
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1


Ministry 魔法部

Muggle 麻瓜

death eater 食尸人

obliviate 一忘皆空

The Order 凤凰会

Godric’s Hollow 葛德里山谷

Infiltrate 混进 v

Abomination 坏事

Goblin 妖精


Ambush 埋伏 Bequest 遗物 Half-blood 混血 Splinch 分身 v. Lumos 荧光闪烁 treacherous 奸诈的 enchante 施法 piss尿 filthy 肮脏的

Useful expressions

as inspiring as I find 尽管我很欣赏

give one’s way do sth. 用自己的方式做某事

have sb. mate with sb. 让某人与某人通婚

diffuse the tension 缓和紧张气氛

This is a false trail. 这是误导.

I’d like to volunteer myself for this task.我自愿执行这个任务.

We’ll have time for a cozy catch-up later.现在没时间闲话家常。

We’ve got to get the hell out of here.我们要离开这里。

We didn’t stand a chance.我们总算死里逃生。

It’s always been bigger than that.一直都是如此。

Always the tone of surprise.你总是大惊小怪。

Don’t let me spoil the fun. 别因为我扫你们的兴。








Why Voldemort must be the one to kill Harry Porter? Does he envy Porter? How could Voldemort control death eater? Use food or others? Voldemort can’t accept persons mate with Muggle. Is this a kind of racialism? Why did Hermione love Ron not Harry? Does Voldemort finally collected the three deathly harrows? What’s the real identity of Elphias?

Ideas about the movie

From the beginning to the end of this movie, a lot of questions and puzzles come into my mind, for it is my first time to watch the serious of Harry Potter. I have no knowledge of it, however, I still catch sight of some charming scenes of this movie.

(1) Dark times VS. Love

At the beginning of the movie, the director tells us there is no denying that these are dark times, so the movie sets up a tense atmosphere. However, we can still feel the existence of love. In the Hemione’s house, her mother prepares a cup of hot tea for her. At this time, her parents sit together to watch TV. Then the director shows a lot of photos in Hemione’s home. All of those scenes extend us a harmonious family. In order to keep her parents’ safe, Hemione has to erase their memory using the magic “obliviation”. For my part, I think the love among them can enhance the courage of Hemione to fight for Voldemort. For Harry, when he watches the family of Dudley leaving away from the window, he feels sad. In my opinion, this kind of sadness is the reflection of love to friends and hometown. As a result, their battle with Voldemort is righteous.

Then in the wedding of Bill and Lotus, we are moved by the kiss between Harry and Genny, although the coming of Ron disturbs the romantic feeling. This kind of love is also the shinning spot of this movie.

(2) Virtue VS. Evil

At first, we see an entertaining “conference of evil” chaired by Voldemort, discussing how and where to snatch Harry. As the representation of evil, Voldemort says he must be the one to kill Harry Potter. To some degree, for my part, it is a kind of respect to his opponent. Then, in the next scene, Bathilda who is pretended by Nigini, a boa constrictor, plans to attack Harry. Form these scenes, we learn that Voldemort is full of wisdom too. In my opinion, the director want to tell us that evil can not defeat virtue at last.

(3) Hero Harry VS. Common Harry

It is no doubt that Harry is a hero, especially in the teenagers’ minds. He is brave. For example, when he finds the sword is not the true one, he intends to search for it although Ron leaves. He is considerate. After Ron leaves, Harry intends to cheer Hermione up, so he dances with her, listening to a beautiful song. At the same time, he is handsome. It seems that he owns all the features that hero ought to have. These qualities hold him in respect. On the other hand, he is also a common person. He could be ill. Sometimes he is cheated by foxy enemy. He also has conflicts with friends, such as Ron. When he quarrels with Ron, he feels depressed. All of those prove he is a common person too. We like him not just because he is a hero, but also because he is a common one who is related to our real life.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1


Ministry 魔法部

Muggle 麻瓜

death eater 食尸人

obliviate 一忘皆空

The Order 凤凰会

Godric’s Hollow 葛德里山谷

Infiltrate 混进 v

Abomination 坏事

Goblin 妖精


Ambush 埋伏 Bequest 遗物 Half-blood 混血 Splinch 分身 v. Lumos 荧光闪烁 treacherous 奸诈的 enchante 施法 piss尿 filthy 肮脏的

Useful expressions

as inspiring as I find 尽管我很欣赏

give one’s way do sth. 用自己的方式做某事

have sb. mate with sb. 让某人与某人通婚

diffuse the tension 缓和紧张气氛

This is a false trail. 这是误导.

I’d like to volunteer myself for this task.我自愿执行这个任务.

We’ll have time for a cozy catch-up later.现在没时间闲话家常。

We’ve got to get the hell out of here.我们要离开这里。

We didn’t stand a chance.我们总算死里逃生。

It’s always been bigger than that.一直都是如此。

Always the tone of surprise.你总是大惊小怪。

Don’t let me spoil the fun. 别因为我扫你们的兴。








Why Voldemort must be the one to kill Harry Porter? Does he envy Porter? How could Voldemort control death eater? Use food or others? Voldemort can’t accept persons mate with Muggle. Is this a kind of racialism? Why did Hermione love Ron not Harry? Does Voldemort finally collected the three deathly harrows? What’s the real identity of Elphias?

Ideas about the movie

From the beginning to the end of this movie, a lot of questions and puzzles come into my mind, for it is my first time to watch the serious of Harry Potter. I have no knowledge of it, however, I still catch sight of some charming scenes of this movie.

(1) Dark times VS. Love

At the beginning of the movie, the director tells us there is no denying that these are dark times, so the movie sets up a tense atmosphere. However, we can still feel the existence of love. In the Hemione’s house, her mother prepares a cup of hot tea for her. At this time, her parents sit together to watch TV. Then the director shows a lot of photos in Hemione’s home. All of those scenes extend us a harmonious family. In order to keep her parents’ safe, Hemione has to erase their memory using the magic “obliviation”. For my part, I think the love among them can enhance the courage of Hemione to fight for Voldemort. For Harry, when he watches the family of Dudley leaving away from the window, he feels sad. In my opinion, this kind of sadness is the reflection of love to friends and hometown. As a result, their battle with Voldemort is righteous.

Then in the wedding of Bill and Lotus, we are moved by the kiss between Harry and Genny, although the coming of Ron disturbs the romantic feeling. This kind of love is also the shinning spot of this movie.

(2) Virtue VS. Evil

At first, we see an entertaining “conference of evil” chaired by Voldemort, discussing how and where to snatch Harry. As the representation of evil, Voldemort says he must be the one to kill Harry Potter. To some degree, for my part, it is a kind of respect to his opponent. Then, in the next scene, Bathilda who is pretended by Nigini, a boa constrictor, plans to attack Harry. Form these scenes, we learn that Voldemort is full of wisdom too. In my opinion, the director want to tell us that evil can not defeat virtue at last.

(3) Hero Harry VS. Common Harry

It is no doubt that Harry is a hero, especially in the teenagers’ minds. He is brave. For example, when he finds the sword is not the true one, he intends to search for it although Ron leaves. He is considerate. After Ron leaves, Harry intends to cheer Hermione up, so he dances with her, listening to a beautiful song. At the same time, he is handsome. It seems that he owns all the features that hero ought to have. These qualities hold him in respect. On the other hand, he is also a common person. He could be ill. Sometimes he is cheated by foxy enemy. He also has conflicts with friends, such as Ron. When he quarrels with Ron, he feels depressed. All of those prove he is a common person too. We like him not just because he is a hero, but also because he is a common one who is related to our real life.


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