
  Every April 1st, jokesters[喜欢开玩笑者] come out to play―kids included! Here are some April Fools’ Day jokes and pranks that are perfect for the youngest pranksters.


  Pranks and Jokes with Food

  Here’s a good trick to play on adults just in time for dinner. Do the salt-and-pepper switch. Put salt into the pepper container[容器], and put pepper into the salt container! (Note that this is a lot more effective when the containers are not see-through.)Put some green food coloring into a carton[硬纸盒] of milk. It will look delicious when it’s time for a family member to put milk into their cereal[谷类食品] in the morning.

  Get some gummy worms[外形像蚯蚓的一种软糖] and put them inside of pieces of fruit, such as apples. Hand out the apples to family members. Then wait to see their reactions!


  April Fools’ Day Pranks for the Computer

  Carefully remove the letter keys[字母键] from the keyboard. Switch them and put them in their incorrect places. When a hunt-and-peck[看着键盘打字] keyboarder sits down, he or she will be so confused[困惑的] when the letters that appear on the screen aren’t the ones he or she hit on the



  Pranks for the Family

  Set the alarm clock in a sibling’s[兄弟姐妹] room to go off in the middle of the night. Wake up and scream, “It’s time for school! We’re late!” He or she will be so confused and rush out of bed thinking it’s time to get ready. This is even funnier when it’s the weekend!

  Stretch[伸展] a large piece of plastic wrap on the seat of the toilet. Then see what happens when a family member sits down!


  A Prank to Play Outside

  Using super-glue[胶水], glue some pennies[美分], nickels[五分镍币], and dimes[一角硬币] on to a sidewalk. Then, watch as people come by and try to pick up the coins.

  There are many ideas for kid-friendly and safe jokes to play on April 1st, whether it’s in the kitchen, around the house, or outdoors. Remember that these pranks are all in good humor and faith, and if you fall victim to one of these well-thought-out jokes, you can remember it with a good laugh.




















  Every April 1st, jokesters[喜欢开玩笑者] come out to play―kids included! Here are some April Fools’ Day jokes and pranks that are perfect for the youngest pranksters.


  Pranks and Jokes with Food

  Here’s a good trick to play on adults just in time for dinner. Do the salt-and-pepper switch. Put salt into the pepper container[容器], and put pepper into the salt container! (Note that this is a lot more effective when the containers are not see-through.)Put some green food coloring into a carton[硬纸盒] of milk. It will look delicious when it’s time for a family member to put milk into their cereal[谷类食品] in the morning.

  Get some gummy worms[外形像蚯蚓的一种软糖] and put them inside of pieces of fruit, such as apples. Hand out the apples to family members. Then wait to see their reactions!


  April Fools’ Day Pranks for the Computer

  Carefully remove the letter keys[字母键] from the keyboard. Switch them and put them in their incorrect places. When a hunt-and-peck[看着键盘打字] keyboarder sits down, he or she will be so confused[困惑的] when the letters that appear on the screen aren’t the ones he or she hit on the



  Pranks for the Family

  Set the alarm clock in a sibling’s[兄弟姐妹] room to go off in the middle of the night. Wake up and scream, “It’s time for school! We’re late!” He or she will be so confused and rush out of bed thinking it’s time to get ready. This is even funnier when it’s the weekend!

  Stretch[伸展] a large piece of plastic wrap on the seat of the toilet. Then see what happens when a family member sits down!


  A Prank to Play Outside

  Using super-glue[胶水], glue some pennies[美分], nickels[五分镍币], and dimes[一角硬币] on to a sidewalk. Then, watch as people come by and try to pick up the coins.

  There are many ideas for kid-friendly and safe jokes to play on April 1st, whether it’s in the kitchen, around the house, or outdoors. Remember that these pranks are all in good humor and faith, and if you fall victim to one of these well-thought-out jokes, you can remember it with a good laugh.





















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