
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Hermia’s father wanted her daughter married Demetrius but not Lysander. But Hermis really love Lysander. Because she can’t refuse his father’s request, she decided to escape through the forest at night with her true love to another country.But the plan is known by her friend Helena who loves Demetrius. But Demetrius didn’t love her at all. Helena told the Hermia’s plan to Demetrius who also love Hermia. They together went to the forest. Meanwhile in the forest there are Oberon & Titania ---The king and Queen, who are quarrel with each other. Finally he let Puck find a magic flower which can make person fall in love at the first sight after sleeping to punish her. He also wanted to use the flower to help Helena after hearing the dialog between Helena and Demetrius. Oberon wanted Demetrius love Helena so that he let Puck put the flower into Demetrius’ eyes. But there is an accident, which he put the flower into Lysander’s eyes by chance so that Lysander also fell in love with Helena. Now both Lysander and Demetrius love Helena, so they had a fight. After realizing the accident, Oberon magic again. Then

Lysander loves Hermia again, and Demetrius love Helena. The ending of this story is really happy. 仲夏夜之梦:荷米娅的父亲希望女儿嫁给狄米崔斯而不是莱赛德。但荷米娅真的爱莱赛德。因为她不能拒绝他父亲的要求,她决定逃跑通过森林的夜晚与她的真爱到另一个国家。但计划被她的朋友海伦娜知道了,她爱狄米崔斯。但是狄米崔斯一点也不爱她。海伦娜把荷米娅的计划告诉狄米崔斯,他也爱荷米娅。他们一起去了森林。同时,在森林里有欧波隆和泰妮亚——仙王和仙后,他们在吵架。最后仙王让派克找来一种魔花,它可以让人爱上醒来后第一眼看见的东西,用来惩罚她。仙王听到海伦娜和狄米崔斯的对话后也想用魔花来帮助海伦娜。欧波隆想狄米崔斯爱


A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Hermia’s father wanted her daughter married Demetrius but not Lysander. But Hermis really love Lysander. Because she can’t refuse his father’s request, she decided to escape through the forest at night with her true love to another country.But the plan is known by her friend Helena who loves Demetrius. But Demetrius didn’t love her at all. Helena told the Hermia’s plan to Demetrius who also love Hermia. They together went to the forest. Meanwhile in the forest there are Oberon & Titania ---The king and Queen, who are quarrel with each other. Finally he let Puck find a magic flower which can make person fall in love at the first sight after sleeping to punish her. He also wanted to use the flower to help Helena after hearing the dialog between Helena and Demetrius. Oberon wanted Demetrius love Helena so that he let Puck put the flower into Demetrius’ eyes. But there is an accident, which he put the flower into Lysander’s eyes by chance so that Lysander also fell in love with Helena. Now both Lysander and Demetrius love Helena, so they had a fight. After realizing the accident, Oberon magic again. Then

Lysander loves Hermia again, and Demetrius love Helena. The ending of this story is really happy. 仲夏夜之梦:荷米娅的父亲希望女儿嫁给狄米崔斯而不是莱赛德。但荷米娅真的爱莱赛德。因为她不能拒绝他父亲的要求,她决定逃跑通过森林的夜晚与她的真爱到另一个国家。但计划被她的朋友海伦娜知道了,她爱狄米崔斯。但是狄米崔斯一点也不爱她。海伦娜把荷米娅的计划告诉狄米崔斯,他也爱荷米娅。他们一起去了森林。同时,在森林里有欧波隆和泰妮亚——仙王和仙后,他们在吵架。最后仙王让派克找来一种魔花,它可以让人爱上醒来后第一眼看见的东西,用来惩罚她。仙王听到海伦娜和狄米崔斯的对话后也想用魔花来帮助海伦娜。欧波隆想狄米崔斯爱



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