

摘要: 建筑是建在地面以上的,地面以下土层的分布,土质的疏松、强度,地下水的深度等都会影响到在建建筑的安危。所以,为了确保建筑及其地基设计的准确性,就必须有建筑场地的地质资料作为依据。文章阐述了工程地质勘察的主要目的及决定勘察任务的主要因素,并分析了工程地质勘察的一般流程,并对建筑工程地质勘查中存在的一些缺陷进行了探讨,以供参考。


abstract: the distribution of the soil layer, the soil loose, strength underground and the groundwater depth will affect the safety of buildings on the ground. therefore, in order to ensure the accuracy of the building and its foundation design, geological data of the construction field is

necessary to as the basis. the paper expounds the main purpose of engineering geological exploration and the main factors that decide the task of exploration, analyzes the general processes of engineering geological exploration, and

discusses the defects existing in construction engineering geological exploration, for your reference.

key words: construction engineering; geological exploration; purpose; problem

中图分类号:tu761文献标识码:a 文章编号:2095-2104(2012)


摘要: 建筑是建在地面以上的,地面以下土层的分布,土质的疏松、强度,地下水的深度等都会影响到在建建筑的安危。所以,为了确保建筑及其地基设计的准确性,就必须有建筑场地的地质资料作为依据。文章阐述了工程地质勘察的主要目的及决定勘察任务的主要因素,并分析了工程地质勘察的一般流程,并对建筑工程地质勘查中存在的一些缺陷进行了探讨,以供参考。


abstract: the distribution of the soil layer, the soil loose, strength underground and the groundwater depth will affect the safety of buildings on the ground. therefore, in order to ensure the accuracy of the building and its foundation design, geological data of the construction field is

necessary to as the basis. the paper expounds the main purpose of engineering geological exploration and the main factors that decide the task of exploration, analyzes the general processes of engineering geological exploration, and

discusses the defects existing in construction engineering geological exploration, for your reference.

key words: construction engineering; geological exploration; purpose; problem

中图分类号:tu761文献标识码:a 文章编号:2095-2104(2012)


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