第5期 October. 2002河西学院学报Journal of Hexi University No. 5
罗均华 王新兴
(河西学院物理系,甘肃 734000张掖)
摘 要:分析单摆振动时影响其周期的各因素,并推导出相应公式,且借助计算机计算出结果并作比较.
中图分类号:O314 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(2002)05-0016-03
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[1]普通物理学[M]. 程守洙、江之永主编.高等教育出版社,1998,第五版.
[2]电磁学分析与解答[M]. 四川师范学院电磁学教研组,上海科学技术出版社,1984.
(上接第18页)The Study of the Elements' Effect on the Period
of a Simple Pendulum
LUO Jun-hua , WANG xin - xing
(Department of PhysicsHexi University, Zhangye Gansu 734000 ,China)
T he writer analyses the elements affecting the period of a simple pendulum and deduces the relative Abstract :
formula . With the help of computer the also calculates the results and contrasts every element.
Key words : simple pendulum; period; contrast
[责任编辑 马统一]
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第5期 October. 2002河西学院学报Journal of Hexi University No. 5
罗均华 王新兴
(河西学院物理系,甘肃 734000张掖)
摘 要:分析单摆振动时影响其周期的各因素,并推导出相应公式,且借助计算机计算出结果并作比较.
中图分类号:O314 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(2002)05-0016-03
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[1]普通物理学[M]. 程守洙、江之永主编.高等教育出版社,1998,第五版.
[2]电磁学分析与解答[M]. 四川师范学院电磁学教研组,上海科学技术出版社,1984.
(上接第18页)The Study of the Elements' Effect on the Period
of a Simple Pendulum
LUO Jun-hua , WANG xin - xing
(Department of PhysicsHexi University, Zhangye Gansu 734000 ,China)
T he writer analyses the elements affecting the period of a simple pendulum and deduces the relative Abstract :
formula . With the help of computer the also calculates the results and contrasts every element.
Key words : simple pendulum; period; contrast
[责任编辑 马统一]
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