
III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Negotiation plays a basic part in conclusion of a contract and has direct influence on the conclusion and implementation of a contract, and also has a great bearing on the economic interest of the parties concerned.

2. Both parties must change as required of them by situations, if either of them fails to find out which type of negotiation is necessary in a particular situation, the odds are he will fail.

3. How to mak e both “sides” meet in negotiations without causing much loss to either, which may bring both out of the win-lose mix and help accomplish their objectives, requires creativity.

4. Every party must be aware of the danger of relying mainly on the competitive approach if a long-term relationship is to be developed and maintained.

5. Establishing credibility from the outset is essential if the discussions are to progress towards agreements.

6. One of the advantages of using conditional questions is that they do not bind either side to a specific offer and do not require unilateral concessions by one party.

7. With a growing number of countries are becoming actively engaged in world trade, business executives are faced with such a demanding environment for their commercial negotiations that they need to master negotiation skills in a global setting.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese

1. 任何一位团队成员都不可能具有使公司战略获得成功所需要的所有才能。首席谈判必须选拔那些具有综合专业技能以及个人素质的人才形成一支精干的队伍。一名成员的弱点必须能被另一名成员的优点所弥补。他们的人不仅要懂专业技术知识,而且还须具有交流和应用这些知识的能力。团队的组织与玩拼图游戏类似,只有将所有的拼板与其相应的位置进行对应,游戏才能成功。

2. 要想获得一个理想的协议,谈判者需要懂得谈判原则和谈判技巧。在国际商务谈判中有两条原则:谈判初期,谈判者对自己的预期目标要心中有数,不受对方任意操纵;谈判者需要提出要求,表明态度并坚持立场。

3. 随着越来越多的国家积极地从事国际贸易,商务谈判环境对企业经理提出了更高的要求,所以他们需要掌握在国际环境下的谈判技巧。

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1.The export sales contract should contain the following essentials: name and address of the parties involved, product, standards, specifications, quantity and total value, terms of delivery, terms of payments and signature of the parties.

2.Financial instruments mainly refer to bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques. And methods of payment mainly refer to remittance, collection, factoring, letter of credit and letter of guarantee.

3.Commercial documents, which contains commercial invoice, packing list, bill of lading, insurance policy, inspection certificate and certificate of origin, etc.

4.a bill of lading is an receipt issued by a carrier (a transporter of goods) to a shipper(or consignor)with whom the carrier has entered into a contract for the carriage of goods, which states that certain goods have been shipped on a particular ship or have been received for shipment.

5.A bill of exchange or draft is a negotiable instrument, signed and issued by the drawer, who authorizes the drawee to pay unconditionally a certain sum of money to the payee or the holder at sight or at a fixed or determinable future time.

6.a promissory note is a written promise to repay a loan or debt under specific terms - usually at a stated time, through a specified series of payments, or upon demand.

7.A letter of credit (L/C) is a document issued by a bank (the issuing bank), promising that it will effect the payment of the contract to the seller on the condition that the seller presents certain documents, such as commercial invoice, bill of lading, and any other documents required by the contract.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:





Chapter 3 Business Letters

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in your country, we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by the commencement of some practical transaction.

2. To facilitate your work in pushing the sales of our products, we are sending you by airmail a small sample. A copy of the relevant descriptive leaflet is enclosed.

3. We thank you for your inquiry and have pleasure in giving you the following offer, subject to prior sale.

4. We regret being unable to quote on FOB basis, as it is our general practice to do business with all our clients on CIF terms.

5. All the canned fruits and meats are to be packed in cartons. If the cartons are not strong enough, most of them will be liable to go broken on arrival. We would suggest that you strengthen the cartons with double straps.

6. Your shipment of table cloths arrived today. We have found two cartons of cloths are completely wet. Because of this, the items were damaged and cannot be sold. We are returning these two cartons today, and request immediate replacement of the damaged goods.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 关于我方5月25 日的发盘,很遗憾未能收到你方订单。自然我方的目录仅仅 表明了拖拉机各类品种中的标准型。很可能你方在其中未找到所需的型号。如果你方能提供确切而详细的要求,我方将补充发盘,并竭力满足你方的要求

2. 很高兴收到你方1月10日的询价,根据你方要求,今寄上带插图的目录及明细价格单。另封邮上一些样品,相信经查阅后,你方会同意我方产品质量上乘,价格合理。若每个货项的购买数量不少于五箩的话,我们可给百分之二的折扣。付款是凭不可撤消的即期信用证支付。

Chapter 4 Business Etiquette

III. Translate the following sentences or passages into English

1. If your visitor will only stay in your city for three or four days, remember to remind him to have his return flight reconfirmed at the airport. In many countries, a return flight has to be reconfirmed within 72 hours before departure.

2. Visa is an official stamp in a passport permitting its holder to travel into or through the country of the government issuing it.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 护照是由一个国家的政府发放,用于证明持有人的身份与国籍的,用于国际旅行的证件。护照上通常有持有者的姓名、出生日期、性别,出生地等个人身份证明信息。

2. 在国外进行商务旅行时,切记要随身携带名片。名片不要仅仅印有出访者自己国家的文字。因为英语属于国际通用语言,所以名片上至少要有一面是英文。携带特殊设计的印有您即将出访国家的文字的名片会让对方感到的细心、礼貌,更重要的是会让对方感觉您是一位非常胜任的国际商务人士。

Chapter 5 Export Procedures

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Preparation for many complicated documents is required by export business.

2. The contract concluded between the buyer and the seller is an officially –written agreement.

3. Several forms of contract are widely used in international trade, they are sales contract, purchase contract, and sales confirmation.

4. The terms and conditions specified in an L/C are mainly based on the contract between the buyer and the seller.

5. As per the shipper‟s letter of instructions, the carrier or shipping agent issues the B/L.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese

1. 当出口方和进口方之间有高度的信任,交易金额相对较小的时候,就使用简式的合同,即销售确认书。

2. 货物或服务名称


按照信用证受益人的MF03-09 号的销售确认书

样式号6624 单价美元3.75 每双 共2,970双 共计美元 11,137.50 样式号6725 单价美元3.80 每双 共 900双 共计美元 3,420.00 样式号7026 但见美元3.80 每双 共 540双 共计美元 2,052.00 --------------------------------- 总计数量和金额: 4,410 双, 16,609.50 美元


Chapter 6 Delivery Terms

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Every international contract also contains what is referred to as one of the Delivery Terms.

2. The full name of the INCOTERMS is „International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms‟.

3. The INCOTERMS is a universally recognized set of definitions of international trade terms.

4. The INCOTERMS defines the trade contract responsibilities and liabilities between buyer and seller

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 价格术语使国际贸易更加容易,有助于贸易商之间的理解。

2. 价格术语2000 的英语文本是原始的和正式的版本,该版本已经被联合国国际贸易法委员会认可。

Chapter 7 Remittance

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.In international money transfer, banks involved will perform at least two roles in the process, one being the remitting and the other the paying/receiving bank.

2. From the point of view of a domestic bank, a current account opened by a foreign bank with this domestic bank is referred to as your account (vostro account).

3. In remittance, instructions to transfer funds are always given by the remitting bank to the paying/receiving bank.

4. In T/T, the telegraphic message must be verified by a special authenticating code arrangement called “test key”.

5. The exporter presents a banker‟s demand draft to the paying bank for credit to his account.

6. He has no assurance that what he contracted for will be received within the agreed time period or received in quality or quantity ordered.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 汇款指的是一家银行(汇出行),在其客户(进口商)的要求下,将一定金额的货币转移给并指示它的海外分行或代理行(解付行 / 汇出行), 对在那个国家的指定人(收款人 / 受益人)进行支付

2. 与国内贸易相比,由于存在着语言、商业惯例以及法律法规的不同, 国际贸易需要特别的处理。国际贸易的结算方式比国内贸易的结算方式要复杂许多, 它要涉及出口商、进口商以及进出口商各自的银行,还涉及国家法律法规以及国际惯例。

Chapter 8 Collection

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Clean collection is an arrangement whereby the exporter draws a draft on the importer for the value of goods or services and only presents the draft to his bank.

2. According to different documents release conditions, documentary collection can further be divided into documents against payment (D/P) and documents against acceptance (D/A).

3. Collection order should state whether or not bank and other charges are for the account of the drawer or that of the drawee.

4. After shipment is made and shipping documents are obtained, the exporter fills in the application form for collection, draws a draft for the value of goods and sends the draft together with the application form and other relevant documents to his bank for collection.

5. Shipping documents usually refer to a complete set of clean on board bill of lading, made out to order and blank endorsed.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese

1. 如果进口商没有对汇票进行支付或承兑,他就不能获得货物。但是,货物却将抵达进口国的码头、机场或集装箱集散地。如果采用了仓储和保险条款,此条款就会指示这家国外银行在单据没有被领取的情况下仓储和保险货物。此项运作的开销将会先向出口商银行索取,然后出口商银行再借记其客户,也就是委托人的帐户。如果安排了货物的仓储和保险,货物就得到了保护,这时出口商就有时间寻找另一个买方或安排货物的回运。

2. 银行在运作中应保持善意和合理的慎行,必须确认收到的单据与托收指示中所列举的单据项目表面相符,必须立刻通知托收指示发出方任何缺失的单据。银行并不承担进一步检查单据内容的责任。

Chapter 9 Letter of Credit

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.A credit should indicate whether the nominated bank is requested or authorized to add its confirmation to the documentary credit.

2.Although credit is issued on the L/C Application Form. The credit, once issued, is a legally document, independent from the application form.

3.When the L/C is confirmed, the beneficiary has two independent payment undertakings against one credit, one being from the issuing bank and the other from the confirming bank.

4.The issuing bank will notify the importer upon the arrival of documents and documents will be released to the importer against his payment.

5.Negotiation means giving value for drafts and/or documents presented by the bank authorized to negotiate.

6.The advising bank is the correspondent bank of the issuing bank or its head office/branch located in the exporter‟s country.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 信用证可以指定被转让,允许第一受益人向被授权付款、承担延期付款责任、承兑、议付的银行充当转让行,将跟单信用证的金额转让给被称为“第二受益人”的一个或多个第三方。

2. 此信用证可以在任何时候,在没有通知你的情况下被取消或被修改。此通知不代表我方的任何承诺,只是用于引导你方的备货以及汇票和单据的提交。除非另有表述,本信用证遵从国际商会第500号出版物公布的跟单信用证统一规则的条款。

Chapter 10 Bond

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. A bond is a written promise issued by a guarantor, usually a bank , at the request of the applicant, undertaking to make payment to the beneficiary within the limits of a stated sum of money in the event of non-performance of the contractual obligations by the applicant.

2. Upon expiry this guarantee shall become null and void, whether returned to us for cancellation or not and any claim or statement received after expiry shall be ineffective.

3. This guarantee is continuing security and accordingly shall remain in force until the issuance of the notice for final acceptance of three (3) months after the early termination of the CONTRACT, whichever is earlier.

4. The evidence you have provided is inadequate, therefore, we cannot consider your claim as requested.

5. In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligations of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

3. 如果承包商在某方面未能履行合同项下义务或违约,我们作为担保人将执行或采取必要的措施来按照合同的规定履行义务,由于承包商未能履行合同或违约所造成的损失、赔偿、花费和费用将由我们担保人承担。

2. 如果甲方在任一方面不能履行合同或违约,则根据乙方第一次提出的不带证据和条件的要求,担保人在收到其要求后14天内,不论甲方或任何第三方是否有异议或反对,担保人都应立即支付总额为________美元的担保金。

Chapter 11 Marine Insurance

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Cargo insurance undertaken by the insurance company covers the risks arising from the maritime conveyance of merchandise from one country to another.

2.If the average is accidentally occasioned by some perils insured against, and not by the deliberate act of a person for the common benefit, that loss must be sustained exclusively by the person upon whom the damage falls.

3. Under FPA the insurer is free from paying claims for any particular average losses.

4. All risks cover all risks except civil disturbance, war and spoilage.

5. An insurance policy is a legal evidence of the agreement to insure, which may be issued at the time that the contract is made, or on a later date.

6.Time policies are rarely used in export transactions, but often used in hull insurance, that is, insurance on the ship as well we its machinery and equipment.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 流动保单是比较普遍的和方便的保险单形式。它的作用是保护那些天天或每周出运货物的定期贸易商人。它采用规定总金额和某种特定货物的总括保险单形式。每次出运都要凭保险单申报,保险单上的保险金额也按每次出运金额按比例减少。

2. 保险证明书是在已获得统保单下所使用的保险凭证。它一般包括两部分:第一部分详述货物予以承保的统保单的主要条款,第二部分包括对货物出运,投保金额,航程,唛头,件数和其他项目的申报。该凭证可以由投保人签字也可以由获得预约合约的保险经纪人签字。

Chapter 12 Business Ethics

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. If a company ignores business ethics, it is heading for trouble over the long run.

2. When the product of the company is found to be unsafe, the company should recall their product and warm the customers to get ride of it, and pay compensation for injury.

3. The company was faced with dilemma: should they spend millions to recall the product or encourage similar crimes.

4.A corporate scandal involves of some sort. A wave of such scandals swept companies in .

5. Business ethics, gives a discussion on the issue of social responsibility of enterprises. It further expounds the change of connotation on social responsibility of enterprises and the corresponding attitude which the enterprises should hold, so as to bring to the attention of both society and enterprises.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 该处于一九九七年为600家机构的员工进行了约150次防贪讲座,另为不同行业的前线工作者制作3套全新的职业道德培训录影带。

2. 企业的社会责任一直是商业伦理学或企业伦理学所关注和探讨的一个重要领域。在这一领域里, 要着重解决的理论难题是: 什么是企业的社会责任? 企业能否像单个的人一样来承担其行为及其后果的道德责任? 企业作为一个道德主体能否成立?

Chapter 13 Transportation Particulars

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hongkong is to be charged to your account.

2. The bulk carrier is in the process of being superseded by the container ship.

3. Freight rates charged by liners are determined in advance and discriminated among types of cargoes shipped.

4. A cargo liner has a scheduled itinerary in much the same way as a passenger liner.

5. Container ships can gain the savings in commodity costs from easier handling and in vessel costs from quicker turnaround.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese

1. 随着集装化运输的出现,联运作为一种新的运输方式出现。就是以至少两到三种运输方式将货物从一国某地运送到另一国某地,运输方式比如陆海、陆空、陆海空或海空陆。

2. 许多船公司在同一条船上既装杂货又装集装箱,这样可以克服集装箱适应性不强和杂货船装卸速度慢两方面的缺点。究竟采用集装箱船,还是部分使用集装箱船,或纯粹用杂货船,与航行的路线有很大关系。标准制品的货运量越大,大量使用集装箱的可能性越大。制造业国家之间的航线,集装箱运输占据主导地位。

Chapter 14 Commodities Inspection and Customs Formalities

III. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 在货物到达目的地港口卸货的…天内,如果中国进出口检验检疫局重新检查后,发现产品的数量、重量以及质量与合同规定的不符,买方应将货物退回,或按照检查证明向卖方索取赔偿金,除非,保险公司或承运人对赔偿承担责任。

2. 此外,在长距离运输或货物装卸过程中,由于各种各样的风险或承运人的失误会造成货物的丢失和损坏。为了确认责任和查明事实,权威当局作为公正主体对货物检验并颁发检验证明是必要。这些证明是进行货物运输、支付款项、提出和进行索赔的主要依据。

3. 如果有必要,商品检验当局可能会派遣人员到其管辖范围内的进出口货物储存点或者交易地点进行进出口产品的抽样检查,测试,核对和监督。



4. 销售商常常会要求提供估计发票和报价单,或者只要估计发票。

5. 除了上诉的项目清单,估计发票还应该包括证实估计发票真实和正确的声明,以及叙述产品原产地的声明

6. 如果出口商同意或者承诺了一个具体的价格,那么应明确说明这个价格的确切有效的期限

IV. Case study:

a) The importer should inspect the imports in time. If the goods are inconsistent

with the contract, we should lodge a claim in the legal periods.

b) Time limit of claims should be reasonable but not too short, especially for the mechanical machine in order to ensure the importer has enough time to inspect the equipment.

c) The guarantee period should be made clear in the contract.

d) We should strengthen the communication and cooperation between the enterprise management and enterprises, and inspect the imports timely, adequately.

Chapter 15 Claims, Force Majeure and Arbitration

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Dispute resolution is the process of resolving disputes between the parties involved. In the process, the methods of settling disputes, which the parties may use, include negotiation, mediation, arbitration, litigation, etc.

2. Traditional negotiating is sometimes called win-lose because the negotiators aim to get as much as they can for their side.

3. Integrative negotiation is an approach to collective bargaining intended to reach win-win outcomes for the negotiating parties.

4. The mediation shall, according to the stipulations of the contract and the law and by reference to the international practice, be conducted in light of the principles of objectivity, equity, fairness and rationality, so as to reach mutual understanding, mutual accommodation and the mediation between the parties.

5. All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall

then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decision made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.

6. An arbitration tribunal may comprise three arbitrators or one arbitrator. If an arbitration tribunal comprises three arbitrators, a presiding arbitrator shall be appointed.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 本合同应按1980年的联合国国际货物销售合同公约加以约束并解释。凡因执行本合同而引起或与之有关的纠纷,以及违约、终止、有效性等事宜,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,就应交付被诉方所在国进行仲裁. 仲裁地应由北京中国国际贸易促进委员会中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(1998), 根据该地的仲裁程序规定进行仲裁. 仲裁裁决是终局的, 对双方都有约束力. 仲裁费用除非仲裁机构另有决定外,均由败诉一方负担.

2. 本合同应受英国法律约束,并根据该法律进行解释。凡因执行本合同而引起或与之有关的纠纷,应提交于伦敦并根据1950与1979年的仲裁条款或任何当时有效力的新指定修正本等进行仲裁,每一方应各自任命一名仲裁员。一方当事人收到另一方仲裁员的提名就应该在14天内任命自己的仲裁员,否则单方任命的仲裁员的判决成效。如果正式任命的两名仲裁员不符,那么双方应该再任命一名仲裁员,该仲裁员的判决是终局的。

3. 本合同应按1980年的联合国国际货物销售合同公约加以约束并解释。凡因执行本合同而引起或与之有关的纠纷,以及违约、终止、有效性等事宜,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,该案就应交付北京中国国际贸易促进委员会中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(1998),根据该地的仲裁程序规定进行仲裁。仲裁是终局的,对双方都有约束力。

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Negotiation plays a basic part in conclusion of a contract and has direct influence on the conclusion and implementation of a contract, and also has a great bearing on the economic interest of the parties concerned.

2. Both parties must change as required of them by situations, if either of them fails to find out which type of negotiation is necessary in a particular situation, the odds are he will fail.

3. How to mak e both “sides” meet in negotiations without causing much loss to either, which may bring both out of the win-lose mix and help accomplish their objectives, requires creativity.

4. Every party must be aware of the danger of relying mainly on the competitive approach if a long-term relationship is to be developed and maintained.

5. Establishing credibility from the outset is essential if the discussions are to progress towards agreements.

6. One of the advantages of using conditional questions is that they do not bind either side to a specific offer and do not require unilateral concessions by one party.

7. With a growing number of countries are becoming actively engaged in world trade, business executives are faced with such a demanding environment for their commercial negotiations that they need to master negotiation skills in a global setting.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese

1. 任何一位团队成员都不可能具有使公司战略获得成功所需要的所有才能。首席谈判必须选拔那些具有综合专业技能以及个人素质的人才形成一支精干的队伍。一名成员的弱点必须能被另一名成员的优点所弥补。他们的人不仅要懂专业技术知识,而且还须具有交流和应用这些知识的能力。团队的组织与玩拼图游戏类似,只有将所有的拼板与其相应的位置进行对应,游戏才能成功。

2. 要想获得一个理想的协议,谈判者需要懂得谈判原则和谈判技巧。在国际商务谈判中有两条原则:谈判初期,谈判者对自己的预期目标要心中有数,不受对方任意操纵;谈判者需要提出要求,表明态度并坚持立场。

3. 随着越来越多的国家积极地从事国际贸易,商务谈判环境对企业经理提出了更高的要求,所以他们需要掌握在国际环境下的谈判技巧。

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1.The export sales contract should contain the following essentials: name and address of the parties involved, product, standards, specifications, quantity and total value, terms of delivery, terms of payments and signature of the parties.

2.Financial instruments mainly refer to bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques. And methods of payment mainly refer to remittance, collection, factoring, letter of credit and letter of guarantee.

3.Commercial documents, which contains commercial invoice, packing list, bill of lading, insurance policy, inspection certificate and certificate of origin, etc.

4.a bill of lading is an receipt issued by a carrier (a transporter of goods) to a shipper(or consignor)with whom the carrier has entered into a contract for the carriage of goods, which states that certain goods have been shipped on a particular ship or have been received for shipment.

5.A bill of exchange or draft is a negotiable instrument, signed and issued by the drawer, who authorizes the drawee to pay unconditionally a certain sum of money to the payee or the holder at sight or at a fixed or determinable future time.

6.a promissory note is a written promise to repay a loan or debt under specific terms - usually at a stated time, through a specified series of payments, or upon demand.

7.A letter of credit (L/C) is a document issued by a bank (the issuing bank), promising that it will effect the payment of the contract to the seller on the condition that the seller presents certain documents, such as commercial invoice, bill of lading, and any other documents required by the contract.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:





Chapter 3 Business Letters

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in your country, we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by the commencement of some practical transaction.

2. To facilitate your work in pushing the sales of our products, we are sending you by airmail a small sample. A copy of the relevant descriptive leaflet is enclosed.

3. We thank you for your inquiry and have pleasure in giving you the following offer, subject to prior sale.

4. We regret being unable to quote on FOB basis, as it is our general practice to do business with all our clients on CIF terms.

5. All the canned fruits and meats are to be packed in cartons. If the cartons are not strong enough, most of them will be liable to go broken on arrival. We would suggest that you strengthen the cartons with double straps.

6. Your shipment of table cloths arrived today. We have found two cartons of cloths are completely wet. Because of this, the items were damaged and cannot be sold. We are returning these two cartons today, and request immediate replacement of the damaged goods.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 关于我方5月25 日的发盘,很遗憾未能收到你方订单。自然我方的目录仅仅 表明了拖拉机各类品种中的标准型。很可能你方在其中未找到所需的型号。如果你方能提供确切而详细的要求,我方将补充发盘,并竭力满足你方的要求

2. 很高兴收到你方1月10日的询价,根据你方要求,今寄上带插图的目录及明细价格单。另封邮上一些样品,相信经查阅后,你方会同意我方产品质量上乘,价格合理。若每个货项的购买数量不少于五箩的话,我们可给百分之二的折扣。付款是凭不可撤消的即期信用证支付。

Chapter 4 Business Etiquette

III. Translate the following sentences or passages into English

1. If your visitor will only stay in your city for three or four days, remember to remind him to have his return flight reconfirmed at the airport. In many countries, a return flight has to be reconfirmed within 72 hours before departure.

2. Visa is an official stamp in a passport permitting its holder to travel into or through the country of the government issuing it.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 护照是由一个国家的政府发放,用于证明持有人的身份与国籍的,用于国际旅行的证件。护照上通常有持有者的姓名、出生日期、性别,出生地等个人身份证明信息。

2. 在国外进行商务旅行时,切记要随身携带名片。名片不要仅仅印有出访者自己国家的文字。因为英语属于国际通用语言,所以名片上至少要有一面是英文。携带特殊设计的印有您即将出访国家的文字的名片会让对方感到的细心、礼貌,更重要的是会让对方感觉您是一位非常胜任的国际商务人士。

Chapter 5 Export Procedures

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Preparation for many complicated documents is required by export business.

2. The contract concluded between the buyer and the seller is an officially –written agreement.

3. Several forms of contract are widely used in international trade, they are sales contract, purchase contract, and sales confirmation.

4. The terms and conditions specified in an L/C are mainly based on the contract between the buyer and the seller.

5. As per the shipper‟s letter of instructions, the carrier or shipping agent issues the B/L.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese

1. 当出口方和进口方之间有高度的信任,交易金额相对较小的时候,就使用简式的合同,即销售确认书。

2. 货物或服务名称


按照信用证受益人的MF03-09 号的销售确认书

样式号6624 单价美元3.75 每双 共2,970双 共计美元 11,137.50 样式号6725 单价美元3.80 每双 共 900双 共计美元 3,420.00 样式号7026 但见美元3.80 每双 共 540双 共计美元 2,052.00 --------------------------------- 总计数量和金额: 4,410 双, 16,609.50 美元


Chapter 6 Delivery Terms

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Every international contract also contains what is referred to as one of the Delivery Terms.

2. The full name of the INCOTERMS is „International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms‟.

3. The INCOTERMS is a universally recognized set of definitions of international trade terms.

4. The INCOTERMS defines the trade contract responsibilities and liabilities between buyer and seller

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 价格术语使国际贸易更加容易,有助于贸易商之间的理解。

2. 价格术语2000 的英语文本是原始的和正式的版本,该版本已经被联合国国际贸易法委员会认可。

Chapter 7 Remittance

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.In international money transfer, banks involved will perform at least two roles in the process, one being the remitting and the other the paying/receiving bank.

2. From the point of view of a domestic bank, a current account opened by a foreign bank with this domestic bank is referred to as your account (vostro account).

3. In remittance, instructions to transfer funds are always given by the remitting bank to the paying/receiving bank.

4. In T/T, the telegraphic message must be verified by a special authenticating code arrangement called “test key”.

5. The exporter presents a banker‟s demand draft to the paying bank for credit to his account.

6. He has no assurance that what he contracted for will be received within the agreed time period or received in quality or quantity ordered.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 汇款指的是一家银行(汇出行),在其客户(进口商)的要求下,将一定金额的货币转移给并指示它的海外分行或代理行(解付行 / 汇出行), 对在那个国家的指定人(收款人 / 受益人)进行支付

2. 与国内贸易相比,由于存在着语言、商业惯例以及法律法规的不同, 国际贸易需要特别的处理。国际贸易的结算方式比国内贸易的结算方式要复杂许多, 它要涉及出口商、进口商以及进出口商各自的银行,还涉及国家法律法规以及国际惯例。

Chapter 8 Collection

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Clean collection is an arrangement whereby the exporter draws a draft on the importer for the value of goods or services and only presents the draft to his bank.

2. According to different documents release conditions, documentary collection can further be divided into documents against payment (D/P) and documents against acceptance (D/A).

3. Collection order should state whether or not bank and other charges are for the account of the drawer or that of the drawee.

4. After shipment is made and shipping documents are obtained, the exporter fills in the application form for collection, draws a draft for the value of goods and sends the draft together with the application form and other relevant documents to his bank for collection.

5. Shipping documents usually refer to a complete set of clean on board bill of lading, made out to order and blank endorsed.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese

1. 如果进口商没有对汇票进行支付或承兑,他就不能获得货物。但是,货物却将抵达进口国的码头、机场或集装箱集散地。如果采用了仓储和保险条款,此条款就会指示这家国外银行在单据没有被领取的情况下仓储和保险货物。此项运作的开销将会先向出口商银行索取,然后出口商银行再借记其客户,也就是委托人的帐户。如果安排了货物的仓储和保险,货物就得到了保护,这时出口商就有时间寻找另一个买方或安排货物的回运。

2. 银行在运作中应保持善意和合理的慎行,必须确认收到的单据与托收指示中所列举的单据项目表面相符,必须立刻通知托收指示发出方任何缺失的单据。银行并不承担进一步检查单据内容的责任。

Chapter 9 Letter of Credit

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.A credit should indicate whether the nominated bank is requested or authorized to add its confirmation to the documentary credit.

2.Although credit is issued on the L/C Application Form. The credit, once issued, is a legally document, independent from the application form.

3.When the L/C is confirmed, the beneficiary has two independent payment undertakings against one credit, one being from the issuing bank and the other from the confirming bank.

4.The issuing bank will notify the importer upon the arrival of documents and documents will be released to the importer against his payment.

5.Negotiation means giving value for drafts and/or documents presented by the bank authorized to negotiate.

6.The advising bank is the correspondent bank of the issuing bank or its head office/branch located in the exporter‟s country.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 信用证可以指定被转让,允许第一受益人向被授权付款、承担延期付款责任、承兑、议付的银行充当转让行,将跟单信用证的金额转让给被称为“第二受益人”的一个或多个第三方。

2. 此信用证可以在任何时候,在没有通知你的情况下被取消或被修改。此通知不代表我方的任何承诺,只是用于引导你方的备货以及汇票和单据的提交。除非另有表述,本信用证遵从国际商会第500号出版物公布的跟单信用证统一规则的条款。

Chapter 10 Bond

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. A bond is a written promise issued by a guarantor, usually a bank , at the request of the applicant, undertaking to make payment to the beneficiary within the limits of a stated sum of money in the event of non-performance of the contractual obligations by the applicant.

2. Upon expiry this guarantee shall become null and void, whether returned to us for cancellation or not and any claim or statement received after expiry shall be ineffective.

3. This guarantee is continuing security and accordingly shall remain in force until the issuance of the notice for final acceptance of three (3) months after the early termination of the CONTRACT, whichever is earlier.

4. The evidence you have provided is inadequate, therefore, we cannot consider your claim as requested.

5. In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligations of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

3. 如果承包商在某方面未能履行合同项下义务或违约,我们作为担保人将执行或采取必要的措施来按照合同的规定履行义务,由于承包商未能履行合同或违约所造成的损失、赔偿、花费和费用将由我们担保人承担。

2. 如果甲方在任一方面不能履行合同或违约,则根据乙方第一次提出的不带证据和条件的要求,担保人在收到其要求后14天内,不论甲方或任何第三方是否有异议或反对,担保人都应立即支付总额为________美元的担保金。

Chapter 11 Marine Insurance

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Cargo insurance undertaken by the insurance company covers the risks arising from the maritime conveyance of merchandise from one country to another.

2.If the average is accidentally occasioned by some perils insured against, and not by the deliberate act of a person for the common benefit, that loss must be sustained exclusively by the person upon whom the damage falls.

3. Under FPA the insurer is free from paying claims for any particular average losses.

4. All risks cover all risks except civil disturbance, war and spoilage.

5. An insurance policy is a legal evidence of the agreement to insure, which may be issued at the time that the contract is made, or on a later date.

6.Time policies are rarely used in export transactions, but often used in hull insurance, that is, insurance on the ship as well we its machinery and equipment.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 流动保单是比较普遍的和方便的保险单形式。它的作用是保护那些天天或每周出运货物的定期贸易商人。它采用规定总金额和某种特定货物的总括保险单形式。每次出运都要凭保险单申报,保险单上的保险金额也按每次出运金额按比例减少。

2. 保险证明书是在已获得统保单下所使用的保险凭证。它一般包括两部分:第一部分详述货物予以承保的统保单的主要条款,第二部分包括对货物出运,投保金额,航程,唛头,件数和其他项目的申报。该凭证可以由投保人签字也可以由获得预约合约的保险经纪人签字。

Chapter 12 Business Ethics

III. Translate the following sentences into English

1. If a company ignores business ethics, it is heading for trouble over the long run.

2. When the product of the company is found to be unsafe, the company should recall their product and warm the customers to get ride of it, and pay compensation for injury.

3. The company was faced with dilemma: should they spend millions to recall the product or encourage similar crimes.

4.A corporate scandal involves of some sort. A wave of such scandals swept companies in .

5. Business ethics, gives a discussion on the issue of social responsibility of enterprises. It further expounds the change of connotation on social responsibility of enterprises and the corresponding attitude which the enterprises should hold, so as to bring to the attention of both society and enterprises.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 该处于一九九七年为600家机构的员工进行了约150次防贪讲座,另为不同行业的前线工作者制作3套全新的职业道德培训录影带。

2. 企业的社会责任一直是商业伦理学或企业伦理学所关注和探讨的一个重要领域。在这一领域里, 要着重解决的理论难题是: 什么是企业的社会责任? 企业能否像单个的人一样来承担其行为及其后果的道德责任? 企业作为一个道德主体能否成立?

Chapter 13 Transportation Particulars

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hongkong is to be charged to your account.

2. The bulk carrier is in the process of being superseded by the container ship.

3. Freight rates charged by liners are determined in advance and discriminated among types of cargoes shipped.

4. A cargo liner has a scheduled itinerary in much the same way as a passenger liner.

5. Container ships can gain the savings in commodity costs from easier handling and in vessel costs from quicker turnaround.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese

1. 随着集装化运输的出现,联运作为一种新的运输方式出现。就是以至少两到三种运输方式将货物从一国某地运送到另一国某地,运输方式比如陆海、陆空、陆海空或海空陆。

2. 许多船公司在同一条船上既装杂货又装集装箱,这样可以克服集装箱适应性不强和杂货船装卸速度慢两方面的缺点。究竟采用集装箱船,还是部分使用集装箱船,或纯粹用杂货船,与航行的路线有很大关系。标准制品的货运量越大,大量使用集装箱的可能性越大。制造业国家之间的航线,集装箱运输占据主导地位。

Chapter 14 Commodities Inspection and Customs Formalities

III. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 在货物到达目的地港口卸货的…天内,如果中国进出口检验检疫局重新检查后,发现产品的数量、重量以及质量与合同规定的不符,买方应将货物退回,或按照检查证明向卖方索取赔偿金,除非,保险公司或承运人对赔偿承担责任。

2. 此外,在长距离运输或货物装卸过程中,由于各种各样的风险或承运人的失误会造成货物的丢失和损坏。为了确认责任和查明事实,权威当局作为公正主体对货物检验并颁发检验证明是必要。这些证明是进行货物运输、支付款项、提出和进行索赔的主要依据。

3. 如果有必要,商品检验当局可能会派遣人员到其管辖范围内的进出口货物储存点或者交易地点进行进出口产品的抽样检查,测试,核对和监督。



4. 销售商常常会要求提供估计发票和报价单,或者只要估计发票。

5. 除了上诉的项目清单,估计发票还应该包括证实估计发票真实和正确的声明,以及叙述产品原产地的声明

6. 如果出口商同意或者承诺了一个具体的价格,那么应明确说明这个价格的确切有效的期限

IV. Case study:

a) The importer should inspect the imports in time. If the goods are inconsistent

with the contract, we should lodge a claim in the legal periods.

b) Time limit of claims should be reasonable but not too short, especially for the mechanical machine in order to ensure the importer has enough time to inspect the equipment.

c) The guarantee period should be made clear in the contract.

d) We should strengthen the communication and cooperation between the enterprise management and enterprises, and inspect the imports timely, adequately.

Chapter 15 Claims, Force Majeure and Arbitration

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Dispute resolution is the process of resolving disputes between the parties involved. In the process, the methods of settling disputes, which the parties may use, include negotiation, mediation, arbitration, litigation, etc.

2. Traditional negotiating is sometimes called win-lose because the negotiators aim to get as much as they can for their side.

3. Integrative negotiation is an approach to collective bargaining intended to reach win-win outcomes for the negotiating parties.

4. The mediation shall, according to the stipulations of the contract and the law and by reference to the international practice, be conducted in light of the principles of objectivity, equity, fairness and rationality, so as to reach mutual understanding, mutual accommodation and the mediation between the parties.

5. All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall

then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decision made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.

6. An arbitration tribunal may comprise three arbitrators or one arbitrator. If an arbitration tribunal comprises three arbitrators, a presiding arbitrator shall be appointed.

IV. Translate the following passages into Chinese:

1. 本合同应按1980年的联合国国际货物销售合同公约加以约束并解释。凡因执行本合同而引起或与之有关的纠纷,以及违约、终止、有效性等事宜,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,就应交付被诉方所在国进行仲裁. 仲裁地应由北京中国国际贸易促进委员会中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(1998), 根据该地的仲裁程序规定进行仲裁. 仲裁裁决是终局的, 对双方都有约束力. 仲裁费用除非仲裁机构另有决定外,均由败诉一方负担.

2. 本合同应受英国法律约束,并根据该法律进行解释。凡因执行本合同而引起或与之有关的纠纷,应提交于伦敦并根据1950与1979年的仲裁条款或任何当时有效力的新指定修正本等进行仲裁,每一方应各自任命一名仲裁员。一方当事人收到另一方仲裁员的提名就应该在14天内任命自己的仲裁员,否则单方任命的仲裁员的判决成效。如果正式任命的两名仲裁员不符,那么双方应该再任命一名仲裁员,该仲裁员的判决是终局的。

3. 本合同应按1980年的联合国国际货物销售合同公约加以约束并解释。凡因执行本合同而引起或与之有关的纠纷,以及违约、终止、有效性等事宜,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,该案就应交付北京中国国际贸易促进委员会中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(1998),根据该地的仲裁程序规定进行仲裁。仲裁是终局的,对双方都有约束力。


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  • 1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼. 2) In general children are hea ...查看

  • 翻译硕士MTI参考书目
  • 安徽师范大学 初试: 1. 211翻译硕士英语:有关英语八级考试的书籍: 2. 357英语翻译基础: <实用翻译教程(修订版)>,刘季春主编,中山大学出版社,2007年. <英汉翻译基础教程>,冯庆华.穆雷主编,高等 ...查看

  • 新编大学英语4(第三版)课后翻译UNIT1-6
  • Unit 1 1. Lively behavior is normal (活泼的举止是正常的) for a four-year-old child. 2. Fast cars appeal to John (速度快的车对约翰有吸引力), b ...查看

  • 新编大学英语4课后翻译
  • 新编大学英语4课后翻译 Unit one 1. Lively behavior is normal for a four-year-old child. (活泼的举止是正常的) 2. Fast cars appeal to John, bu ...查看

  • (商务)英语专业考证大全
  • (商务)英语专业必考证 在受金融危机影响,今年就业形势更严峻的情况下,更多的竞争者抢变少的职位,求职者没有一些额外的筹码,很难在竞争中赢得优势,很多大学毕业生选择参加英语培训作为就业的转机. 大二:英语专业四级考试: 计算机二级考试:(已过 ...查看

  • 新编大学英语2,课后翻译
  • 分享新编大学英语2课后题答案Unit One (P13)He walks slowly because of his bad leg.He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.He ...查看

  • 华中师范大学翻译硕士
  • 1.7上午政治不多说 1.7下午的翻硕英语 第一题20个单选30分 难度还行 主要是单词要背好了 第二部分是阅读5篇40分 前三篇是15个选择 很简单~~第四篇根据阅读给了两句话要让判断正误 True ,False or Not given ...查看
