


范文一(伴P19) My dream home

My dream home is a flat in the center of the city. It is quiet,nice and clean.

There are three bedrooms, a sitting room, a dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a big balcony. I can grow flowers and enjoy the sunshine on the balcony. My favorite room is the sitting room. My family can watch TV and chat with each other there.

Outside my flat is a big garden with lots of trees and flowers. There is also a football field nearby. At weekends I can go there to have sports with my friends.


My bedroom is small but comfortable. In it there are two beds because I share the bedroom with my brother. There are lots of books on the bookshelf, so we spend a lot of time reading there and we can also listen to music. We clean it twice a week to keep the room tidy. One more thing, I like to stay together with my brother. And we are talking a lot about school life.



My hometown

Changzhou is an old city. It is clean and has little air pollution. There are many parks in Changzhou and they are all nice. Changzhou is close to Shanghai and it takes about one hour to go from Changzhou to Shanghai by train. You can buy nice souvenirs here. Every year many visitors come to visit Changzhou.

I hope you can visit Changzhou too.


I live in the city of Changzhou. People in my hometown are friendly and kind. The weather is cold in winter and hot in summer. But it is warm in spring and autumn. The best time to visit my hometown is in October. You can visit China Dinosaur Park or Tianmu Lake. If you want to have some delicious food or have a rest, you can come to Changzhou Hotel. I hope you can visit my home town one day.



Dear Tom,

I am happy to invite you to have lunch with my family this weekend.

Here is the route to my home. When you go out of the school, turn right and take a No.16 bus. You must get off at the Railway Station stop. Walk 100 meters along the road and you will find a bank on your right. Cross the road and you will see a small bridge over there. I will wait for you on the bridge at about 11 o’clock.

We hope you can come.




Dear friends,

I will have my fifteenth birthday party at my home at 12 a.m. this Sunday. We will have a nice lunch together. We will also sing and dance at the party. I would like to invite you to come if you are free.

It’s easy to come to my house. Here’s the route. Go out of the school and turn right. Walk straight on and take the third crossing on the left. Walk past Bank of China and cross Renmin Road. You will find a tall building on your left. I live in Flat 504. I hope you can come here on time.




Dear Tom,

I am glad to tell you something about my home town. My home town is not big. It is in the south-east of the city. It takes only 20 minutes to get to the town from the center of the city by bus. There is less air pollution in the town. There are many tall buildings in our town. We live close to our friends. There are many shopping malls in the town. Things here are very cheap. There are some good restaurants in it. You can enjoy a lot of delicious food.

I like my home town very much. I hope you can go to visit my home town soon.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming


1. 字迹工整清楚,卷面干净整洁。控制速度,不易过快过慢。

2. 不少于规定字数

3. 审题清晰,从头至尾阅读,不遗漏要点

4. 注意需要补充拓展的要点部分。多用书中的一些语句,把自己最有把握的语句写到文中。尽量减少生疏的,不确定的单词或者句子,以便减少丢分。

5. 划出要点,逐句翻译,语序通顺,符合逻辑

6. 注意段落清晰,最后加上总结语。

7. 避免语法错误重复出现。注意单词拼写,单复数形式,动词搭配,固定句型。

8. 每写完一句,阅读检查。写完整篇文章,认真通读检查。



范文一(伴P19) My dream home

My dream home is a flat in the center of the city. It is quiet,nice and clean.

There are three bedrooms, a sitting room, a dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a big balcony. I can grow flowers and enjoy the sunshine on the balcony. My favorite room is the sitting room. My family can watch TV and chat with each other there.

Outside my flat is a big garden with lots of trees and flowers. There is also a football field nearby. At weekends I can go there to have sports with my friends.


My bedroom is small but comfortable. In it there are two beds because I share the bedroom with my brother. There are lots of books on the bookshelf, so we spend a lot of time reading there and we can also listen to music. We clean it twice a week to keep the room tidy. One more thing, I like to stay together with my brother. And we are talking a lot about school life.



My hometown

Changzhou is an old city. It is clean and has little air pollution. There are many parks in Changzhou and they are all nice. Changzhou is close to Shanghai and it takes about one hour to go from Changzhou to Shanghai by train. You can buy nice souvenirs here. Every year many visitors come to visit Changzhou.

I hope you can visit Changzhou too.


I live in the city of Changzhou. People in my hometown are friendly and kind. The weather is cold in winter and hot in summer. But it is warm in spring and autumn. The best time to visit my hometown is in October. You can visit China Dinosaur Park or Tianmu Lake. If you want to have some delicious food or have a rest, you can come to Changzhou Hotel. I hope you can visit my home town one day.



Dear Tom,

I am happy to invite you to have lunch with my family this weekend.

Here is the route to my home. When you go out of the school, turn right and take a No.16 bus. You must get off at the Railway Station stop. Walk 100 meters along the road and you will find a bank on your right. Cross the road and you will see a small bridge over there. I will wait for you on the bridge at about 11 o’clock.

We hope you can come.




Dear friends,

I will have my fifteenth birthday party at my home at 12 a.m. this Sunday. We will have a nice lunch together. We will also sing and dance at the party. I would like to invite you to come if you are free.

It’s easy to come to my house. Here’s the route. Go out of the school and turn right. Walk straight on and take the third crossing on the left. Walk past Bank of China and cross Renmin Road. You will find a tall building on your left. I live in Flat 504. I hope you can come here on time.




Dear Tom,

I am glad to tell you something about my home town. My home town is not big. It is in the south-east of the city. It takes only 20 minutes to get to the town from the center of the city by bus. There is less air pollution in the town. There are many tall buildings in our town. We live close to our friends. There are many shopping malls in the town. Things here are very cheap. There are some good restaurants in it. You can enjoy a lot of delicious food.

I like my home town very much. I hope you can go to visit my home town soon.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming


1. 字迹工整清楚,卷面干净整洁。控制速度,不易过快过慢。

2. 不少于规定字数

3. 审题清晰,从头至尾阅读,不遗漏要点

4. 注意需要补充拓展的要点部分。多用书中的一些语句,把自己最有把握的语句写到文中。尽量减少生疏的,不确定的单词或者句子,以便减少丢分。

5. 划出要点,逐句翻译,语序通顺,符合逻辑

6. 注意段落清晰,最后加上总结语。

7. 避免语法错误重复出现。注意单词拼写,单复数形式,动词搭配,固定句型。

8. 每写完一句,阅读检查。写完整篇文章,认真通读检查。


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