
《傲慢与偏见》的风格: 奥斯丁以婚姻为主题并采用讽刺、幽默的笔法细致地描绘了18世纪末19世纪初英国乡镇中产阶级的生活景象。《傲慢与偏见》就是其中之一。作品中的句法结构和遣词造句颇有特色,主要通过对话来表现人物性格。小说中的人物各自有着不同的说话风格,具有鲜明的个性,如贝内特太太言辞虚浮夸张、大惊小怪、尖声叫嚷,显得格外俗气,她的女儿伊丽莎白则敢于挑战贵族青年达西,表现出对门第的蔑视,并在谈吐中确立起一位聪慧、机智、勇敢和可爱的女性形象。 Austin to marriage as the theme and the irony, humor brushwork traced a late 18 th century British township of the middle class life scene. "Pride and prejudice" is one of them. Work in the syntax structure and construct sentences has distinguishing feature quite, mainly through the dialogue to represent the character. The characters in the novel each has a different style of speaking, have distinct personality, such as Mrs. Bennett vain words, exaggeration and make a fuss, scream shout, seemed all the Philistine, her daughter Elizabeth is dared to challenge the noble young darcy, performance to family contempt, and in the manner of speaking established a wise and witty and brave and lovely images of women.


Austin use describing personage psychological activity of realism and ironic technique, for we described the clothes of the fresh eighteen century, the early nineteenth century British rural middle class family life picture. She developed the drama novel, has broken the western literary history positive figures perfect tradition. She's the objective description technique is also the first of British novel history. Austin's work is both a pleasant, and intriguing.

《傲慢与偏见》主题: the themes of pride and prejudice

1. love between darcy and elizabeth

2 a woman’s reputation is of the utmost important

3.class boundaries and prejudice

4.courtship,those between darcy and elizabeth and between bingley and jane

5. two ways of pride: positive and negative







《傲慢与偏见》的风格: 奥斯丁以婚姻为主题并采用讽刺、幽默的笔法细致地描绘了18世纪末19世纪初英国乡镇中产阶级的生活景象。《傲慢与偏见》就是其中之一。作品中的句法结构和遣词造句颇有特色,主要通过对话来表现人物性格。小说中的人物各自有着不同的说话风格,具有鲜明的个性,如贝内特太太言辞虚浮夸张、大惊小怪、尖声叫嚷,显得格外俗气,她的女儿伊丽莎白则敢于挑战贵族青年达西,表现出对门第的蔑视,并在谈吐中确立起一位聪慧、机智、勇敢和可爱的女性形象。 Austin to marriage as the theme and the irony, humor brushwork traced a late 18 th century British township of the middle class life scene. "Pride and prejudice" is one of them. Work in the syntax structure and construct sentences has distinguishing feature quite, mainly through the dialogue to represent the character. The characters in the novel each has a different style of speaking, have distinct personality, such as Mrs. Bennett vain words, exaggeration and make a fuss, scream shout, seemed all the Philistine, her daughter Elizabeth is dared to challenge the noble young darcy, performance to family contempt, and in the manner of speaking established a wise and witty and brave and lovely images of women.


Austin use describing personage psychological activity of realism and ironic technique, for we described the clothes of the fresh eighteen century, the early nineteenth century British rural middle class family life picture. She developed the drama novel, has broken the western literary history positive figures perfect tradition. She's the objective description technique is also the first of British novel history. Austin's work is both a pleasant, and intriguing.

《傲慢与偏见》主题: the themes of pride and prejudice

1. love between darcy and elizabeth

2 a woman’s reputation is of the utmost important

3.class boundaries and prejudice

4.courtship,those between darcy and elizabeth and between bingley and jane

5. two ways of pride: positive and negative








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