
  就算不是侦探小说迷,你也一定听说过《东方快车谋杀案》和《尼罗河上的惨案》。这两部小说皆出自“侦探小说女王”(Queen of Crime)――








  Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was born in Torquay, Devon, in September 1890 and would go on to change the art of crime-writing forever.

  Agatha Miller would, of course, become Agatha Christie―and when you look at how the self-taught

  woman started as a 1)novelist, it’s all the more

  amazing that she later became the biggest selling

  2)whodunnit writer the world has ever seen.

  Her father, Frederick Miller, was from New York, but died when Agatha was a child, so she was brought up and educated by her mother in Torquay.

  It was her mother who first suggested she tried her hand at writing when Agatha was stuck indoors because of a cold. Agatha was also said to be rather disappointed about the 3)mystery books on the market, as you could always guess “whodunnit.”

  A key time for her was during the First World War. She married Archibald Christie―an officer in the air force―shortly after the outbreak of the war, and they had a very short honeymoon at the Grand Hotel in Torquay. The hotel is 4)featured in the Agatha Christie Mile―a walk which takes you to places 5)associated with the writer.

  Agatha then did her bit for the war effort by working in a hospital in Torquay. This, 6)apparently, is where she learnt about drugs and poisons―knowledge she would use in her books.

  Agatha’s first big success was in 1920 with The

  Mysterious Affair at Styles―where the 7)Belgian

  detective Hercule Poirot made his 8)debut. The 9)script was rejected six times by publishers (who must have

  regretted their decision later).

  Her other famous character, elderly 10)spinster Miss Marple, made her first appearance in Murder in the

  11)Vicarage in 1930.

  She used places in Torquay and South Devon in her books such as the cliffs at St. Marychurch, the

  12)Imperial Hotel in Torquay, and Burgh Island.

  In December 1926, Agatha was herself at the centre

  of a mystery when she disappeared from her home in Sunningdale. It turned out that Archie was having an

  13)affair with a younger woman, Nancy Neele.

  Newspapers offered rewards for information about her whereabouts, and for a brief time, Archie was

  14)suspected of murdering her!

  In the end, she was found at a hotel in Harrogate, Yorkshire, and the claim was that she was suffering from 15)amnesia. No real explanation has ever been

  16)forthcoming, but it’s known that she booked

  herself into the hotel as “Teresa Neele.”

  She and Archie were divorced, and Agatha

  married her second husband, 17)archaeologist Max Mallowan, in 1930.

  Among the Queen of Crime’s best loved works are The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Death on the Nile, Murder on the Orient Express, and The 18)Mousetrap―which was first staged in London in 1952 and became the longest running play in the world.

  Agatha was made a 19)Dame of the British Empire in 1971, and died in January 1976 at the age of 85.

  It’s 20)incredible to think that more than 30 years after Dame Agatha’s death, her books are still among the most-read in the world and that her stories are still popular on TV and on film.

  Her mother’s suggestion that she should make use of her time while 21)confined with a cold must go down as one of the best pieces of motherly advice ever!



















  就算不是侦探小说迷,你也一定听说过《东方快车谋杀案》和《尼罗河上的惨案》。这两部小说皆出自“侦探小说女王”(Queen of Crime)――








  Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was born in Torquay, Devon, in September 1890 and would go on to change the art of crime-writing forever.

  Agatha Miller would, of course, become Agatha Christie―and when you look at how the self-taught

  woman started as a 1)novelist, it’s all the more

  amazing that she later became the biggest selling

  2)whodunnit writer the world has ever seen.

  Her father, Frederick Miller, was from New York, but died when Agatha was a child, so she was brought up and educated by her mother in Torquay.

  It was her mother who first suggested she tried her hand at writing when Agatha was stuck indoors because of a cold. Agatha was also said to be rather disappointed about the 3)mystery books on the market, as you could always guess “whodunnit.”

  A key time for her was during the First World War. She married Archibald Christie―an officer in the air force―shortly after the outbreak of the war, and they had a very short honeymoon at the Grand Hotel in Torquay. The hotel is 4)featured in the Agatha Christie Mile―a walk which takes you to places 5)associated with the writer.

  Agatha then did her bit for the war effort by working in a hospital in Torquay. This, 6)apparently, is where she learnt about drugs and poisons―knowledge she would use in her books.

  Agatha’s first big success was in 1920 with The

  Mysterious Affair at Styles―where the 7)Belgian

  detective Hercule Poirot made his 8)debut. The 9)script was rejected six times by publishers (who must have

  regretted their decision later).

  Her other famous character, elderly 10)spinster Miss Marple, made her first appearance in Murder in the

  11)Vicarage in 1930.

  She used places in Torquay and South Devon in her books such as the cliffs at St. Marychurch, the

  12)Imperial Hotel in Torquay, and Burgh Island.

  In December 1926, Agatha was herself at the centre

  of a mystery when she disappeared from her home in Sunningdale. It turned out that Archie was having an

  13)affair with a younger woman, Nancy Neele.

  Newspapers offered rewards for information about her whereabouts, and for a brief time, Archie was

  14)suspected of murdering her!

  In the end, she was found at a hotel in Harrogate, Yorkshire, and the claim was that she was suffering from 15)amnesia. No real explanation has ever been

  16)forthcoming, but it’s known that she booked

  herself into the hotel as “Teresa Neele.”

  She and Archie were divorced, and Agatha

  married her second husband, 17)archaeologist Max Mallowan, in 1930.

  Among the Queen of Crime’s best loved works are The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Death on the Nile, Murder on the Orient Express, and The 18)Mousetrap―which was first staged in London in 1952 and became the longest running play in the world.

  Agatha was made a 19)Dame of the British Empire in 1971, and died in January 1976 at the age of 85.

  It’s 20)incredible to think that more than 30 years after Dame Agatha’s death, her books are still among the most-read in the world and that her stories are still popular on TV and on film.

  Her mother’s suggestion that she should make use of her time while 21)confined with a cold must go down as one of the best pieces of motherly advice ever!




















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