

5.1.1 引号内的引用句为原句:

1. She said, “Hurry up.” 她说:“快点儿。” (注意中、英标点用法不同处)

2. “I can come today,” she said, “but not tomorrow.”

3. The sign changed from “Walk,” to “Don't walk,” to “Walk” again

within 30 seconds.

4. “I'm finally tired enough to get to sleep,” she yawned. (这里的引用句


5. They shouted,“Congratulations!” through the door. -----------------------------------------------------

5.1.2 如果引用句本身为陈述句,而整句为问句,那问号就要加在引号之后:

1. Did he say, “I am going to college next year”? (注意是“……”?问号在


2. Do you agree with the saying,“A living dog is better than a dead lion”

? (整句是问你同意引号内的那句话吗,所以问号要加在句尾) ------------------------------------------------------

5.1.3 如果引用句本身是个问句,那问号就要加在引号内:

1. Did he say, “Are you going to college next year?” (这里“……?”这个

问句要放在引号内。不可写成 Did he say, “Are you going to college next


2. She asked, “Will you still be my friend?” (句尾同样不可再加问号喔) ------------------------------------------------------

5.1.4 引用的字或短语如在整句中并无中断,这时就不必加上逗号:

. The phrase “lovely, dark and deep” begins to suggest ominous overtones. ------------------------------------------------------

5.1.5 如引用句属于句子的一部份,在引号前加冒号(:):

1. My mother's favorite quote was from Shakespeare:“This above all, to thine own self be true.” ------------------------------------------------------

5.1.6 如果引用句内又有引用句,那就要用单引号(„ ‟)以示区别:

1. George explained, “I heard her say, „Go away!‟so I left.”

2. He said, “Mary said,„Do not treat me that way.‟” (注意句尾的句号是在单引号内,而句尾的单引号和双引号之间不可再加标点) -------------------------------------------------------

5.1.7 引用句有两段以上时,只在每一段开始用引号(“),直到结束段最后才加引号(”):

“This is paragraph 1 (这里只用“)

“This is paragraph 2 (这里也只用“)

“This is paragraph 3.” (最后就要用“”) -------------------------------------------------------

5.1.8 多人对话式引用句,各对话各占一段:

“I'll do my best,”he said. (引用句结尾用的是逗号,而不是句号,因为接着有he said)

“How old is he?”she asked.

“According to his passport he's thirty-one.” (这里的引用句结尾用句号,因为没有he said)

“And what is his real name?”


“Edward Wilson,”she said softly. ==================================================

5.2 引用句属“无声对话”,加不加引号都可以:

1. Oh, what a beautiful morning, Curly said to himself. (Oh, what a

beautiful morning 这句话是Curly 对自己说的,并没发出声音,不必加上引号)

2. “Oh, what a beautiful morning!” Curly said to himself. (加上引号也行) ==================================================

5.3 间接引用语不可加上引号:

1. The President said that NAFTA would eventually be a boon to small businesses in both countries. (The President said 后面的话并非原话,因此不必加上引号)

2, Professor Villa told her students the textbooks were not yet in the bookstore. ==================================================

5.4 文章、报告、评论、短篇故事、诗歌、戏剧、电影等标题/篇名都用引号

5.4.1 在句子中提到的标题或篇名用双引号(“”):

1. My favorite short story is “The Treasure.” (句尾的句号放在引号内是美国式的;英国式的则放在引号外“The Treasure”.)

2. My favorite peom is Robert Frost's “Design.”

3. The poem “Trees” was written by Joyce Kilmer. (“Trees”在句中,不可加其他标点)

4. “The Time Machine” is my favorite film.

5. What do you think of William Shakespeare's “Henry V”? (除了句号及逗号,其他如问号等的位置,须视句子而定) --------------------------------------------------------

5.4.2 在报章标题中出现的引号,应为单引号(„ ‟):

1. Congress Cries „Shame!‟ ===================================================

5.5 特殊词汇

5.5.1 当引号加在一个专门术语或特别强调的词汇上时,引号前不可加逗号:

1. Doctors refer to the red blemish as an “hemangioma.” (不可写成...as an, “hemangioma.”)

2. Sartre's treatment of „being‟,as opposed to his treatment of„non-being‟, has been thoroughly described in Kaufmann's book. (哲学上的



5.1.1 引号内的引用句为原句:

1. She said, “Hurry up.” 她说:“快点儿。” (注意中、英标点用法不同处)

2. “I can come today,” she said, “but not tomorrow.”

3. The sign changed from “Walk,” to “Don't walk,” to “Walk” again

within 30 seconds.

4. “I'm finally tired enough to get to sleep,” she yawned. (这里的引用句


5. They shouted,“Congratulations!” through the door. -----------------------------------------------------

5.1.2 如果引用句本身为陈述句,而整句为问句,那问号就要加在引号之后:

1. Did he say, “I am going to college next year”? (注意是“……”?问号在


2. Do you agree with the saying,“A living dog is better than a dead lion”

? (整句是问你同意引号内的那句话吗,所以问号要加在句尾) ------------------------------------------------------

5.1.3 如果引用句本身是个问句,那问号就要加在引号内:

1. Did he say, “Are you going to college next year?” (这里“……?”这个

问句要放在引号内。不可写成 Did he say, “Are you going to college next


2. She asked, “Will you still be my friend?” (句尾同样不可再加问号喔) ------------------------------------------------------

5.1.4 引用的字或短语如在整句中并无中断,这时就不必加上逗号:

. The phrase “lovely, dark and deep” begins to suggest ominous overtones. ------------------------------------------------------

5.1.5 如引用句属于句子的一部份,在引号前加冒号(:):

1. My mother's favorite quote was from Shakespeare:“This above all, to thine own self be true.” ------------------------------------------------------

5.1.6 如果引用句内又有引用句,那就要用单引号(„ ‟)以示区别:

1. George explained, “I heard her say, „Go away!‟so I left.”

2. He said, “Mary said,„Do not treat me that way.‟” (注意句尾的句号是在单引号内,而句尾的单引号和双引号之间不可再加标点) -------------------------------------------------------

5.1.7 引用句有两段以上时,只在每一段开始用引号(“),直到结束段最后才加引号(”):

“This is paragraph 1 (这里只用“)

“This is paragraph 2 (这里也只用“)

“This is paragraph 3.” (最后就要用“”) -------------------------------------------------------

5.1.8 多人对话式引用句,各对话各占一段:

“I'll do my best,”he said. (引用句结尾用的是逗号,而不是句号,因为接着有he said)

“How old is he?”she asked.

“According to his passport he's thirty-one.” (这里的引用句结尾用句号,因为没有he said)

“And what is his real name?”


“Edward Wilson,”she said softly. ==================================================

5.2 引用句属“无声对话”,加不加引号都可以:

1. Oh, what a beautiful morning, Curly said to himself. (Oh, what a

beautiful morning 这句话是Curly 对自己说的,并没发出声音,不必加上引号)

2. “Oh, what a beautiful morning!” Curly said to himself. (加上引号也行) ==================================================

5.3 间接引用语不可加上引号:

1. The President said that NAFTA would eventually be a boon to small businesses in both countries. (The President said 后面的话并非原话,因此不必加上引号)

2, Professor Villa told her students the textbooks were not yet in the bookstore. ==================================================

5.4 文章、报告、评论、短篇故事、诗歌、戏剧、电影等标题/篇名都用引号

5.4.1 在句子中提到的标题或篇名用双引号(“”):

1. My favorite short story is “The Treasure.” (句尾的句号放在引号内是美国式的;英国式的则放在引号外“The Treasure”.)

2. My favorite peom is Robert Frost's “Design.”

3. The poem “Trees” was written by Joyce Kilmer. (“Trees”在句中,不可加其他标点)

4. “The Time Machine” is my favorite film.

5. What do you think of William Shakespeare's “Henry V”? (除了句号及逗号,其他如问号等的位置,须视句子而定) --------------------------------------------------------

5.4.2 在报章标题中出现的引号,应为单引号(„ ‟):

1. Congress Cries „Shame!‟ ===================================================

5.5 特殊词汇

5.5.1 当引号加在一个专门术语或特别强调的词汇上时,引号前不可加逗号:

1. Doctors refer to the red blemish as an “hemangioma.” (不可写成...as an, “hemangioma.”)

2. Sartre's treatment of „being‟,as opposed to his treatment of„non-being‟, has been thoroughly described in Kaufmann's book. (哲学上的



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