阅读4全能五星训练 四年级


It seems that everybody tells lies(谎言)— well, not big lies, but what we call “white lies”. Telling white lies isn ’t that bad. Most of the time, people do it because they want to protect a friendship. Some studies show that the average person lies about seven times a day. The only real questions are about when we lie and who we tell lies to. A recent study found that people often say

something different from the facts. Here are some ways they do it.

People often lie because they want to hide something from someone. For example, a son doesn’t tell his parents that he’s dating (约会) a girl because he doesn’t think they will like her. So he says he ’

s going out with the boys.

Sometimes people lie because they don’t want to do something. For example, someone invites you to a party. You think it will be boring, so you say you’re busy.

Often we say something different from the facts to make someone feel good. For example, your friend cooks dinner for you, but it tastes terrible. Do you say so? No! You probably say, “Mmm, this is delicious!”

Sometimes we don’t want to tell someone bad news. For example, you have just had a very bad day at work, but you don’t feel like talking about it. So if someone asks you about your day, you just say all was fine.

1. White lies are usually big lies.

2. People tell white lies in different ways.

3. Young people may tell white lies to hide something from their parents.

4. People sometimes tell white lies to refuse invitations politely.

5. When you taste something terrible, you may tell a white lie to make the host happy.

6. From the passage we learn that white lies are harmful to friendship.



Mr. Hand has a happy family. There are three people in his family. He has a good job and his wife is very helpful. But he isn't h __1___ with his only son, Tom, because he doesn't think his son is clever.

One day, his father gave Tom a task He said, "Here is a c __2___. Go to buy one thing. That must be something to eat, something to d __3___, and something to plant."

"What can I buy with one coin? It is too hard!"

Tom walked slowly along the street. But he couldn't come up with a good i __4__ . Then he met his classmate, Mary.

Mary found he was not happy and came up to him. "What's the matter?" Tom told her that hard task.

"I know what you can do," she said. "Go and buy a watermelon with this coin. It will give you e ___5__ your father wants."

Tom thanked her and then ran to buy a watermelon. When his father s ___6__ the watermelon, he was very happy. "Good job!"

"In f __7___, that's not my idea. A girl helps me." The father then said, "Honesty is more important than cleverness.


It seems that everybody tells lies(谎言)— well, not big lies, but what we call “white lies”. Telling white lies isn ’t that bad. Most of the time, people do it because they want to protect a friendship. Some studies show that the average person lies about seven times a day. The only real questions are about when we lie and who we tell lies to. A recent study found that people often say

something different from the facts. Here are some ways they do it.

People often lie because they want to hide something from someone. For example, a son doesn’t tell his parents that he’s dating (约会) a girl because he doesn’t think they will like her. So he says he ’

s going out with the boys.

Sometimes people lie because they don’t want to do something. For example, someone invites you to a party. You think it will be boring, so you say you’re busy.

Often we say something different from the facts to make someone feel good. For example, your friend cooks dinner for you, but it tastes terrible. Do you say so? No! You probably say, “Mmm, this is delicious!”

Sometimes we don’t want to tell someone bad news. For example, you have just had a very bad day at work, but you don’t feel like talking about it. So if someone asks you about your day, you just say all was fine.

1. White lies are usually big lies.

2. People tell white lies in different ways.

3. Young people may tell white lies to hide something from their parents.

4. People sometimes tell white lies to refuse invitations politely.

5. When you taste something terrible, you may tell a white lie to make the host happy.

6. From the passage we learn that white lies are harmful to friendship.



Mr. Hand has a happy family. There are three people in his family. He has a good job and his wife is very helpful. But he isn't h __1___ with his only son, Tom, because he doesn't think his son is clever.

One day, his father gave Tom a task He said, "Here is a c __2___. Go to buy one thing. That must be something to eat, something to d __3___, and something to plant."

"What can I buy with one coin? It is too hard!"

Tom walked slowly along the street. But he couldn't come up with a good i __4__ . Then he met his classmate, Mary.

Mary found he was not happy and came up to him. "What's the matter?" Tom told her that hard task.

"I know what you can do," she said. "Go and buy a watermelon with this coin. It will give you e ___5__ your father wants."

Tom thanked her and then ran to buy a watermelon. When his father s ___6__ the watermelon, he was very happy. "Good job!"

"In f __7___, that's not my idea. A girl helps me." The father then said, "Honesty is more important than cleverness.


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