
Unit 1 (Book 2)

1. rare adj. : existing only in small numbers and therefore valuable or interesting 稀有的;

罕见的; 还有 “杰出的, 气体稀薄”等含义。( rarely adv. 很少; 不平凡地 rareness n. 稀奇;珍贵 )

(1) 她喜欢收集稀有植物。

(2) (非常少见) to find such bird in this country.

(3) She rarely met him when he was in university, (不是吗)?

2. valuable adj. worth a lot of money 贵重的; very useful or important = of value(n.) 有


(of importance = important ,of interest= interesting of use= useful of help= helpful) – valueless adj. 无价值的 invaluable adj. 无价的

(1) 玛丽把她的贵重首饰保存在保险箱里。

(2) Remember that time is much more .

= Remember that time is .

(3) 你的建议对于学习英语的人很有帮助。

(4) 他们对于学习英语的人很有用。

(5) The book that he considered

proved to us. 被他当作没有用的那本书对我们很有用。

“of +抽象名词”表示人或事物所具有的特征,特性,可在句中做表语或后置定语。of the fancy style / of the same kind / of the different sizes / of the same colour

3. survive vt. / vi. : to continue to live or exist 幸存,幸免于; survive from 从…存留下来

----suvival n. 幸存(e.g. survival of the fittest 适者生存) survivor n. 幸存者


4. in search of = looking for = in the / one’s search for 寻找 / search vt./ vi. Search sb.

/sth 搜身/ 搜查某物 search for 寻找 search out 找出, 发现

(1) 他进入厨房想找点水喝。

(2) 他搜遍整个书包却找不到英语书。

5. select vt. : to choose sb. / sth. usually carefully, from a group of people or things ----

selection n. selective adj.

(1) Our teacher is selecting players the school football team.

(2) The students in Class Two selected the handsome boy

the monitor.

(3) They will select one theatre company the 6 to take part in this year’s festival.

select / choose辨析: select 指有目的地, 仔细认真地选择, 强调被选择的事物在客观上的优劣; choose 侧重凭个人的判断进行选择, 强调主观性

(1) 他们是从许多申请人中选出来的。

(2) 从四个选项中选出最佳答案。

6. fancy adj. / vt. : not plain or ordinary; unusual 奇特的, 异样的/ to form a picture of;

imagine 想象, 设想; to have a liking for 爱好 / n. 想象力 , 设想, 爱好

fancy that 以为 / fancy (sb’s) doing sth 想象(某人) 做某事 / fancy sb. to be / as 认为某人会成为…/ fancy oneself 自负; 自命不凡 / catch / take sb.’s fancy 吸引某人; 取悦某人/ after sb’s fancy 和某人意的

7. decorate vt. : to make sth look more attractive by putting things on it 装饰 ( decorate sth

with sth) ----decoration n. 装饰 decorative adj. 装饰性的 decorator n. 装饰者

(1) 他用自己喜爱的体育明星像来装饰房间。

8. belong to : to be owned by sth./ sb. 属于 (是不及物动词, 不能用进行时态和被动语态)


9. in return (for) : as a way of thanking sb. or paying them for sth they have done 作为报答;


(1) 我送给她一份礼物以感谢她对母亲的照顾.

10. at war : in a state of war 处于交战状态; (oppo. in / at peace) 介词at 表示状态, 与名词连

用, 名词前一般不加冠词at play 在玩 ; at rest 在休息 ; at work 在工作 ; at school 在上学 ; at dinner / table / meal 在吃饭

(1) The country used to be

but now it is and many people have been killed.

(2) It’s bad manners to make eating noises when

in western countries.

(3) He was when I called on him at his office.

11. remove vt. : to take sth / sb. away from a place 移动 , 搬开 ----removal n. 移动

remover n. 搬运工, 搬家公司

(1) 他去年从农村搬到了城市.

12. less than : be smaller in number or amount 少于, 一点不, 根本不 ---- no less than

和…一样 less and less 越来越小

(1) He found the job

interesting after doing it for five years.

(2) We can just arrive at the station one hour, so take it easy.

(3) The flood led to 5,000 people to lose their homes.

(4) She was helpful, so we had to depend on ourselves.

13. doubt n. : a feeling of being uncertain about sth. or not believing sth. 怀疑, 疑惑 / v.

to feel uncertain about sth or to think sth unlikely 怀疑, 不信 ----beyond / out of doubt 毫无疑问地 ; in doubt 感到怀疑的; no doubt 无疑地; without doubt; 无疑地 / There is no doubt that 毫无怀疑的(doubt的否定和疑问句只接that引导的宾语从句; 其肯定句后接whether / if的宾语从句

(1) I don’t doubt he can finish the task on time.

(2) I doubt he can swim across the river.

(3) He had his doubts they would give him another chance to have a try.

14. worth prep. : having a value in money, etc 值……钱; 相当于……价值 ; n. the value,

usefulness, or importance that sth is considered to have 价值, 作用 ----be worth (doing) sth 值得; worthless adj. 无价值的; 无用的

(1) 这辆自行车值50美元.

(2) 这本小说值得读两遍.

(3) 这些活动有助于儿童培养自身的价值感.

15. take apart : to separate sth into the different parts that it is made of 拆开, 可拆开

(1) 这台机器可拆洗.

16. think highly of(be highly thought of) : to have a very good opinion of sb. / sth 看重, 器重

---- speak highly of 赞扬, 重视 think much / a lot / well of 重视 think little / poorly / nothing of 轻视

(1) 老板很重视他厂里的所有工人

(2) 为了不受人轻视, 他努力工作

Unit 1 (Book 2)

1. rare adj. : existing only in small numbers and therefore valuable or interesting 稀有的;

罕见的; 还有 “杰出的, 气体稀薄”等含义。( rarely adv. 很少; 不平凡地 rareness n. 稀奇;珍贵 )

(1) 她喜欢收集稀有植物。

(2) (非常少见) to find such bird in this country.

(3) She rarely met him when he was in university, (不是吗)?

2. valuable adj. worth a lot of money 贵重的; very useful or important = of value(n.) 有


(of importance = important ,of interest= interesting of use= useful of help= helpful) – valueless adj. 无价值的 invaluable adj. 无价的

(1) 玛丽把她的贵重首饰保存在保险箱里。

(2) Remember that time is much more .

= Remember that time is .

(3) 你的建议对于学习英语的人很有帮助。

(4) 他们对于学习英语的人很有用。

(5) The book that he considered

proved to us. 被他当作没有用的那本书对我们很有用。

“of +抽象名词”表示人或事物所具有的特征,特性,可在句中做表语或后置定语。of the fancy style / of the same kind / of the different sizes / of the same colour

3. survive vt. / vi. : to continue to live or exist 幸存,幸免于; survive from 从…存留下来

----suvival n. 幸存(e.g. survival of the fittest 适者生存) survivor n. 幸存者


4. in search of = looking for = in the / one’s search for 寻找 / search vt./ vi. Search sb.

/sth 搜身/ 搜查某物 search for 寻找 search out 找出, 发现

(1) 他进入厨房想找点水喝。

(2) 他搜遍整个书包却找不到英语书。

5. select vt. : to choose sb. / sth. usually carefully, from a group of people or things ----

selection n. selective adj.

(1) Our teacher is selecting players the school football team.

(2) The students in Class Two selected the handsome boy

the monitor.

(3) They will select one theatre company the 6 to take part in this year’s festival.

select / choose辨析: select 指有目的地, 仔细认真地选择, 强调被选择的事物在客观上的优劣; choose 侧重凭个人的判断进行选择, 强调主观性

(1) 他们是从许多申请人中选出来的。

(2) 从四个选项中选出最佳答案。

6. fancy adj. / vt. : not plain or ordinary; unusual 奇特的, 异样的/ to form a picture of;

imagine 想象, 设想; to have a liking for 爱好 / n. 想象力 , 设想, 爱好

fancy that 以为 / fancy (sb’s) doing sth 想象(某人) 做某事 / fancy sb. to be / as 认为某人会成为…/ fancy oneself 自负; 自命不凡 / catch / take sb.’s fancy 吸引某人; 取悦某人/ after sb’s fancy 和某人意的

7. decorate vt. : to make sth look more attractive by putting things on it 装饰 ( decorate sth

with sth) ----decoration n. 装饰 decorative adj. 装饰性的 decorator n. 装饰者

(1) 他用自己喜爱的体育明星像来装饰房间。

8. belong to : to be owned by sth./ sb. 属于 (是不及物动词, 不能用进行时态和被动语态)


9. in return (for) : as a way of thanking sb. or paying them for sth they have done 作为报答;


(1) 我送给她一份礼物以感谢她对母亲的照顾.

10. at war : in a state of war 处于交战状态; (oppo. in / at peace) 介词at 表示状态, 与名词连

用, 名词前一般不加冠词at play 在玩 ; at rest 在休息 ; at work 在工作 ; at school 在上学 ; at dinner / table / meal 在吃饭

(1) The country used to be

but now it is and many people have been killed.

(2) It’s bad manners to make eating noises when

in western countries.

(3) He was when I called on him at his office.

11. remove vt. : to take sth / sb. away from a place 移动 , 搬开 ----removal n. 移动

remover n. 搬运工, 搬家公司

(1) 他去年从农村搬到了城市.

12. less than : be smaller in number or amount 少于, 一点不, 根本不 ---- no less than

和…一样 less and less 越来越小

(1) He found the job

interesting after doing it for five years.

(2) We can just arrive at the station one hour, so take it easy.

(3) The flood led to 5,000 people to lose their homes.

(4) She was helpful, so we had to depend on ourselves.

13. doubt n. : a feeling of being uncertain about sth. or not believing sth. 怀疑, 疑惑 / v.

to feel uncertain about sth or to think sth unlikely 怀疑, 不信 ----beyond / out of doubt 毫无疑问地 ; in doubt 感到怀疑的; no doubt 无疑地; without doubt; 无疑地 / There is no doubt that 毫无怀疑的(doubt的否定和疑问句只接that引导的宾语从句; 其肯定句后接whether / if的宾语从句

(1) I don’t doubt he can finish the task on time.

(2) I doubt he can swim across the river.

(3) He had his doubts they would give him another chance to have a try.

14. worth prep. : having a value in money, etc 值……钱; 相当于……价值 ; n. the value,

usefulness, or importance that sth is considered to have 价值, 作用 ----be worth (doing) sth 值得; worthless adj. 无价值的; 无用的

(1) 这辆自行车值50美元.

(2) 这本小说值得读两遍.

(3) 这些活动有助于儿童培养自身的价值感.

15. take apart : to separate sth into the different parts that it is made of 拆开, 可拆开

(1) 这台机器可拆洗.

16. think highly of(be highly thought of) : to have a very good opinion of sb. / sth 看重, 器重

---- speak highly of 赞扬, 重视 think much / a lot / well of 重视 think little / poorly / nothing of 轻视

(1) 老板很重视他厂里的所有工人

(2) 为了不受人轻视, 他努力工作


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