
济南外国语学校开元国际分校作业 英语六年级上册 第10周 星期六 编号:009

Practice makes perfect! 熟能生巧!

Homework for week 10

★★★ 背诵单词小卷(1)至(7)中的错误单词,家长检查:__________

I. 请根据首字母提示填写单词的正确形式。

1. Green and red are my f____________ colors.

2. His Chinese class is on M____________and Thursday.

3. We b___________some flowers in the supermarket last weekend.

4. I do not like this film, it’s very b_________.

5. She went to Beijing by t__________.

II. 请选择合适的单词,并将代号填在横线上。

1. Can you help me ___________off the TV? 2. His brother likes _____________ very much. 3. The day before yesterday, they ___________ the football match. 4. What __________ do they like?

III. 单项选择。

1. Does Peter like pizza? ________________ ( ) A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, he does.

2. Let her______________ some pictures. ( )

A. takes B. take C. taking

3. __________ cars does she have? ( ) A. how many B. How many C. how much 4. Linda____________ eat anything last night. ( )

A. didn’t B. don’t C. doesn’ t

5. Peter’ father spent 3 days in ____________ the kite. ( ) 5. Are the tables ___________ than the chairs?

A. making B. makes C. make

济南外国语学校开元国际分校作业 英语六年级上册 第10周 星期六 编号:009

6. I’d like to buy a pair of shoes ____________ my son. ( )

A. to B. for C. on

7. ----- What are you doing for vacation? ----- I am ____ time with my parents. ( )

A. staying B. spending C. visiting

IV. 改错题。

1. How about to go to New York? _____________ 改为_______________

2. Mr. Li, can I opened the door? _____________ 改为_______________

3. Tony is visit his friend in Hong Kong now. _____________ 改为_______________

4. Mr. Green teaches my English. _____________ 改为_______________

5. What do you do yesterday? _____________ 改为_______________

6. The Yellow River is one of the longer rivers in China. ___________ 改为_______________


It was a Saturday morning in May. When Mrs Green opened her curtains (窗帘) and looked out,

she said,“It's going to be a beautiful day.” She said to her son,“Get up, Tom. We are going to

the zoo today. Wash your hands and face. We are going to New York by train,”Tom was six years old. He was very happy now, because he liked going to the zoo very much. He also liked going by train. He said,“I dreamed (做梦) about the zoo last night, Mum.”“And what did you do in the zoo in your dream? ”Mrs Green asked. Tom laughed (大笑) and answered,“You know, Mum! You were there in my dream too.”

1. It was a Saturday morning ______. ( )

A. May B.March C.in May D. in March

2.They planned to go to ______. ( )

A. the zoo B. the park C. the street D. the school

3.They would go to New York ______. ( )

A.by bike B.by bus C by train D by plane

4.Tom was ______. ( )

A.five B.six C.seven D.eight

5.Tom dreamed of going to the zoo with______ . ( )

A. his mother B.his father C.his grandma D.his grandpa

计时栏 书写等级综合评价等级 综合评价 批阅时间

济南外国语学校开元国际分校作业 英语六年级上册 第10周 星期六 编号:009

Practice makes perfect! 熟能生巧!

Homework for week 10

★★★ 背诵单词小卷(1)至(7)中的错误单词,家长检查:__________

I. 请根据首字母提示填写单词的正确形式。

1. Green and red are my f____________ colors.

2. His Chinese class is on M____________and Thursday.

3. We b___________some flowers in the supermarket last weekend.

4. I do not like this film, it’s very b_________.

5. She went to Beijing by t__________.

II. 请选择合适的单词,并将代号填在横线上。

1. Can you help me ___________off the TV? 2. His brother likes _____________ very much. 3. The day before yesterday, they ___________ the football match. 4. What __________ do they like?

III. 单项选择。

1. Does Peter like pizza? ________________ ( ) A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, he does.

2. Let her______________ some pictures. ( )

A. takes B. take C. taking

3. __________ cars does she have? ( ) A. how many B. How many C. how much 4. Linda____________ eat anything last night. ( )

A. didn’t B. don’t C. doesn’ t

5. Peter’ father spent 3 days in ____________ the kite. ( ) 5. Are the tables ___________ than the chairs?

A. making B. makes C. make

济南外国语学校开元国际分校作业 英语六年级上册 第10周 星期六 编号:009

6. I’d like to buy a pair of shoes ____________ my son. ( )

A. to B. for C. on

7. ----- What are you doing for vacation? ----- I am ____ time with my parents. ( )

A. staying B. spending C. visiting

IV. 改错题。

1. How about to go to New York? _____________ 改为_______________

2. Mr. Li, can I opened the door? _____________ 改为_______________

3. Tony is visit his friend in Hong Kong now. _____________ 改为_______________

4. Mr. Green teaches my English. _____________ 改为_______________

5. What do you do yesterday? _____________ 改为_______________

6. The Yellow River is one of the longer rivers in China. ___________ 改为_______________


It was a Saturday morning in May. When Mrs Green opened her curtains (窗帘) and looked out,

she said,“It's going to be a beautiful day.” She said to her son,“Get up, Tom. We are going to

the zoo today. Wash your hands and face. We are going to New York by train,”Tom was six years old. He was very happy now, because he liked going to the zoo very much. He also liked going by train. He said,“I dreamed (做梦) about the zoo last night, Mum.”“And what did you do in the zoo in your dream? ”Mrs Green asked. Tom laughed (大笑) and answered,“You know, Mum! You were there in my dream too.”

1. It was a Saturday morning ______. ( )

A. May B.March C.in May D. in March

2.They planned to go to ______. ( )

A. the zoo B. the park C. the street D. the school

3.They would go to New York ______. ( )

A.by bike B.by bus C by train D by plane

4.Tom was ______. ( )

A.five B.six C.seven D.eight

5.Tom dreamed of going to the zoo with______ . ( )

A. his mother B.his father C.his grandma D.his grandpa

计时栏 书写等级综合评价等级 综合评价 批阅时间


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