
第二节 性状(Description)

许多药品说明书的第一项是Description(性状),其原意是“叙述”、“描写”,在药品说明书及药典中一般都译为“性状”,其内容主要是介绍外观、理化性质、组成成分、结构、特征等。这一项最常用的标题是Description,此外还可能有其他的表示法,如: Chemical Structure 化学结构

Composition 成分

Physical and Chemical Properties 理化性质



例1.Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder; odourless or almost odourless. 叶酸是淡黄色至橙色结晶粉沫,无臭或几乎无臭。

例2.Intralipid 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection, containing 10 W/V % of purified soybean oil.


例3.Ursosan Tablet 50mg is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid. 熊去氧胆酸片为白色素片,每片含50mg熊去氧胆酸。

例4.Sterile pyrogen-free, orange red, freeze-dried powder in vials containing 10mg and 50mg of doxorubicin hydrochloride with lactose.


例5.It occurs as a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.


例6.Pamine, chemically known as epoxytropine tropate methyl bromide, has the empirical formula C18H24NO4Br and the molecular weight 398.3.


例7.Kanendomycin is a very stable antibiotic, and its activity does not decrease when the powder is placed in an airlight container and kept at room temperatures for more than 2 years.


例8.This product is prepared from units of human plasma which have been tested and found nonreactive for hepatitis associated (Australia) antigen.




be derived from 由……衍生

consist of 由……组成

be obtained 制得

contain 含有

be prepared from 由……制备

have (possess) 有(具有)


colo(u)r 颜色

stable 稳定的

taste 味道

molecular formular 分子式

odo(u)rless 无臭的

molecular weight 分子量

crystalline 结晶的

structure 结构

solubility 溶解度

injection 注射剂

insoluble 不溶的

solution 溶液

odo(u)r 气味

tablets 片剂

colo(u)rless 无色的

derivative 衍生物

tasteless 无味的

liquid 液体

sterile 无菌的

powder 粉沫

soluble 可溶的

solid 固体

第三节 药理作用

有些说明书较详细地介绍药品的药理作用(Pharmacological Actions)。其内容主要包括药理作用、临床药理(Clinical Pharmacology)、体外试验(in vitro experiments)、药物代谢(Metabolism)、药效(Potency)及毒性(Toxicity)等。这一项常用的标题是:

Pharmacological Action 药理作用

Pharmacological Properties 药理性质

Pharmacology 药理学

Clinical Pharmacology 临床药理


Actions 作用

Actions and Properties 作用与性质

Clinical Effect (Use) 临床效果(用途)

Mechanism of Action 作用机理

Mode of Action 作用方式


Biological Action 生物活性

Microbiology 微生物学




例1. Mean peek serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intramuscular administration.


例2. Nembutal Sodium exerts a depressant action on the CNS and shares the sedative-hypnotic actions typical of the barbiturates.


例3. In clinical trials the drug was shown to be highly effective in improving and normalizing the alternated cerebral circulation and those disorders related to insufficient arterial flow in the limbs.


例4. Orbenin is stable to staphylococcal penicillinase, and highly effective against resistant staphylococci. It is bactericidal, acid-stable and well absorbed by either the oral or the

intramuscular route.


例5. Nystain has been found to inhibit the growth of yeast like flora in the intestinal tract.


例6. Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant.


例7. Halcion is a potent short-acting hypnotic agent, which produces its hypnotic activity from the first night of administration.


例8. Therapeutically, ATP injection exhibits effects, especially such as activation of the function and metabolism of the nerve, and also coronary and peripheral vasodilatation to increase the blood stream.




absorb 吸收

act 作用

cause (be cause by) 引起(由……引起)

demonstrate 显示

exert (action on) 起……作用

exhibit 显示

inhibit 抑制

accumulate 积蓄

administrate 投药

excrete 排泄

result in 导致 indicate 表明

maintain 维持

produce 产生

protect (from) 保护(不变)

reach 达到

show 显示,表明

treat 治疗

metabolize 代谢

promote 促进

prevent 阻止,预防

tolerate 耐受


(be) active (effective) against 对…有效的 (be) related to 与……有关的

(be) sensitive to 对……敏感的

resistant to ……有耐药性的 average 平均的 minimum 最低(小)的

maximum 最高(大)的

normal 正常的


ability 能力

activity 活性

distribution 分布

excretion 排泄

action 作用

clearance 廓清率

effect on 对…的作用

function 功能,作用

half life 半衰期

in vitro 体外

kidney 肾

mechanism 机理

serum concentration 血清浓度

tolerance 耐受性

infection 感染

in vivo 体内

level 水平,浓度

plasm lever 血浆浓度(水平)

toxicity 毒性

第二节 性状(Description)

许多药品说明书的第一项是Description(性状),其原意是“叙述”、“描写”,在药品说明书及药典中一般都译为“性状”,其内容主要是介绍外观、理化性质、组成成分、结构、特征等。这一项最常用的标题是Description,此外还可能有其他的表示法,如: Chemical Structure 化学结构

Composition 成分

Physical and Chemical Properties 理化性质



例1.Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder; odourless or almost odourless. 叶酸是淡黄色至橙色结晶粉沫,无臭或几乎无臭。

例2.Intralipid 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection, containing 10 W/V % of purified soybean oil.


例3.Ursosan Tablet 50mg is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid. 熊去氧胆酸片为白色素片,每片含50mg熊去氧胆酸。

例4.Sterile pyrogen-free, orange red, freeze-dried powder in vials containing 10mg and 50mg of doxorubicin hydrochloride with lactose.


例5.It occurs as a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.


例6.Pamine, chemically known as epoxytropine tropate methyl bromide, has the empirical formula C18H24NO4Br and the molecular weight 398.3.


例7.Kanendomycin is a very stable antibiotic, and its activity does not decrease when the powder is placed in an airlight container and kept at room temperatures for more than 2 years.


例8.This product is prepared from units of human plasma which have been tested and found nonreactive for hepatitis associated (Australia) antigen.




be derived from 由……衍生

consist of 由……组成

be obtained 制得

contain 含有

be prepared from 由……制备

have (possess) 有(具有)


colo(u)r 颜色

stable 稳定的

taste 味道

molecular formular 分子式

odo(u)rless 无臭的

molecular weight 分子量

crystalline 结晶的

structure 结构

solubility 溶解度

injection 注射剂

insoluble 不溶的

solution 溶液

odo(u)r 气味

tablets 片剂

colo(u)rless 无色的

derivative 衍生物

tasteless 无味的

liquid 液体

sterile 无菌的

powder 粉沫

soluble 可溶的

solid 固体

第三节 药理作用

有些说明书较详细地介绍药品的药理作用(Pharmacological Actions)。其内容主要包括药理作用、临床药理(Clinical Pharmacology)、体外试验(in vitro experiments)、药物代谢(Metabolism)、药效(Potency)及毒性(Toxicity)等。这一项常用的标题是:

Pharmacological Action 药理作用

Pharmacological Properties 药理性质

Pharmacology 药理学

Clinical Pharmacology 临床药理


Actions 作用

Actions and Properties 作用与性质

Clinical Effect (Use) 临床效果(用途)

Mechanism of Action 作用机理

Mode of Action 作用方式


Biological Action 生物活性

Microbiology 微生物学




例1. Mean peek serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intramuscular administration.


例2. Nembutal Sodium exerts a depressant action on the CNS and shares the sedative-hypnotic actions typical of the barbiturates.


例3. In clinical trials the drug was shown to be highly effective in improving and normalizing the alternated cerebral circulation and those disorders related to insufficient arterial flow in the limbs.


例4. Orbenin is stable to staphylococcal penicillinase, and highly effective against resistant staphylococci. It is bactericidal, acid-stable and well absorbed by either the oral or the

intramuscular route.


例5. Nystain has been found to inhibit the growth of yeast like flora in the intestinal tract.


例6. Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant.


例7. Halcion is a potent short-acting hypnotic agent, which produces its hypnotic activity from the first night of administration.


例8. Therapeutically, ATP injection exhibits effects, especially such as activation of the function and metabolism of the nerve, and also coronary and peripheral vasodilatation to increase the blood stream.




absorb 吸收

act 作用

cause (be cause by) 引起(由……引起)

demonstrate 显示

exert (action on) 起……作用

exhibit 显示

inhibit 抑制

accumulate 积蓄

administrate 投药

excrete 排泄

result in 导致 indicate 表明

maintain 维持

produce 产生

protect (from) 保护(不变)

reach 达到

show 显示,表明

treat 治疗

metabolize 代谢

promote 促进

prevent 阻止,预防

tolerate 耐受


(be) active (effective) against 对…有效的 (be) related to 与……有关的

(be) sensitive to 对……敏感的

resistant to ……有耐药性的 average 平均的 minimum 最低(小)的

maximum 最高(大)的

normal 正常的


ability 能力

activity 活性

distribution 分布

excretion 排泄

action 作用

clearance 廓清率

effect on 对…的作用

function 功能,作用

half life 半衰期

in vitro 体外

kidney 肾

mechanism 机理

serum concentration 血清浓度

tolerance 耐受性

infection 感染

in vivo 体内

level 水平,浓度

plasm lever 血浆浓度(水平)

toxicity 毒性


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