
Paragraph 2:






6. There exists a social and cultural disconnect between ___ and ___. In the world, the move away from___ to___ is a well-established trend. This phenomenon has caused serious concerns over__ and over___. It is obvious that the majority of ____ still don’t take ____ seriously. The ____problems exist in ____ has been known for years. Why does the ___ problem get worse? The governors and experts are trying to answer this painful question.

7. ____can be seen as a respond to the problem of _____.

8. But the sources of ___ go way deeper.

9. Evidence from the decline of species diversity supports this point of view.

10. A great deal of attention is being paid today on ___.

11. Teachers, parents, critics and researchers of all the strips have debated this implications of this phenomenon, but few have looked at the side effect: ____may become unable to cope with their ____.

12. Supporters of ____ argue that ___ will allow for ____ and environment protection.

13. It is difficult to the point of impossibility for young people nowadays to image a time when there was no cell phone , no computer and network.

14. Several ____this year from field as diverse as ____and ____have left relevant governors and managers hurriedly peering into their intricate___ in search of ____.

15. The fierce competition in the domestic university entrance examination and the better education in foreign university are the main forces for the mounting numbers of people studying abroad.

16. Statistics show that the crime online has caused a considerable loss for people, which future management efforts must take into account.

17. Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased people’s anxiety.


18. The growing awareness of____ is a promising start.

19. The clear message is that we should get moving to protect___.

20. There are ___ reasons to expect that ____ behaviors in the society will decrease.

21. In ___ generally, however , ___Must reckoned as the crucial period for___.

22. As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by ___ whose present we seldom notice but whose universal existence has facilitated much human lives.

23. Look for the ___, it often comes from unexpected.

24. Instead, the best strategy is use the ___as a tip-service to ____; when you get__, consider it a reminder to ____.

25. Anyone can see success comes from persistence, yet few seem willing to persist in the time of hardship.

26. Experts and common people need to respond forcefully to the advocates____, whose

arguments are confusing the public and there by threaten the long terms interest of human beings.

27. ___ must communicate their message to each other in a compassionate, understand way.

28. If we do nothing, there is a real possibility that an uninformed citizenry will extinguish the

precious embers of ____.

29. We should place a very high value on _____.

30. To serve as responsible stewards of planet, we must press forward on____ plan, but plan

alone is inadequate. The administration should take some legislative measures.

31. Of course, the use of ___ isn’t the only way to defeat____, and the ___ is not the only tool

we have, but it has enormous potential.


33. The mystery is that ____ still don’t realized the importance of ____.

34. The best way to learn how to cope with challenges was a process known as deliberate


Other paragraph:

35. Clearly, success encompasses more than social status and wealthy.

36. For instance______. In the contrary,______.

37. ____ is going through the biggest wave of _____.

38. ____is a living proof that ____ is a state of mind.

39. When children are treated as thoughtful and responsible person, so that they can feel that

they are respected, their behavior become markedly different.

40. During the past generation, the state-owned enterprise that once could survive under the

protection of government have been transformed by the development of market economy.

41. A trend of ____ is emerging worldwide.

42. Most ____today are coping with a log of ____, with few breaks, and feeling the stain.

43. Of all the components of success, fortune seems to been least within our control.

44. In the past three or four years, the net has given birth to a variety of online shops.

45. The clear message is that in the ____age, we should take more efforts to safeguard our

private information.

46. Now something similar could be happening in china

47. The shortage of professional knowledge, both in___ and___, has badly influenced___, which

might impose some negative effects on___ sooner or later.

48. I apologize for any inconveniences I might have caused.

49. In dealing with a challenge on such a scale/society, it is not exaggeration to say, “united we

stand, divided we fall”.

Paragraph 2:






6. There exists a social and cultural disconnect between ___ and ___. In the world, the move away from___ to___ is a well-established trend. This phenomenon has caused serious concerns over__ and over___. It is obvious that the majority of ____ still don’t take ____ seriously. The ____problems exist in ____ has been known for years. Why does the ___ problem get worse? The governors and experts are trying to answer this painful question.

7. ____can be seen as a respond to the problem of _____.

8. But the sources of ___ go way deeper.

9. Evidence from the decline of species diversity supports this point of view.

10. A great deal of attention is being paid today on ___.

11. Teachers, parents, critics and researchers of all the strips have debated this implications of this phenomenon, but few have looked at the side effect: ____may become unable to cope with their ____.

12. Supporters of ____ argue that ___ will allow for ____ and environment protection.

13. It is difficult to the point of impossibility for young people nowadays to image a time when there was no cell phone , no computer and network.

14. Several ____this year from field as diverse as ____and ____have left relevant governors and managers hurriedly peering into their intricate___ in search of ____.

15. The fierce competition in the domestic university entrance examination and the better education in foreign university are the main forces for the mounting numbers of people studying abroad.

16. Statistics show that the crime online has caused a considerable loss for people, which future management efforts must take into account.

17. Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased people’s anxiety.


18. The growing awareness of____ is a promising start.

19. The clear message is that we should get moving to protect___.

20. There are ___ reasons to expect that ____ behaviors in the society will decrease.

21. In ___ generally, however , ___Must reckoned as the crucial period for___.

22. As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by ___ whose present we seldom notice but whose universal existence has facilitated much human lives.

23. Look for the ___, it often comes from unexpected.

24. Instead, the best strategy is use the ___as a tip-service to ____; when you get__, consider it a reminder to ____.

25. Anyone can see success comes from persistence, yet few seem willing to persist in the time of hardship.

26. Experts and common people need to respond forcefully to the advocates____, whose

arguments are confusing the public and there by threaten the long terms interest of human beings.

27. ___ must communicate their message to each other in a compassionate, understand way.

28. If we do nothing, there is a real possibility that an uninformed citizenry will extinguish the

precious embers of ____.

29. We should place a very high value on _____.

30. To serve as responsible stewards of planet, we must press forward on____ plan, but plan

alone is inadequate. The administration should take some legislative measures.

31. Of course, the use of ___ isn’t the only way to defeat____, and the ___ is not the only tool

we have, but it has enormous potential.


33. The mystery is that ____ still don’t realized the importance of ____.

34. The best way to learn how to cope with challenges was a process known as deliberate


Other paragraph:

35. Clearly, success encompasses more than social status and wealthy.

36. For instance______. In the contrary,______.

37. ____ is going through the biggest wave of _____.

38. ____is a living proof that ____ is a state of mind.

39. When children are treated as thoughtful and responsible person, so that they can feel that

they are respected, their behavior become markedly different.

40. During the past generation, the state-owned enterprise that once could survive under the

protection of government have been transformed by the development of market economy.

41. A trend of ____ is emerging worldwide.

42. Most ____today are coping with a log of ____, with few breaks, and feeling the stain.

43. Of all the components of success, fortune seems to been least within our control.

44. In the past three or four years, the net has given birth to a variety of online shops.

45. The clear message is that in the ____age, we should take more efforts to safeguard our

private information.

46. Now something similar could be happening in china

47. The shortage of professional knowledge, both in___ and___, has badly influenced___, which

might impose some negative effects on___ sooner or later.

48. I apologize for any inconveniences I might have caused.

49. In dealing with a challenge on such a scale/society, it is not exaggeration to say, “united we

stand, divided we fall”.


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