

jason miller

51 beacon street

boston, ma 02108

telephone no: 617-227-1092

email id: jasonmiller@

qualifucations:expert in building technologies, architectural area planning, and drafting.

coordinate mixed-use and multi-family housing construction projects.

expertise in various architecture models and technical skills. work well with vendors across commercial, private, and public sectors.

proficient in hand sketching drafts and computer aided drawing. take concepts to creation while effectively managing all


professional experience:abc designing & works, brighton,

california: xx - present

architectresponsible for incorporation of modern building techniques into historic renovation plans.

created unique architectural designs according to client's demand.

managed small tenant improvements and multiple use developments. developed a building expansion proposal for an industrial space construction using mostly glass and concrete.

1 xyz engineering, caroline, new york: xx – date

drafter / cad operatormanaged and anticipated inherent and unforeseen issues for minimizing risks.

collaborated with contractors to ensure specifications adherence. designed presentation slides using 3-dimensional cad software.

managed documents and coordinated mailings for all project phases. created renderings and perspectives of commercial building renovations.

education:bachelor's degree in architecture, xyz university, ithaca, new york, xx

computer skills:autocad 14 and xx, adobe photoshop, illustrator, microsoft word, excel, outlook, ms project.


jason miller

51 beacon street

boston, ma 02108

telephone no: 617-227-1092

email id: jasonmiller@

qualifucations:expert in building technologies, architectural area planning, and drafting.

coordinate mixed-use and multi-family housing construction projects.

expertise in various architecture models and technical skills. work well with vendors across commercial, private, and public sectors.

proficient in hand sketching drafts and computer aided drawing. take concepts to creation while effectively managing all


professional experience:abc designing & works, brighton,

california: xx - present

architectresponsible for incorporation of modern building techniques into historic renovation plans.

created unique architectural designs according to client's demand.

managed small tenant improvements and multiple use developments. developed a building expansion proposal for an industrial space construction using mostly glass and concrete.

1 xyz engineering, caroline, new york: xx – date

drafter / cad operatormanaged and anticipated inherent and unforeseen issues for minimizing risks.

collaborated with contractors to ensure specifications adherence. designed presentation slides using 3-dimensional cad software.

managed documents and coordinated mailings for all project phases. created renderings and perspectives of commercial building renovations.

education:bachelor's degree in architecture, xyz university, ithaca, new york, xx

computer skills:autocad 14 and xx, adobe photoshop, illustrator, microsoft word, excel, outlook, ms project.


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