

1.But they ’ve also issued orders that would be seen as improper “intervention ” in the West —for example, calling last week on state industries, including steel and construction, to “actively increase” their roles in the economy by buying up new assets at home and abroad.

译:但同时,他们也发布在西方国家眼里是不合理的干涉的命令,例如,上周中国官员召集包括钢铁建筑等行业的国有行业并购(buy up)国内外新资产(at home and abroad)以积极(actively )发挥在经济中的作用。

2. This balance between free and managed markets can also be seen in China's approach to price fixing and state control in key sectors like financial services, telecoms, utilities and energy. Some of these industries are partially privatized —in telecoms, equipment markets are open to foreigners, because they bring capital and expertise that eventually trickles down to local firms, like the now internationally competitive Huawei. But the more lucrative services market is still run by authorities, who set prices on mobile-phone calls.

译:这个平衡自由和管理市场中也能看到在关键领域如金融服务、电信、公用事业和能源中用中国的方法来操纵价格和宏观经济控制。这些行业的一些部分私有化了,在电信、设备市场都对外国人开放, 因为他们带来最终惠及当地公司的资本和专业知识, 像现在的有国际竞争力的华为。但是更有利可图的服务市场仍由给移动电话定价的当局经营。

3. But change is upon us. The developed world of the haves is struggling to restart growth and preserve welfare states, while the world of the once have-nots has surged out of the downturn. Big emerging economies like China and India have discovered new sources of domestic demand.

译:但是变化已经来临。发达国家的富人正在努力重启增长和维持福利国家, 而世界上的穷人一旦经济猛增走出低迷。像中国和印度这样大的新兴经济体已经发现了国内需求的新来源。

4. As billions of poor people become more prosperous, they will be able to afford the comforts their counterparts in the rich world have long considered the normal appurtenances of life.

译:由于数以亿计的穷人更繁荣, 他们将能够负担得起那些他们同行在发达国家长期以来认为是生活附属物的享受。

5. China is tired of being lectured to by those who seem unable to manage their own economies particularly well. U.S. Politicians, with an ear to appreciate.



1.But they ’ve also issued orders that would be seen as improper “intervention ” in the West —for example, calling last week on state industries, including steel and construction, to “actively increase” their roles in the economy by buying up new assets at home and abroad.

译:但同时,他们也发布在西方国家眼里是不合理的干涉的命令,例如,上周中国官员召集包括钢铁建筑等行业的国有行业并购(buy up)国内外新资产(at home and abroad)以积极(actively )发挥在经济中的作用。

2. This balance between free and managed markets can also be seen in China's approach to price fixing and state control in key sectors like financial services, telecoms, utilities and energy. Some of these industries are partially privatized —in telecoms, equipment markets are open to foreigners, because they bring capital and expertise that eventually trickles down to local firms, like the now internationally competitive Huawei. But the more lucrative services market is still run by authorities, who set prices on mobile-phone calls.

译:这个平衡自由和管理市场中也能看到在关键领域如金融服务、电信、公用事业和能源中用中国的方法来操纵价格和宏观经济控制。这些行业的一些部分私有化了,在电信、设备市场都对外国人开放, 因为他们带来最终惠及当地公司的资本和专业知识, 像现在的有国际竞争力的华为。但是更有利可图的服务市场仍由给移动电话定价的当局经营。

3. But change is upon us. The developed world of the haves is struggling to restart growth and preserve welfare states, while the world of the once have-nots has surged out of the downturn. Big emerging economies like China and India have discovered new sources of domestic demand.

译:但是变化已经来临。发达国家的富人正在努力重启增长和维持福利国家, 而世界上的穷人一旦经济猛增走出低迷。像中国和印度这样大的新兴经济体已经发现了国内需求的新来源。

4. As billions of poor people become more prosperous, they will be able to afford the comforts their counterparts in the rich world have long considered the normal appurtenances of life.

译:由于数以亿计的穷人更繁荣, 他们将能够负担得起那些他们同行在发达国家长期以来认为是生活附属物的享受。

5. China is tired of being lectured to by those who seem unable to manage their own economies particularly well. U.S. Politicians, with an ear to appreciate.



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