
1. abhor = loathe 憎恶

2. annihilate= eradicate 毁灭

3. baffle= bemuse 使困惑

4. brace= strut 支撑

5. cede= relinquish 让出,放弃

6. conurbation= metropolis 大都市

7. treachery= duplicity 背叛

8. offhand= flippant 不友好的,无礼的

9. supposition= hypothesis 猜测,假设

10. titanic= colossal 巨大的

11. abject= wretched 悲惨的,卑鄙的

12. anomaly= abnormality 异常

13. badger= pester 纠缠

14. boo= catcall 嘘声

15. caste= hierarchy 等级制度

16. congenital= hereditary 先天的

17. overt= observable 明显的

18. steep= drench 使浸透

19. straggle= rampant 蔓延的,散漫的

20. suggestive= evocative 提示的

21. inequity= injustice

22. anonymity= obscurity

23. blunder= flounder

24. capricious= whimsical

25. condescend=patronize

26. fissure= fracture

27. meticulous= scrupulous

28. slavery=servile

29. strenuous= backbreaking

30. tenet= dogma

31. avid= ardent

32. antipathy= animosity

33. babble= gibber

34. bliss= ecstasy

35. calamity= catastrophe

36. conciliate= mollify

37. disentangle= extricate

38. ignominy= fiasco

39. lukewarm= tepid

40. pretentious= ostentatious

41. aversion= loathing

42. bizarre= weird

43. cajole= coax

44. compulsion= coercion

45. discreet= judicious

46. garland= festoon

47. infidelity= adultery

48. influx= inflow

49. insurrection= uprising

50. pertinent= apposite

51. arbiter= intermediary

52. avalanche= inundate

53. beneficiary= recipient

54. cache= hoard

55. communicable= contagious

56. deplore= lament

57. empathy= affinity

58. facet= aspect

59. indigenous= aboriginal

60. externalize= incarnate

61. amass= accumulate

62. arbitrary= capricious

63. autograph= signature

64. beguile= bamboozle

65. bypass= evade

66. collude= conspire

67. delirious= feverish

68. logo= icon

69. mesmerizing= hypnotize

70. protocol= etiquette

71. ambivalent= equivocal

72. archetype= prototype

73. austerity= ascetic

74. befall= ensue

75. buzzword= catchword

76. christen= baptize

77. dehydrate= desiccate

78. grotesque= bizarre

79. transient= ephemeral

80. unorthodox= heretical

81. anarchic= chaotic

82. ardent= fervent

83. augment= magnify

84. bashful= coy

85. buoyancy= resilience

86. charisma= glamour

87. decimate= devastate

88. outgoing= gregarious

89. warrior= gladiator

90. weird= eerie

91. animation= exhilaration

92. ascribe= attribute

93. assiduous= unremitting

94. banish= evict

95. budding= sprouting

96. celestial= extraterrestrial

97. daunt= dispirit

98. miscellaneous= assorted

99. preclude= forestall

100. secretive=furtive

1. abhor = loathe 憎恶

2. annihilate= eradicate 毁灭

3. baffle= bemuse 使困惑

4. brace= strut 支撑

5. cede= relinquish 让出,放弃

6. conurbation= metropolis 大都市

7. treachery= duplicity 背叛

8. offhand= flippant 不友好的,无礼的

9. supposition= hypothesis 猜测,假设

10. titanic= colossal 巨大的

11. abject= wretched 悲惨的,卑鄙的

12. anomaly= abnormality 异常

13. badger= pester 纠缠

14. boo= catcall 嘘声

15. caste= hierarchy 等级制度

16. congenital= hereditary 先天的

17. overt= observable 明显的

18. steep= drench 使浸透

19. straggle= rampant 蔓延的,散漫的

20. suggestive= evocative 提示的

21. inequity= injustice

22. anonymity= obscurity

23. blunder= flounder

24. capricious= whimsical

25. condescend=patronize

26. fissure= fracture

27. meticulous= scrupulous

28. slavery=servile

29. strenuous= backbreaking

30. tenet= dogma

31. avid= ardent

32. antipathy= animosity

33. babble= gibber

34. bliss= ecstasy

35. calamity= catastrophe

36. conciliate= mollify

37. disentangle= extricate

38. ignominy= fiasco

39. lukewarm= tepid

40. pretentious= ostentatious

41. aversion= loathing

42. bizarre= weird

43. cajole= coax

44. compulsion= coercion

45. discreet= judicious

46. garland= festoon

47. infidelity= adultery

48. influx= inflow

49. insurrection= uprising

50. pertinent= apposite

51. arbiter= intermediary

52. avalanche= inundate

53. beneficiary= recipient

54. cache= hoard

55. communicable= contagious

56. deplore= lament

57. empathy= affinity

58. facet= aspect

59. indigenous= aboriginal

60. externalize= incarnate

61. amass= accumulate

62. arbitrary= capricious

63. autograph= signature

64. beguile= bamboozle

65. bypass= evade

66. collude= conspire

67. delirious= feverish

68. logo= icon

69. mesmerizing= hypnotize

70. protocol= etiquette

71. ambivalent= equivocal

72. archetype= prototype

73. austerity= ascetic

74. befall= ensue

75. buzzword= catchword

76. christen= baptize

77. dehydrate= desiccate

78. grotesque= bizarre

79. transient= ephemeral

80. unorthodox= heretical

81. anarchic= chaotic

82. ardent= fervent

83. augment= magnify

84. bashful= coy

85. buoyancy= resilience

86. charisma= glamour

87. decimate= devastate

88. outgoing= gregarious

89. warrior= gladiator

90. weird= eerie

91. animation= exhilaration

92. ascribe= attribute

93. assiduous= unremitting

94. banish= evict

95. budding= sprouting

96. celestial= extraterrestrial

97. daunt= dispirit

98. miscellaneous= assorted

99. preclude= forestall

100. secretive=furtive


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