

Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks

1. 如此“弄干净的” clean up

宾语是代词时放中间: clean it up.

pick up get up wake up

grow up set up give up

turn up eat up stay up.

2. clear 为你“喝彩”

宾语是代词时放中间: cheer him up.

3. 不一样的“give”

give out 分发,散发 give away 捐赠,送掉。

give back 归还 give off 发出(光,蒸汽)等

give up 放弃 give in 投降,让步

4. 多样的“志愿" volunteer

volunteer to do sth ; volunteer for sth.

5. help用法集结

help out 帮助解决难题

help sb.(to) do sth=help sb with sth.

help doing sth: 情不自禁

help oneself to sth: 自用食物等

with the help of sb.=with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

6. 要talk就多方位“说”

talk to sb. 和某人说 talk of sth./sb. 谈及某人

talk about sth. 谈论,议论 talk over 商讨,商量

7. lonely, alone与lone一样“孤独”吗?

lonly: 1) Most of time, we’re together, so we never feel lonely.



When the baby woke up, he found himself alone.


In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.

8. 多多“关心”care.

care for=look after 照顾 care about 关心, 关注

take care (not) to do sth. 当心(别)....

9. several“有几个”+可数名词复数。

some: “一些” +可数名词复数/不可数名词

a little: “有一点点” +不可数名词

a few: “有一点点” +可数名词复数

little: “很少,几乎没有” +不可数名词

few: “很少,几乎没有” +可数名词复数

10. 要想“学“好这样learn

learn sth. 学习某物 learn to do sth. 学会做某事

learn about得知,学到 learn from sb. 向某人学习

11. such 与so 一样“如此”吗?

so修饰形容词/副词 such修饰名词(可数/不可数)。注意:

1)such 前面有no时,必须去不定冠词a(n): no such=not such a(an):

I have no such book=I don’t have such a book.


such a beautiful flower=so beautiful a flower.

3)名词前有few, many, little,much等修饰时,用so:

so much money

12. “尽量”去try

try out 尝试,试验

try on 试穿

have a try 试一试

try sth. 试/品尝某物

try to do sth. 设法做某事,千方百计做某事。表示一种决心。

try doing sth. 试着做某事。表示一种尝试

13. put与副词小聚

put up 张贴 put away 把...收好 put down记下

put out熄来 put off推迟 put on穿上

14. 不同的形式一样的忙碌

be busy with sth “忙于(做)某事” My mother is busy with housework.

be busy doing sth “忙于做某事” My mother is busy doing the housework.

15. 名词后+lee意味着什么?

hopeless无希望的 careless粗心的 useless无用的 helpless无助的


a)take after: 在言行,面貌, 性格等方面像长辈:

Mary takes after her mother, and she’s always cheerful.

b)look like 只指外表上“看起来像”:

You look like your father very much.

c)be like:“像”。对像是人时,侧重品质,性格等方面。

4)the same as....”与....一样”(注意:同类事物

17. “修理”方法知多少。

fix”安装”: 多用于美式英语中,有时可与repair互换

repair: 多指需要专业技术知识才能进行的修理工作。



thank sb.for sth.=thank sb. for doing sth.=thank for sth

I must thank you for your help.

Thank you for helping me.

Thanks for showing me your photos.

19. 制造不同就“有作用”

make a (great/big...) difference to “对....有作用/影响”

make (many/few...) differences to

His words made many differences to me.

20. 有“困难”请找difficulty

have difficulty (in) doing sth. “费力做某事”

21. 不同的“拿取”法

carry: “搬,拿, 扛,提” 。带过来或带过去,没有特定方向性。

bring: “带来,拿来” . 指从别处把某物/人“带来”

take: “带走”. 指从这里把某物/人“带走”

get: “去取来”. 指一去一来。

22. 多样化的“训练” train

train sb/sth to do sth. 训练某人/物做某事。The police trained these dogs to detect explosives. train for: 为...进行训练。 John spends two hours in training for the race.

train sb/sth in...: 在...中培训某人: He trained his son in the basketball team.

train as+名词: 训练成为....: He was trained as a jumper when he was young.

23. excited 使人感到兴奋。

excited: 兴奋的。主语是人。

Be/feel excited about sth=be/feel excited to do sth.

exciting: 令人兴奋的。主语是物。

This is an exciting film.

surprised—surprising interested—interesting bored—boring satisfied-satisfying

24. “仁慈”的kindness

Illness, sickness, sadness, happness,carelessness.

25. run out of=used up; run out;: 人还是物“用完”傻傻分得清楚

sb. run out of sth.=sb used up sth.

sth run out.

26. would like好“想要”

would like sth. would like to do sth would like sb. to do sth.

27. 巧记不定式作宾补省略to的动词(不包括被动语态):

I made them (to省略) give me the money back.

三眼: see, watch, notice

两耳: hear, listen to


外加 三个小使役:make, let, have

28. sick, ill: ill只作表语,不可作定语;sick:表语或定语:

He is sick/ill. He is a sick(不能用ill) man.

29. be used to doing... 习惯于.... vbe used to do 被用于... used to do:过去常常....


be interested in sth=be interested in doing sth. 对...感兴趣。

be free to do sth 有空做某事

send sth to sb= send sb. sth. 把某物寄给某人

show sth to sb= show sb.sth.给某人看某物

fix up 修理,安装

set up 建起,搭起。


Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks

1. 如此“弄干净的” clean up

宾语是代词时放中间: clean it up.

pick up get up wake up

grow up set up give up

turn up eat up stay up.

2. clear 为你“喝彩”

宾语是代词时放中间: cheer him up.

3. 不一样的“give”

give out 分发,散发 give away 捐赠,送掉。

give back 归还 give off 发出(光,蒸汽)等

give up 放弃 give in 投降,让步

4. 多样的“志愿" volunteer

volunteer to do sth ; volunteer for sth.

5. help用法集结

help out 帮助解决难题

help sb.(to) do sth=help sb with sth.

help doing sth: 情不自禁

help oneself to sth: 自用食物等

with the help of sb.=with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

6. 要talk就多方位“说”

talk to sb. 和某人说 talk of sth./sb. 谈及某人

talk about sth. 谈论,议论 talk over 商讨,商量

7. lonely, alone与lone一样“孤独”吗?

lonly: 1) Most of time, we’re together, so we never feel lonely.



When the baby woke up, he found himself alone.


In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.

8. 多多“关心”care.

care for=look after 照顾 care about 关心, 关注

take care (not) to do sth. 当心(别)....

9. several“有几个”+可数名词复数。

some: “一些” +可数名词复数/不可数名词

a little: “有一点点” +不可数名词

a few: “有一点点” +可数名词复数

little: “很少,几乎没有” +不可数名词

few: “很少,几乎没有” +可数名词复数

10. 要想“学“好这样learn

learn sth. 学习某物 learn to do sth. 学会做某事

learn about得知,学到 learn from sb. 向某人学习

11. such 与so 一样“如此”吗?

so修饰形容词/副词 such修饰名词(可数/不可数)。注意:

1)such 前面有no时,必须去不定冠词a(n): no such=not such a(an):

I have no such book=I don’t have such a book.


such a beautiful flower=so beautiful a flower.

3)名词前有few, many, little,much等修饰时,用so:

so much money

12. “尽量”去try

try out 尝试,试验

try on 试穿

have a try 试一试

try sth. 试/品尝某物

try to do sth. 设法做某事,千方百计做某事。表示一种决心。

try doing sth. 试着做某事。表示一种尝试

13. put与副词小聚

put up 张贴 put away 把...收好 put down记下

put out熄来 put off推迟 put on穿上

14. 不同的形式一样的忙碌

be busy with sth “忙于(做)某事” My mother is busy with housework.

be busy doing sth “忙于做某事” My mother is busy doing the housework.

15. 名词后+lee意味着什么?

hopeless无希望的 careless粗心的 useless无用的 helpless无助的


a)take after: 在言行,面貌, 性格等方面像长辈:

Mary takes after her mother, and she’s always cheerful.

b)look like 只指外表上“看起来像”:

You look like your father very much.

c)be like:“像”。对像是人时,侧重品质,性格等方面。

4)the same as....”与....一样”(注意:同类事物

17. “修理”方法知多少。

fix”安装”: 多用于美式英语中,有时可与repair互换

repair: 多指需要专业技术知识才能进行的修理工作。



thank sb.for sth.=thank sb. for doing sth.=thank for sth

I must thank you for your help.

Thank you for helping me.

Thanks for showing me your photos.

19. 制造不同就“有作用”

make a (great/big...) difference to “对....有作用/影响”

make (many/few...) differences to

His words made many differences to me.

20. 有“困难”请找difficulty

have difficulty (in) doing sth. “费力做某事”

21. 不同的“拿取”法

carry: “搬,拿, 扛,提” 。带过来或带过去,没有特定方向性。

bring: “带来,拿来” . 指从别处把某物/人“带来”

take: “带走”. 指从这里把某物/人“带走”

get: “去取来”. 指一去一来。

22. 多样化的“训练” train

train sb/sth to do sth. 训练某人/物做某事。The police trained these dogs to detect explosives. train for: 为...进行训练。 John spends two hours in training for the race.

train sb/sth in...: 在...中培训某人: He trained his son in the basketball team.

train as+名词: 训练成为....: He was trained as a jumper when he was young.

23. excited 使人感到兴奋。

excited: 兴奋的。主语是人。

Be/feel excited about sth=be/feel excited to do sth.

exciting: 令人兴奋的。主语是物。

This is an exciting film.

surprised—surprising interested—interesting bored—boring satisfied-satisfying

24. “仁慈”的kindness

Illness, sickness, sadness, happness,carelessness.

25. run out of=used up; run out;: 人还是物“用完”傻傻分得清楚

sb. run out of sth.=sb used up sth.

sth run out.

26. would like好“想要”

would like sth. would like to do sth would like sb. to do sth.

27. 巧记不定式作宾补省略to的动词(不包括被动语态):

I made them (to省略) give me the money back.

三眼: see, watch, notice

两耳: hear, listen to


外加 三个小使役:make, let, have

28. sick, ill: ill只作表语,不可作定语;sick:表语或定语:

He is sick/ill. He is a sick(不能用ill) man.

29. be used to doing... 习惯于.... vbe used to do 被用于... used to do:过去常常....


be interested in sth=be interested in doing sth. 对...感兴趣。

be free to do sth 有空做某事

send sth to sb= send sb. sth. 把某物寄给某人

show sth to sb= show sb.sth.给某人看某物

fix up 修理,安装

set up 建起,搭起。


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