Narration_exercise 关于爱的英语短故事


Standing in front of the mirror, Andrew's glossy, thick and pitch-black hair turned white overnight. In the freezing winter, chilly gusts of winds with a taste of rain in them make the world lifeless. That is the same case with Andrew. The identity of a rich millionaire becomes an eternal history, because the severe financial crisis and stock market crash render him go skint. Skinny and desperately, like a living dead, he says to himself, Everything is gone."

Under such destructive circumstance, however, Andrew does not have a thought of committing suicide at all in that he considers his wife as the last gift God left. It has not escape him that he can't yield to life, neither does he let his wife down. Nevertheless, having recalled the magnificent scene of their wedding ceremony and previously luxury and cozy life, Andrew reflects on the difficult situation and has to admit that his absolutely gorgeous wife will suffer from hard toil with him in grievance. Every time he think of it, an intense sense of self-accusation surges into his mind.

Andrew tried to bob up like a cork but eventually failed. So–called friends' cold shoulder and relatives' merciless indifference, like the last straw that breaks the camel's back, push him into a bottomless abyss of suffering. Anyway, life still goes on.

At present, Andrew is occupying himself with doing odds and

ends in his own 24-hour convenience store just near their only apartment. The small store almost takes him all slender deposits to live a life, only he and his wife as clerks here, because they have no money to hire one more shop assistant. Needless to say, the life burden often makes them face the danger of being overwhelming. Abrupt blow absolutely will change something. Pampered wife has to work with her husband from dawn to night, annoyed by trivial matters day after day. Gradually, wrinkles have overspread her face so that the beauteous appearance has faded away without a sound. The wife, seemingly not gentle and graceful as usual, is easy to get angry and always intersperses her talk with curses. Andrew always uses smiles responding to her constant complaints and never talks back. He reckons that he owns her too much. Nonetheless, one vital point must be mentioned that the wife never wants to abandon Andrew and leave alone.

God seems to be fond of making fool of this couple, and misfortunes never comes singly.

A dramatic cloudburst releases jagged bolts of lighting, and howling winds give people problem standing still outsides. The couple are struggling to put up the awnings in the rain lest the weak roof leaks. Just at that moment, the wife feels vertiginous and suddenly falls over in a faint.

In the doctor's inanimate office, the pungent smell of disinfectant pervading the air, a pale medical certificate is delivered to Andrew's hand. Two words written on it —"dilated cardiomyopathy " , like the doomsday trial sends shivers down his spine and chills the very marrow in his bones. "Only one way to save your wife is to undergo a heart transplant. " The doctor's frozen remarks fall to the ground, upping the ante of this life gambling. "I agree." Andrew says without a second thought.

Andrew contacts with the most authoritative hospital in the country, looks for a suitable matching for transplant day and night and takes care of his bedridden wife meticulously. It seems that everything goes smooth.

The day when the wife has the heart transplant operation comes. Andrew looks at his wife in bed affectionately for a long time until the nurse urges him to have the signature on the operation informed consent. His hand with a pen slightly trembles.

"Hurry up! You wimp! Poor wretch!" His wife scolds furiously. Andrew bends down and kisses his wife with tears in his eyes. Silently, he gazes wistfully after her into the operating room with the wife's complaints, "What are you crying for? I won't die definitely!"

The perfect success of the operation is beyond doctors'

expectation, which becomes the most influential case around the world. Everyone says it's a wonderful miracle. The wife recovers quickly and any rejection reaction even does not appear.

However, on such an extremely exciting occasion, Andrew does not turn up.

The wife feels a little nervous, asking the nurse anxiously, "Where is my heartless husband?"

The nurse gives her a piece of paper painted a little scarlet heart and a sentence under it,

" Dear honey, this is the last one I can give you. I love you."


Standing in front of the mirror, Andrew's glossy, thick and pitch-black hair turned white overnight. In the freezing winter, chilly gusts of winds with a taste of rain in them make the world lifeless. That is the same case with Andrew. The identity of a rich millionaire becomes an eternal history, because the severe financial crisis and stock market crash render him go skint. Skinny and desperately, like a living dead, he says to himself, Everything is gone."

Under such destructive circumstance, however, Andrew does not have a thought of committing suicide at all in that he considers his wife as the last gift God left. It has not escape him that he can't yield to life, neither does he let his wife down. Nevertheless, having recalled the magnificent scene of their wedding ceremony and previously luxury and cozy life, Andrew reflects on the difficult situation and has to admit that his absolutely gorgeous wife will suffer from hard toil with him in grievance. Every time he think of it, an intense sense of self-accusation surges into his mind.

Andrew tried to bob up like a cork but eventually failed. So–called friends' cold shoulder and relatives' merciless indifference, like the last straw that breaks the camel's back, push him into a bottomless abyss of suffering. Anyway, life still goes on.

At present, Andrew is occupying himself with doing odds and

ends in his own 24-hour convenience store just near their only apartment. The small store almost takes him all slender deposits to live a life, only he and his wife as clerks here, because they have no money to hire one more shop assistant. Needless to say, the life burden often makes them face the danger of being overwhelming. Abrupt blow absolutely will change something. Pampered wife has to work with her husband from dawn to night, annoyed by trivial matters day after day. Gradually, wrinkles have overspread her face so that the beauteous appearance has faded away without a sound. The wife, seemingly not gentle and graceful as usual, is easy to get angry and always intersperses her talk with curses. Andrew always uses smiles responding to her constant complaints and never talks back. He reckons that he owns her too much. Nonetheless, one vital point must be mentioned that the wife never wants to abandon Andrew and leave alone.

God seems to be fond of making fool of this couple, and misfortunes never comes singly.

A dramatic cloudburst releases jagged bolts of lighting, and howling winds give people problem standing still outsides. The couple are struggling to put up the awnings in the rain lest the weak roof leaks. Just at that moment, the wife feels vertiginous and suddenly falls over in a faint.

In the doctor's inanimate office, the pungent smell of disinfectant pervading the air, a pale medical certificate is delivered to Andrew's hand. Two words written on it —"dilated cardiomyopathy " , like the doomsday trial sends shivers down his spine and chills the very marrow in his bones. "Only one way to save your wife is to undergo a heart transplant. " The doctor's frozen remarks fall to the ground, upping the ante of this life gambling. "I agree." Andrew says without a second thought.

Andrew contacts with the most authoritative hospital in the country, looks for a suitable matching for transplant day and night and takes care of his bedridden wife meticulously. It seems that everything goes smooth.

The day when the wife has the heart transplant operation comes. Andrew looks at his wife in bed affectionately for a long time until the nurse urges him to have the signature on the operation informed consent. His hand with a pen slightly trembles.

"Hurry up! You wimp! Poor wretch!" His wife scolds furiously. Andrew bends down and kisses his wife with tears in his eyes. Silently, he gazes wistfully after her into the operating room with the wife's complaints, "What are you crying for? I won't die definitely!"

The perfect success of the operation is beyond doctors'

expectation, which becomes the most influential case around the world. Everyone says it's a wonderful miracle. The wife recovers quickly and any rejection reaction even does not appear.

However, on such an extremely exciting occasion, Andrew does not turn up.

The wife feels a little nervous, asking the nurse anxiously, "Where is my heartless husband?"

The nurse gives her a piece of paper painted a little scarlet heart and a sentence under it,

" Dear honey, this is the last one I can give you. I love you."


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