毕 业 论 文 (设 计)
届( )科
题 目 : 系 部: 专 业:班 级:
学 号:
姓 名: 指导教师: 完成日期: 年 月 日
The Impact of Internet on English Learning
随着社会的发展和先进技术的进步,在我们的工作和商业业务活动,互联网的使用变的越来越流行,它将我们人与人之间和世界连接在一起,与此同时在我们的日常生活中也发挥着重要作用,它使我们的生活更加丰富多彩而有趣。然而,它也给我们的学习带来了很多帮助,英语的学习也是不例外的一部分。有了互联网,我们可以很容易和方便的学习英语,我们还可以得到教科书书上学不到的知识。,在我们的英语学习中也有着明显的影响。本文将分为五个部分详细讨论互联网对我们英语学习的影响。第一部分是这篇文章的引言,第二部分给我们简要的介绍了因特网的发展历史。第三部分是本文的主要部分,将详细陈述了互联网对我们的英语学习影响的细节; 第四部分给我们解释互联网对英语学习的消极方面影响,最后一部分是本文结论。希望从这篇文章,我们可以更好的利用的互联网对我们学习积极影响客服消极影响来继续和提高我们的英语学习。
With the development of society and advanced technology, internet use is more and more popular in our work and business activities, which connect all of us and world together and it also play an important role in our daily life, it make our daily life more colorful and interesting. However it also gives a lot help for our studying, English is part of it. With the internet, we can learn English easily and conveniently and we also can get the knowledge can not get in the school book. It has obvious impact on our English learning. This essay will divide into five parts discussing the internet impact on our English learning in detail .the first is the introduction of this essay, the second will give us a brief introduction for the internet development. The third part is main part of this paper, it will explain the internet impact on our English learning in detail; the forth part will give us the negative influence of the internet, the last part is the conclusion of this essay. Hope from this essay we can use the positive impact to continue learning and improving our English studying and overcome the difficulties at the same time.
Key word: English Learning, Internet, Impact.
On the completion of my thesis, I should like to express my deepest gratitude to all those whose kindness and advice have made this work possible.
I am greatly indebted to my tutor Professor … who gave me valuable instructions, and urged me to begin my research work as soon as possible. His effective advice, shrewd comments and quick corrections have kept the thesis in the right direction.
I am grateful to Professor …, Professor …, Professor … and Professor … of … University. They have improved me in language and in research methodology and have shown me into the fascinating world of English literature and western culture.
My gratitude is to my … who constantly encouraged me when I felt frustrated with this dissertation. I am grateful for his constructive suggestions and careful reading of the manuscript.
摘 要. …………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ Abstract. ………………………………………………………………………………………. Ⅱ Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………………... . Ⅲ
1. Introduction. ………………………………………………………………………………….1 2. The importance of English……………………….1
3. The Role of the Internet in Our Daily Life………………………………………………1 4. The Impact of Internet on English Learning. ……………………………......2
4.1 Internet Makes English Communication Meaningful………………………………..3
4.2. Internet Makes Motivation and Enjoyment for English Learning...4
4.3 Internet Makes English Learning be Efficiency......5
4.4 Internet is English Learning Community and Linguist ……....6
4.5 Internet is the Better Tutors ………………....7
4.6 Internet Make English Learning in Chunks …………………………………….
4.7 Internet makes learning English easily……………………………………………..
5. Difficulties and Problems Encountered ……………………………………………….
6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………...11 References ………………………………………………………………………………………13
1. Introduction
Computers and other related technologies have become an enormous part of our daily lives. They have altered our sense of people, space, and time. From our living rooms, we can now talk to people, and watch events unfold in far-off places. Shopping, banking, and game playing are just a few of the other daily activities that have also changed. So many aspects of the ways we communicate and handle information have been altered by technological development. Yes, it is everywhere, including the classrooms for the use of educating children. Technology is now becoming more popular in the presence of classrooms all around the world. Tomorrow's future is in the hands of today's students.
So study with computer technology in the classroom sounds like a good idea to me.
As time goes by, these machines are being produced to compute at a faster rate, for a cheaper cost. These are the known facts. But, who funds these machines going into the classrooms for the children to learn? Are these computers really necessary? Who already has the education to teach others about this subject, and will that just cost more money? Are they efficient, and really worth it? What are some of the causes and effects of these machines?
2. The importance of English
English is an international language. There are many languages in the world where English is the foremost of them all. It is understood and spoken almost everywhere in the world. English has become the key instrument of globalization. What is paramount today is to know how to use the English language rather than just knowing it. On the hand, English is the only language that the German, the Chinese, the Japanese & Russians are keen to learn although their mother languages are developed as English. Now almost all the universities are conducting scientific studies through English medium. At the same time, the English language is used all over the globe for transaction of international trade. To all in Sri Lanka too a good knowledge of English is essential for the advancement of knowledge & to further our studies. It is almost indispensable for higher scientific and technological studies. The last but not the first, frankly speaking, it is highly essential to know the language for communication. In general, the most popular language is English. In this computer age, English is the only language that any one can understand. So to say, it has become as an ideal
language for expressing our feelings. First, we have to learn the language and then we have to gain fluency in the language. Unless we have the fluency in English language, it would not be possible to work with the computer. If you do not know English, then you would be in need of a translator to do the job
3. The Role of the Internet in Our Daily Life
With the development of technology, internet play an important role in every aspect of our life, we no longer have to wait until the evening news hour or publication of the daily newspaper to find out about current events. Instead, we can get updates on the latest breaking news ,stories as soon as they happen via 24 ¨C hour cable TV broadcasts and internet news sources. You can even subscribe to services the send news directly to your email address or cell phone. As a result, we can always be informed about important events. In additions, news coverage is no longer limited by geography and distance. Modern internet and satellite technology allows broadcasters to send video and audio reports around the world, so event that were once local now have global audience, and we can learn about breaking news in every corner of the world ".In this era, internet has been mass media, because in sort time, the role of internet has influence on the way of people's thinking; include public opinion to interest industrial products. Finally, internet will influence on people's attitude, behavior, and the way of thinking.
On the other hand, Internet as entertainment, educational and information media has influenced on society life. They get many things such as ¨ habit, culture, knowledge, and style, etc. Many universities or institution use the facilities of websites online to access data and to offer or to promote to students to study in their university online (internet). The students can register without going to campus (face to face), either national universities or international universities. Internet as an educational media has many advantages to students to learn any things such as ¨C English, biology, physic, mathematic, and so on. Beside that the students use it as reference to get more complete information. Searching internet is very advantageous for English students. It is not only as something enjoyable in getting a lot of information but also as motivation to learn English
4, the Impact of Internet on English Learning
4.1. Internet Makes English Communication Meaningful
Technologies like Skype make conversations via computer easy to organize and the communication is free of charge. You can get your friends together for a chat or make an appointment with a tutor.
It is like having lessons on demand. You can schedule one-on-one or four-on-one discussions via Skype with the tutor of your choice. You can invite your friends to join, or make new friends from different countries and cultures. Tutors need only provide advice and encouragement as well as feedback, at your convenience. There is no need for grammar instruction or quizzes, since you are learning the language naturally through your input activities.
In the relaxing atmosphere of Internet online discussion, learners and tutors become friends and form a community of people helping and encouraging each other. These are not stressful lessons. They are pleasant opportunities to communicate. You can record these conversations or produce your own oral essays and file them or share them. In this way you can keep track of your progress as you learn English on the Internet.
To really improve your accuracy of expression it is important to write. The correction of written texts can be efficiently organized on the Internet and integrated with your input and speaking activities. Systems can keep a permanent record of both your original texts and the corrected texts. These records can include details on the nature of your mistakes and the tutor's notes. Tutors can make audio recordings of your corrected writing for you to listen to, in order to reinforce the learning of the corrected phrases. The writing can range from casual writing for a blog to serious academic essays.
4.2 Internet Makes Motivation and Enjoyment for English Learning
Internet makes our learning English is effective because it is fun. The Internet avoids the tension and boredom of the classroom and increases your motivation. You choose the content, vocabulary is easy to learn, progress is constantly measured, and you become part of a community.
There are already blogging communities with learners and tutors sharing their experiences. People come together from all over the world to help each other. Bloggers may post in their
own language, or in English. English becomes the medium of communication among people of different cultural backgrounds. Blogging isn't an assignment, but a genuine, enjoyable, and meaningful activity. A contagious enthusiasm will keep you learning. It is not like studying. It's more like making new friends and discovering new cultures through language. Meanwhile, Using internet as educational media will get many advantages and will make us enjoy studying. Radio, television and internet as products of modern technology have given easy ways to teachers and English students. By using the technology, learning methods and English lessons are not boring.
4.3 Internet Makes English Learning be Efficiency
With the internet development, it introduces a higher level of efficiency in English learning. Efficiency is essential because it creates intensity. It takes a high degree of intensity to transform you into a fluent speaker of English.
There is also another reason why efficiency is important. You have a right to a decent return on your investment of time and money in English learning. If you want to learn English, efficiency is important, yet it is often ignored in traditional English learning.
“I spent over 14 months studying English in a school. It was a waste of money for Canadian government and a waste of time for me." Humberto Soto, a recent immigrant to Canada. Traditional learning methods without internet are not as efficient as the Internet. It is difficult to stimulate the learners ’ interests for English learning. Stress and boredom are often the results. Many people are discouraged by their learning experience, and end up convinced that they cannot learn to be fluent in English. They lose interest and give up.
However, with the internet appearing, it opens up a new world of efficient and satisfying English learning. The Internet makes possible a quality and variety of input that far exceeds the resources of a traditional classroom. Learning methodologies and communication opportunities are available to you on the Internet that the classroom cannot match. Goals can be set and achievements measured. The result is a highly integrated and enjoyable learning environment.
This new method of learning appeals to all ages. While youngsters and students are the most avid users of the Internet, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation 70% of Americans
between the ages of 55 and 64 use the Internet! Similar trends are being seen in Europe and Asia.
4.4 Internet is English Learning Community and Linguist
the Linguist is both a learning methodology and a community. It is the first language learning system developed specifically to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the Internet. It was initially developed to help people learn English. It is now being revised and expanded in order to offer other major world languages. In the future, The Linguist model has many applications for life-long English learning.
Internet is the explosion of new media and learning technologies which will change forever the way people learn English. The internet system will also influence how English is learnt. It will make it possible for people all over the world to share their knowledge, expertise and learn from each other, in English. Learning English is just one of many languages we can learn on the Internet. Another one of them is to learn how to learn.
4.5 Internet is the Better Tutors
The Internet connects people who are learning for each other. A quick search on a few professional web sites will locate native English speaker writers, editors, or professionals from all over the world, who are interested in acting as language tutors and coaches. You can interact with this outstanding pool of qualified people with a wide range of experience and knowledge, in this way we can improve English learning quick and easily.
Meanwhile, internet makes us learning English without needing teachers with specialized linguistics degrees. Internet new learning paradigm does not require teachers who are trained in the details of grammar and language teaching. Instead the important qualifications for a tutor on the Internet are; an interest in people, an ability to use one's native language well, and rich experience to share with learners in English. On the Internet you can choose the tutor whose accent and interests match yours.
4.6 Internet Make English Learning in Chunks
as we know learning English, vocabulary is the important part; however vocabulary does not only mean words. It also means phrases, or chunks of words. Phrases are groups of words that come together in a way that is natural to the native speaker but not always to the learner.
Michael Lewis has been one of the pioneers in pointing out that you learn language in chunks, or lexical phrases. The Internet and the computer make this easier.
On the internet, you can grab language chunks as you are listening and reading and collect them in an easy to use database. Phrases and chunks of the language can be linked to larger contexts, which are already familiar to you. You don't need to rely on dictionary definitions and rote memory. You can review these chunks of language in short fragment form, in sentence form and as part of a larger context that you can listen to and read many times. In this way you gradually develop an instinctive sense for how words are used. This is the natural way to learn correct usage. It is more effective than trying to remember and apply grammar rules.
As you build up your confidence in English through regular input and word and phrase learning, you will no doubt want to talk to native speakers. Once again the Internet is the ideal environment, offering more opportunities than the classroom.
4.7. Internet makes learning English easily.
Learning English through internet makes students understand easily7 whatever they learn like grammars, structures, or pronunciation, because the students are taught by sources directly. They can download the websites or surfing the address such as ¨C
http://www.ucl.ac.uk/internet-grammar/ This website learns grammar through internet which is guided from College London University. Newspaper and English magazine are needed to help students or costumers in reading ability and improving knowledge about the problems of world. We need newspaper and magazine as learning media. But we must pay attention, if we are students, we need the kinds of magazine which sort contains, so besides getting knowledge, it is also useful to make the readers are not bored, because the problematic in learning language is being bored. Newspaper has equal function with magazine, but the language of newspaper is more complete. Beside that, the contents of newspaper are up to date. In internet there are many newspapers and English magazines. There are many newspapers and English magazines offered online such as:
On the internet there are also many online dictionaries. Online dictionary is needed to get many dictionaries easily for costumers, because online dictionary gives the meaning and explanation of words easily, it is more complete than book dictionaries.
There are many online dictionaries offering for students in learning English online such as: http://www.onlinedictionary.datasegment.com
Language is very important for human life. English language is one of the tools of communication in international community. Therefore, English is needed here because not only English is used to communicate in international community, but also the fact that this language is mostly needed in transferring the knowledge of modern technology, scientific publications, books, newspapers and magazines. Learning English needs some good ways to understand more easily. There are many ways to study English language; one of the ways is by searching internet. Through internet the students or costumers are guided directly by the sources and internet as sources of information will give easy way to learn English. Guided by native speaker or sources, we get used to with pronunciation, vocabulary and also grammatical structure of sentences. So, the students or costumers are expected to imitate what the native speaker taught. The web sites of learning English online
5. Difficulties and Problems Encountered
We did encounter difficulties and problems during studying English with internet. The main problem perceived was spending too much time visiting the websites. This is a possible result of the program being an add-on rather than an integral part of the in-class instruction and accordingly, we might have thought that we were spending extra time on the assignment. As
far as technical problems are concerned, not being able to download sounds was perceived to be a more serious problem than not being able to get on line. Taking into account that a majority of the students reported having home computers, it is surprising to find out that not having enough access to computer equipment was still a problem. Perhaps, most of us attempted to complete the assigned homework together using school facilities so that we could seek immediate help from each other. There might not have been enough computer equipment at school to satisfy our demand for Internet access. A number of students also expressed not being able to understand the instructions on the websites. This leads us to conclude that either the selected sites were too difficult or that we need to provide more guidance.
On the other hand, internet is complex network of knowledge, when study via internet, we must select the useful knowledge and throw the useless one for our English studying, so it will waste our time, as the beginning learner ,we can not judge which one is needed foe our present studying ,which one is not. As result it will lead us into the wrong part.
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, we can know that most of Internet for English learning deals with how to use the Internet to learn English. and it also offer discussions useful to learners for professional development and research and play a important role in our English learning, meanwhile an Internet for English learning represents an important contribution to the field in terms of advancing the integration of Internet technologies in language courses and in terms of promoting communicative approaches that are made more fully operational through use of collaborative technologies. While learners with little or no experience with instructional uses of the Internet will benefit most from this article, those with years of experience will also find this an informative and useful addition to their collection on instructional technology.
For further research, several recommendations are offered. In addition to websites designed particularly for ESL/EFL learners, it is worth looking at the possibility of integrating other websites containing authentic materials such as online reference books and commercial websites into the ESL/EFL curriculum. Besides studies of learning perceptions, research studies should also explore whether learners' target language proficiency improves from the
use of Internet resources. Last but not least, a comparison between a curriculum using Internet resources and one without will shed light on what the best strategies for teaching
References P. Baran, "On Distributed Communications Networks", IEEE Trans. Comm. Systems, March 1964.
V. G. Cerf and R. E. Kahn, "A protocol for packet network interconnection", IEEE Trans. Comm. Tech., vol. COM-22, V 5, pp. 627-641, May 1974.
S. Crocker, RFC001 Host software, Apr-07-1969.
R. Kahn, Communications Principles for Operating Systems. Internal BBN memorandum, Jan. 1972.
Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Packet Communication Networks, Volume 66, No. 11, November, 1978. (Guest editor: Robert Kahn, associate guest editors: Keith Uncapher and Harry van Trees)
L. Kleinrock, "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets", RLE Quarterly Progress Report, July 1961.
L. Kleinrock, Communication Nets: Stochastic Message Flow and Delay, Mcgraw-Hill (New York), 1964.
L. Kleinrock, Queueing Systems: Vol II, Computer Applications, John Wiley and Sons (New York), 1976
J.C.R. Licklider & W. Clark, "On-Line Man Computer Communication", August 1962. L. Roberts & T. Merrill, "Toward a Cooperative Network of Time-Shared Computers", Fall AFIPS Conf., Oct. 1966.
毕 业 论 文 (设 计)
届( )科
题 目 : 系 部: 专 业:班 级:
学 号:
姓 名: 指导教师: 完成日期: 年 月 日
The Impact of Internet on English Learning
随着社会的发展和先进技术的进步,在我们的工作和商业业务活动,互联网的使用变的越来越流行,它将我们人与人之间和世界连接在一起,与此同时在我们的日常生活中也发挥着重要作用,它使我们的生活更加丰富多彩而有趣。然而,它也给我们的学习带来了很多帮助,英语的学习也是不例外的一部分。有了互联网,我们可以很容易和方便的学习英语,我们还可以得到教科书书上学不到的知识。,在我们的英语学习中也有着明显的影响。本文将分为五个部分详细讨论互联网对我们英语学习的影响。第一部分是这篇文章的引言,第二部分给我们简要的介绍了因特网的发展历史。第三部分是本文的主要部分,将详细陈述了互联网对我们的英语学习影响的细节; 第四部分给我们解释互联网对英语学习的消极方面影响,最后一部分是本文结论。希望从这篇文章,我们可以更好的利用的互联网对我们学习积极影响客服消极影响来继续和提高我们的英语学习。
With the development of society and advanced technology, internet use is more and more popular in our work and business activities, which connect all of us and world together and it also play an important role in our daily life, it make our daily life more colorful and interesting. However it also gives a lot help for our studying, English is part of it. With the internet, we can learn English easily and conveniently and we also can get the knowledge can not get in the school book. It has obvious impact on our English learning. This essay will divide into five parts discussing the internet impact on our English learning in detail .the first is the introduction of this essay, the second will give us a brief introduction for the internet development. The third part is main part of this paper, it will explain the internet impact on our English learning in detail; the forth part will give us the negative influence of the internet, the last part is the conclusion of this essay. Hope from this essay we can use the positive impact to continue learning and improving our English studying and overcome the difficulties at the same time.
Key word: English Learning, Internet, Impact.
On the completion of my thesis, I should like to express my deepest gratitude to all those whose kindness and advice have made this work possible.
I am greatly indebted to my tutor Professor … who gave me valuable instructions, and urged me to begin my research work as soon as possible. His effective advice, shrewd comments and quick corrections have kept the thesis in the right direction.
I am grateful to Professor …, Professor …, Professor … and Professor … of … University. They have improved me in language and in research methodology and have shown me into the fascinating world of English literature and western culture.
My gratitude is to my … who constantly encouraged me when I felt frustrated with this dissertation. I am grateful for his constructive suggestions and careful reading of the manuscript.
摘 要. …………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ Abstract. ………………………………………………………………………………………. Ⅱ Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………………... . Ⅲ
1. Introduction. ………………………………………………………………………………….1 2. The importance of English……………………….1
3. The Role of the Internet in Our Daily Life………………………………………………1 4. The Impact of Internet on English Learning. ……………………………......2
4.1 Internet Makes English Communication Meaningful………………………………..3
4.2. Internet Makes Motivation and Enjoyment for English Learning...4
4.3 Internet Makes English Learning be Efficiency......5
4.4 Internet is English Learning Community and Linguist ……....6
4.5 Internet is the Better Tutors ………………....7
4.6 Internet Make English Learning in Chunks …………………………………….
4.7 Internet makes learning English easily……………………………………………..
5. Difficulties and Problems Encountered ……………………………………………….
6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………...11 References ………………………………………………………………………………………13
1. Introduction
Computers and other related technologies have become an enormous part of our daily lives. They have altered our sense of people, space, and time. From our living rooms, we can now talk to people, and watch events unfold in far-off places. Shopping, banking, and game playing are just a few of the other daily activities that have also changed. So many aspects of the ways we communicate and handle information have been altered by technological development. Yes, it is everywhere, including the classrooms for the use of educating children. Technology is now becoming more popular in the presence of classrooms all around the world. Tomorrow's future is in the hands of today's students.
So study with computer technology in the classroom sounds like a good idea to me.
As time goes by, these machines are being produced to compute at a faster rate, for a cheaper cost. These are the known facts. But, who funds these machines going into the classrooms for the children to learn? Are these computers really necessary? Who already has the education to teach others about this subject, and will that just cost more money? Are they efficient, and really worth it? What are some of the causes and effects of these machines?
2. The importance of English
English is an international language. There are many languages in the world where English is the foremost of them all. It is understood and spoken almost everywhere in the world. English has become the key instrument of globalization. What is paramount today is to know how to use the English language rather than just knowing it. On the hand, English is the only language that the German, the Chinese, the Japanese & Russians are keen to learn although their mother languages are developed as English. Now almost all the universities are conducting scientific studies through English medium. At the same time, the English language is used all over the globe for transaction of international trade. To all in Sri Lanka too a good knowledge of English is essential for the advancement of knowledge & to further our studies. It is almost indispensable for higher scientific and technological studies. The last but not the first, frankly speaking, it is highly essential to know the language for communication. In general, the most popular language is English. In this computer age, English is the only language that any one can understand. So to say, it has become as an ideal
language for expressing our feelings. First, we have to learn the language and then we have to gain fluency in the language. Unless we have the fluency in English language, it would not be possible to work with the computer. If you do not know English, then you would be in need of a translator to do the job
3. The Role of the Internet in Our Daily Life
With the development of technology, internet play an important role in every aspect of our life, we no longer have to wait until the evening news hour or publication of the daily newspaper to find out about current events. Instead, we can get updates on the latest breaking news ,stories as soon as they happen via 24 ¨C hour cable TV broadcasts and internet news sources. You can even subscribe to services the send news directly to your email address or cell phone. As a result, we can always be informed about important events. In additions, news coverage is no longer limited by geography and distance. Modern internet and satellite technology allows broadcasters to send video and audio reports around the world, so event that were once local now have global audience, and we can learn about breaking news in every corner of the world ".In this era, internet has been mass media, because in sort time, the role of internet has influence on the way of people's thinking; include public opinion to interest industrial products. Finally, internet will influence on people's attitude, behavior, and the way of thinking.
On the other hand, Internet as entertainment, educational and information media has influenced on society life. They get many things such as ¨ habit, culture, knowledge, and style, etc. Many universities or institution use the facilities of websites online to access data and to offer or to promote to students to study in their university online (internet). The students can register without going to campus (face to face), either national universities or international universities. Internet as an educational media has many advantages to students to learn any things such as ¨C English, biology, physic, mathematic, and so on. Beside that the students use it as reference to get more complete information. Searching internet is very advantageous for English students. It is not only as something enjoyable in getting a lot of information but also as motivation to learn English
4, the Impact of Internet on English Learning
4.1. Internet Makes English Communication Meaningful
Technologies like Skype make conversations via computer easy to organize and the communication is free of charge. You can get your friends together for a chat or make an appointment with a tutor.
It is like having lessons on demand. You can schedule one-on-one or four-on-one discussions via Skype with the tutor of your choice. You can invite your friends to join, or make new friends from different countries and cultures. Tutors need only provide advice and encouragement as well as feedback, at your convenience. There is no need for grammar instruction or quizzes, since you are learning the language naturally through your input activities.
In the relaxing atmosphere of Internet online discussion, learners and tutors become friends and form a community of people helping and encouraging each other. These are not stressful lessons. They are pleasant opportunities to communicate. You can record these conversations or produce your own oral essays and file them or share them. In this way you can keep track of your progress as you learn English on the Internet.
To really improve your accuracy of expression it is important to write. The correction of written texts can be efficiently organized on the Internet and integrated with your input and speaking activities. Systems can keep a permanent record of both your original texts and the corrected texts. These records can include details on the nature of your mistakes and the tutor's notes. Tutors can make audio recordings of your corrected writing for you to listen to, in order to reinforce the learning of the corrected phrases. The writing can range from casual writing for a blog to serious academic essays.
4.2 Internet Makes Motivation and Enjoyment for English Learning
Internet makes our learning English is effective because it is fun. The Internet avoids the tension and boredom of the classroom and increases your motivation. You choose the content, vocabulary is easy to learn, progress is constantly measured, and you become part of a community.
There are already blogging communities with learners and tutors sharing their experiences. People come together from all over the world to help each other. Bloggers may post in their
own language, or in English. English becomes the medium of communication among people of different cultural backgrounds. Blogging isn't an assignment, but a genuine, enjoyable, and meaningful activity. A contagious enthusiasm will keep you learning. It is not like studying. It's more like making new friends and discovering new cultures through language. Meanwhile, Using internet as educational media will get many advantages and will make us enjoy studying. Radio, television and internet as products of modern technology have given easy ways to teachers and English students. By using the technology, learning methods and English lessons are not boring.
4.3 Internet Makes English Learning be Efficiency
With the internet development, it introduces a higher level of efficiency in English learning. Efficiency is essential because it creates intensity. It takes a high degree of intensity to transform you into a fluent speaker of English.
There is also another reason why efficiency is important. You have a right to a decent return on your investment of time and money in English learning. If you want to learn English, efficiency is important, yet it is often ignored in traditional English learning.
“I spent over 14 months studying English in a school. It was a waste of money for Canadian government and a waste of time for me." Humberto Soto, a recent immigrant to Canada. Traditional learning methods without internet are not as efficient as the Internet. It is difficult to stimulate the learners ’ interests for English learning. Stress and boredom are often the results. Many people are discouraged by their learning experience, and end up convinced that they cannot learn to be fluent in English. They lose interest and give up.
However, with the internet appearing, it opens up a new world of efficient and satisfying English learning. The Internet makes possible a quality and variety of input that far exceeds the resources of a traditional classroom. Learning methodologies and communication opportunities are available to you on the Internet that the classroom cannot match. Goals can be set and achievements measured. The result is a highly integrated and enjoyable learning environment.
This new method of learning appeals to all ages. While youngsters and students are the most avid users of the Internet, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation 70% of Americans
between the ages of 55 and 64 use the Internet! Similar trends are being seen in Europe and Asia.
4.4 Internet is English Learning Community and Linguist
the Linguist is both a learning methodology and a community. It is the first language learning system developed specifically to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the Internet. It was initially developed to help people learn English. It is now being revised and expanded in order to offer other major world languages. In the future, The Linguist model has many applications for life-long English learning.
Internet is the explosion of new media and learning technologies which will change forever the way people learn English. The internet system will also influence how English is learnt. It will make it possible for people all over the world to share their knowledge, expertise and learn from each other, in English. Learning English is just one of many languages we can learn on the Internet. Another one of them is to learn how to learn.
4.5 Internet is the Better Tutors
The Internet connects people who are learning for each other. A quick search on a few professional web sites will locate native English speaker writers, editors, or professionals from all over the world, who are interested in acting as language tutors and coaches. You can interact with this outstanding pool of qualified people with a wide range of experience and knowledge, in this way we can improve English learning quick and easily.
Meanwhile, internet makes us learning English without needing teachers with specialized linguistics degrees. Internet new learning paradigm does not require teachers who are trained in the details of grammar and language teaching. Instead the important qualifications for a tutor on the Internet are; an interest in people, an ability to use one's native language well, and rich experience to share with learners in English. On the Internet you can choose the tutor whose accent and interests match yours.
4.6 Internet Make English Learning in Chunks
as we know learning English, vocabulary is the important part; however vocabulary does not only mean words. It also means phrases, or chunks of words. Phrases are groups of words that come together in a way that is natural to the native speaker but not always to the learner.
Michael Lewis has been one of the pioneers in pointing out that you learn language in chunks, or lexical phrases. The Internet and the computer make this easier.
On the internet, you can grab language chunks as you are listening and reading and collect them in an easy to use database. Phrases and chunks of the language can be linked to larger contexts, which are already familiar to you. You don't need to rely on dictionary definitions and rote memory. You can review these chunks of language in short fragment form, in sentence form and as part of a larger context that you can listen to and read many times. In this way you gradually develop an instinctive sense for how words are used. This is the natural way to learn correct usage. It is more effective than trying to remember and apply grammar rules.
As you build up your confidence in English through regular input and word and phrase learning, you will no doubt want to talk to native speakers. Once again the Internet is the ideal environment, offering more opportunities than the classroom.
4.7. Internet makes learning English easily.
Learning English through internet makes students understand easily7 whatever they learn like grammars, structures, or pronunciation, because the students are taught by sources directly. They can download the websites or surfing the address such as ¨C
http://www.ucl.ac.uk/internet-grammar/ This website learns grammar through internet which is guided from College London University. Newspaper and English magazine are needed to help students or costumers in reading ability and improving knowledge about the problems of world. We need newspaper and magazine as learning media. But we must pay attention, if we are students, we need the kinds of magazine which sort contains, so besides getting knowledge, it is also useful to make the readers are not bored, because the problematic in learning language is being bored. Newspaper has equal function with magazine, but the language of newspaper is more complete. Beside that, the contents of newspaper are up to date. In internet there are many newspapers and English magazines. There are many newspapers and English magazines offered online such as:
On the internet there are also many online dictionaries. Online dictionary is needed to get many dictionaries easily for costumers, because online dictionary gives the meaning and explanation of words easily, it is more complete than book dictionaries.
There are many online dictionaries offering for students in learning English online such as: http://www.onlinedictionary.datasegment.com
Language is very important for human life. English language is one of the tools of communication in international community. Therefore, English is needed here because not only English is used to communicate in international community, but also the fact that this language is mostly needed in transferring the knowledge of modern technology, scientific publications, books, newspapers and magazines. Learning English needs some good ways to understand more easily. There are many ways to study English language; one of the ways is by searching internet. Through internet the students or costumers are guided directly by the sources and internet as sources of information will give easy way to learn English. Guided by native speaker or sources, we get used to with pronunciation, vocabulary and also grammatical structure of sentences. So, the students or costumers are expected to imitate what the native speaker taught. The web sites of learning English online
5. Difficulties and Problems Encountered
We did encounter difficulties and problems during studying English with internet. The main problem perceived was spending too much time visiting the websites. This is a possible result of the program being an add-on rather than an integral part of the in-class instruction and accordingly, we might have thought that we were spending extra time on the assignment. As
far as technical problems are concerned, not being able to download sounds was perceived to be a more serious problem than not being able to get on line. Taking into account that a majority of the students reported having home computers, it is surprising to find out that not having enough access to computer equipment was still a problem. Perhaps, most of us attempted to complete the assigned homework together using school facilities so that we could seek immediate help from each other. There might not have been enough computer equipment at school to satisfy our demand for Internet access. A number of students also expressed not being able to understand the instructions on the websites. This leads us to conclude that either the selected sites were too difficult or that we need to provide more guidance.
On the other hand, internet is complex network of knowledge, when study via internet, we must select the useful knowledge and throw the useless one for our English studying, so it will waste our time, as the beginning learner ,we can not judge which one is needed foe our present studying ,which one is not. As result it will lead us into the wrong part.
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, we can know that most of Internet for English learning deals with how to use the Internet to learn English. and it also offer discussions useful to learners for professional development and research and play a important role in our English learning, meanwhile an Internet for English learning represents an important contribution to the field in terms of advancing the integration of Internet technologies in language courses and in terms of promoting communicative approaches that are made more fully operational through use of collaborative technologies. While learners with little or no experience with instructional uses of the Internet will benefit most from this article, those with years of experience will also find this an informative and useful addition to their collection on instructional technology.
For further research, several recommendations are offered. In addition to websites designed particularly for ESL/EFL learners, it is worth looking at the possibility of integrating other websites containing authentic materials such as online reference books and commercial websites into the ESL/EFL curriculum. Besides studies of learning perceptions, research studies should also explore whether learners' target language proficiency improves from the
use of Internet resources. Last but not least, a comparison between a curriculum using Internet resources and one without will shed light on what the best strategies for teaching
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