

01.hello,MichaelHi,it’s me嗨,是我. hello,this is Rollin喂,我是Rollin. Hello,welcome你们好,欢迎欢迎。Hello,grassland你好,草原。Hello,my hometown你好,我的故乡。02.Good morning 早上好。Good afternoon下午好。

Good night,Sleep well晚安,睡个好。Good evening晚上好。03.How are you你好吗。How have you been最这得怎么样。 04.I’m fine,thank you很好,谢谢。Oh,that’s fine啊,不错。I’m pretty [ˈprɪti] well很好。I’m pretty good我挺好的。 05.Nice to meet you见到你真高兴。Nice to see you here在这见到你,太好了。Glad to see you here在这见到你真高兴。 How nice to see you能见到你,多好啊。What’s your name你叫什么名字。Who are you你是谁呀。Who is he他是谁呀。 Who is that woman那位女士是谁。Who is that girl那女孩是谁。08.I’m Tony我叫Tony。09.Good-bye,mommy!妈妈,再见Good-bye,my son儿子,再见。Bye!My love再见,我亲爱的。Goodbye再见。Goodbye,darling再见,亲爱的。

10.See you later再见。See you around回见。


11.What’s this这是什么。What’s that那是什么。12.It’s a clock那是只钟。It’s an apple那是苹果。It’s a volleyball那是排球。It’s a kind of machine那是一种机器罢了。It’s an orange那是桔子。It’s not a duck那不是鸭子。It’s not Andy不是Andy。

13.Look at this你看这个。Lookat that你看那个。14.Excuse me,sir先生,请原谅。Excuse me不好意思。15.I’m sorry对不起。I’m very sorry真对不起。I’m so sorry真太抱歉了。I’m sorry for her我真为她难过。I’m really sorry真是太对不起了。

16.Not at all没关系。17.Thanks谢谢。Thanks a lot多谢。Thank you very much非常感谢。Thank you for your kindness 多谢你的好意。18.It’s very kind of you你真好心。It’s very kind of you to help me感谢你的善意帮助。19.Don’t mention it不用谢。Never mention it不值得一提。20.Stand up,please起立。Please stand up请站起来。


21.Sit down,please请坐.Have a seat找地方坐吧。22.What day is today今天星期几23.Today is Sunday今天星期天。It’s Monday today今天是星期一。Today is Tuesday今天是星期二。It’s Wednesday today今天是星期三。Today is Thursday今天是星期四。It’s Friday today今天星形五。Today is Saturday今天是星期六。It’s Monday again又是星期一。24.Can I help you我能帮点忙吗。25.Give me a hand帮个忙。26.Good luck祝你好运。Have a good journey一路顺风。Have a safe trip一路平安。27.Congratulations [kənˌgrætʃə'leɪʃənz]祝贺你。Well done干得好。28.Happy birthday生日快乐。Happy birthday to you祝你生日快乐。Happy New Year新年好。Happy New Year to you祝你新年好。Merry Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs]圣诞快乐。

29.Have a good time祝你们玩得愉快。30.That’s great那太好了。It’s great好极了。That’s really great 真不错。 Books4

31.What would you like你喜欢什么。32.I would like some wate我想喝点水。I would like some bananas我想吃点香蕉。 I’d like a bike我想要辆自行车。I’d lide some mile我想喝牛奶。32.I love it我喜欢小赛车。I love her我爱她。33.My pleasure我很高兴如此。It’s my pleasure这是我乐意干的事。It’s a pleaese不用客气。With a pleasure没问题,可以。34.I hate this我讨厌吃这。I hate them讨厌死了。I hate it真烦人。I hate her我不喜欢她。35.That is my favorite [ˈfevərɪt, ˈfevrɪt] 那是我喜欢的。My favorite我最喜欢的。You are my favorite你是我的最爱。She is my favorite她是我最喜欢的。

36.I’m fed up烦死人了。I’m fed up with it我真很烦这样。37.I beg your pardon请原谅,你说什么。Pardon me,please请原谅。38.Where are you from你从哪儿来。39.Where is he他在哪儿。Where is she她在哪里。Where is it车子在哪里。 Where are they手套哪去了。40.What do you do你是干什么的。What does he do他是干什么的。What does she do她是干什么的。


41.I’m a teacher我是老师。He is a driver他是司机。She is a journalist[ˈdʒɜrnəlɪst]她是记者。He is an engineer他是工程师。She is a doctor她是医生。I’m a pupil我是小学生。She is a cook她是厨师。42.Delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs]味道好极了。It is delicious味道太棒了。It tastes delicious好吃极了。It smells delicious闻起来真香。43.Yerterday昨天。It’s yesterday是昨天。Today?今天吗?Yes,it is today对,是今天。Maybe tomorrow也许明天吧。Tomorrow,I’m sure明天,肯定的。Today,nottommorrow今天完成,不是明天。Tomorrow,not today明天去,今天不行。44.This way,please这边走。45.I know我知道了。I don’t know我不知道。46.How many多少张。How much多少钱。How much do you want你需要多少。47.Which one哪篇。48.Here you are给你。49.You’re beautiful你真漂亮。It’s beautiful真好看。How beautiful太美了。How beautiful they are真好看。

50.I’m glad to hear it听到这个消息太高兴了。


51.Let’s go咱们走吧。52.Let’s try咱产试一下。Let me try我试试看。Try again再次一次。53.Leave me alone我自己待会。 Leave him alone让他自己待会。Leave her alone 让她自己待会。54.It’s too late太晚了。55.It’s still early还早着呢。56.It sounds nice听着不错啊。57.Don’t worry别担心。58.Help yourself你自己来。Help yourselves你们吃啊。Please help yourself请随便吃。59.easy这容易。Very easy这太容易了。It’s easy太简单了。It’s so easy太容易了。60.that’s too hard太难了。

That’s too hard on me这太为难为我了。


61.Don’t cry别哭。Don’t move不许动。62.Forget it别客气了。Don’t forget it别忘了。63.Be careful 要小心啊。Be quiet安静。64.I’m tired我累了。I’m tired of it我讨厌那个。65.I’m hungry我饿了。I’m very hungry我真是太饿了。I’m thirst我渴了。66.I’m nervous我有点紧张。I’m not nervos我不怕。Are you nervos紧张吗。I was nervos我刚才才紧张呢。I’ll not be nervous我不会紧张的。Were you nervos是不是紧张了。I’m a bit nervos我有点紧张。67.Are you angry你生气了。 He is angry他生气了。I’m angry我生气了。She is angry她生气了。Don’t be angry别生气了。Don’t be angry with me别跟我生气。68.Are you all right你怎么样了。69.Are you ready准备好了吗。70.Are you free now你现在有时间吗。 Books8

71.Are you sure你敢肯定吗。I’m sure一定会的。72.By myself我自己啊。All by myself全是自己干的。By yourself你自己擦吧。Do it by yourself是的,是我自己来的。73.I like muse我喜欢音乐。Ilike sports我喜欢运动。74.I agree我同意。 I don’t agree我不同意。75.I miss you 我好想你。Miss you so much我很想念你。I’ll miss you very much我会非常想你的。

76.I promise[ˈprɑmɪs]我保证。77.I give up我不猜了。Don’t give up别放弃。78.I understand我懂了。I don’t understand我不明白。I don’t understand you你怎么回事。I don’t understand you at all我一点都不明白。79.Take your time别急呀

80.As soon as possible [ˈpɑsəbl]要尽快。


81.Show me给我看看。Would you show me让我看看好吗。82.Just a little有一点。83.What time is it几点了。What time is it now现在都几点了。84.It’s seven o’clock七点了。Oh,it’s eleven thirty啊,十一点半了。It’s a quarter [ˈkwɔrtə(r)] past two now现在两点十五。It’s five to eight还有五分钟八点。It’s already a quarter to six已经是五点四十五了。It’sfive sharp[ʃɑrp] 五点整。It’s twelve,midnight十二点,是午夜。It’s three A.M是凌晨三点。85.It’s time for breakfast该吃早点了。It’s time for lunch该吃午饭了。It’s time for dinner,my son该吃晚饭了,孩子。It’s time for work该工作了。It’s time to go to bed该上床去睡觉了。It’s time to have a rest应该休息一下。It’s time to have a rest应该休息一下。It’s time to look for a job该找份工作了。It’s time to go 该走了。86.It’s too sunny太晒了。It’s too windy风太大。It’s too hot太热了。It’s too cold天气太冷了。87.What are you doing你在干什么。88.I’m working我正忙着呢。I’m writing我正忙头上写作呢。I’m reading我正看报呢。89.I hope so希望如此。I hope not但愿不会。


91.It’s up to you你自己决定。92.So can I我也能。So will I我也是。So do I我也是。93.Neither can I我也走不动。Neither do I我也没买。Neither have I我也没听过。94.May I come in我能进来吗95.Anything wrong怎么了。What’s wrong怎么了。96.What’s the matter这是怎么了97.What do you want你要要点什么。98.What’s for breakfast早餐吃什么。What’s for lunch中午吃什么What’s for supper晚饭吃什么What’s for dinner吃什么饭。99.Would you like a glass of water你要喝杯水吗。100.If only I can我要是能去就好了。


101.Open the door把门打开。Open your eyes睁开眼吧。Open the box把盒子打开。Open your mouth张开嘴。

Open the window把窗户打开吧。Open it for me,please帮我打开吧。102.Close the door把门关上。Close your eyes闭上眼睛。Close the window关上窗子吧。Close the curtains['kɜtnz]拉上窗帘。Close your pencil-box关上文具盒。Close your umbralla合上雨伞。Colse your book把书合上。103.It’s a piece of cake小意思。104.That’s a good idea好主意。105.I’ll be back soon我马上就回来。I’ll back soon我马上回来。106.I can’t afford it我买不起。We can’t afford it我们买不起的。107.I can’t believe it我都快不相信了。I can’t stand it我受不了了。108.I have a headache我头痛。I have a stomachache [ˈstʌməkˌek] .我肚子痛。I have a [ˈtuθˌek] toothache我芽痛。109.I can’t eat any more我再吃不下了。I can’t walk any more我再也走不动了。I can’t drink any more我再也喝不下去了。I can’t write any more我不能再写了。110.The sooner the better越早越好。


111.What do you mean你是什么意思。What does he mean他说得是什么意思。What does she mean她说的是什么意思What does it mean这是什么意思。112.What do you think of my photo你觉得我的照片怎么样.What do you think of my painting我觉得我画得怎么样。What do you think of my dress我的衣服,你认为怎么样。What do you think of my friend 我的朋友,你认为怎么样。What do you think of my shoes我的鞋子,你看怎么样。What do you think of my hair-style您觉得我的发型如何。What do you think of my english我的英语,你认为怎么样了。113.When is the party聚会是几点钟。When is the game是哪天比赛。When is the picnic什么时候野餐啊。When is the movie几点的电影。When is the test 哪天考核。When is the play哪天上演。When is the show表演是几点开始啊。When is the cirucs马戏什么时候开始。114.She is pretty她真漂亮。She is tall她真高。He is smart他很精明。He is friendly他非常友好。I’m brave [brev]我很勇敢。I’m

humorous [ˈhjumərəs] 我有幽默感。You are perfect[ˈpɜrfɪkt]你真棒。You are clever你真聪明。115.How do I address you怎么称呼您。116.How much did it cost多少钱啊。How much is it 多少钱。117.What a lovely girl多可爱的小姑娘。

What a lovely season多美的季节。What a perfect day多美的一天。What an amazing thing多么令人惊奇的事呀。What an amazing place真是个令人惊奇的地方。What a beautiful voice多么动人的声音。What a boring meeting多么令人厌烦的会议What a beautiful girl多么漂亮的姑娘啊。118.How ugly it is多难看呀How terrible it is 多可怕呀。How strange it is 真奇怪How awful it is 多恐怖啊。How amazing it is 多么令人惊奇啊How boring it is 多么无聊呀How poor she is 她好穷。119.I’m afraid I can’t恐怕不行。120.Let me have a look让我看看。

初级 1

1. You’d better go to bed earlier night.今晚最好早点休息。You’d better finish it doday最好今天完成。You’d better ask the

traffic [ˈtræfɪk] police最好去问警察。You’d better start from now最好从现在开始。You’d better stop talking最好停下来别说话了。You’d better not tell her最好不要告诉她。You’d better not smoke here最好不要在这里吸烟。You’d better leave最好离开。

2. Can I help you我是否能帮忙。Could you help me,please是否能帮我。You’re a great help to me他对我的帮助很大。

Thanks so much for your help非常感谢你的帮助。I can help you with your grammar [ˈɡræmɚ]我可以帮你学习语法。 I am helping my wife with her housework我正在帮妻子做家务。I help out in the store[stɔr, stor] after school everyday我每天放学后在店里帮忙。My family helped me out when I became ill我生病时家人帮我渡过了难关。

3. He is busy getting ready for his journey他正忙着为旅行做准备。I’m busy looking for a job now我正忙着找工作。

What is my father busy doing爸爸正在忙着做什么。I’m busy with my paper我正忙着写论文。I think he is busy repairing

[rɪ'peərɪŋ]the TV set我想他正在忙着修电视机。I am busy cleaning the house我正忙着打扫房子。She is busy writing to her American friends她正忙着给美国朋友写信。We were busy talking about the football match我们正忙着讨论那场足球赛。

4. Would you like to go with me愿不愿意和我一起同往。Where would you like to go你想去哪里。I’d like to have a rest first

我想先休息一会。I’d like to know your opinion [əˈpɪnjən] about it我想知道你地此事的看法。Would you like a cup of coffee你是否想来杯咖啡。I’d like to invite you to dinner today我今天想请大家吃饭。

5. I’m afraid I can’t help you我恐怕帮不上你。I’m afraid I can’t get there on time我恐怕不能按时到达了。I’m afraid I can’t

stay here any longer我恐怕不能再逗留了。I’m afraid you are wrong about it恐怕那是你的错。I’m afraid I can’t go with you我恐怕不能跟你走。I’m afraid that the he has already gone[gɔn] 恐怕他已经走了。I’m afraid she’s out她恐怕出去了。I’m afraid it will rain tonight恐怕今晚要下雨。

6. Hard work bring harvest付出总有回报。A phone call brought her crying一个电话让她哭了起来。You’d better bring in

experienced people to help你最好请有经验的人来帮忙。My part-time job brings me 500 yuan a month这份兼职工作每月给我带来五百元收入。It was he who brought this trouble on himself是他自己招来了这个麻烦。His bad cold has brought on pneumonia [nuˈmoʊniə]他的重感冒引起了肺炎。Difficulties can bring out a person’s [ˈpɜrsn] best qualities[ˈkwɔlitiz]困难面前能体现出人最好的品质。I was brought up by my grandmother我是由祖母抚养养大的。

7. Please say it once again请再说一遍。Let me try once again让我再试一次。Read the text once again请再读一遍。Iam

going to see the film once again我打算再看一遍。This must never happen again这样的事绝不能再发生。You’ll soon be well again你很快就会康复。Don’t do thant again不要再做那种事了。Do call again一定要来电话。

8. He is all alone in that opinion [əˈpɪnjən] 只有他一个人持那种观点。Idid it all alone这事全是我干的。I’m all alone here at

present [ˈprɛznt] , and so I’m feeling lonely [ˈloʊnli]目前是独自一人,因此会感到孤独。Let’s talk about the matter when we are alone让我们单独在一起时再谈。She is still alone她现在仍然是孑然一身。Iprefer [prɪˈfɚ] to work on it alone我愿意独立做这件事。You alone can help me 只有你可以帮我。Idon’t like going out alone after dark我不愿意天黑后独自外出。

9. You must both work harder你们俩必须再努力些。We both want to go 我们俩都想去。Mary speaks both English Chinese

well。Mary的英语和汉语都讲得很出色。Both of his brothers are PLA men她的两个哥哥都是解放军。This coat is both cheap and nice 这件衣服物美价廉。She is known both for her kindness and for her beauty她的善良和美丽是大家公认的。Both of them are good 他们都很好。My parents are both teachers我的父母都是老师。

10. Please allow [əˈlaʊ] me to tell you the truth请允许我告诉你真相。My father doesn’t allow me to smoke父亲不允许我

吸烟。Please allow me to do experiments[iksˈperimənts] in this laboratory[ˈlæbrətɔri]请允许我在这个实验室里做实验。I don’t allow him to use my computer我不允许他使用我的电脑。Passengers[ˈpæsindʒəz]are not allowed to smoke乘客不得吸烟。My bother wouldn’t allow me into the room哥哥不允许我进房间。May I be allowed to use this knife please你可不可以用那所刀。You are allowed into the office你可以进办公室来。

11. Ihave decided to do my best to help them我已决定尽一切努力帮助他们。He did his best to explain everything他尽力

去解释一切。Have you done your best你是否已尽力。He asked us to do our best他要求我们尽最大努力去做。They have done their best to win the game他们已尽力去赢得比赛。Ihave done my best to help them oout of troble我已经尽力帮助他们摆脱困境了。If you don’t do your best,you’ll fall behind others如果你不全力以赴,就会落在别人后面。Idid my best to stop her我已经尽力阻止她了。

12. Iam beginning [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ] to feel tired我开始感到体力不支了。When did you begin to learn swimming 你是什么时候开

始学的游泳。Everything begins to grow in spring春回大地,万物复苏。Ihave begun [bɪˈɡʌn] to learn English since last year我去年就开始学英语了。I am beginning to feel hungry我开始觉得饿了。I’m beginning to understand我逐渐明白了。When does the concert[ˈkɑnsərt] begin音乐会什么时候开始。The meeting will begin at nine 会议将在九点开始。

13. No one is able to do that没人能做到那样。I’m able to swim我会游泳。We are able to talk about it now现在可以谈论

这事了。I’m sorry I haven’t been able to answer your letter很抱歉没能给你回信。Ishall be able to talk with foreigners ['fɔrənəz] in a few mkonths几个月后我就能与外国人交流了。Will you be able to come next week下周你能不能来。The child is not able to write这孩子还不会写字。He is better able to do it than I 他比我更有能力做这件事。

14. It has become warmer天气已经变暖了。He has become quite a famous man他已变成一个大名人了。We have become

good friends since then从那时起我们变成了好朋友。My dream has not become true他的梦想未能实现。What has become of his lately他近来出什么事了。At last the truth became known最终大家还是知道了真相。Those boys are becoming a nuisance[ˈnusns]那些男孩子越来越讨厌了。He has become accustomed[əˈkʌstəmd] to his new duties[djtɪs]他已经适应了新职务。

15. Iknow you can beat them我知道你能击败他们。Team a beat team b five to one A队以五比一战胜了B队。Ican easily

beat him at golf打高尔夫你能轻松战胜他。That problem didn’t beat him那个问题并没能把他打垮。Difficulties can never beat me任何困难都不可能击垮我。Ican’t beat him at chess下棋我赢不了他。We are not sure we can beat them我们不能保证会击败他们。Our team eas beaten hollow [ˈhɑloʊ] 我们队被打得落花流水.


16.her happy laughter has blown away her parents’ anxiety [æŋˈzaɪɪti] 她欢乐和笑声扫除了父母的忧虑。The newspapers were all blown away by the atrong wind报纸被那场大风给吹走了。The wind blew away the clothes which were hanging on the line


01.hello,MichaelHi,it’s me嗨,是我. hello,this is Rollin喂,我是Rollin. Hello,welcome你们好,欢迎欢迎。Hello,grassland你好,草原。Hello,my hometown你好,我的故乡。02.Good morning 早上好。Good afternoon下午好。

Good night,Sleep well晚安,睡个好。Good evening晚上好。03.How are you你好吗。How have you been最这得怎么样。 04.I’m fine,thank you很好,谢谢。Oh,that’s fine啊,不错。I’m pretty [ˈprɪti] well很好。I’m pretty good我挺好的。 05.Nice to meet you见到你真高兴。Nice to see you here在这见到你,太好了。Glad to see you here在这见到你真高兴。 How nice to see you能见到你,多好啊。What’s your name你叫什么名字。Who are you你是谁呀。Who is he他是谁呀。 Who is that woman那位女士是谁。Who is that girl那女孩是谁。08.I’m Tony我叫Tony。09.Good-bye,mommy!妈妈,再见Good-bye,my son儿子,再见。Bye!My love再见,我亲爱的。Goodbye再见。Goodbye,darling再见,亲爱的。

10.See you later再见。See you around回见。


11.What’s this这是什么。What’s that那是什么。12.It’s a clock那是只钟。It’s an apple那是苹果。It’s a volleyball那是排球。It’s a kind of machine那是一种机器罢了。It’s an orange那是桔子。It’s not a duck那不是鸭子。It’s not Andy不是Andy。

13.Look at this你看这个。Lookat that你看那个。14.Excuse me,sir先生,请原谅。Excuse me不好意思。15.I’m sorry对不起。I’m very sorry真对不起。I’m so sorry真太抱歉了。I’m sorry for her我真为她难过。I’m really sorry真是太对不起了。

16.Not at all没关系。17.Thanks谢谢。Thanks a lot多谢。Thank you very much非常感谢。Thank you for your kindness 多谢你的好意。18.It’s very kind of you你真好心。It’s very kind of you to help me感谢你的善意帮助。19.Don’t mention it不用谢。Never mention it不值得一提。20.Stand up,please起立。Please stand up请站起来。


21.Sit down,please请坐.Have a seat找地方坐吧。22.What day is today今天星期几23.Today is Sunday今天星期天。It’s Monday today今天是星期一。Today is Tuesday今天是星期二。It’s Wednesday today今天是星期三。Today is Thursday今天是星期四。It’s Friday today今天星形五。Today is Saturday今天是星期六。It’s Monday again又是星期一。24.Can I help you我能帮点忙吗。25.Give me a hand帮个忙。26.Good luck祝你好运。Have a good journey一路顺风。Have a safe trip一路平安。27.Congratulations [kənˌgrætʃə'leɪʃənz]祝贺你。Well done干得好。28.Happy birthday生日快乐。Happy birthday to you祝你生日快乐。Happy New Year新年好。Happy New Year to you祝你新年好。Merry Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs]圣诞快乐。

29.Have a good time祝你们玩得愉快。30.That’s great那太好了。It’s great好极了。That’s really great 真不错。 Books4

31.What would you like你喜欢什么。32.I would like some wate我想喝点水。I would like some bananas我想吃点香蕉。 I’d like a bike我想要辆自行车。I’d lide some mile我想喝牛奶。32.I love it我喜欢小赛车。I love her我爱她。33.My pleasure我很高兴如此。It’s my pleasure这是我乐意干的事。It’s a pleaese不用客气。With a pleasure没问题,可以。34.I hate this我讨厌吃这。I hate them讨厌死了。I hate it真烦人。I hate her我不喜欢她。35.That is my favorite [ˈfevərɪt, ˈfevrɪt] 那是我喜欢的。My favorite我最喜欢的。You are my favorite你是我的最爱。She is my favorite她是我最喜欢的。

36.I’m fed up烦死人了。I’m fed up with it我真很烦这样。37.I beg your pardon请原谅,你说什么。Pardon me,please请原谅。38.Where are you from你从哪儿来。39.Where is he他在哪儿。Where is she她在哪里。Where is it车子在哪里。 Where are they手套哪去了。40.What do you do你是干什么的。What does he do他是干什么的。What does she do她是干什么的。


41.I’m a teacher我是老师。He is a driver他是司机。She is a journalist[ˈdʒɜrnəlɪst]她是记者。He is an engineer他是工程师。She is a doctor她是医生。I’m a pupil我是小学生。She is a cook她是厨师。42.Delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs]味道好极了。It is delicious味道太棒了。It tastes delicious好吃极了。It smells delicious闻起来真香。43.Yerterday昨天。It’s yesterday是昨天。Today?今天吗?Yes,it is today对,是今天。Maybe tomorrow也许明天吧。Tomorrow,I’m sure明天,肯定的。Today,nottommorrow今天完成,不是明天。Tomorrow,not today明天去,今天不行。44.This way,please这边走。45.I know我知道了。I don’t know我不知道。46.How many多少张。How much多少钱。How much do you want你需要多少。47.Which one哪篇。48.Here you are给你。49.You’re beautiful你真漂亮。It’s beautiful真好看。How beautiful太美了。How beautiful they are真好看。

50.I’m glad to hear it听到这个消息太高兴了。


51.Let’s go咱们走吧。52.Let’s try咱产试一下。Let me try我试试看。Try again再次一次。53.Leave me alone我自己待会。 Leave him alone让他自己待会。Leave her alone 让她自己待会。54.It’s too late太晚了。55.It’s still early还早着呢。56.It sounds nice听着不错啊。57.Don’t worry别担心。58.Help yourself你自己来。Help yourselves你们吃啊。Please help yourself请随便吃。59.easy这容易。Very easy这太容易了。It’s easy太简单了。It’s so easy太容易了。60.that’s too hard太难了。

That’s too hard on me这太为难为我了。


61.Don’t cry别哭。Don’t move不许动。62.Forget it别客气了。Don’t forget it别忘了。63.Be careful 要小心啊。Be quiet安静。64.I’m tired我累了。I’m tired of it我讨厌那个。65.I’m hungry我饿了。I’m very hungry我真是太饿了。I’m thirst我渴了。66.I’m nervous我有点紧张。I’m not nervos我不怕。Are you nervos紧张吗。I was nervos我刚才才紧张呢。I’ll not be nervous我不会紧张的。Were you nervos是不是紧张了。I’m a bit nervos我有点紧张。67.Are you angry你生气了。 He is angry他生气了。I’m angry我生气了。She is angry她生气了。Don’t be angry别生气了。Don’t be angry with me别跟我生气。68.Are you all right你怎么样了。69.Are you ready准备好了吗。70.Are you free now你现在有时间吗。 Books8

71.Are you sure你敢肯定吗。I’m sure一定会的。72.By myself我自己啊。All by myself全是自己干的。By yourself你自己擦吧。Do it by yourself是的,是我自己来的。73.I like muse我喜欢音乐。Ilike sports我喜欢运动。74.I agree我同意。 I don’t agree我不同意。75.I miss you 我好想你。Miss you so much我很想念你。I’ll miss you very much我会非常想你的。

76.I promise[ˈprɑmɪs]我保证。77.I give up我不猜了。Don’t give up别放弃。78.I understand我懂了。I don’t understand我不明白。I don’t understand you你怎么回事。I don’t understand you at all我一点都不明白。79.Take your time别急呀

80.As soon as possible [ˈpɑsəbl]要尽快。


81.Show me给我看看。Would you show me让我看看好吗。82.Just a little有一点。83.What time is it几点了。What time is it now现在都几点了。84.It’s seven o’clock七点了。Oh,it’s eleven thirty啊,十一点半了。It’s a quarter [ˈkwɔrtə(r)] past two now现在两点十五。It’s five to eight还有五分钟八点。It’s already a quarter to six已经是五点四十五了。It’sfive sharp[ʃɑrp] 五点整。It’s twelve,midnight十二点,是午夜。It’s three A.M是凌晨三点。85.It’s time for breakfast该吃早点了。It’s time for lunch该吃午饭了。It’s time for dinner,my son该吃晚饭了,孩子。It’s time for work该工作了。It’s time to go to bed该上床去睡觉了。It’s time to have a rest应该休息一下。It’s time to have a rest应该休息一下。It’s time to look for a job该找份工作了。It’s time to go 该走了。86.It’s too sunny太晒了。It’s too windy风太大。It’s too hot太热了。It’s too cold天气太冷了。87.What are you doing你在干什么。88.I’m working我正忙着呢。I’m writing我正忙头上写作呢。I’m reading我正看报呢。89.I hope so希望如此。I hope not但愿不会。


91.It’s up to you你自己决定。92.So can I我也能。So will I我也是。So do I我也是。93.Neither can I我也走不动。Neither do I我也没买。Neither have I我也没听过。94.May I come in我能进来吗95.Anything wrong怎么了。What’s wrong怎么了。96.What’s the matter这是怎么了97.What do you want你要要点什么。98.What’s for breakfast早餐吃什么。What’s for lunch中午吃什么What’s for supper晚饭吃什么What’s for dinner吃什么饭。99.Would you like a glass of water你要喝杯水吗。100.If only I can我要是能去就好了。


101.Open the door把门打开。Open your eyes睁开眼吧。Open the box把盒子打开。Open your mouth张开嘴。

Open the window把窗户打开吧。Open it for me,please帮我打开吧。102.Close the door把门关上。Close your eyes闭上眼睛。Close the window关上窗子吧。Close the curtains['kɜtnz]拉上窗帘。Close your pencil-box关上文具盒。Close your umbralla合上雨伞。Colse your book把书合上。103.It’s a piece of cake小意思。104.That’s a good idea好主意。105.I’ll be back soon我马上就回来。I’ll back soon我马上回来。106.I can’t afford it我买不起。We can’t afford it我们买不起的。107.I can’t believe it我都快不相信了。I can’t stand it我受不了了。108.I have a headache我头痛。I have a stomachache [ˈstʌməkˌek] .我肚子痛。I have a [ˈtuθˌek] toothache我芽痛。109.I can’t eat any more我再吃不下了。I can’t walk any more我再也走不动了。I can’t drink any more我再也喝不下去了。I can’t write any more我不能再写了。110.The sooner the better越早越好。


111.What do you mean你是什么意思。What does he mean他说得是什么意思。What does she mean她说的是什么意思What does it mean这是什么意思。112.What do you think of my photo你觉得我的照片怎么样.What do you think of my painting我觉得我画得怎么样。What do you think of my dress我的衣服,你认为怎么样。What do you think of my friend 我的朋友,你认为怎么样。What do you think of my shoes我的鞋子,你看怎么样。What do you think of my hair-style您觉得我的发型如何。What do you think of my english我的英语,你认为怎么样了。113.When is the party聚会是几点钟。When is the game是哪天比赛。When is the picnic什么时候野餐啊。When is the movie几点的电影。When is the test 哪天考核。When is the play哪天上演。When is the show表演是几点开始啊。When is the cirucs马戏什么时候开始。114.She is pretty她真漂亮。She is tall她真高。He is smart他很精明。He is friendly他非常友好。I’m brave [brev]我很勇敢。I’m

humorous [ˈhjumərəs] 我有幽默感。You are perfect[ˈpɜrfɪkt]你真棒。You are clever你真聪明。115.How do I address you怎么称呼您。116.How much did it cost多少钱啊。How much is it 多少钱。117.What a lovely girl多可爱的小姑娘。

What a lovely season多美的季节。What a perfect day多美的一天。What an amazing thing多么令人惊奇的事呀。What an amazing place真是个令人惊奇的地方。What a beautiful voice多么动人的声音。What a boring meeting多么令人厌烦的会议What a beautiful girl多么漂亮的姑娘啊。118.How ugly it is多难看呀How terrible it is 多可怕呀。How strange it is 真奇怪How awful it is 多恐怖啊。How amazing it is 多么令人惊奇啊How boring it is 多么无聊呀How poor she is 她好穷。119.I’m afraid I can’t恐怕不行。120.Let me have a look让我看看。

初级 1

1. You’d better go to bed earlier night.今晚最好早点休息。You’d better finish it doday最好今天完成。You’d better ask the

traffic [ˈtræfɪk] police最好去问警察。You’d better start from now最好从现在开始。You’d better stop talking最好停下来别说话了。You’d better not tell her最好不要告诉她。You’d better not smoke here最好不要在这里吸烟。You’d better leave最好离开。

2. Can I help you我是否能帮忙。Could you help me,please是否能帮我。You’re a great help to me他对我的帮助很大。

Thanks so much for your help非常感谢你的帮助。I can help you with your grammar [ˈɡræmɚ]我可以帮你学习语法。 I am helping my wife with her housework我正在帮妻子做家务。I help out in the store[stɔr, stor] after school everyday我每天放学后在店里帮忙。My family helped me out when I became ill我生病时家人帮我渡过了难关。

3. He is busy getting ready for his journey他正忙着为旅行做准备。I’m busy looking for a job now我正忙着找工作。

What is my father busy doing爸爸正在忙着做什么。I’m busy with my paper我正忙着写论文。I think he is busy repairing

[rɪ'peərɪŋ]the TV set我想他正在忙着修电视机。I am busy cleaning the house我正忙着打扫房子。She is busy writing to her American friends她正忙着给美国朋友写信。We were busy talking about the football match我们正忙着讨论那场足球赛。

4. Would you like to go with me愿不愿意和我一起同往。Where would you like to go你想去哪里。I’d like to have a rest first

我想先休息一会。I’d like to know your opinion [əˈpɪnjən] about it我想知道你地此事的看法。Would you like a cup of coffee你是否想来杯咖啡。I’d like to invite you to dinner today我今天想请大家吃饭。

5. I’m afraid I can’t help you我恐怕帮不上你。I’m afraid I can’t get there on time我恐怕不能按时到达了。I’m afraid I can’t

stay here any longer我恐怕不能再逗留了。I’m afraid you are wrong about it恐怕那是你的错。I’m afraid I can’t go with you我恐怕不能跟你走。I’m afraid that the he has already gone[gɔn] 恐怕他已经走了。I’m afraid she’s out她恐怕出去了。I’m afraid it will rain tonight恐怕今晚要下雨。

6. Hard work bring harvest付出总有回报。A phone call brought her crying一个电话让她哭了起来。You’d better bring in

experienced people to help你最好请有经验的人来帮忙。My part-time job brings me 500 yuan a month这份兼职工作每月给我带来五百元收入。It was he who brought this trouble on himself是他自己招来了这个麻烦。His bad cold has brought on pneumonia [nuˈmoʊniə]他的重感冒引起了肺炎。Difficulties can bring out a person’s [ˈpɜrsn] best qualities[ˈkwɔlitiz]困难面前能体现出人最好的品质。I was brought up by my grandmother我是由祖母抚养养大的。

7. Please say it once again请再说一遍。Let me try once again让我再试一次。Read the text once again请再读一遍。Iam

going to see the film once again我打算再看一遍。This must never happen again这样的事绝不能再发生。You’ll soon be well again你很快就会康复。Don’t do thant again不要再做那种事了。Do call again一定要来电话。

8. He is all alone in that opinion [əˈpɪnjən] 只有他一个人持那种观点。Idid it all alone这事全是我干的。I’m all alone here at

present [ˈprɛznt] , and so I’m feeling lonely [ˈloʊnli]目前是独自一人,因此会感到孤独。Let’s talk about the matter when we are alone让我们单独在一起时再谈。She is still alone她现在仍然是孑然一身。Iprefer [prɪˈfɚ] to work on it alone我愿意独立做这件事。You alone can help me 只有你可以帮我。Idon’t like going out alone after dark我不愿意天黑后独自外出。

9. You must both work harder你们俩必须再努力些。We both want to go 我们俩都想去。Mary speaks both English Chinese

well。Mary的英语和汉语都讲得很出色。Both of his brothers are PLA men她的两个哥哥都是解放军。This coat is both cheap and nice 这件衣服物美价廉。She is known both for her kindness and for her beauty她的善良和美丽是大家公认的。Both of them are good 他们都很好。My parents are both teachers我的父母都是老师。

10. Please allow [əˈlaʊ] me to tell you the truth请允许我告诉你真相。My father doesn’t allow me to smoke父亲不允许我

吸烟。Please allow me to do experiments[iksˈperimənts] in this laboratory[ˈlæbrətɔri]请允许我在这个实验室里做实验。I don’t allow him to use my computer我不允许他使用我的电脑。Passengers[ˈpæsindʒəz]are not allowed to smoke乘客不得吸烟。My bother wouldn’t allow me into the room哥哥不允许我进房间。May I be allowed to use this knife please你可不可以用那所刀。You are allowed into the office你可以进办公室来。

11. Ihave decided to do my best to help them我已决定尽一切努力帮助他们。He did his best to explain everything他尽力

去解释一切。Have you done your best你是否已尽力。He asked us to do our best他要求我们尽最大努力去做。They have done their best to win the game他们已尽力去赢得比赛。Ihave done my best to help them oout of troble我已经尽力帮助他们摆脱困境了。If you don’t do your best,you’ll fall behind others如果你不全力以赴,就会落在别人后面。Idid my best to stop her我已经尽力阻止她了。

12. Iam beginning [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ] to feel tired我开始感到体力不支了。When did you begin to learn swimming 你是什么时候开

始学的游泳。Everything begins to grow in spring春回大地,万物复苏。Ihave begun [bɪˈɡʌn] to learn English since last year我去年就开始学英语了。I am beginning to feel hungry我开始觉得饿了。I’m beginning to understand我逐渐明白了。When does the concert[ˈkɑnsərt] begin音乐会什么时候开始。The meeting will begin at nine 会议将在九点开始。

13. No one is able to do that没人能做到那样。I’m able to swim我会游泳。We are able to talk about it now现在可以谈论

这事了。I’m sorry I haven’t been able to answer your letter很抱歉没能给你回信。Ishall be able to talk with foreigners ['fɔrənəz] in a few mkonths几个月后我就能与外国人交流了。Will you be able to come next week下周你能不能来。The child is not able to write这孩子还不会写字。He is better able to do it than I 他比我更有能力做这件事。

14. It has become warmer天气已经变暖了。He has become quite a famous man他已变成一个大名人了。We have become

good friends since then从那时起我们变成了好朋友。My dream has not become true他的梦想未能实现。What has become of his lately他近来出什么事了。At last the truth became known最终大家还是知道了真相。Those boys are becoming a nuisance[ˈnusns]那些男孩子越来越讨厌了。He has become accustomed[əˈkʌstəmd] to his new duties[djtɪs]他已经适应了新职务。

15. Iknow you can beat them我知道你能击败他们。Team a beat team b five to one A队以五比一战胜了B队。Ican easily

beat him at golf打高尔夫你能轻松战胜他。That problem didn’t beat him那个问题并没能把他打垮。Difficulties can never beat me任何困难都不可能击垮我。Ican’t beat him at chess下棋我赢不了他。We are not sure we can beat them我们不能保证会击败他们。Our team eas beaten hollow [ˈhɑloʊ] 我们队被打得落花流水.


16.her happy laughter has blown away her parents’ anxiety [æŋˈzaɪɪti] 她欢乐和笑声扫除了父母的忧虑。The newspapers were all blown away by the atrong wind报纸被那场大风给吹走了。The wind blew away the clothes which were hanging on the line


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  • 英语口语学习--常用形容词口语短句 常用的形容词你别看简单,但用起来学问可就大了呢!尤其是在口语中,常用形容词的不同使用能表达不同的意思.今天小编就为大家盘点一下生活中常用形容词的地道口语用法,也期待大家积极补充哦! 关于[cold]的地道 ...查看

  • 浅谈初中英语口语教育的重要性
  • 浅谈初中英语口语教育的重要性 施秉县民族中学 罗时 [摘要]目的 探讨初中英语口语教育的重要性,为初中英语教育质量的提高提供理论基础.方法 总结英语教学及学习中所遇到的具体情况分析.结果 初中英语口语教育在英语教育中有很重要的地位.结论 学 ...查看

  • 出国旅游常用的英语口语
  • 出国旅游常用的英语口语:基本语汇篇 谢谢!-- Thank you. 多谢!-- Thanks a lot. 对不起,麻烦你.-- Excuse me. 抱歉.-- Sorry 需要帮忙吗?--Can I help you. 谢谢你的帮助. ...查看

  • 小学常用英语口语:等等用英语怎么说
  • [导语]学习英语口语需要环境,但是平常我们生活中大家都是说中文,这不可能.所以还是要自己多练,大声的读课文,最简单的方法,看一短话,理解后,不看书自己用自己的话讲出来.英语网为大家整理了一些比较常见的口语俚语,让大家体味纯正的英语口语. 如 ...查看

  • 美国风俗习惯
  • 美国风俗习惯 1.http://www.xingkoo.com/view_info/view_info-22894.html 2.英语口译必备 http://www.xingkoo.com/view_info/view_info-23136 ...查看
