

ⅠTrue or False Questions

1.T 2.T 3. F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.T 10. F 11.T 12.F 13.T 14.F 15.F 16.F 17.T 18.F 19.T 20.F 21.T 22.F 23.F 24.F 25. T


26. To employers: channel of communication; can highlight human resource implications of any action; provide ideas/information.

To employees: provide power; provide advice; provide services; provide protection.

27. Factors a firm can control, but which restrict its ability to achieve its objectives. Including finance, marketing, human resources and production.

28. Reasons for becoming multinational: to make use of resources abroad; to be closer to markets; to avoid legislation in their own country which may prevent firms getting too big; to gain tax advantages or grants from overseas governments; weakens of domestic unions by spreading bases around the world.

29. Advantages: Minimizes stock holding costs; Money not tied up; Focuses effort on quality as finished goods sent to customer immediately not left in stock. 30. Types of budget:

Sales budget: sets sales estimates for each product in terms of number of units. Production budget: sets output targets. Cash budget: cash flow forecast. 31.

Master budget: summaries estimated income, expenditure, and profit.

At O output fixed

Explain simply. Ⅲ Calculations


Payback = 3 years

(£50 in year 1 + £50 in year 2 + £100 in year 3) = £200 initial outflow ARR = 20%

Total inflows = 50+50+100+160 = £360 Initial cost = 200

Overall return = net inflows – initial cost = £360-£200 = £160

Average return per year = overall return ÷ number of years = £160/4 = £40 per year

Average Rate of Return(%) = (average return per year ÷ initial cost) × 100 = (40÷200) × 100 = 20% 33.

(%)= (profit before interest and tax ÷ sales) × 100 = (£20÷£400) ×100 = 5%

Acid Test (number of times) = Current asset without stocks ÷ current liabilities = £10÷£10 = 1 Gearing (%)= (long term liabilities ÷ capital employed) × 100 = (£50÷£200) ×100 = 25% Stock Turnover (number of times) = cost of sale ÷ stock = £300÷£10 = 30


ⅠTrue or False Questions

1.T 2.T 3. F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.T 10. F 11.T 12.F 13.T 14.F 15.F 16.F 17.T 18.F 19.T 20.F 21.T 22.F 23.F 24.F 25. T


26. To employers: channel of communication; can highlight human resource implications of any action; provide ideas/information.

To employees: provide power; provide advice; provide services; provide protection.

27. Factors a firm can control, but which restrict its ability to achieve its objectives. Including finance, marketing, human resources and production.

28. Reasons for becoming multinational: to make use of resources abroad; to be closer to markets; to avoid legislation in their own country which may prevent firms getting too big; to gain tax advantages or grants from overseas governments; weakens of domestic unions by spreading bases around the world.

29. Advantages: Minimizes stock holding costs; Money not tied up; Focuses effort on quality as finished goods sent to customer immediately not left in stock. 30. Types of budget:

Sales budget: sets sales estimates for each product in terms of number of units. Production budget: sets output targets. Cash budget: cash flow forecast. 31.

Master budget: summaries estimated income, expenditure, and profit.

At O output fixed

Explain simply. Ⅲ Calculations


Payback = 3 years

(£50 in year 1 + £50 in year 2 + £100 in year 3) = £200 initial outflow ARR = 20%

Total inflows = 50+50+100+160 = £360 Initial cost = 200

Overall return = net inflows – initial cost = £360-£200 = £160

Average return per year = overall return ÷ number of years = £160/4 = £40 per year

Average Rate of Return(%) = (average return per year ÷ initial cost) × 100 = (40÷200) × 100 = 20% 33.

(%)= (profit before interest and tax ÷ sales) × 100 = (£20÷£400) ×100 = 5%

Acid Test (number of times) = Current asset without stocks ÷ current liabilities = £10÷£10 = 1 Gearing (%)= (long term liabilities ÷ capital employed) × 100 = (£50÷£200) ×100 = 25% Stock Turnover (number of times) = cost of sale ÷ stock = £300÷£10 = 30


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