
"Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're going to get. "Forrest gump mother's this words, in the beginning of the film with this sentence gave me a deep thinking: Every life are in different places there, and is unique there.

Forrest gump life movement is it according to this word, such teaching and step by step walk different life path? In the film, forrest gump from IQ is only 75 points and have to enter the special school, to master football, to the Vietnam war hero, to shrimp boat captain, went to the United States... Forrest gump with birth defects body, to many people may sound intelligence throughout his life also elusive height. On him, we see the loyal, honest, persistent, friendly these in human nature which is most

outstanding .We also see the persistence of life, a life of hope, faith and the ordinary life, dash forward show the unusual life. So the story always let us be moved, and then let us hard to forget.

Maybe, in ten years, twenty years, even more ancient later, we still remember that once intellectually disabled but ran out of the different life's forrest gump.


阿甘的生命乐章是不是就是根据这样的话,这样的教诲, 而一步一步的走着不一样的人生道路?影片里的阿甘从智商只有75分而不得不进入特殊学校,到橄榄球健将,到越战英雄,到虾船船长,到跑遍美国„„阿甘以先天缺陷的身躯,达到了许多智力健全的人也许终其一生也难以企及的高度。在他身上,我们看到了忠诚,守信,执着,友善这些人性中最优秀可贵的品质;看到了对生命的执着,对生活的希望,对信念的坚定,还有那平凡的生命里,突显的不平凡人生。这样的故事总是让我们感动,然后让我们难以忘记。


"Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're going to get. "Forrest gump mother's this words, in the beginning of the film with this sentence gave me a deep thinking: Every life are in different places there, and is unique there.

Forrest gump life movement is it according to this word, such teaching and step by step walk different life path? In the film, forrest gump from IQ is only 75 points and have to enter the special school, to master football, to the Vietnam war hero, to shrimp boat captain, went to the United States... Forrest gump with birth defects body, to many people may sound intelligence throughout his life also elusive height. On him, we see the loyal, honest, persistent, friendly these in human nature which is most

outstanding .We also see the persistence of life, a life of hope, faith and the ordinary life, dash forward show the unusual life. So the story always let us be moved, and then let us hard to forget.

Maybe, in ten years, twenty years, even more ancient later, we still remember that once intellectually disabled but ran out of the different life's forrest gump.


阿甘的生命乐章是不是就是根据这样的话,这样的教诲, 而一步一步的走着不一样的人生道路?影片里的阿甘从智商只有75分而不得不进入特殊学校,到橄榄球健将,到越战英雄,到虾船船长,到跑遍美国„„阿甘以先天缺陷的身躯,达到了许多智力健全的人也许终其一生也难以企及的高度。在他身上,我们看到了忠诚,守信,执着,友善这些人性中最优秀可贵的品质;看到了对生命的执着,对生活的希望,对信念的坚定,还有那平凡的生命里,突显的不平凡人生。这样的故事总是让我们感动,然后让我们难以忘记。



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