为失去的最宝贵 才让今天浪费

我的梦说别停留等待 就让光芒折射泪湿的瞳孔 映出心中最想拥有的彩虹 带我奔向那片有你的天空 因为你是我的梦 我的梦 我的梦 我的梦

世界会怎么变化 都不是意外 记得用心去回答 命运的精彩 世界会怎么变化 都离不开爱 记得成长的对话 勇敢地说我不再等待 就让光芒折射泪湿的瞳孔 映出心中最想拥有的彩虹 带我奔向那片有你的天空 因为你是我的梦 我的梦 我的梦


Dream it possible

I will run I will climb I will soar I'm undefeated

Jumping out of my skin pull the chord Yeah I believe it

The past is everything we were don't make us who we are

So I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars It's not until you fall that you fly

When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold And we'll dream it possible Possible

I will chase I will reach I will fly

Until I'm breaking until I'm breaking Out of my cage like a bird in the night I know I'm changing I know I'm changing In into something big better than before And if it takes takes a thousand lives Then it's worth fighting for

It's not until you fall that you fly

When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold

And we'll dream it possible possiblepossiblepossible From the bottom to the top We're sparking wild fire's Never quit and never stop The rest of our lives

From the bottom to the top We're sparking wild fire's Never quit and never stop

It's not until you fall that you fly

When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold And we'll dream it possible Possible possiblepossible We'll dream it possible


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