英语作文 失败一定是糟糕的事情吗

Is failure a bad thing ?

Failure is a usual thing in our life. Failure is the mother of success. No one is always successful and no one is always failure. But different people have different attitudes to failures.

Some people think failure is a bad thing when they meet failures, they will be unhappy and never want to try again. They lose their confidence. However, other people think it is a good thing. They can find their shortage from failure and sum up the experience. They try their best to do better and they believe they can succeed next time. In my opinion, failure is not necessarily a bad thing, it is the cornerstone of success on the road. In a word, efforts may not be successful, but giving up must be fail.

Is failure a bad thing ?

Failure is a usual thing in our life. Failure is the mother of success. No one is always successful and no one is always failure. But different people have different attitudes to failures.

Some people think failure is a bad thing when they meet failures, they will be unhappy and never want to try again. They lose their confidence. However, other people think it is a good thing. They can find their shortage from failure and sum up the experience. They try their best to do better and they believe they can succeed next time. In my opinion, failure is not necessarily a bad thing, it is the cornerstone of success on the road. In a word, efforts may not be successful, but giving up must be fail.


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