
关于五四青年节的英语演讲稿 Some people say that youth are a song, echoed the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that youth is a draw, engraved with the rich, romantic colors. 80 years ago, in order to expel darkness for light, for an independent homeland and the rich and powerful, a group of high-spirited youth with blood and lives to write the song the most magnificent song of youth, drawn on a most magnificent picture of the youth.


Today, we had the honor of this generation of young people living in the reform and opening up a good time, had the honor of standing at the meeting point of century and millennium on. We are fortunate. Facing the new century, our responsibility. Recalling our carry forward the

Elders often say that we are people of this generation tank foam honey baby, with less sense of urgency, and less sense of responsibility. Indeed, compared with them, our lives more comfortable, more comfortable. But this does not mean that we can relax his efforts to reduce the duty on the shoulders.

People often talked about our old Subei always feeling great. Subei earth, are a beautiful and magical land, our region has Yanfu at the history of the Chinese revolution had left a glorious chapter. Army horse倥偬era, the land side, once for the Chinese revolution, how to pay the expensive price. After new China was founded, the people here with their own hands, with people Subei diligence and wisdom, so that their homeland has undergone enormous changes. Speaking of all this, our hearts are always filled with pride. However, we should also see that here with the motherland when compared to other developed regions have a large gap between the individual places where poverty has yet to be further management. Here is the economy as a whole have to be further off. Us, as Subei youth, first of all should feel what? Calligonum duty, duty should be felt.

In my homeland, there is a father with my peers. He is nationally renowned for its rural Technology iron man. Him based on farmland, tirelessly studied the wheat, cotton, how to land on the homeland can have higher output. When his research has made the preliminary results, the cancer again and again to hit him. He did not fall, the wind is still on crutches in the rain to stay in the Agrocybe visited farmers at home. Tireless efforts, he produced the fine varieties have been promoted by the popularity of plant technology, grain output increased peasant hands welcome such agricultural Members. Put him as the

Yes, our duty on the shoulders of every youth, if we look to the new century, the entire nation, and the construction of homeland, we will not shrink.

Li Dazhao had at









在我的家乡,有一位与我的父亲同龄人。他就是全国闻名的身残志坚的农村科技铁人姜德明。他立足农田,孜孜不倦地研究着小麦、棉花如何在家乡的土地上能够有更高的总产量。当他的研究取得了初步成果时,癌症又一次地向他袭来。他没有倒下,拄着拐杖依然风里雨里地留在田头,走访在农户家中。不懈的努力,他培育出的优良品种得到了推广,种植技术得到了普及,粮食总产量大幅度提高,农民的双手欢迎这样的农技员。把他誉为“农技铁人”。他是我们老区青年的好榜样。去年,他在我市青年成人宣誓仪式上谆谆告诫我们,为老区经济的腾飞,要努力学习,掌握科学文化知识,立足本职,捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去!我们记住了这位铁人的话,我们意识到了自己的责任,我们盐阜老区的青年们都会努力的。 是的,责任放在我们每个青年的肩上,放眼新世纪,振兴中华,建设家乡,我们是不会退缩的。


关于五四青年节的英语演讲稿 Some people say that youth are a song, echoed the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that youth is a draw, engraved with the rich, romantic colors. 80 years ago, in order to expel darkness for light, for an independent homeland and the rich and powerful, a group of high-spirited youth with blood and lives to write the song the most magnificent song of youth, drawn on a most magnificent picture of the youth.


Today, we had the honor of this generation of young people living in the reform and opening up a good time, had the honor of standing at the meeting point of century and millennium on. We are fortunate. Facing the new century, our responsibility. Recalling our carry forward the

Elders often say that we are people of this generation tank foam honey baby, with less sense of urgency, and less sense of responsibility. Indeed, compared with them, our lives more comfortable, more comfortable. But this does not mean that we can relax his efforts to reduce the duty on the shoulders.

People often talked about our old Subei always feeling great. Subei earth, are a beautiful and magical land, our region has Yanfu at the history of the Chinese revolution had left a glorious chapter. Army horse倥偬era, the land side, once for the Chinese revolution, how to pay the expensive price. After new China was founded, the people here with their own hands, with people Subei diligence and wisdom, so that their homeland has undergone enormous changes. Speaking of all this, our hearts are always filled with pride. However, we should also see that here with the motherland when compared to other developed regions have a large gap between the individual places where poverty has yet to be further management. Here is the economy as a whole have to be further off. Us, as Subei youth, first of all should feel what? Calligonum duty, duty should be felt.

In my homeland, there is a father with my peers. He is nationally renowned for its rural Technology iron man. Him based on farmland, tirelessly studied the wheat, cotton, how to land on the homeland can have higher output. When his research has made the preliminary results, the cancer again and again to hit him. He did not fall, the wind is still on crutches in the rain to stay in the Agrocybe visited farmers at home. Tireless efforts, he produced the fine varieties have been promoted by the popularity of plant technology, grain output increased peasant hands welcome such agricultural Members. Put him as the

Yes, our duty on the shoulders of every youth, if we look to the new century, the entire nation, and the construction of homeland, we will not shrink.

Li Dazhao had at









在我的家乡,有一位与我的父亲同龄人。他就是全国闻名的身残志坚的农村科技铁人姜德明。他立足农田,孜孜不倦地研究着小麦、棉花如何在家乡的土地上能够有更高的总产量。当他的研究取得了初步成果时,癌症又一次地向他袭来。他没有倒下,拄着拐杖依然风里雨里地留在田头,走访在农户家中。不懈的努力,他培育出的优良品种得到了推广,种植技术得到了普及,粮食总产量大幅度提高,农民的双手欢迎这样的农技员。把他誉为“农技铁人”。他是我们老区青年的好榜样。去年,他在我市青年成人宣誓仪式上谆谆告诫我们,为老区经济的腾飞,要努力学习,掌握科学文化知识,立足本职,捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去!我们记住了这位铁人的话,我们意识到了自己的责任,我们盐阜老区的青年们都会努力的。 是的,责任放在我们每个青年的肩上,放眼新世纪,振兴中华,建设家乡,我们是不会退缩的。



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