

Lesson 1

单词: everyone 每人 carefully 仔细地,认真地 should 应该 never 从不 obey 遵守 noise 声音噪音 rule 规则 group 小组 early 早 leader 领导 listen 听 list 表


a good student一个好学生

obey the rules遵守规则

come to school early早来学校

listen to his teacher carefully仔细地听他老师讲

make noise喧哗

in class课上

a group leader一个小组长

make… for…给…做…

a list of rules一个规则表


He knows everyone in school should obey the rules.他知道学校的每个人应该遵守规则。 He comes to school early.他早早来到学校。

He listens to his teacher carefully.他仔细地听他的老师讲课。

He never makes noise in class.他从不在课上喧哗。

His group is making a list of rules for the class. 他的小组正在为班集制订规则表。 Hand in your homework on time.按时交你的作业。

Don’t be late for class.上课别迟到。

Don’t make noise in class.课上别喧哗。

Lesson 2

单词: ask 问 actively 积极地,活泼地 make 制作,做 quiet 安静的 eat 吃 carefully 仔细地

question 问题 词组:

be late for class school上课/上学迟到

ask questions问问题


Ask questions actively.积极问问题。

Be quiet.安静些。

D on’t eat in class.课上别吃东西。

Listen to the teacher carefully.仔细听老师讲课。

Lesson 3 sometimes 有时候 set 摆放 often 经常 dinner 晚餐 mess 脏乱杂乱 till 直到…为止

whole 全部的 watch 看 keep 保持 room 房间

clean 干净的 词组:

at school在学校

at home在家

make a mess乱扔乱放东西

in his room在他的房间

help to set the dinner table帮忙摆放饭桌

watch TV看电视

the whole evening整个晚上

go to bed去睡觉

write …for…给…写…

very late很晚

some home rules一些家规

keep your room clean保持你房间清洁


1. But sometimes he is not a good boy at home. 但有时在家里他不是个好孩子。

2. He often makes a mess in his room.在房间里,他经常乱扔东西。

3. He doesn’t like to help to set the dinner table. 他不愿意帮忙摆放餐桌。

4. He watches TV the whole evening.他整晚看电视。

5. He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late.他躺在床上读书,很晚去睡觉。

6. Peter’s mother writes some home rules for him.彼得的母亲给他写了一些家规。

7. You should keep your room clean.你应该保持房间清洁。

8. You shouldn’t watch TV till late.你不应该看电视到很晚。

Lesson 4

单词: should 应该 go 去 early 早 home 家


1. go to bed early早去睡觉

2. go home回家

3. too late太晚

句子: You should go to bed early. 你应该早去睡觉。

Lesson 5

单词: out 出,在外 spit 吐 must 必须 ground 地,地面 cross 穿过 off 从…离开 road 路,马路 grass 草,草地 wait 等待 pick 摘 light 灯 litter 乱丢东西


1. look out小心,留神

2. cross the road穿过马路

3. wait for the green light等绿灯

4. spit on the ground在地上吐痰

5. pick the flowers摘花

6. keep off the grass勿踏草地

7. take good care of young children好好照顾小孩


1. You mustn’t cross the road now.现在不许穿过马路。

2. You must wait for the green light.你必须等绿灯。

3. No littering.不要四下乱丢东西。

Lesson 6

单词: must 必须 them 他们(宾格) wait 等待 play 玩 respect 尊敬,尊重 street 街,街道

people 人民 词组:

1. look out留神,小心

2. respect old people尊敬老人

3. help them帮他们

4. play on the street在大街上玩

5. spit on the ground在地上吐痰


1. You must wait.你必须等待。

2. Look out.留神,小心。

3. You mustn’t cross the road now.现在你不许穿过马路。

Unit 2单元重难点

Lesson 7


1. read an e-mail读电子邮件

2. tell you something about 告诉你…关于…

3. every morning每天早晨

4. at twenty past eight在8:20

5. from…to…从…到…

6. bring…to…把…带到…

7. get home到家

8. have dinner吃晚餐

9. e-mail me back发回邮件

10. best wishes良好祝愿


1. What are you doing?你在干什么?

2. I’m reading an e-mail. 我在读邮件。

3. Let me tell you something about my daily life. 让我告诉你我的每日生活。

4. School begins at nine. 9点开始上课。

5. I have classes from 9:00 to 11:30.我9点到11点半上课

6. I bring a lunch box to school.我带餐盒上学。

7. School ends at three. 3点放学。

8. Please e-mail me back.请给我发邮件。

9. I get home at about half past three. 我大约3点半到家。

Lesson 8


1. go to school去上学

2. in the morning在早上

3. go to bed去睡觉

4. in the evening在晚上

5. have breakfast吃早餐

6. have lunch吃午餐


1. I go to school at 7:00 in the morning. 我早晨7点上学。

Lesson 9


1. be glad to高兴…

2. be kind to 对…友善

3. take a walk散步

4. read the newspapers看报

5. water the flowers浇花

6. play with和…玩

7. go out外出


1. I was glad to get your e-mail.很高兴收到你的邮件。

2. My family lives in Kunming.我家住在昆明。

3. My grandpa is very kind to me.我爷爷对我很和善。

4. He takes a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00.他从6:15到7:00散步。

5. Then he reads the newspaper.然后,他看报纸。

6. He usually waters the flowers in his garden or plays with his pet dog. 他通常在花园里浇花或逗小狗玩。

Lesson 10


cinema 电影院 evening 晚上


1. get up起床

2. in the evening在晚上

3. go to the cinema去看电影

4. stay up very late熬夜

5. a few photos of your family几张你家的照片


1. I get up at 7:00 in the morning. 我早上7点起床。

2. He gets up at 6:00 in the morning. 他早上6点起床。

Lesson 11


secretary 秘书 scientist 科学家


1. a famous scientist一位著名科学家

2. in his office在他办公室里

3. talk with与…谈话

4. his secretary他的秘书

5. a quick lunch一顿快速午餐 6. go on with继续


1. So they talk with his secretary. 因此他们与他的秘书谈话。

2. He usually goes on with his work. 他通常继续工作。

3. He seldom goes shopping.他很少购物。

4. He always has his meals in the office. 他总是在办公室吃饭。

5. How hard he works!他工作多么努力啊!

Lesson 12


usually 通常 meal /饭

office 办公室 often 经常

begin 开始 sometimes 有时

meet 遇见 seldom 很少

other 其他 never 从来不

scientist 科学家 afternoon 下午

always 总是


1. begin to work开始工作

2. meet other scientists会见其他科学家

3. in the afternoon在下午

4. have meals in the office在办公室吃饭


1. He usually works in the office. 他通常在办公室工作。

2. Do you usually get up early? 他通常起床很早吗?

3. What do you usually do in the morning? 你早上通常做什么?

4. Do you work in the evening? 你晚上工作吗?


单词:sweetly 甜美地


1.the whole morning 一整个早晨

2.feel sad 感到悲伤


She gives Micky a good idea. 她给了Micky 一个好主意。

Unit 3 重难点总结

Lesson 13


hobby 业余爱好 stamp 邮票

collect 收集 colourful 多彩的


1. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事(表示一种习惯性行为)

2. be interested in sth./doing sth. 对(做)某事感兴趣

3. collect stamps/toy cars/candy paper/ picture cards 收集邮票/玩具汽车/糖纸/图卡

4. enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事

5. a toy shop 一家玩具店—two toy shops 两家玩具店

6. a new type of toy car 一种新型的…玩具汽车

7. an interesting hobby 一个有趣的爱好

8. my book of candy paper 我的糖纸收集册


1. everybody has hobbies。每人都有爱好。

2. What ’s your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

3. My hobby is listening to music.我的爱好是听音乐。

Lesson 14


volleyball 排球 throw 投

tennis 网球


collect toy cars 收集玩具汽车

collect candy paper 收集糖纸

collect picture card 收集图片

collect stamps 收集邮票

play table tennis 打乒乓球

play volleyball 打排球

play football 踢足球

play basketball 打篮球


I like listening to music。 我喜欢听音乐。

He likes playing football 他喜欢踢足球。

I ’m interested in collecting stamps 我对收集邮票感兴趣。

Lesson 15


on a farm 在一个农场上

something about him 关于他的一些事

keep animals 饲养动物

go fishing 去钓鱼

be good at… 擅长于……

the hole day 整天

grow vegetables 种菜


Sometimes he goes fishing for the whole day but vatches nothing.有时候他一整天都


Lesson 16

单词:discuss 讨论


make tools 制作工具

plant flowers 种花

raise animals 喂养动物

play with sth. 玩……


Different peole have different hobbies. 不同的人有不同的爱好。



leaf 树叶(leaves ) finish 完成


make interesting things 制作有趣的东西

how to do sth. 如何做某事

leaf paintings 树叶画

a piece of paper 一张纸、

the shape of the leaf 树叶的轮廓

in different colours 用不同的颜色

finish doing完成做……

your own leaf painting 你自己的树叶画

do the same with the other leaves 用其他树叶作相同的步奏。


You want to show us how to make leaf paintings. 你想向我们展示如何做树叶画。 Lesson 18

单词:paints 颜料


cut out 剪下

glue onto 把某物粘到某处

after that 然后

animals ’and chlidren’s faces 动物和孩子的脸


I will show you how to do it.我要为你展示如何做。

Make a few fingerprints. 按几个指印。

Dip your finger in the paint. 把你的手指在颜料里站一下。

Press your finger on the paper to make a print.用你的手指在纸上按一个指印。 Revision


worm 虫子 cucumber 黄

Unit 4 重难点总结

Lesson 19


invite 邀请 celebrate 庆祝


1. on October 20th 在10月20日

2. have a birthday party举行一个生日聚会

3. want to invite sb.想邀请某人

4. on Thursday在周四

5. after school放学后

6. pick sb. up搭载(人)走,带(人)走

7. pick sth. up 捡起…

Lesson 20

单词:tie 捆


1. an invitation card 一张邀请卡片

2. give… to…把…给…

3.forget to do忘记去做…

4. three times三次


Will you come to my birthday party?你愿意参加我的生日聚会吗?

She will have a party on October 20th. 她将在10月20日举行一个聚会。 Here ’s a card for you .送给你一张卡片。

Lesson 21

单词:jelly 果冻 shape 形状


1. go shopping with sb. 与…一起购物

2. a birthday cake一个生日蛋糕

3. would like想要

4. a chocolate cake一个巧克力蛋糕

5. look lovely看起来可爱

6. let sb. do sth.让某人做某事

7. this kind of cake这种蛋糕

8. a kind of cakes一种蛋糕

9. buy sth. for sb.给…买…


What kind of cake would you like? 你想要哪种蛋糕?

What shape would you like? 你想要哪种形状的?

Lesson 22

单词:ice cream冰淇淋 biscuit 饼干 circle 环 cone词组:

in October在十月

pass to…传递给…

triangle cake 三角形蛋糕

square cake 方形蛋糕

round cake 圆形蛋糕

rectangle cake 方形蛋糕


I ’ll get some ice cream for you.我要为你买一些冰淇淋。

Lesson 23

单词:present 礼物 wish 愿望


1. welcome to...欢迎到…

2. light the candles点燃蜡烛

3. sing the birthday song唱生日歌

4. make a wish许愿

5. blow out吹灭

6. give each one a piece给每人一块

7. have fruit and candies吃水果和糖果

8. have a good time玩得愉快

9. a cup of tea一杯茶


Would you like some milk?喝点牛奶好吗?


Lesson 24


1. a glass of juice一杯果汁

2. a piece of cake一块蛋糕

3. blow out the candles吹灭蜡烛

4. cut the cake切蛋糕

5. buy some apple pie买一些苹果派


I ’d like a glass of juice. 我想要一杯果汁。

These are birthday gifts for Tom.这些是给Tom 的生日礼物。 Revision

1. on the same day在同一天

nd 2. on October 2 在10月2日

3. celebrate their birthdays together一起庆祝他们的生日

Unit Five 词组短语总结

Lesson 25


January 一月 spring 春天 February 二月 festival 节日 March 三月 Easter 复活节 April 四月


1.be called 被称作,叫作

2. New Year’s Day 新年

3. the second month of the year 二月是每年的第二个月份

4. in March 在三月

5. the Spring Festival 春节

6. Tree Planting Day 植树节

7. on March 12th 在三月十二日

8. from…to … 从……到……

9.Easter eggs 复活节彩蛋

Lesson 27


May 五月 July 七月 June 六月 August 八月词组

Labour Day 劳动节

Mother’s Day 母亲节

Children’s Day 儿童节

Father’s Day 父亲节

work hard on/at sth 努力学习,努力工作

go camping 去郊游

Lesson 29


September 九月 November 十一月 Octoer 十月 December 十二月


go back to school 回到学校

Teachers’ Day 教师节

National Day 国庆节

Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

give sb. sth. 给某人某物

climb up 向……上爬

in the tree 在树上(外来物体)

think of 考虑;想起

Lesson 30


fold 折叠 greeting 祝福语

Unit 6 重难点总结

Lesson 31

单词:springtime 春天

1. a little cold有点冷

2. get warmer and warmer变得越来越暖和

3. on the cherry trees在樱桃树上

4. come out from从…出来

5. lots of new flowers许多新花

Lesson 32

单词:seed 种子 camp 野营


1. the first season第一个季节

2. farm the land种地

3. go camping去野营

4. look at the flowers 看花

5. fly kites放风筝

6. in the sky在天上

7. one boy named Peter一个叫Peter 的男孩

8. plant seeds播种

Lesson 33


beach 沙滩 sandcastle 沙堡 shell 贝壳 summertime 夏季 词组:

1. the second season of the year 一年中的第二个季节

2. the hottest season最热的季节

3. have their summer holiday过他们的暑假

4. go to the beach去沙滩

5. enjoy themselves玩得愉快

6. plant rice种粮食

7. make a sandcastle做一个沙堡

8. look for shells寻找贝壳

9. in summer在夏天

Lesson 34


1. It’s the hottest season.它是最热的季节。

2. The weather is hot.天气是热的。

3. They’re painting a sandcastle. 他们正在给沙堡涂颜色。 Lesson 35


autumn 秋天

gold 金色的 harvest 收获


the third season of the year一年中的第三个季节

get cooler and cooler变得越来越凉

get shorter and shorter变得越来越短

the leaves on the tree树上的叶子

be busy harvesting忙于收获

pick apples摘苹果

the last season of the year一年中的最后一个季节

play with snow玩雪

Lesson 36


sweep 扫 snowman 雪人 词组:

the third season第三个季节

cut rice割麦子

feed the animals饲养动物

sweep the snow扫雪

make a snowman堆雪人



1. get up early起得非常早

2. look into the river往水里看

3. look at another monkey看另一只猴子

4. look at the monkey again再看猴子一次

Funtime 2


form 形式

calendar 日历

northern 北部的

southern 南部的


be short form for …缩写形式

make a calender 做一个台历

have a barbeque 吃烤肉

cut out this picture 剪下这张图片 hemisphere 半球 western 西部的 Russia 俄罗斯 barbeque 烤肉



Lesson 1

单词: everyone 每人 carefully 仔细地,认真地 should 应该 never 从不 obey 遵守 noise 声音噪音 rule 规则 group 小组 early 早 leader 领导 listen 听 list 表


a good student一个好学生

obey the rules遵守规则

come to school early早来学校

listen to his teacher carefully仔细地听他老师讲

make noise喧哗

in class课上

a group leader一个小组长

make… for…给…做…

a list of rules一个规则表


He knows everyone in school should obey the rules.他知道学校的每个人应该遵守规则。 He comes to school early.他早早来到学校。

He listens to his teacher carefully.他仔细地听他的老师讲课。

He never makes noise in class.他从不在课上喧哗。

His group is making a list of rules for the class. 他的小组正在为班集制订规则表。 Hand in your homework on time.按时交你的作业。

Don’t be late for class.上课别迟到。

Don’t make noise in class.课上别喧哗。

Lesson 2

单词: ask 问 actively 积极地,活泼地 make 制作,做 quiet 安静的 eat 吃 carefully 仔细地

question 问题 词组:

be late for class school上课/上学迟到

ask questions问问题


Ask questions actively.积极问问题。

Be quiet.安静些。

D on’t eat in class.课上别吃东西。

Listen to the teacher carefully.仔细听老师讲课。

Lesson 3 sometimes 有时候 set 摆放 often 经常 dinner 晚餐 mess 脏乱杂乱 till 直到…为止

whole 全部的 watch 看 keep 保持 room 房间

clean 干净的 词组:

at school在学校

at home在家

make a mess乱扔乱放东西

in his room在他的房间

help to set the dinner table帮忙摆放饭桌

watch TV看电视

the whole evening整个晚上

go to bed去睡觉

write …for…给…写…

very late很晚

some home rules一些家规

keep your room clean保持你房间清洁


1. But sometimes he is not a good boy at home. 但有时在家里他不是个好孩子。

2. He often makes a mess in his room.在房间里,他经常乱扔东西。

3. He doesn’t like to help to set the dinner table. 他不愿意帮忙摆放餐桌。

4. He watches TV the whole evening.他整晚看电视。

5. He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late.他躺在床上读书,很晚去睡觉。

6. Peter’s mother writes some home rules for him.彼得的母亲给他写了一些家规。

7. You should keep your room clean.你应该保持房间清洁。

8. You shouldn’t watch TV till late.你不应该看电视到很晚。

Lesson 4

单词: should 应该 go 去 early 早 home 家


1. go to bed early早去睡觉

2. go home回家

3. too late太晚

句子: You should go to bed early. 你应该早去睡觉。

Lesson 5

单词: out 出,在外 spit 吐 must 必须 ground 地,地面 cross 穿过 off 从…离开 road 路,马路 grass 草,草地 wait 等待 pick 摘 light 灯 litter 乱丢东西


1. look out小心,留神

2. cross the road穿过马路

3. wait for the green light等绿灯

4. spit on the ground在地上吐痰

5. pick the flowers摘花

6. keep off the grass勿踏草地

7. take good care of young children好好照顾小孩


1. You mustn’t cross the road now.现在不许穿过马路。

2. You must wait for the green light.你必须等绿灯。

3. No littering.不要四下乱丢东西。

Lesson 6

单词: must 必须 them 他们(宾格) wait 等待 play 玩 respect 尊敬,尊重 street 街,街道

people 人民 词组:

1. look out留神,小心

2. respect old people尊敬老人

3. help them帮他们

4. play on the street在大街上玩

5. spit on the ground在地上吐痰


1. You must wait.你必须等待。

2. Look out.留神,小心。

3. You mustn’t cross the road now.现在你不许穿过马路。

Unit 2单元重难点

Lesson 7


1. read an e-mail读电子邮件

2. tell you something about 告诉你…关于…

3. every morning每天早晨

4. at twenty past eight在8:20

5. from…to…从…到…

6. bring…to…把…带到…

7. get home到家

8. have dinner吃晚餐

9. e-mail me back发回邮件

10. best wishes良好祝愿


1. What are you doing?你在干什么?

2. I’m reading an e-mail. 我在读邮件。

3. Let me tell you something about my daily life. 让我告诉你我的每日生活。

4. School begins at nine. 9点开始上课。

5. I have classes from 9:00 to 11:30.我9点到11点半上课

6. I bring a lunch box to school.我带餐盒上学。

7. School ends at three. 3点放学。

8. Please e-mail me back.请给我发邮件。

9. I get home at about half past three. 我大约3点半到家。

Lesson 8


1. go to school去上学

2. in the morning在早上

3. go to bed去睡觉

4. in the evening在晚上

5. have breakfast吃早餐

6. have lunch吃午餐


1. I go to school at 7:00 in the morning. 我早晨7点上学。

Lesson 9


1. be glad to高兴…

2. be kind to 对…友善

3. take a walk散步

4. read the newspapers看报

5. water the flowers浇花

6. play with和…玩

7. go out外出


1. I was glad to get your e-mail.很高兴收到你的邮件。

2. My family lives in Kunming.我家住在昆明。

3. My grandpa is very kind to me.我爷爷对我很和善。

4. He takes a long walk from 6:15 to 7:00.他从6:15到7:00散步。

5. Then he reads the newspaper.然后,他看报纸。

6. He usually waters the flowers in his garden or plays with his pet dog. 他通常在花园里浇花或逗小狗玩。

Lesson 10


cinema 电影院 evening 晚上


1. get up起床

2. in the evening在晚上

3. go to the cinema去看电影

4. stay up very late熬夜

5. a few photos of your family几张你家的照片


1. I get up at 7:00 in the morning. 我早上7点起床。

2. He gets up at 6:00 in the morning. 他早上6点起床。

Lesson 11


secretary 秘书 scientist 科学家


1. a famous scientist一位著名科学家

2. in his office在他办公室里

3. talk with与…谈话

4. his secretary他的秘书

5. a quick lunch一顿快速午餐 6. go on with继续


1. So they talk with his secretary. 因此他们与他的秘书谈话。

2. He usually goes on with his work. 他通常继续工作。

3. He seldom goes shopping.他很少购物。

4. He always has his meals in the office. 他总是在办公室吃饭。

5. How hard he works!他工作多么努力啊!

Lesson 12


usually 通常 meal /饭

office 办公室 often 经常

begin 开始 sometimes 有时

meet 遇见 seldom 很少

other 其他 never 从来不

scientist 科学家 afternoon 下午

always 总是


1. begin to work开始工作

2. meet other scientists会见其他科学家

3. in the afternoon在下午

4. have meals in the office在办公室吃饭


1. He usually works in the office. 他通常在办公室工作。

2. Do you usually get up early? 他通常起床很早吗?

3. What do you usually do in the morning? 你早上通常做什么?

4. Do you work in the evening? 你晚上工作吗?


单词:sweetly 甜美地


1.the whole morning 一整个早晨

2.feel sad 感到悲伤


She gives Micky a good idea. 她给了Micky 一个好主意。

Unit 3 重难点总结

Lesson 13


hobby 业余爱好 stamp 邮票

collect 收集 colourful 多彩的


1. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事(表示一种习惯性行为)

2. be interested in sth./doing sth. 对(做)某事感兴趣

3. collect stamps/toy cars/candy paper/ picture cards 收集邮票/玩具汽车/糖纸/图卡

4. enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事

5. a toy shop 一家玩具店—two toy shops 两家玩具店

6. a new type of toy car 一种新型的…玩具汽车

7. an interesting hobby 一个有趣的爱好

8. my book of candy paper 我的糖纸收集册


1. everybody has hobbies。每人都有爱好。

2. What ’s your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

3. My hobby is listening to music.我的爱好是听音乐。

Lesson 14


volleyball 排球 throw 投

tennis 网球


collect toy cars 收集玩具汽车

collect candy paper 收集糖纸

collect picture card 收集图片

collect stamps 收集邮票

play table tennis 打乒乓球

play volleyball 打排球

play football 踢足球

play basketball 打篮球


I like listening to music。 我喜欢听音乐。

He likes playing football 他喜欢踢足球。

I ’m interested in collecting stamps 我对收集邮票感兴趣。

Lesson 15


on a farm 在一个农场上

something about him 关于他的一些事

keep animals 饲养动物

go fishing 去钓鱼

be good at… 擅长于……

the hole day 整天

grow vegetables 种菜


Sometimes he goes fishing for the whole day but vatches nothing.有时候他一整天都


Lesson 16

单词:discuss 讨论


make tools 制作工具

plant flowers 种花

raise animals 喂养动物

play with sth. 玩……


Different peole have different hobbies. 不同的人有不同的爱好。



leaf 树叶(leaves ) finish 完成


make interesting things 制作有趣的东西

how to do sth. 如何做某事

leaf paintings 树叶画

a piece of paper 一张纸、

the shape of the leaf 树叶的轮廓

in different colours 用不同的颜色

finish doing完成做……

your own leaf painting 你自己的树叶画

do the same with the other leaves 用其他树叶作相同的步奏。


You want to show us how to make leaf paintings. 你想向我们展示如何做树叶画。 Lesson 18

单词:paints 颜料


cut out 剪下

glue onto 把某物粘到某处

after that 然后

animals ’and chlidren’s faces 动物和孩子的脸


I will show you how to do it.我要为你展示如何做。

Make a few fingerprints. 按几个指印。

Dip your finger in the paint. 把你的手指在颜料里站一下。

Press your finger on the paper to make a print.用你的手指在纸上按一个指印。 Revision


worm 虫子 cucumber 黄

Unit 4 重难点总结

Lesson 19


invite 邀请 celebrate 庆祝


1. on October 20th 在10月20日

2. have a birthday party举行一个生日聚会

3. want to invite sb.想邀请某人

4. on Thursday在周四

5. after school放学后

6. pick sb. up搭载(人)走,带(人)走

7. pick sth. up 捡起…

Lesson 20

单词:tie 捆


1. an invitation card 一张邀请卡片

2. give… to…把…给…

3.forget to do忘记去做…

4. three times三次


Will you come to my birthday party?你愿意参加我的生日聚会吗?

She will have a party on October 20th. 她将在10月20日举行一个聚会。 Here ’s a card for you .送给你一张卡片。

Lesson 21

单词:jelly 果冻 shape 形状


1. go shopping with sb. 与…一起购物

2. a birthday cake一个生日蛋糕

3. would like想要

4. a chocolate cake一个巧克力蛋糕

5. look lovely看起来可爱

6. let sb. do sth.让某人做某事

7. this kind of cake这种蛋糕

8. a kind of cakes一种蛋糕

9. buy sth. for sb.给…买…


What kind of cake would you like? 你想要哪种蛋糕?

What shape would you like? 你想要哪种形状的?

Lesson 22

单词:ice cream冰淇淋 biscuit 饼干 circle 环 cone词组:

in October在十月

pass to…传递给…

triangle cake 三角形蛋糕

square cake 方形蛋糕

round cake 圆形蛋糕

rectangle cake 方形蛋糕


I ’ll get some ice cream for you.我要为你买一些冰淇淋。

Lesson 23

单词:present 礼物 wish 愿望


1. welcome to...欢迎到…

2. light the candles点燃蜡烛

3. sing the birthday song唱生日歌

4. make a wish许愿

5. blow out吹灭

6. give each one a piece给每人一块

7. have fruit and candies吃水果和糖果

8. have a good time玩得愉快

9. a cup of tea一杯茶


Would you like some milk?喝点牛奶好吗?


Lesson 24


1. a glass of juice一杯果汁

2. a piece of cake一块蛋糕

3. blow out the candles吹灭蜡烛

4. cut the cake切蛋糕

5. buy some apple pie买一些苹果派


I ’d like a glass of juice. 我想要一杯果汁。

These are birthday gifts for Tom.这些是给Tom 的生日礼物。 Revision

1. on the same day在同一天

nd 2. on October 2 在10月2日

3. celebrate their birthdays together一起庆祝他们的生日

Unit Five 词组短语总结

Lesson 25


January 一月 spring 春天 February 二月 festival 节日 March 三月 Easter 复活节 April 四月


1.be called 被称作,叫作

2. New Year’s Day 新年

3. the second month of the year 二月是每年的第二个月份

4. in March 在三月

5. the Spring Festival 春节

6. Tree Planting Day 植树节

7. on March 12th 在三月十二日

8. from…to … 从……到……

9.Easter eggs 复活节彩蛋

Lesson 27


May 五月 July 七月 June 六月 August 八月词组

Labour Day 劳动节

Mother’s Day 母亲节

Children’s Day 儿童节

Father’s Day 父亲节

work hard on/at sth 努力学习,努力工作

go camping 去郊游

Lesson 29


September 九月 November 十一月 Octoer 十月 December 十二月


go back to school 回到学校

Teachers’ Day 教师节

National Day 国庆节

Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

give sb. sth. 给某人某物

climb up 向……上爬

in the tree 在树上(外来物体)

think of 考虑;想起

Lesson 30


fold 折叠 greeting 祝福语

Unit 6 重难点总结

Lesson 31

单词:springtime 春天

1. a little cold有点冷

2. get warmer and warmer变得越来越暖和

3. on the cherry trees在樱桃树上

4. come out from从…出来

5. lots of new flowers许多新花

Lesson 32

单词:seed 种子 camp 野营


1. the first season第一个季节

2. farm the land种地

3. go camping去野营

4. look at the flowers 看花

5. fly kites放风筝

6. in the sky在天上

7. one boy named Peter一个叫Peter 的男孩

8. plant seeds播种

Lesson 33


beach 沙滩 sandcastle 沙堡 shell 贝壳 summertime 夏季 词组:

1. the second season of the year 一年中的第二个季节

2. the hottest season最热的季节

3. have their summer holiday过他们的暑假

4. go to the beach去沙滩

5. enjoy themselves玩得愉快

6. plant rice种粮食

7. make a sandcastle做一个沙堡

8. look for shells寻找贝壳

9. in summer在夏天

Lesson 34


1. It’s the hottest season.它是最热的季节。

2. The weather is hot.天气是热的。

3. They’re painting a sandcastle. 他们正在给沙堡涂颜色。 Lesson 35


autumn 秋天

gold 金色的 harvest 收获


the third season of the year一年中的第三个季节

get cooler and cooler变得越来越凉

get shorter and shorter变得越来越短

the leaves on the tree树上的叶子

be busy harvesting忙于收获

pick apples摘苹果

the last season of the year一年中的最后一个季节

play with snow玩雪

Lesson 36


sweep 扫 snowman 雪人 词组:

the third season第三个季节

cut rice割麦子

feed the animals饲养动物

sweep the snow扫雪

make a snowman堆雪人



1. get up early起得非常早

2. look into the river往水里看

3. look at another monkey看另一只猴子

4. look at the monkey again再看猴子一次

Funtime 2


form 形式

calendar 日历

northern 北部的

southern 南部的


be short form for …缩写形式

make a calender 做一个台历

have a barbeque 吃烤肉

cut out this picture 剪下这张图片 hemisphere 半球 western 西部的 Russia 俄罗斯 barbeque 烤肉



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