龙井茶 铁观音 英文介绍


The green tea is non-fermented tea. The soup and the leaves are all green. The green tea can keep you beauty and healthy, anti-aging and against the radiation. The fragrance of the green tea is very fresh. In summer it will be good to drink green tea. One of the famous green tea is” Lung Ching”.

This hand-picked and -processed green tea from the hills just west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, has been famous since the eighth century. It is said that

resid ents in ancient times believed that a dragon dwelled there and controlled the rainfall. As a result, people went there from all the surrounding areas whenever there was a drought to pray for rainfall, from as early as the Three Kingdoms Period (221-280).

It is known for its full, round flavor, unique nutty taste, pleasant jade-green color, and wonderful aroma. Hand fired in a large wok, it takes on a flat shiny

appearance. Use spring water at a temperature well below boiling. This quality tea will even steep at room temperature (takes a half hour or longer).


About Tie Guanyin tea

Chinese tea have fermented tea and non-fermented tea, the third type should be semi-fermented tea, the name is Oolong Tea.

1.Origin of Tie Guanyin

Tie Guanyin is a representatives of oolong tea,and belongs to green tea among the six major types of tea.Tie Guanyin was originally the name of a tea tree,because it is suitable for making oolong tea,its product was thus named Tie Guanyin;the SO—call ed Tie Guanyin is actual ly the oolong tea made from Tie Guanyin tea tree.

2.Quality and characteristics of Tie Guanyin

Tie Guanyin has excellent quality,its leaves ale thick and solid,it weighs as iron with dark and moist color,it has obvious sand green color with bright-colored red points.Its fragrance is noble-mind ed.l ong-lasting,stromg and fresh,it has a unique"lingering charm" with a sweet and fragrant aftertaste;even after 7 times infusion it still has fragrance…it can be called the king of oolong tea.

3.Tea set for infusing Tie Guanyin

When infusing Tie Guanyin,the best tea set for you is the Zi Sha(purple sand pottery)


The green tea is non-fermented tea. The soup and the leaves are all green. The green tea can keep you beauty and healthy, anti-aging and against the radiation. The fragrance of the green tea is very fresh. In summer it will be good to drink green tea. One of the famous green tea is” Lung Ching”.

This hand-picked and -processed green tea from the hills just west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, has been famous since the eighth century. It is said that

resid ents in ancient times believed that a dragon dwelled there and controlled the rainfall. As a result, people went there from all the surrounding areas whenever there was a drought to pray for rainfall, from as early as the Three Kingdoms Period (221-280).

It is known for its full, round flavor, unique nutty taste, pleasant jade-green color, and wonderful aroma. Hand fired in a large wok, it takes on a flat shiny

appearance. Use spring water at a temperature well below boiling. This quality tea will even steep at room temperature (takes a half hour or longer).


About Tie Guanyin tea

Chinese tea have fermented tea and non-fermented tea, the third type should be semi-fermented tea, the name is Oolong Tea.

1.Origin of Tie Guanyin

Tie Guanyin is a representatives of oolong tea,and belongs to green tea among the six major types of tea.Tie Guanyin was originally the name of a tea tree,because it is suitable for making oolong tea,its product was thus named Tie Guanyin;the SO—call ed Tie Guanyin is actual ly the oolong tea made from Tie Guanyin tea tree.

2.Quality and characteristics of Tie Guanyin

Tie Guanyin has excellent quality,its leaves ale thick and solid,it weighs as iron with dark and moist color,it has obvious sand green color with bright-colored red points.Its fragrance is noble-mind ed.l ong-lasting,stromg and fresh,it has a unique"lingering charm" with a sweet and fragrant aftertaste;even after 7 times infusion it still has fragrance…it can be called the king of oolong tea.

3.Tea set for infusing Tie Guanyin

When infusing Tie Guanyin,the best tea set for you is the Zi Sha(purple sand pottery)


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