
His background

Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. His parents were entertainers , who influenced him deeply. While they were by no means rich, the music hall provided the Chaplin with a comfortable living. Unfortunately , their happy life didn't last long. Father's alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally, it ended in divorce and his mother brought him up.

His marriage

All his life time , he married four times , but only lived a happy life with his fourth wife.

His first wife

Mildred Harris

He get married to her in October 23, 1918. They have a son, but the baby died in three days. They divorced on April 4, 1921.

His second wife

Lita Grey

They get married in November 26, 1924 and have two sons.

In 1928 the two people divorced which made both of them very painful.

His third wife

Paulette Goddard

From 1932 to 1940 she and Chaplin had a romantic relationship.

She said they married secretly in 1936. but Chaplin in privately say they never formally married so they broke up in 1942.

His fourth wife

Oona O'Neill

They married on June 16, 1943 when she was only 18 years old and Chaplin was 54 years old. They lead a happy life for the rest of his life,they had eight children.

Road of the performing life

In 1894, it was the first time that Chaplin appeared on stage in a club in London. At that time he was only five years old.

In 1913, he go to America with Karl's mime troupe ,at that time an American director M. Senna discovered his talent, then began his film career.

On February 7, 1914, it was the first time he appear in the film “Kid Auto Races at Venice (威尼斯小儿赛车记)” as a duck tramp who wore a bowler hat, a very wide trousers , a pair of big head shoes ,with a

stick .This image as the symbol of the Chaplin comedies and popular

in Europe and the United States more than 20 years

In 1918 Chaplin set up his own company, in Hollywood .From then on ,he made many famous movies , such as The Gold Rush ,City Lights and Modern Times .

In 1940, he took his first sound film The Great Dictator .

All his life time ,he made more than 80 films.

In 1972, the United States invited Chaplin back to Hollywood and gave him the Oscar Academy Honorary Award (奥斯卡终身成就奖) .

In 1977 ,Charlie Chaplin died in Switzerland on Christmas day , at the age of 88.



















His background

Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. His parents were entertainers , who influenced him deeply. While they were by no means rich, the music hall provided the Chaplin with a comfortable living. Unfortunately , their happy life didn't last long. Father's alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally, it ended in divorce and his mother brought him up.

His marriage

All his life time , he married four times , but only lived a happy life with his fourth wife.

His first wife

Mildred Harris

He get married to her in October 23, 1918. They have a son, but the baby died in three days. They divorced on April 4, 1921.

His second wife

Lita Grey

They get married in November 26, 1924 and have two sons.

In 1928 the two people divorced which made both of them very painful.

His third wife

Paulette Goddard

From 1932 to 1940 she and Chaplin had a romantic relationship.

She said they married secretly in 1936. but Chaplin in privately say they never formally married so they broke up in 1942.

His fourth wife

Oona O'Neill

They married on June 16, 1943 when she was only 18 years old and Chaplin was 54 years old. They lead a happy life for the rest of his life,they had eight children.

Road of the performing life

In 1894, it was the first time that Chaplin appeared on stage in a club in London. At that time he was only five years old.

In 1913, he go to America with Karl's mime troupe ,at that time an American director M. Senna discovered his talent, then began his film career.

On February 7, 1914, it was the first time he appear in the film “Kid Auto Races at Venice (威尼斯小儿赛车记)” as a duck tramp who wore a bowler hat, a very wide trousers , a pair of big head shoes ,with a

stick .This image as the symbol of the Chaplin comedies and popular

in Europe and the United States more than 20 years

In 1918 Chaplin set up his own company, in Hollywood .From then on ,he made many famous movies , such as The Gold Rush ,City Lights and Modern Times .

In 1940, he took his first sound film The Great Dictator .

All his life time ,he made more than 80 films.

In 1972, the United States invited Chaplin back to Hollywood and gave him the Oscar Academy Honorary Award (奥斯卡终身成就奖) .

In 1977 ,Charlie Chaplin died in Switzerland on Christmas day , at the age of 88.




















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